

单词 收复



recover lost territory

External sources (not reviewed)

我们现在必须确保,军事成果之后要跟上适当的 政治措施和其它措施,以避免在从好战分子手 收复 的地区出现真空。
We must now ensure that the achievements in the military field are followed up by
appropriate political measures and other measures, in order to avoid a vacuum
[...] in the areas recovered from the militants.
为履行上 述承诺,伙伴国家正在采取行动,维持过去数十年中取得的人类发展成果 收复 失地并加速取得进展。
To deliver on these commitments, partner
countries are acting to
[...] sustain the gains in human development over the past decades, to recover lost ground, and [...]
to accelerate progress.
这些都维护黎巴嫩无条件收 复其所有被占领土的权利。
These all preserve
[...] Lebanon’s right to regain all its occupied [...]
territories without conditions.
[...] 现该地区真正的和平,还需要解决中东和平进程其余 轨道上的其他问题,包收复仍被占领的其它阿拉伯 土地。
India is aware that genuine peace in the region also requires the resolution of other issues on the
remaining tracks of the Middle East peace
[...] process, including the restoration of other Arab lands [...]
that remain under occupation.
也门回 顾了以色列最 近 对 加沙地带 的 攻 击 ,并指 出,以色列无 视 自 1948 年以来提出的各项建议,所以它也将无视大量的普遍定期审议建议,特别是 与结束
对被占所有巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领、承认巴勒斯坦人民有权自 决、 有权建立 一 个 以以色列耶路撒冷为首都 的 独立的主权国家
[...] 、巴勒斯坦难 民有权回 到自己 的 家 园 、有权得到赔偿并有收 复财产的建议,这 一 点 也不奇 怪 。
Yemen recalled the recent Israeli attack against the Gaza strip and indicated that Israel has ignored recommendations since 1948 and so it is not surprising that it will ignore the largest number of UPR recommendations, specially those related to putting an end to the occupation in all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and to recognizing the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, to an independent sovereign state with Jerusalem as a capital, and to the right
of return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and
[...] their right to compensation and restitution of their properties.
其中 包括关于自决权(第 3 和第 4
[...] 条)的规定和土著人民拥有其土地 收复 其 领 土的权 利(第 8.2(b)、25、26 [...]
和 28 条)的规定。
It includes provisions on the right to self-determination (arts. 3 and 4)
and the right of indigenous peoples to own
[...] their lands and to recover their territories [...]
(arts. 8.2 (b), 25, 26 and 28).
该倡议涉及和平暗含的一切因素: 按照 1948 年第
[...] 194(III)号决议的规定,承认阿拉伯 的权利收复土地,以色列撤出阿拉伯所有被占领土, [...]
退回到 1967 年 6 月 4 日的边界,建立一个以东耶路 撒冷为首都的独立的巴勒斯坦国,让巴勒斯坦难民重 返家园。
The Initiative entails everything that peace implies: recognition of
[...] Arab rights, recuperation of land, Israel’s [...]
withdrawal from all occupied Arab
territories to the borders of 4 June 1967, the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, with its capital in East Jerusalem, and the return of Palestinian refugees, in accordance with resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
随 着过渡联邦政府及其盟友把伊斯兰青年党叛乱分子赶出其在南部和中部地区的 据点,过渡联邦政府加紧让收复地 区 当地领导人参与未来治理安排对话。
As the Transitional Federal Government and its allies forced the Islamist Al-Shabaab insurgents out of their strongholds in southern and central regions, the Government
intensified its efforts to engage local
[...] leaders in newly recovered areas in dialogue [...]
regarding future governance arrangements.
先进的搜索准则收复失去 的数据或资料驱动格式化分割而无法回收标准搜寻.
The advanced searching
[...] criteria are used to recover lost data from formatted partition drive or the data recovery which is [...]
not possible on Standard search.
[...] 人生坐标和前途的无业青年组成,萨赫勒和西非经共体所有居民都可能陷入不稳 定状态,为招募收复提供有利土壤。
Furthermore, AQMI having established itself at the geographic heart of the Muslim area of Africa, made up of young populations, out of work and seeking reference points and prospects, all the peoples of the
Sahel and ECOWAS can find themselves destabilized and may provide an ideal breeding
[...] ground for recruitment and takeover.
中国的国家安全战略是,维护领土与主权完整 收复 台 湾 , 维护国内稳定,防止其他大国侵犯中国边境地区。
China’s national security is identified with safeguarding its territorial sovereignty, reunification with Taiwan, maintaining internal stability, and curbing intrusion by other great powers into its periphery.
此外,又再需要 5 年才收复在与贫困作斗 争中所失去的阵地。
Furthermore, an additional 5 years may
[...] be needed in recovering lost ground [...]
in the struggle against poverty.
尽管市场对非农存有积极预期,但兴业投资分析师认为,从此前伯南克对就业市场改善步伐缓慢“令人痛苦”和对高失业率表示“严重关注”等尖锐措辞上来看,或许就业数据仅好于预期且失业率维持在8%以上的高位是难以改变美联储对就业市场的看法,风险货币在跳水后迅 收复 部 分 跌幅,只有就业人数高于市场预期区间上限16-18万,或者就业人数好于预期且失业率有所下降,那么联储对新一轮量化宽松则需要更多考虑,这也将迅速推升美元并对风险货币带来沉重压力。
Despite there are positive expectations, but Societe Generale investment analysts that the painful from the previous Bernanke the slow pace of improvement on the employment market and the high unemployment rate in the market for non-agricultural sharp on the wording of the "serious concern", perhaps employment data is only better than expected and the unemployment rate remained high at more than 8% is difficult to change the Fed's view of the job
market, part of the decline in the risk of
[...] currency quickly recovered after diving, the [...]
only employment is higher than the maximum
range of market expectations of 16-18 million or employment is better than expected and the unemployment rate declined, then you need to give more consideration to the Federal Reserve on a new round of quantitative easing, which will quickly push up the dollar and the risk of currency under heavy pressure.
[...] 2011 至 2015 年实现有力的增长,才收复丧失的工作岗位。
Most countries will have to grow vigorously during the period
[...] 2011-2015 just to recover the jobs already lost.
克罗地亚借助武收复位于 西斯拉沃尼亚和克拉伊纳的领土后,联合国特派团从上述地区撤离。
After Croatia reintegrates by force its territories in Western Slavonia and Krajina, the UN mission withdraws from those areas.
[...] 度的目的是防止盗窃或其他非法获取这种材料的情况,找到并迅 收复 丢 失 或被 盗的材料,防止这类材料和设施遭到破坏,并减轻或尽量减少破坏造成的放射性 [...]
The aims of the regime are to protect such material
against theft or other unlawful taking, to
[...] locate and rapidly recover missing or stolen [...]
material, to protect such material and
facilities against sabotage, and to mitigate or minimize the radiological consequences of sabotage.
楚襄王听了庄辛这番话之后,认为很有道理,于是封他为阳陵君,不久庄辛帮助楚 收复 了 淮 北的土地。
This time, King Xiang totally agreed with Zhuang Xin, and under his help, the king soon recaptured the lost territory.
小时图显示,欧元兑美元今日早盘汇价持续承压,延续了本周以来的震荡下行格局,汇价只 收复 M A ( 5)1.3070才能继续上扬,不过短期进一步回调可能性较大,目前汇价跌至1.2987一线。
The hour figure shows the euro against the dollar in early trading today, the exchange rate continued to pressure continues this
week, since the pattern of shock down,
[...] the dollar only regained MA (5) 1.3070 in [...]
order to continue to rise, but the short-term
the possibility of further correction, the current exchange rate fell 1.2987 line.
实现不同等级的WEEE的收、复用和 循环利用目标。
Achieving targets for recovery, reuse and recycling of different [...]
classes of WEEE
赞赏地注意到联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室及世界银行提出 收复被 盗资产倡议,且注意到与国际资 收复 中 心 等有关伙伴的合作,鼓励协调现有倡 议;13.
Takes note with appreciation
[...] of the Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the World Bank, takes note of its cooperation with relevant partners, including the International Centre for Asset Recovery, and encourages coordination [...]
among existing initiatives
若要结束巴勒斯坦人民的 苦难,就必须找到一个根本和长期的危机解决办法,
[...] 巴勒斯坦人将由此重新获得其合法权利,在巴勒斯 坦的土地上建立独立的巴勒斯坦国 收复 被 占 领的 阿拉伯领土。
If the suffering of the Palestinian people were to end, a radical and longterm solution to the crisis must be found, whereby Palestinians would regain their legitimate rights, an
independent Palestinian state would be established on Palestinian soil, and occupied
[...] Arab territory would be recovered.
希腊外长多拉·巴科扬妮斯(Dora Bakoyannis)在周日发布的一篇媒体访问中呼应雅典的立场,即政府对前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国(FYROM)必须放弃领 收复 的 行动、实践与宣传,并积极证明其遵守睦邻政策。
Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis echoed Athens' standing position that the government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) must abandon irredentist actions, practices and propaganda and actively prove that it is following a policy of good neighbourliness.
鼓励索马里当局表明希望继续与愿意放弃恐怖主义并共同向和平努力的青年军首领和战士进行谈判,以达成政治和解或将其并入国家/地区安全部队,因为这将进一步削弱该组织,并有助于 收复 地 区 的稳定。
encourage the Somali authorities to indicate continued willingness to negotiate a political accommodation with or incorporate into a national/regional security force Al-Shabaab commanders and fighters willing to renounce
terrorism and work towards peace, since this would weaken the group further and could
[...] help stabilise newly recovered areas.
随着Reconline,有没有初始设置收费或 复收 费。
With Reconline, there are no initial setup fees or recurring charges.
在预定的法律框架未获得通过前收养家庭的国家停止为 复收 养 对海 地政府施压。
(f) Pressure on the Haitian Government from the countries of adopting families to resume adoptions should be halted until a legal framework is adopted.
购买 如果您在 Garmin 网站上或直接在 Garmin 产品上提供支付卡信息,则 Garmin
[...] 将会使用您的支付卡信息和相关付款和帐户信息以及(如果适用)您的姓名和邮寄地址,来完成您的购买或收取可 复收 费 的 付款(如果适用)。
Purchases If you provide your payment card information on a Garmin website or directly on your Garmin product, then Garmin will use your payment card information and related payment and account information, as well as your name and mailing
address if applicable, for the purpose of filling your
[...] purchases or collecting payment of recurring fees, if applicable.
工作组从收到的答复中受 到鼓舞并注意到,一些政府已对指控进 行调查,并采取了措施,包括颁布新立法;进行司法改革;推行政策和服务, [...]
包括保健方面的服务,以更好地保护和帮助妇女,包括暴力行为的女受害人; 制定国家行动计划;起诉和惩处暴力施害者;实施有的放矢的措施促进妇女
的权利;努力确保妇女充分享有人权,包括通过对性别问题有敏感认识的预 算编制来实现;并改进提高公众认识的活动,从而根据有关国际标准促进性 别平等和提高妇女地位。
From the replies received, the Working Group [...]
was encouraged to note that some Governments had carried out investigations
into the allegations made and taken measures, including enacting new legislation, conducting legal reform, introducing policies and services, such as health-related services, to better protect and assist women, including women victims of violence, developing national plans of action, prosecuting and punishing perpetrators of violence, introducing targeted measures for the promotion of women’s rights, making efforts to guarantee the full enjoyment of human rights by women, including through gender-sensitive budgeting, and improving public awareness-raising activities to promote gender equality and the advancement of women in accordance with relevant international standards.
(c) 继续制定以十分明确的支助费计算方法为基础的“预算外项目费用收取政策 和预算问题指导方针”,包括成本的明确界定和定位,使按百分比收取支助 费用的那些可确定的费用酌情作为项目的直接费用来收取,对标准的计划支 助费(PSC)率作相应的调整,使直接费用和非固定的间接费用不会 复收 取; 的相关工作重点之中,并对照有关的预期成果定期报告情况; (e) 继续努力制定非常明确的支助费政策
(c) to further develop the “Guidelines on the cost recovery policy and budgetary aspects of extrabudgetary projects” based on a well-defined support cost measurement methodology, including clear identification and definition of costs, so that identifiable elements covered by percentage-based support-cost charges are charged as appropriate as direct costs to the projects and the programme support costs (PSC) standard rate is adjusted accordingly and direct costs and indirect variable costs are not charged twice
(c) 继续制定以十分明确的支助费计算方法为基础的预算外项目费用收取政策和 预算问题准则,包括成本的明确界定和定位,使按百分比收取支助费用的那 些可确定的费用酌情作为项目的直接费用来收取,对标准的计划支助费率作
[...] 相应的调整,使直接费用和非固定的间接费用不会 复收取
(c) to further develop the Guidelines on the Cost Recovery Policy and Budgetary Aspects of Extrabudgetary Projects based on a well-defined support cost measurement methodology, including clear identification and definition of costs, so that identifiable elements covered by percentage-based support-cost charges are charged as appropriate as direct costs to the projects, and the programme
support costs standard rate is adjusted accordingly, and direct costs and indirect variable
[...] costs are not charged twice
各种文档和记录使用更系统明晰的标识,可以在需要的时候信手捏来,避免重复拍照、重复核算、 复收 集 整 理;生产指令表述更完整和具有可读性,可以方便工厂理解操作,避免偏差和操作错误;客户回复更整洁和有条理,可以提供给客户要点明确、逻辑清晰的印象,避免让客户“挤牙膏”式重复回顾提问。
Various documents and records use more system of clear logo, can in time of need, to avoid repeated casually
knead to photograph, repeat business
[...] accounting, repeat collect, Production instruction [...]
expression more complete and has
the readability, easy to operate, avoid deviation factory understanding and operating errors; Customer replies more clean and organized, may offer clients points clear, logic clear impression, avoid letting customers "squeezed on" type repeat review questions.




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