

单词 收市价

See also:

市价 n

market price n

External sources (not reviewed)

Closing price: Tends to reflect [...]
the views of professionals.
当股市开盘下跌或已在高 - 尤其是当开盘价高于前一段时间 收市价 , 使 得一个缺口 - 一些投资者感到震惊,认为在某些时候需要关闭的差距。
When the stock market opens in fall or
already in high - especially when
[...] the opening price is higher than the closing price of the previous [...]
period, making a gap - some
investors are alarmed, thinking that the gap needs to be closed at some point .
在投资清算收益和损失实现之后, 市价变 动而产生收益和损失在收入中确认。
Gains and losses due to changes in market value are recognized in income when the investments [...]
are liquidated and the gains and losses realized.
中国海航集团(HNA Group)正在以极为高调的姿态进入全球并 市 场 , 寻求 价收 购 资 产,努力成为中国赴海外市场的首批大型私人投资者之一。
China’s HNA Group is taking an
[...] unusually high-profile approach to global M&A, seeking out assets at bargain prices as it attempts to [...]
become one of China’s 
first major private investors on the worldwide stage.
[...] 持表面的合法性。通过避免出口特许权使用费,出口商还能在黄 市 场 上 高 价收 购黄金,在价格上战胜竞争对手。
By doing that, an appearance of legitimacy is maintained and,
by avoiding export royalties, exporters are able to bid
[...] for gold in the market at a premium, thus outpricing [...]
实物捐助收到货 物或服务时,按公市价入账
Budgetary contributions in kind are
[...] recorded in the accounts, at fair market value, when the goods or services [...]
are received.
采用岩石工程、地质和地 球物理方法为多家国内和国际客户进行现场调研、前景评价、公 市价 评 估 、 收购 和撤资评价和储量评价。
Perform field studies, prospect
evaluation, Fair Market Value
[...] estimates, acquisition and divestiture evaluations, and the volumetric evaluation of reserves using petrophysical, geological, [...]
and geophysical
methods for numerous domestic and international clients.
因 此建立差别定价系统的一个重要组成部分是,为了防止低价产品破坏 价市 场 , 两种市场 必须互相隔离。
Therefore an important component in establishing a system of
[...] pricing is that markets need to be segmented to prevent low priced products undermining high priced markets.
财政司司长提出,买家印花税是在特殊情况下推行的特别措施,在2012年10月27日或之后,非香港永久居民(HKPR)购置香港住宅物业时,在特定情况下将 收 取 15%的买家印花税 市价 ( 以较高者为准)。
According to the Financial Secretary, BSD is an extraordinary measure introduced under exceptional circumstances and is to be charged at 15% on the stated consideration or the market value (whichever is
higher) of all residential
[...] properties in Hong Kong acquired by non-Hong Kong permanent residents (“HKPR”) [...]
on or after 27 October 2012.
一名回應者亦認為,對投資者而言,要求發行人披露發行價 與證收市價的 比較(即現行做法)反而更有用。
One respondent also submitted that it would be more useful to investors to require
disclosure of a comparison of the issue price
[...] with the closing market price of securities, [...]
which is the current practice.
7 公斤粮食,包括大米、小麦和粗粮。此法旨 在显著扩大印度现有的以远低市价 的 价 格 向 低 收 入 家庭出售食品的公共粮食分 配制度的范围,并向妇女和儿童提供营养支持。
The law seeks to significantly extend the reach of India’s existing public food
distribution system that sells food
[...] items to low-income families much below market prices and, inter alia, [...]
give nutritional support to women and children.
收購海外實體所產生的商譽及公平值調整均視為海外實體的資產及負債,並 收市 匯 率 換算。
Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign entity and are translated at the closing rate.
因此,有可能制定降低违约费用的制度和政策,同时提高拖欠债务的 收价 值, 从而增加获得信贷的机会和降低借贷的总成本。
Therefore, it is possible to devise institutions and policies
that can reduce the costs of defaults while
[...] increasing recovery values on defaulted [...]
debt and thus increase access to credit
and reduce the overall costs of borrowing.
本公司董事局 可於授出認股權日行使絕對酌情權決定認購價,惟認購價將不能少於以下較高者:(一)於授出日載於 香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)每日股價表的股 收市 價 ; (二)於授出日前五個工作天載於聯交 所每日股價表的平收市價;或(三)股份的面值。
The subscription price shall be such a price as the Board of Directors of the Company may in its absolute discretion determine at the time of grant but the subscription price shall not be less than whichever is the higher of (i) the closing price of the shares as stated in The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited’s (the “Stock Exchange”) daily quotation sheet on the date of grant; (ii) the average closing price of the shares as stated in the Stock Exchange’s daily quotation sheets for the five business days immediately preceding the date of the grant; or (iii) the nominal value of a share.
2011 年工作组建议,在《特遣队所属装备手册》第 3 章附件 A 第 34 段之后
[...] 增加警察装甲保护车辆和警察维持秩序车辆的定义,并为这两类车辆,包括其喷 漆和重新喷漆,确定通用公市价和 干 /湿租赁标准偿还率。
The 2011 Working Group recommended that the definitions of a police armoured protected vehicle and of a police crowd control vehicle be added after paragraph 34 of annex A to
chapter 3 of the COE Manual and
[...] establish generic fair market values and standard dry/wet [...]
lease reimbursement rates, including
painting/ repainting, for these two types of vehicle.
在适当的条件下,如果有可行的替 代方案,道路收费还提供了一种“推动”措施,鼓励向利用公共交通模式的转变, 从而提高公共交通的价收入。
In the right conditions and if there are viable alternatives, they also offer the benefit of providing a “push”
measure that helps to encourage a modal shift to public transport
[...] and thus increase income from public transport fares.
然而,要实现从主要强调建筑遗迹向更广泛地承认 社会、文化和经济进程在维护市价 值 中 的重要性这一重要观念的转变,需要努力调整现行政 [...]
However, the shift from an emphasis on architectural monuments primarily towards a broader recognition of the importance of the social,
cultural and economic processes in the
[...] conservation of urban values, should be matched [...]
by a drive to adapt the existing
policies and to create new tools to address this vision.
有人认为不一定非根据当市场价值 计 算该被毁坏财产的补偿金额(如果该文化财产市价的话 ),特别是当该文化财产价值连城而责任国并未特别和直接卷入蓄意破坏事件 时。
It may be argued that its amount should
not necessarily be based on the current market value (if available for the cultural property concerned) of the destroyed property, especially if this value is very high and the responsible State is not particularly and directly involved in the intentional destruction.
因此,能够解决这些问题的机制可以提高 收价 值 , 降低借贷 成本。
A mechanism that could address these problems could therefore
[...] increase recovery value and lead to [...]
lower borrowing costs.
董 事 會 須 根 據 該 計 劃 規 則 及 上市 規則,有 權 釐 定(其 中包 括)購股 權之 行 使價、歸 屬 前 持有 獎 勵之最 低 限期、於 獎 勵歸 屬 前須 達 成的 業績、 營 運 及 財 務 目 標 及 其 他 條 件,以 及 獎 勵 之 其 他 條 款 及 細 則,然 而,就 購 股
權 獎 勵 而 言,購 股 權 之 行 使 價 須 由 董 事 會 全 權 酌
[...] 情 釐 定,且 不 得 低 於 以 下 三 項 之 最 高 者﹕ (i)要 約 日 期 聯 交 所 每 日 報 價 表 所 列 股 份收 市 價﹔ (ii)緊 接要約 日期前 五個 營 業 日 聯 交所 每 日 報價 表 所列 股份之 平收 市 價﹔及(iii)要 約日期 之 股份 面 值。
The Board shall, subject to the rules of the Scheme and the Listing Rules, have the right to determine, among others, the exercise price of an Option, the minimum period for which the Award must be held before its vesting, performance, operating and financial targets and other criteria to be satisfied before the vesting of an Award and other terms and conditions of an Award, provided that, in respect of an Award of Option, the exercise price of an Option shall be a price determined by the Board at its absolute discretion but shall not be less than the highest
of (i) the closing
[...] price of the Shares as stated in the daily quotations sheets issued by the Stock Exchange on the date of offer; (ii) the average closing price of the Shares [...]
as stated in the
daily quotations sheets issued by the Stock Exchange for the five business days immediately preceding the date of the offer; or (iii) the nominal value of the Shares on the date of Offer.
此 外,授 予 本 公 司 主 要 股 東 或 任 何 獨 立 非 執 行 董 事 或 彼 等 之 任 何 聯 繫 人 士 之 任 何 購 股 權,於 截 至 授 出 日 期(包 括 該 日 )之 任 何 一 年 內 因 悉 數 行 使 已 授 出 或 將 予 授 出 之 購 股 權(包 括 已 行 使、註 銷 及 尚 未 行 使 之 購 股 權 )而 已 發 行 及 須 予 發 行 之 股 份(i)總 值 超 過 本 公 司 於 當 日 已 發 行 股 份 之0.1%;及(ii)根 據 各 授 出 日 期 股 份收 市 價 計 算 之 總 值 超 過 5,000,000港元,則須得到股東於股東大會上批准。
In addition, any share options granted to a substantial shareholder or any independent non-executive director of the Company, or to any of their associates, which would result in the shares issued and to be issued upon exercise of all share options already granted and to be granted (including share options exercised, cancelled and outstanding) to such person in any one year up to and including the date of such grant (i) representing in aggregate value over 0.1% of the shares of the Company in issue on that date; and (ii) having an aggregate value, based on the closing price of the shares on the date of each grant, in excess of HK$5 million, are subject to shareholders’ approval in a general meeting.
需要更准确地界定绿色经济的基本组成部分,如 收 、 市 场 、 金融 和技术的作用,尽管由于各国的情况不同,可能难以进行共同的界定。
There was a need to define more precisely the
components that underpin the green economy, for
[...] example, taxation, markets, role of finance [...]
and technology, although a common definition
might be difficult to achieve given the diverse circumstances of countries.
2.2 於有關交易所或其市場收市之前 ,倘若本行仍然未能執行閣下發出予本行的即日證券買 賣指令,則此等即日買賣指令將被視作已經被自動取消。
2.2 Any day order placed with us by you that has not been executed before the close of business of the relevant Exchange or otherwise shall be deemed to have been cancelled automatically.
鼓励摩洛哥考虑采取全面而具体的措施,以按照《公约》第 31 条的设 想冻结、扣押和没收犯罪所得,包括 收价 值 并 要求罪犯证明被指控 的犯罪所得来源合法。
To encourage Morocco to consider adopting comprehensive and specific measures for the
freezing, seizure and
[...] confiscation of proceeds of crime, as contemplated in article 31 of the Convention, including confiscation in value and requiring [...]
that an offender demonstrate
the lawful origin of alleged proceeds of crime.
第四阶段工作组在 A/C.5/52/39 号文件所载报告中,审查了第三阶段报告公 布的标准,并建议对单一敌对行动或被迫放弃造成主要装备损失或损坏的赔偿必 须达到损失总额等于或超过 25 万美元(依据通用公市价)的门槛,而因秘书处 安排的运输导致的主要装备损失或损坏必须超过装备通用公 市价的 10%。
In its report contained in document A/C.5/52/39, the Phase IV Working Group reviewed the rates published in the phase III report and recommended that reimbursement of loss or damage of major equipment resulting from a single hostile action or forced abandonment had to meet a
threshold of $250,000
[...] (based on generic fair market value) and that loss or damage of major equipment resulting from transportation arranged by the Secretariat had to be more than 10 per cent of the generic fair market value of the equipment.
由于建议书按时收集完成,由总干事组织 成立的 IBSP 科学委员会在 2005 年 1
[...] 月的第一次会议上不仅能够讨论程序问题,还能 价收 到的建议书,并推荐其中的 39 件作为 IBSP2005--2007 [...]
Thanks to the timely collection of project proposals, the IBSP Scientific Board, set up by the Director-General, did not only address procedural issues at its first
meeting in January 2005, but was
[...] also able to evaluate proposals received and to recommend [...]
39 projects to be carried out within
the first phase of the IBSP for 2005-2007.
当海湾市收到水管破裂或管道坍塌的报告时,其技术人员可以使用 RIDGIDConnect [...]
When Bay Village receives a report of a water [...]
line break or pipe collapse, its technicians can use RIDGIDConnect to quickly
access detailed records and even file reports from the job site as repairs are diagnosed and made.
它还建议为“特种装备”确定一个门槛值(一 件或一套物品的通用公市价应超过 500 美元,一件或一套物品的使用寿命应超 [...]
It also recommended that a threshold
value be established for “special
[...] case” (the generic fair market value of an item or set [...]
of items should be higher than $500
and the life expectancy of an item or set of items should be greater than one year) and that the threshold value should be reviewed by the next Working Group.
各 份 購 股 權 賦 予 購 股 權 持 有 人 權 利 , 於 有 關 購 股 權 獲 行 使 時 , 以 行
使 價 每 股 股 份 2.266 港 元 認 購 一 股 股 份 , 行 使
[...] 價 為 以 下 價 格 中 最 高 者 : (1) 股 份 面 值 0.10 港 元 ; (2) 聯 交 所 刊 發 之 日 報 表 所 載 於 授 出 日 期 股 份收 市 價 每 股 股 份 2.23 港 元 ; 及 (3) 聯 交 所 刊 發 之 日 報 表 所 載 緊 接 授 出 日 期 前 五 個 營 業 日 股 份 的 平收 市 價 每 股 股 份 2.266 港 元 。
Each Share Option shall entitle the holder of the Share Option to subscribe for one Share upon exercise of such Share Option at an exercise price of HK$2.266 per Share, which represents the highest of (1) HK$0.10, the nominal value of a Share; (2) the closing price of HK$2.23 per Share as stated in the daily quotation sheets
issued by the Stock Exchange on the Date of
[...] Grant; and (3) the average closing price of HK$2.266 per Share as stated in the daily quotation sheets issued by the Stock Exchange for the five business days immediately preceding the Date of Grant.
潛 在 標 的 股 票 的 授 予 價 格 為 屆 時 授 予 激 勵 對 象 預 留 標 的 股 票 的 相 關 董 事 會 會 議 召 開 之 日 前 一 個 交 易 日,本 公 司A 股 股 票 在 深 圳 證 券 交 易 所收 市 價。
The subscription price for the Potential Awarded Shares will be calculated on the same basis of the Awarded Shares as described above.




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