

单词 收藏的图书


(私人)收藏的图书 n

library n

See also:


library collection
collect books

图书 n

library n
book n
books pl

External sources (not reviewed)

例如,在坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆大学,几个百人班级追逐一 图书 馆 教 科 书 是 很 普遍的,而收 藏的教科书经常 是两次新版之前的过期版本。
For example, at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, classes
of 100 students chasing one copy of a
[...] library textbook are common and the textbook collections are often two editions out of date.
19 仍然急需更多这样的援助,但是赞助系统速度太慢且官僚主义严重,不能维 图 书 馆 对最 新教书的收藏。
But donors’ systems are just too slow and bureaucratic to enable
[...] libraries to maintain up-to-date textbook collections.
建立网络,为获取世图书馆档案馆 收藏的 巨 大 信息提供便利,这方面的需求不断增 长。
There is a growing demand for the building of networks in, and facilitating access to, the huge collections of information [...]
contained in the world's libraries and archives.
鉴于法的管辖权范围宽泛图书馆 还 应 收藏 与 法庭工作密切相 的 各 种 科学主 题的资料。
Given the scope of the Tribunal’s jurisdiction, the Library must also include material on various scientific subjects which are closely connected with the work of the Tribunal.
该图书馆包括:(a) 历史档案,包含有 1945 年以来 在联合国和有关机构主持下谈判和通过的法律文书的文件和视听材料;(b) 系列 讲座,关于国际法(包括海洋法)的永 久 收藏 讲 座,讲演者为重 的 国 际 法学者和 从业人员;(c) 研图书馆, 提供在线国际法图书服务,具有条约、判例、出版 物和文件、学术著作和研究指南的链接。
It consists of: (a) historic archives containing documents and audiovisual material relating to the negotiation and adoption of legal instruments under the auspices of the United Nations and related organizations since 1945; (b) a
lecture series
[...] featuring a permanent collection of lectures on international law, including the law of the sea, given by leading international law scholars and practitioners; and (c) a research library providing [...]
an online international law library with links to treaties, jurisprudence,
publications, documents, scholarly writings and research guides.
(i) 博物馆图书馆、档案馆收藏品: 修复建筑物,并考虑在必要时重新适当存放 收藏品;确保有适的收藏环境;不断进行机构改革和培养当地工作人员的能 力;提供保护工作所需的器材和设备以及物品;保证建筑物及其收藏品的安全, 在紧急需要时确保该国内外最受威胁的物品的保存,加固和修复;编制计算机化 的收藏品清单;修复展出和公共场所以及设计博物馆计划。
(i) Museums, libraries, archives and collections: rehabilitate the buildings and envisage suitable relocation of collections, if needed; ensure appropriate [...]
environmental storage
conditions; sustain institutional reform and capacity-building for local staff; provide materials and equipment for conservation work as well as furniture; secure the buildings and their collections; ensure conservation, consolidation and restoration of the most threatened objects in situ or outside the country, if urgently needed; establish computerized inventories of collections; rehabilitate displays and public areas; and devise museological programmes.
研究支助、流动秘书处培训以及联合国常驻代表团工作人员利用新的信息工 具和资源仍然是一个高度优先事项,需 图书 馆 主 要工作人员和负责 图 、 法 律、 经济和社会领域特收藏工作的三名工作人员的投入。
Research support and training of a mobile Secretariat, and staff of Permanent Missions to the United Nations in the use of new
information tools and resources
[...] remain a high priority, involving the main library staff and three specialized collections covering the cartographic, legal and economic [...]
and social areas.
本两年期期间图书馆服务的目标是加 强和保持海管局现的收藏,通 过电子手段提供查阅基本研究材料的机会和满足 海管局的信息和研究需要。
During the biennium, the
[...] objective of the library services is to enhance and maintain the existing collection of the Authority, [...]
provide for access
to essential research materials through electronic means and meet the information and research needs of the Authority.
此外,编纂司目前正把视图书馆现 有 的 和 即 将 收藏的 各 种视听材料转换成 闪存格式,以满足新闻部新的技术要求。
In addition, the Codification Division is currently working on the conversion into Flash format of all existing and forthcoming audio and video materials included in the Audiovisual Library in order to meet the new technological requirements of the Department of Public Information.
这本手稿出自斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发大 图书 馆 馆 藏的 贝 萨吉克伊斯兰手 稿 收 藏 集 ,该藏品于1997年入选联合国教科文组织的《世界记忆名录》。
The manuscript is from the Bašagić Collection of Islamic Manuscripts in the University Library of Bratislava, Slovakia, which was inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World register in 1997.
在这个意义 上,虚拟图书馆提供了远距离获 图书 馆 馆 藏 和 服务及其他信息资 的 机 会
In this sense, a virtual library provides remote access to the content and services of libraries and other information resources.
[...] 年份秘书处发布的与贸易法委员会及其工作组工作有关的所有实质性文件, 以及其他信息,包括大会第六委员会的报告。10 《贸易法委员会年鉴》以英文、 法文、俄文和西班牙文出版,世界各 的 联 合 国 收藏图书 馆 以 及贸易法 委员会网站都可以查到(详情见附件五)。
The Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (the UNCITRAL Yearbook) is a compilation of all substantive documents issued by the Secretariat in relation to the work of the Commission and its working groups for a given year, as well as other information, including reports of the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly.10 The UNCITRAL Yearbook is published in English, French, Russian
and Spanish and is
[...] available in libraries around the world that function as United Nations depository libraries, as well as from the UNCITRAL [...]
website (see annex V for further information).
这幅地图是波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那国家与大学 书 馆 地 图收藏 品 中,年代最为久 的 收 藏品之一,由著名的布劳出版社在阿姆斯特丹出版。
One of the oldest
[...] items in the cartographic collections of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the map was published [...]
by the well-known Blaeu firm in Amsterdam.
[...] B·G·菲洛诺夫 (B.G. Filonov) 于 1904 年捐赠给哈尔科夫大学图书馆,他是该校法律系的毕业生、哈尔科夫公共图书馆(今柯罗连科国家科 图书 馆 ) 执行委员会的第一任主席,以及哈尔科夫著 的收藏 家和艺术品赞助人。
The manuscript was given to the library of the University of Kharkov in 1904 by B.G. Filonov, a former student in the law school of the university, the first chairman of the executive
board of the Kharkov Public Library
[...] (present-day Korolenko Kharkov State Scientific Library), a famous collector and patron of the arts in Kharkov.
萨特雅·南图书馆的设施 包括一个阅览室,用户可以查 收藏的 参 考 资料 以及使用电脑查阅电子邮件和上网。
The facilities available in the Satya N. Nandan Library include a reading room with access to the collection for reference [...]
purposes and computer
terminals for e-mail and Internet access.
导致下降的背后原因可 能是,所有读者都可以无限借阅研 图书 馆 的收藏 品 ,因特网到处可上,图书馆 数据库无限访问,有关图书馆的统计数据收集原则的变化以及全体人口的减少 [...]
(2001 年,爱沙尼亚的人口为 1 366 959 人;2006 年,为 1 344 684 人)。
The reason behind the decline may be the fact
that all readers have
[...] unlimited access to the collections of research libraries, as [...]
well as the widespread availability
of the Internet, unlimited access to library databases, changes in the principles of gathering statistical data on libraries and the decline in the general population (in 2001 the population of Estonia was 1,366,959, in 2006 it was 1,344,684).
软件是一个容易使用和具有弹的工 具 ,它可以 使图 书管理员从藏书中 选择制作数字化内容,制作图书目录,以实现增加信息获取量的目标。
The software is an easy and flexible tool which allows
[...] librarians to produce digitized content from their collections and to develop catalogues, [...]
the objective of broadening access to information.
此外,该部已经对即将开的联合 国电 图书收藏 做 出 规划。
In addition, the Department
[...] planned the forthcoming United Nations e-book collection.
通过提高原藏书的可获得性,图 书 馆将极大地拓展多种内容,丰富语言多样 性,并增强电脑空间中的数字表现,这一点作为信息社会世界首脑会议后续行动的一个组成部分, [...]
By increasing the availability of collections in their language of creation, [...]
the Library will be a significant factor in
broadening diverse content, multilingualism, and increasing digital representation in cyberspace, which is being promoted as part of the WSIS follow-up.
书收藏于约翰卡特布图书馆, 是已知该书第一版存世 11 本的其中一本,也是保持完整的四本中的其中一本。
This copy, from the John Carter Brown Library, is one of 11 copies of the first edition known to exist and one of only four perfect copies.
蒙古代表团进一步向经社会通报说,根据关于《乌兰巴托宣言》:《阿 拉图行动纲领》执行工作及内陆发展中国家面对的其他发展差距问题高级 别亚太政策对话会议的成果的第 67/1 号决议,蒙古政府目前正在制订一个行 动计划,以便着手执行《关于为内陆发展中国家设立国际智囊 的 多 边协 定》,并期收到秘书处在这些领 的 专 家 的 帮 助
The delegation of Mongolia further informed the Commission that, pursuant to Commission resolution 67/1 on the Ulaanbaatar Declaration: Outcome of the Highlevel Asia-Pacific Policy Dialogue on the
Implementation of
[...] the Almaty Programme of Action and other Development Gaps Faced by the Landlocked Developing Countries, the Government of Mongolia was currently working on a plan of action to implement the Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries and looked forward to receiving the secretariat’s expertise in that area.
美国国图书馆所收藏的这本书出自南亚或中亚的某地,约创作于 1730 年,是对一份手稿的精确誊模,原手稿是 [...]
1417 年 [希吉来历 820 年 ] 为 Samarkand(今乌兹别克斯坦)的兀鲁伯而准备的,但已经丢失。
This copy, from the collections of the Library of [...]
Congress, was produced somewhere in south or central Asia, circa 1730,
and is an exact copy of a manuscript, now lost, prepared for Ulug Beg of Samarkand (present-day Uzbekistan) in 1417 [820 A.H.].
该处已经购置用于管理收藏的资料 和业务工作的集成软件,不久将推出一个在线目录,供法院成员书 记官处所有工作人员使用。
The Division has acquired integrated software for managing its collection and operations, and will soon launch an online catalogue accessible to all members of the Court and Registry staff.
为降低因采取额外的安全和安保 措施以及租金和水电瓦斯费上涨造成的支出增 的 影 响 ,新闻部正在通过 图书 馆藏书捐 给当地大学或与联合国国家工作队其他成员共用办公空间,缩减分配给 [...]
In order to mitigate the impact of increased expenditure due to additional safety and security measures and rising rents and utility costs, the Department was reducing the physical office
space assigned to United Nations
[...] information centres by, inter alia, donating library collections to local universities [...]
or sharing space
with other members of the United Nations country team.
图书馆协调 145 个会员国和领土的 400 多个联合国文收藏图书 馆的事务
The Library coordinates a network of more than 400 United Nations Depository Libraries in 145 Member States and territories.
[...] 与预算管理系统(FABs)能力,为所有收藏品目录建立一套现代化信息管理系统,可能对 需要进行修复的艺术品进行筛选,最后将所有捐赠和遗赠艺 收藏 品 编 纂一 图 文 并 茂 的名 册等一系列设想感到高兴。
The Committee was gratified by the Administration’s determination to raise the necessary funds for the establishment, after consultation with ACD, of a modern computerized inventorying system for the entire collection using the FABS management system, to select in due course works of
art to be restored and, ultimately, to produce
[...] a complete illustrated catalogue of donations, bequests and works of art.
在此,我谨强调——至少是第四次强调——如果 杀戮行动停止,如果口口声声支持民主的那些人停止 实施其针对叙利的图谋, 如果向武装团体慷慨提供 数十亿美元资金和最先进武器与通讯手段,在本国首收留这 些武装团体,以便协助这些武装团体针对叙 利亚人民及其财产从事犯罪行为的国家停止这样做, 那么叙利亚本会执行阿拉伯国家联盟的行动计划以 及该计划下的相关议书。
Here, and for the fourth time at least, let me stress that if the killing had ceased, if those who pay lip service to democracy had ceased to implement their designs against Syria, if those
States that provide
[...] generous funds — billions of dollars — and the most modern weapons and means of communication to the armed groups, hosting them in their capitals in order to facilitate their criminal acts against the Syrian people and their property, if they had ceased to do so, Syria would have fulfilled the League of Arab States plan of action and the relevant protocol under that plan.
图书馆还收到许多请求,大多为电子形式,要求提供以 下方的信息 :海洋法会议;捐赠基金;大陆架立法和对专属经济区提出的权利 主张;目前的海洋矿产资源研究和勘探发展情况;高度洄游鱼类种群(《公约》 附件一);探矿、勘探和开采的基本条件(《公约》附件三);近海开采和深海勘 [...] [...]
探许可证的国家立法;牙买加和加勒比地区在第三次会议上参与谈判的情况;中 国目前在海洋法方面的问题和发展情况;《公约》在加勒比国家的适用情况,特 别是关于该区域的边界问题;墨西哥太平洋地区的地质结构;海底环境的保护。
The Library has also received requests, many in electronic form, for information concerning the law [...]
of the sea conferences;
the Endowment Fund; continental shelf legislation and exclusive economic zone claims; current developments in marine mineral resources research and exploration; highly migratory species (annex I of the Convention); basic conditions of prospecting, exploration and exploitation (annex III of the Convention); national legislation on offshore mining and deep sea exploration licences; the participation of Jamaica and the Caribbean in the negotiations at the Third Conference; current issues and developments on law of the sea in China; the application of the Convention to the Caribbean States, especially regarding boundary issues in the region; the geological structure of the Mexico-Pacific Area; and protection of the seabed environment.




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