单词 | 收藏家 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 收藏家 noun —collector n收藏家 —a collector (e.g. of artworks)See also:收藏 n—collections pl • favorite n 收藏—collect • bookmark (Internet) • hoard 藏—collect • depository • storehouse • hide away • Buddhist or Taoist scripture 藏 v—conceal v • harborAE v
(d) 該小組以香港科技大學的成 [...] 功經驗為例,指出高水平的 計劃在最初的兩、三年非常 重要,藉以爭取收藏家和市 民大眾的支持。 legco.gov.hk | (d) Citing the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as a successful example, it pointed out that high-standard programmes in [...] the initial two to three years would be of great importance in [...] gaining the support of collectors and the general public. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 該小組已經與不少本地收藏 家非正式會晤,而他們對M+ 的回應均是正面的。 legco.gov.hk | (b) It had met informally [...] with many local collectors and their response [...]towards M+ had been positive. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 媒体:有必要广泛利用媒体,特别是在被盗文物的目的国,向民间各方(如文物 商、收藏家)做出宣传并施加影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (a) Media: The need to make broader use of the media to inform [...] and influence private actors [...] (e.g. dealers, collectors), especially in countries for which stolen [...]cultural objects are destined. unesdoc.unesco.org |
數位化的資料,特別是數位報紙,可以作為圖書館和資料庫的一 模式,其更可用在收藏家譜和 地方史料方面。 conference.ifla.org | Digitised sources, and especially [...] digitised newspapers can be taken as a model by libraries and archives includes [...] genealogy and local history collections. conference.ifla.org |
今天,这些手表仍然备受收藏家们的 追捧。 hk.ashford.com | These watches remain [...] highly sought after collectors’ items today. ashford.com |
1966年,侯謝的遺孀委託巴黎的德福奧拍賣會(Hôtel Drouot)拍賣一批常玉畫作,一直到1990年前後,大多數的常玉油畫作品仍在歐洲畫商 或 收藏家 的 手 上。 ravenelart.com | In 1966, Roché’s widow commissioned the Paris auction house Hôtel Drouot to sell a set of Sanyu’s painting, and most of the artist’s work remained in the [...] hands of European dealers and collectors until about 1990, when [...] Taiwan art dealers and Asian collectors began to acquire and collect his work. ravenelart.com |
它結合了時間的鐘錶製造商的戰略,為他贏得了他的成功在世界的書面父實體滿足一個全球性的市場交易量的需求,而車間生產的限量版和稀有 的 收藏家。 zh.horloger-paris.com | It combines the time watchmakers a strategy that earned him his success in the world of writing: a parent [...] entity meets the needs of a global market [...] volumes, while a workshop produces limited editions and rarities for collectors. en.horloger-paris.com |
夏平女士更參與法國亞洲文化藝術協會的工作,促進法國Guimet Museum與香港藝術收藏家的聯繫。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | She has actively implicated herself in the promotion of Le French May, the oldest French cultural festival in Asia and always one of the most successful; and in the [...] management of the French Asian Art Society, [...] a cultural organization which promotes the bond between Guimet Museum and the collectors of HongKong. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
美国发明家,书籍收藏家,以 及慈善家伯尔尼·迪布纳(1897–1988 年)选择 [...] 土星系统为“科学的预告”之一,是200篇西方科学与技术发展中最重要的文章之一。 wdl.org | American [...] inventor, book collector, and philanthropist [...]Bern Dibner (1897–1988) selected Systema Saturnium as one of the “Heralds [...]of Science,” the 200 most significant titles in the development of Western science and technology. wdl.org |
品牌是非常受歡迎的收藏家互相 問候,幾十年來,其館藏的完美的一致性,僅由機械機芯。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The brand is [...] very popular with collectors who greet each [...]other, over the decades, the perfect coherence of its collections, [...]composed only of mechanical movements. en.horloger-paris.com |
这份手稿由 B·G·菲洛诺夫 (B.G. Filonov) 于 1904 [...] 年捐赠给哈尔科夫大学图书馆,他是该校法律系的毕业生、哈尔科夫公共图书馆(今柯罗连科国家科学图书馆)执行委员会的第一任主席,以及哈尔科夫著名 的 收藏 家和艺术品赞助人。 wdl.org | The manuscript was given to the library of the University of Kharkov in 1904 by B.G. Filonov, a former student in the law school of the university, the first chairman of the executive board of the Kharkov Public [...] Library (present-day [...] Korolenko Kharkov State Scientific Library), a famous collector and patron of [...]the arts in Kharkov. wdl.org |
同时也赶走了 [...] 一些炒作市场的投机者,也让拍卖行如同 收藏家,专注在艺术品之质而非量,以及 让价格走到了正常的范围。 imgpublic.artprice.com | It alienated a large number of speculators who had been attracted by the [...] lure of easy profits and it refocused [...] auctioneers and collectors on quality rather [...]than quantity and on more established artistic values. imgpublic.artprice.com |
江诗丹顿新开的迪拜专卖店为一众高级钟表表迷 与 收藏家 提 供由日内瓦厂房制造的完整系列,包括一些最重要的作品,其中有为庆祝品牌250周年而推出的表款及一系列高级精密复杂表款,如于2006年的日内瓦高级钟表沙龙推出的 Maltres [...] Cabinotiers 铂金镂空三问腕表,是享负盛名的江诗丹顿「限量铂金珍藏系列」腕表之一。 vacheron-constantin.com | Vacheron Constantin's new boutique [...] gives the opportunity for [...] enthusiasts and collectors of fine watchmaking to find the Geneva manufactory's complete collection there, including [...]some of its most [...]important creations, among them pieces from the 250th anniversary as well as a broad range of grand complications like the Les Cabinotiers Platinum Skeleton Minute Repeater timepiece, presented at this year's SIHH as part of the launching of the prestigious Vacheron Constantin Excellence Platine collection. vacheron-constantin.com |
傳統菲林相機會完全被淘汰,變成純粹屬 於 收藏家 的 玩 意,仍然純屬揣測;但當得悉Polaroid決定不再生產菲林這個消息後,便讓人更認真思考,我們活在現今的數碼時代,選擇數碼相機除了講究相片質素外,簡單便攜可能是更重要的大前提。 think-silly.com | Although the complete extinction of traditional film camera is yet to approach, one cannot help but to be hit by the news that Polaroid is closing down its film factories. think-silly.com |
我深信爱彼Royal Oak [...] Offshore皇家橡树离岸型系列Pride of Siam腕表将会成为泰国腕表收藏家其中 一款最梦寐以求的作品。 audemarspiguet.com | I am adamant that the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore Pride of Siam will be one of the most sought [...] after timepiece among Thai collectors. audemarspiguet.com |
直至1980年代初,中國改革開放,促進中西兩方地質學家、礦物學家和礦 物 收藏家 的 交 流,礦物收藏及鑑賞在中國漸漸被受注視。 hku.hk | It was with China’s opening in the early 1980s, and the arrival of [...] Western visitors, including [...] geologists, mineralogists and mineral collectors, that Chinese [...]gradually changed their attitudes [...]towards mineral-specimen collecting. hku.hk |
呃…我将会很乐意去参观“CRASH: Back on the Block”,涂鸦艺术家兼钟表收藏家约 翰 “克莱斯”马托斯(John CRASH Matos)在纽约安帝古伦Antiquorum画廊于9月13日至10月6日的艺术展。 iontime.ch | Arrgghhh, I’d love to see “CRASH: Back on the Block”, an exhibition of graffiti artist and watch collector John CRASH Matos [...] at Antiquorum’s Gallery [...]in NYC between September 13 and October 6. iontime.ch |
收藏家諮詢,拍賣品委託者需要專家估價和證明財政實力,集郵家為他們的展覽會尋求“頂級”項目,和較小的專 業 收藏家 , 現 在都可以尋找富門“一個可靠的夥伴”,帶領他們走過多變的市場模式,互惠互利。 davidfeldman.com | Collectors looking for advice, estate trustees needing expert valuation and proven financial strength, philatelists seeking “top” items for their exhibits, and the smaller specialised collector, can now all find in [...] David Feldman “a reliable [...]partner” who can steer them through the shoals of changing markets and modes to our mutual benefit. davidfeldman.com |
另一句同样贬损这些后来的集合,说:“如果拉比没有教它,如何河Ḥiyya [为bar ai t o t 收藏家 ] 知 道 吗? mb-soft.com | Another sentence, likewise derogatory [...] to these later collections, says: "If Rabbi has not taught it, how does [...] R. Ḥiyya [the collector of the baraitot] [...]know it? mb-soft.com |
中国最好的艺术博览会9月7号至9日9日在上海举行了,6号当天有3000位访客,其中包 括 收藏家 和 来自艺术,商业,设计,时装领域的贵宾及媒体。 luxe-immo.com | The best Chinese art fair took place in Shanghai from September 7th-9th, and had a preview on [...] the 6th attended by 3,000 [...] guests, including collectors and VIPs from the [...]worlds of art, business, design, fashion, and the media. luxe-immo.com |
這裡是一些出現在屏幕上,並分別作為模 型 收藏家 和 電 影愛好者提供的幾輛車。 hkcarworld.com | Here are a few cars that graced the screen with their presence and were made [...] available as models to collectors and fans of the movies. hkcarworld.com |
然而 ,制作昂贵的限量作品将 继 续 与 只 需 数 百 欧 元 便 能 购 得 的 大 量 普 通 作 品 共 同 摆 放 ,因 为 在 [...] 设 计 领 域 , 折中主义对设计师和收藏家来说 都是一个基本的要素 。 imgpublic.artprice.com | However, expensive-to-produce limited series will continue to be offered alongside a multitude of less rare objects that can be acquired for several [...] hundred euros, because in the area of design, eclecticism is a fundamental quality [...] for both creators and collectors alike. imgpublic.artprice.com |
人們常將他標籤為收藏家(Coll ector),但在新作的序言中,他不認 為 收藏家 能 夠 適切地形容他,因為每件物件到了他手裡,他一定會使用它、感受它,絕不是原封不動的放在一旁。 think-silly.com | Although known as a ‘collector’ by many, Hiroshi thinks otherwise — because he always uses the objects and not left them in perfect condition. think-silly.com |
强调政府间委员会在促进文物回归原有国或在非法获取的情况下归还原 有国方面的作用,它作为一个有用的论坛,可以配合双边机制,促进文 物回归原有国,并推动实施防止那些有关博物馆馆长、古玩商 和 收藏家 等有关人士非法贩卖文化财产的措施 unesdoc.unesco.org | Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation as a useful forum for the examination of cases for which it could complement bilateral mechanisms for promoting [...] the return of cultural [...] property, as well as promote the implementation of measures to prevent those concerned (curators, antique dealers, collectors, etc.) from illicit [...]trafficking of cultural property unesdoc.unesco.org |
國際藝展有限公司(AAIF)於2006年由知名中國古董傢 俱 收藏家 黑 國 強先生創辦,宗旨是在香港創建一個前所未有、令人耳目一新的藝術平臺,讓亞洲及全球之藝術界人士匯集及交流。 fineartasia.com | Art & Antique International Fair Ltd (AAIF) was founded in [...] 2006 by well-known antique Chinese furniture dealer Andy [...]Hei to provide a vibrant new platform [...]in the Hong Kong for the art world in Asia and worldwide. fineartasia.com |
普里(Simon de Pury)在很早期即已擁護他的作品,並一直教導國 際 收藏家 , 讓 他們知道這些並非傳統的家具,而是與家具相像的雕塑品,當中差異十分細微但卻非常重要。 iwc.com | Today one is in the permanent collection of the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris and the other sold for $1.7 million in a recent sale at Phillips – Simon de Pury was an early advocate of his work, educating international collectors that these are not pieces of furniture in the conventional sense of the term, but works of sculpture that somehow resemble a piece of furniture – a subtle but important difference. iwc.com |
在学校聚会上我也遇到了收藏家Hervé Hacker我们现在很熟了,并且他委托在韩国的Kss [...] Kss控制台,我和Carles Déau今天与由Suzanne Van Hagen经营的Art-Fact(伦敦一家公司)一起发表,这给了我们足够的资金去而无需过于担心钱。 luxe-immo.com | At a party at the [...] school I also met the collector Hervé Hacker, with [...]whom I have become friendly, and he commissioned the [...]Kss Kss console in Korean that Carles Déau and I publish today with Art-Fact (a London company) run by Suzanne Van Hagen, which gave us enough funds to go without having to worry too much about money. luxe-immo.com |