单词 | 收回 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 收回verb—recovervless common: withdrawv recoupv 收回—regain take back revoke retake 收回noun—resumen回收noun—recoveryn recyclingn 回收verb—recoverv recallv 回收—recycle recovered retrieve recall (a defective product) Examples:可回收—recyclable 可收回adj—recoverable collectibleadj 热回收n—heat recoveryn
管理层相信上述主要假设的任何 [...] 合理可见变动,将不会导致商誉之账面值超出可收回数额,因此毋须进行敏感性分析。 asiasat.com | Management believes that any reasonably foreseeable change in any of the above key assumptions would [...] not cause the carrying amount of goodwill [...] to exceed therecoverable amount and therefore [...]no sensitivity analysis was required. asiasat.com |
申请费用会按收回全部成本 的原则收取,并且不会退还。 cfs.gov.hk | Application fee will be charged on the basis of full-cost recoveryand will not be refundable. cfs.gov.hk |
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国请委员会收回提交特别报告的 要求,并取消该报告的审查会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Syrian Arab Republic requested that [...] the Committee withdraw its request for [...]a special report and cancel the meetings [...]at which such report would be considered. daccess-ods.un.org |
开支减少主要因为我们於年内收回若干客户所欠账项,因而对过往作出 的减值拨备进行回拨。 asiasat.com | The decrease was mainly the result of a reversal of impairment provisions previously made on certain customer debts, which we were able to recover during the year. asiasat.com |
其他资产主要包括衍生金融工具、可收回税项及递延税项资 产。 wingtaiproperties.com | Other assets comprise mainly derivative financial [...] instruments,tax recoverable and deferred [...]tax assets. wingtaiproperties.com |
当事人可以在任何时 间、以任何理由收回其同意的决定而不会因此给自己带来任何不利和受到损害。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Consentmay be withdrawn by the person [...] concerned at any time and for any reason without any disadvantage or prejudice. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此评估 涉及以下判断:(i)资产日後在商业上可行的可能性及断定其商业上可行的时间;(ii)根据 [...] 预测石油及天然气价格计算的日後收益;(iii)日後开发成本及生产开支;(iv)就计算可收回价值时将应用於有关收益及成本的折现率;及(v)所获得的任何地质及地理数据对日後勘 [...]探及评估活动的潜在价值。 sunshineoilsands.com | This assessment involves judgment as to: (i) the likely future commerciality of the asset and when such commerciality should be determined; (ii) future revenues based on forecasted oil and gas prices; (iii) future development costs and production [...] expenses; (iv) the discount rate to be [...] applied to such revenuesandcostsfor the [...]purpose of deriving a recoverable value, [...]and (v) potential value to future E&E activities of any geological and geographical data acquired. sunshineoilsands.com |
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国 [...] 家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 [...] 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 [...]对边界沿线和其他高风险地区进行巡逻。 daccess-ods.un.org | The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the [...] national police, undertake cordon and [...] search operations toretrieve illegal weapons, [...]protect key United Nations and Government [...]locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
该 转 出 的 累 计 损 失,为 可 供 出 售 金 融 资 产 的 初 始 取 得 成 本 扣 除已收 回本金和 已 摊 销 金 额、当 前 公 允 价 值 和 原 已 计 入 损 益 的 减 值 损 失 後 的 余 额。 zte.com.cn | The cumulative loss that is removed from capital reserves is the difference between itsacquisition cost (net of any principal repayment and amortization) and its current fair value, less any impairment loss previously recognized in profit and loss. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
倘购股权被收回、注销或於届满日 期仍未获行使,则先前於购股权储备确认之数额将转拨至累计亏损╱累计盈余。 gdc-world.com | When the [...] share options areforfeited or cancelled or [...]are still not exercised at the expiry date, the amount previously recognised [...]in share options reserve will be transferred to accumulated losses/retained earnings. gdc-world.com |
资 产可收 回金额按 该 资 产 或 现 金 产 出 单 元 的 使 用 价 值 和 公 允 价 值 减 出 售 费 用 两 者 中 的 较 大 者 计 算,并 按 单 个 资 产 单 独 确 认,除 非 该 资 产 不 能 产 出 基 本 上 独 立 於 其 他 资 产 或 资 产 组 所 产 生 的 现 金 流 入,这 种 情 况 下,可 确 认 该 资 产 所 属 的 现 金 产 出 单 元 的可收 回金额。 zte.com.cn | An asset’srecoverable amountis calculated as the higher of the asset’s or cash-generatingunit’s value in use and its fair value less costs to sell, and is determined for an individual asset, unless the asset does not generate cash inflows that are largely independent of those from other assets or groups of assets, in which case the recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
可收回金额乃参考使用价值(基於经批准的财政预算 的税前未来现金流量预测采用8%的贴现率贴现至现值)厘定。 glencore.com | The recoverableamountwas determined [...] by reference to the value in use which looks at pre-tax future cash flow projections [...]based on the approved financial budgets, discounted to present value using a rate of 8%. glencore.com |
於有关收回任何催缴到期款项的任何诉讼或其他法律程序的审讯或聆讯中,根据 本细则,作为应计负债股份的持有人或其中一名持有人记录於登记册,作出催缴的决议正式记 [...] 录於会议记录,以及催缴通知已正式发给被起诉的成员,即属证明被起诉成员名称的足够证据; [...]且毋须证明作出催缴的董事的委任,亦毋须证明任何其他事项,惟上述事项的证明应为该负债 具决定性的证据。 cre8ir.com | On the trial or hearing of any action or other [...] proceedingsfor therecovery of any money due [...]for any call, it shall be sufficient to [...]prove that the name of the Member sued is entered in the Register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued, that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book, and that notice of such call was duly given to the Member sued, in pursuance of these Bye-laws; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt. cre8ir.com |
还存在降低债务可收回性和减少秃鹫基金裁决的强大的公众利益理由,即 本法有助于促进债权人之间的公平和重债穷国的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are also compelling public interest grounds [...] for reducing the recoverability of debtsand judgements [...]by vulture funds, namely, that [...]the Act promotes fairness among creditors and that it promotes the development of HIPCs. daccess-ods.un.org |
于有关收回任何催缴到期款项的任何诉讼或其他法律程序的审讯或聆 讯中,根据该等细则,作为应计负债股份的持有人或其中一位持有人记录于股东名 [...] 册,作出催缴的董事会决议案正式记录于董事会的会议记录,以及催缴通知已正式 发给被起诉的股东,即属证明被起诉股东名称的足够证据;且毋须证明作出催缴的 [...]董事的委任,亦毋须证明任何其他事项,惟上述事项的证明应为该负债具决定性的 证据。 aactechnologies.com | On the trial or hearing of any action or other [...] proceedingsfor therecovery of any money due [...]for any call, it shall be sufficient to [...]prove that the name of the Member sued is entered in the Register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued, that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book, and that notice of such call was duly given to the Member sued, in pursuance of these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt. aactechnologies.com |
当不能可靠估计系统开发合约之结果时,仅以有可能收 回之已产生合约成本而确认收入。 equitynet.com.hk | When the outcome of a systems development [...] contract cannot be [...] estimated reliably, revenue is recognised only to the extent of contract costs incurred that is probable tobe recoverable. equitynet.com.hk |
倘投资物业可透过使用有关物业而收 回,则在重估其价值时按所得税率计提递延税项拨备。 wingtaiproperties.com | If investment [...] properties would be recovered throughuse, provision for deferred tax is made on revaluation of investment propertiesusing incometax rate. wingtaiproperties.com |
就无法收回应收贸易账款的风险而计提的拨备,已计及信贷集中风险、共同债务风险(根据过往平均亏损金额计算)及特殊情 况(例如若干国家或地区出现严重不利经济状况)。 cre8ir.com | The allowance for the [...] risk of non-collection of trade receivables takes intoaccount [...]credit-risk concentration, collective [...]debt risk based on average historical losses and specific circumstances such as serious adverse economic conditions in a certain country or region. cre8ir.com |
(4) 除非董事会另行同意(该同意可能按董事会不时全权酌情厘定的条款及条 件作出,且董事会可在毋须给予任何理由的情况下全权酌情作出或收回该同意),否则 不可将股东名册的股份转至分册或将分册的股份转至股东名册或任何其他分册,而与 [...] 分册的股份有关的所有转让文件及其他所有权文件,须提交有关过户登记处登记,而 [...]与股东名册的股份有关的所有转让文件及其他所有权文件,则须提交办事处或按公司 法规定存置股东名册的其他地区登记。 winox.com | (4) Unless the Board otherwise agrees (which agreement may be on such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board in its absolute discretion may from time to time determine, and which agreement the Board shall, without giving [...] any reason therefor, be [...] entitled in its absolute discretion togive or withhold),no shares upon [...]the Register shall be transferred [...]to any branch register nor shall shares on any branch register be transferred to the Register or any other branch register and all transfers and other documents of title shall be lodged for registration, and registered, in the case of any shares on a branch register, at the relevant Registration Office, and, in the case of any shares on the Register, at the Office or such other place at which the Register is kept in accordance with the Law. winox.com |
发行後 其尚未转换之债券总金额低於发行总 额之10%时,本公司得选择於债券强 制转换或收回基准日按当时之转换价 格将持有人之转换公司债转换为权利 证书或按债券面额将持有人之转换公 司债以现金收回。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | If the total value of outstanding convertible bonds becomes less than 10% [...] of the total [...] principal, the Corporation also has the option, at any time, to convert the bonds to entitlement certificates at the conversion price or to redeem the bonds by cashat facevalue. english.taiwanmobile.com |
即便该等款项在合约上已超过其应付日期,但鉴於相关交易 对手的信贷质素并无显着变更,该等款项并不会被视为减损款项,且由於考虑到通常支付方式以及在诸多情况下存在的抵销应收账款 余额的因素,其仍被认作可收回款项。 glencore.com | Such receivables, although contractually past their due dates, are not considered impaired as there has not been a significant change in credit quality of the relevant counterparty, and the amounts are still considered recoverable taking into account customary payment patterns and in many cases, offsetting accounts payablebalances. glencore.com |
成本回收原则的应用使该办事处可利用项目资金额外招聘五名人员, 负责监督和协调联合国的联合活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The application of cost recoveryprinciples has [...] allowed the office to recruit five additional staff from project funds to [...]oversee and coordinate joint United Nations activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,他会应要求 [...] 支持该区域大多数国家的哈龙调查、哈龙库及哈龙回收和再循环活动,特别是为已废止的 区域性哈龙库项目寻找替代解决办法。 multilateralfund.org | Moreover, he supported most countries [...] in the region with their halon surveys, [...] banks and recovery and recycling activities [...]as requested by them, in particular to [...]find alternative solutions to the defunct regional halon banking project. multilateralfund.org |
固相 PX 的回收可由所谓的“逆向杠杆”法则确定;即,两相的相对量由进料成 [...] 分点相对侧的直线段长度的比例确定。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | Recovery of the solid PX phase can [...] be determined by the so called “inverse lever” rule; that is, the relative amount of [...]the two phases is given by the ratio of the of the line segment lengths on opposite sides of the feed composition point. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
废物管理是私营部门经济活动的一部分,国家拥有的只是三个危险废物收 集中心,地方政府拥有几个地区废物管理中心,废物收集、分类、回收等主要部 分都在私营部门进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Waste management forms a part of private sector economic activities, with the state owning just the three hazardous waste collection centres and local governments owning several regional [...] waste management centres – the main part [...] of waste collection, sorting, recovery, etc.takes place [...]in the private sector. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 在 有 关 白 色 接 纳 表 格 及 有 关 股 票 及 ╱ 或 过 户 收 据 及 ╱ 或 任 何 其 他 所 有 权 文 件( 及 ╱ 或 就 此 所 需 之任何 充 分 弥 偿 保 证 )在 各 方 面 均 完 备 良 好 , 并 已 於 截 止 日 期 下 午 四 时 正 或 收 购 人 根 据 收 购 守 则 可 能 决 定 及 公 布 之 较 後 日 期 及 ╱ 或 时 间 送 抵 登 记 处 之 前 提 下 , 一 张 金 额 相 当 於 就 各 接 纳 独 立 股 东 根 据 股 份 收 购 建 议 所交回 收购股份 而 向 其 应 付之现 金 代 价 减 卖 方 从 价 印 花 税 之 支 票 , 将 尽 快 但 无 论 如 何 於 登 记 处 接 获 所 有有关 文 件 致 使 有 关 接 纳 完 整 及 有 效 之 日 期 起 计 10 天 内 , 以 普 通邮递方 式 寄 发 予 各 接 纳 独 立 股 东 , 邮 误 风 险 概 由 其 自 行 承 担 。 cigyangtzeports.com | (a) Provided that the relevant WHITE Form of Acceptance and the relevant share certificate(s) and/or transfer receipt(s) and/or any other document(s) of title (and/or any satisfactory indemnity or indemnities required in respect thereof) are in complete and good order in all respects and have been received by the Registrar by no later than 4:00 p.m. on the Closing Date or such later time and/or date as the Offeror may determine and announce in accordance with the Takeovers Code, a cheque for the amount representing the cash consideration due to each accepting Independent Shareholder in respect of the Offer Shares tendered by him under the Share Offer, less seller’sad valorem stamp duty payable by him, will be despatched to each accepting Independent Shareholder by ordinary post at his own risk as soon as possible but in any event within 10 days of the date on which all the relevant documents which render such acceptance complete and valid are received by the Registrar. cigyangtzeports.com |
第 4 节概述头 5 年的勘探方案和日期表,汤加近海采矿有限公司工作计划目 标是:(a) 确定加工和回收多金属结核中的镍、钴、铜和锰的最有效且在环境上 可以接受的方法;确定在销售成品中以什么形式报告这些金属及其有关的基本建 设费用和生产费用;(b) 决定在尽量不损害环境的情况下,从海底回收物质的最 佳方式及其有关的基本建设费用和生产费用;(c) 确定进行有经济效益的提炼要 求多金属结核中有什么品级的镍、钴、铜和锰,并且通过勘探确定合同区内可以 确认和界定的这种物质的数量和质地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The objectives of Tonga Offshore Mining’s plan of [...] work are to: (a) determine the mostefficient and environmentally [...] acceptable method to process andrecover nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese from the polymetallic nodules, and define in what form these metals would report in a final product for sale, as well as the related capital and operating costs; (b) decide upon the optimum method to recoverthe material to surface [...]with the minimum [...]of environmental disturbance, as well as the related capital and operating costs; and (c) define what grade of nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese is required in the polymetallic nodules for economic extraction, and determine through exploration what quantity and density of such material can be identified and delineated in the contract area. daccess-ods.un.org |
Verdonik 先生对调查结果进 [...] 行了总结,指出一些国家表明其服务国内和国际市场的航空公司是通过国外供 [...] 应商提供的哈龙来填充它们飞机上的灭火器,并且一些国家未发现其国内有任 何公司为航空灭火器回收利用哈龙,因此根据初步的回复情况可得出的结论 是,很多国家并不是依赖自己国内的哈龙储备,而是依赖某几个向全球航空业 [...]提供哈龙的国家的哈龙供应来满足民用航空的需求。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Mr. Verdonik summarized the survey results, noting that some States had indicated that their airlines, which serviced both domestic and international markets, said that foreign suppliers provided the halon to fill the fire extinguishers in their fleets and that some [...] States were unaware of any [...] company that recycled halon for aviation fire extinguishers within their country, [...]and therefore, on [...]the basis of those initial replies, it was likely that many States depended on the availability of halon in the few countries that supplied the aviation industry as a whole, and not on stocks within their own States. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
张瑞珍女士续说,有关塑化剂污染事件,当局根据《公众衞生及市政条例》(第132 章)第78C(3)条六度发出第78B条命令,从市面上回收食品或禁止受污染食品输入和在本 港境内供应,因为风险评估显示长期食用这些食品可能对人体健康构成风险。 cfs.gov.hk | Ms. S. C. CHEUNG continued that, in connection with the plasticiser contamination incident, there were six Section 78B Orders under Section 78C(3) of the Public Health and Municipal [...] Services Ordinance (PHMSO), [...] Cap. 132,issued torecall foodfrom the market or to prohibit the tainted foods [...]from importing and [...]supplying within Hong Kong for which risk assessment showed that long-term consumption of such products may pose a health risk. cfs.gov.hk |