

单词 收存箱

See also:


receive for storage
safe keeping
store safely
delivery of goods
gather and store




External sources (not reviewed)

新系统将运行於思科十分易於扩展的统一化通讯平台上,为终端用户提供一系列功能,例如能透过用户的电子邮 箱存音邮件。
The new system will run on Cisco's highly scalable Unified
Communications platform, offering end-users a host of convenient features such as
[...] accessto voicemail via the user's email inbox.
(a) 2004 年 4 月,美国国土安全部官员违反《维也纳外交特权及豁免公约》
[...] 的基本原则,突击搜查了设在华盛顿特区的厄立特里亚文化中心,粗暴对待厄立 特里亚外交人员,并在保近 100 万美元现金和大使馆文件。
(a) In April 2004, United States officials in the Department of Homeland Security raided the Eritrean cultural centre in Washington, manhandled Eritrea’s diplomatic agent
and confiscated close to $1
[...] million in cash from the safebox as well asEmbassy documents [...]
in contravention of the basic
tenets of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
但是, 因为它在能力仅限于队列邮件,所以,它通常和一个或两个其 他协议:POP3 或 IMAP 配合使用,这些协议允许用户在服务器,以及定期从服务器下载它们。
However, since it is limited in its
[...] ability to queue messagesat the receivingend, itis usually used with one of two other protocols, POP3 or IMAP, that allows the user to save messages in a server mailboxand download them periodically [...]
from the server.
网域内的使用者会收到他们自己 的专有帐户,并且必须经过验证才可 收存
Users within
[...] the domainreceive their own unique accounts and must be authenticatedto receive access.
收 入 增 加 主 要 是 由 於 平 均 收 费 增 加 , 处 理 额 外 集 装 箱 带 来 额本 集 团 就 拓 展 服 务 与航运 公 司 订 立 更 多 代 理 协 议 增 加 代 理 服以 及 来 自 本 地 货 物 增 长 导 致 了运 输 等 服 务 大 幅 增 长 , 从 而 令 综 合 物 流 服 务 增 加 。
The increase in revenue was mainly attributable to
[...] increase in average selling price (the ‘‘ASP’’ ),revenue generated from additional containers handled, increased revenue from agency services as more agency agreements were entered into with shipping companies to extend our services, [...]
and the increase in
integrated logistics services as the increase in gateway cargos led to the substantial growth in cargo consolidation and deconsolidation, storage and transportation.
我抛弃用脚踩踏葡萄的方式,而采用现代化工具,包括使 箱存工收割的葡萄;使用吨箱让200加仑液体同时发酵;用一辆小型叉车搬运沉重的物品;用一台去梗机/粉碎机使浆果从茎上脱落,并粉碎浆果;用圆桶储存相当于5000支的红葡萄酒;用不锈钢钢罐酿制白葡萄酒;用装瓶机每小时灌装60支酒;用贴标机在酒瓶上贴酒标和胶帽。
Instead of tromping on the grapes with my feet,
I use modern tools,
[...] includingharvest bins into which the grapes are hand-harvested; T Bins toferment [...]
200 gallons of liquid
at a time; a small electric fork lift to move heavy items; a de-stemmer/crusher to take the berries off the stems and crush the berries; barrels to store the equivalent of 5,000 cases of red wine; stainless steel tanks for making white wine; a bottling machine that bottles 60 cases per hour; and a labeler that applies labels and capsules to the wine bottles.
b.资料请以电子档方使用,尽量不列印,列印前应先预览列印避免浪 费纸张,纸张尽量双面利用,无法再利用之废纸张请放置实习室内之纸類收箱
Before printing, preview your file to avoid wasting paper and print double-sided.
此外,他们亦应在产 品出厂、运送以至 售期间采取措施,包括使用合适的容器和不透光免 产品暴露在强光下;保持正确的低温环境(尽量维持温度於摄氏20度或以下,切勿超过 摄氏38度),使用适当的隔热货柜,并配合付运时间和适当的贮存设施,避免产品暴露 在高温下;以及按先入先出的原则处理存货。
From production
[...] throughout shipmentto storage andretail,they should also take measures to prevent products from light exposure by means of proper containers and coveringboxes;and to minimise [...]
heat exposure by maintaining
the correct cold chain, preferably at or below 20°C and critically not above 38°C, by means of appropriate insulated containers, to be coupled with shipping schedules and storage facilities; and to keep stock according to the first-in-first-out principle.
与此同时,联科行动将继续重点帮助科特迪瓦各方克服所面临的挑战,将上 述风险降至最低限度,其中包括采取下列做法:(a) 支持科特迪瓦各方和调解人 努力使和平进程不脱轨;(b)
[...] 战斗人员武装和解散民兵的议程,其中包括监测前战斗人员“进入屯驻点”和存收武器;(c) 为选举进程提供技术和后勤支助,并监督促进实现具有公信 [...]
力和透明度的选举的各种进程所取得的进展;(d) 通过我的特别代表的认证作
用,加强选举进程的可信性;(e) 支持科特迪瓦政府开展经济复苏进程。
In the meantime, UNOCI will continue to focus on helping the Ivorian parties to surmount the challenges and minimize the risks identified above, including by: (a) supporting the Ivorian parties and the Facilitator in their efforts to keep the peace process on track; (b) contributing to a secure environment for the elections, including by advancing the agendas for the effective disarmament of former combatants and dismantling of militias, inter alia, by monitoring
the cantonment of former
[...] combatantsandthestorage of the weapons collected; (c)providing technical [...]
and logistical support
for the electoral process and monitoring the progress made in the various processes leading to credible and transparent elections; (d) contributing, through my Special Representative’s certification role, to enhancing the credibility of the electoral process; and (e) supporting the economic recovery process pursued by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire.
教科文组织和其他国际组织曾经通过观察站的邮件发送名单发出过伦理活动和出版物的60多个 公告,通过观察站的箱收 900多个出版物和参加活动的请求。
Over 60 announcements of ethics activities and publications by UNESCO and other international organizations have been made
through the GEObs
[...] mailing list, generating over 900 requests for publications and participation through the GEObs mailbox.
墨西哥厂在餐厅和建筑物内设置废弃物分类 收箱整理及分类 各类废弃物。
Non-hazardous waste bins are installed in the cafeteria and the building for the purpose of organizing and sorting non-hazardous waste at the Mexico site.
本 集 团对以前年度取得的政府补助按照合同规定的项目期限进行了追溯调整,并相应调减 存收
The Group has made retrospective adjustments to government grants received in previous years in
accordance with project periods stipulated in relevant contracts and has accordingly adjusted
[...] downwards the retained profits.
(b) 反兴奋剂组织为进行兴奋剂检查而处理关于参赛者和其他人的个人信息时,应按照 本条例(例如第 2、5 和 15 条)或兴奋剂检查国际标准的规定,仅处理进行兴奋剂检
[...] 查(例如检查分布计划、样品采集、样 收存样品送至实验室)所需的个人信 [...]
(b) Anti-Doping Organizations Processing Personal Information related to Participants and other persons in order to perform Testing, shall Process only the Personal Information (including whereabouts information) needed to
conduct Testing (e.g., test distribution
[...] planning, Sample collection, Sample handling, [...]
and Sample transport to the laboratory)
in accordance with the Code (such as Articles 2, 5 and 15) or the International Standard for Testing.
任 用工作人员时,包括任用政府借调的工作人员,应由秘书长或官员一人以秘书长
[...] 名义签发本《条例》附件二规定的任用书,送交工作人 收存
Upon appointment, each staff member, including a staff member on secondment from government service, shall receive a letter of appointment in accordance with the provisions of annex
II to the present Regulations and signed by the Secretary-General or by
[...] an official in thename of [...]
the Secretary-General.
审计委员会还注意到,用每日和每周磁带制作每月备份磁带,因此将每日 和每周磁带不安全,如发生灾害就会丧失一个月的数据。
The Board further noted that the monthly back-up tapes were made out of the daily and weekly tapes and therefore it was not safe to keep the daily and weekly tapes out of the safe, as data could be lost for a month in the event of a disaster.
制造使用碳氢化合物的预混多元醇的配方厂家,其技术转换将 需要安装碳氢化合统、的预混系统、改进的通风系统和事关安全的系 统、施工改造、试验、安全审计和培训。
The conversion of systems houses for the manufacturing of hydrocarbon-based pre-blended polyols
will require installation
[...] of hydrocarbon storagesystems, premixing systems with pumps and tanks, enhanced [...]
ventilation and safety
related systems, construction modification, trials, safety audits and training.
如果这 不可实行,或被干墙框架(横拉条)占用了空间,可 调整存箱使于背箱的上方。
If this is not practical, perhaps thanks to
the encroachment of drywall frame noggin (horizontal brace), the
[...] reservoir boxcan be swapped for use above thebackbox.
对 於 以 公 允 价 值 计 量 且 其 变 动 计 入 当 期 损 益 的 金 融 资 产,账 面 价 值 与 公 允 价 值 的 差 额 调 整 为存 收对 於 可 供 出 售 金 融 资 产,账 面 价 值 与 公 允 价 值 的 差 额 调 整 为 资 本 公 积。
On the first adoption date, financial asset recognized at fair value through profit or loss and available-for-sale financial assets are valued at fair value, and differences between carrying amount and fair value are adjusted in retained profits and capital reserves respectively.
由于许多消费者白天并不在家收货,亚马逊甚至在购 物商场提供收箱
Because many consumers are not at home during the day to accept deliveries, Amazon
[...] even offerscollection lockers in shopping malls.
来 自 本 地 货 物 的 集 装 箱 的 增 长 导 致 综 合 物 流 服 务 大 幅 增 长
[...] , 此 等 服 务 主 要 包 括运 输 等 服 务 , 而 转 [...]
运 集 装 箱 则 不 需 要 此 等 服 务 。
The increase in gateway cargoes containers led to the substantial growth in integrated logistics services which
included largely cargoes consolidation
[...] andde-consolidation, storageand transportation [...]
where trans-shipment containers not required such services.
将废纸、废金属及废弃塑胶收箱在合适地点,方便居民丢弃可以回收 的废物。
Waste paper, metal
[...] and plastic collection boxeswere provided at [...]
suitable locations to facilitate residents in recycling waste.
It might be essential, for example, for an agrochemical product to remain stable in a hot glass house, or
for a pharmaceutical product to be
[...] definedforrefrigerator storagein order topreserve [...]
the integrity of the active ingredient.
(iv)(iii)通过存收和改善对可移动濒危文物的保护,加强文化财产的保护; [...]
通过出版国际《博物馆》杂志等方式来宣传保存遗产的各种作法,推动博物 馆政策的制定,重点关注发展中国家;按照 1997 年《关于采取措施禁止并 防止文化财产非法进出口和所有权非法转让公约》和
1995 年《国际统一私 法协会公约》的精神,促进反对非法贩卖文物的斗争和将这类文物送回或归 还原有国;鼓励会员国批准 2001 年《水下文化遗产公约》;在 2001 年 《水下文化遗产公约》的范围内,加强对水下文化遗产的保护。
(iv) (iii) strengthen the protection ofcultural property through the
[...] conservation of collections and improved protection [...]
of endangered
movable cultural property; promote heritage conservation practices and museum policy development notably in developing countries in particular through the publication of the review MUSEUM International; promote the fight against illicit trafficking in cultural property and the return or restitution of such cultural property to its country of origin in the spirit of the 1970 Convention on illicit trafficking on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention; encourage Member States to consider the ratification of the 2001 Convention [promote the ratification of the 2001 Convention]; and strengthen the protection of the underwater cultural heritage in the framework of, in particular, the 2001 Convention on the underwater cultural heritage.
[...] Aperture这个Java框架能够从各种各样的资料系统(如:文件系统、Web站点、IMAP和Outlo ok)些系统中的文件(如:文档、图片)爬取和搜索其中的全文本内容与元数据。
Project Information: Aperture The Java framework from the various information systems ( such
as: file system , Web sites ,
[...] IMAP, and Outlook mailbox) or the existenceof these system files [...]
( such as: documents , pictures
) crawling and search full-text content of which and metadata.
议案T的既定目 的与宗旨在於准许本市在全市范围内实施一项与季节性庭院废物 道边堆放收运计画相结合的庭院废物 箱收画,以及一项大 件垃圾收运计画。
The stated purpose and intent of Measure T is to allow the city to implement a citywide containerized yard-waste collection program combined with a seasonal loose-in-the-street yard waste collection, and a largeitem collection program.
正式的行走将于2012年秋在香港的商业街发生,这次艺术家穿戴装置只身一人同街道发生互动并求取记录素材,背包后提供印有文字的纸质红蓝眼镜的方式传达信息:"此装置行为的影像记录完全仰仗陌路人和你,艺术家会从LookThroughMe@qq.com这个 箱收 素材进行编辑,感激所有参与并上传了的即时自愿摄像师和摄影师,列入人名表并回复通知。ACTION!
The real walk due to carry out on mall street of Hong Kong in Autumn 2012, this time the artist will go with the installation all by himself, get interaction and documentation material both from the passersby audience, who can get information on red cyan paper glasses from the backpack with text: "Documentation of this
performance relies only on strangers and U,
[...] the artist will collectall materials (video/photo) [...]
from LookThroughMe@qq.com, all
instant-voluntary filmmakers and photographers will be appreciated, credited and notified.




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