

单词 收养国


跨国收养 n

intercountry adoption n

See also:


adopt a child

raise (animals)
bring up (children)
give birth
keep (pets)

External sources (not reviewed)

利比里亚正考虑通过《儿童权利法》和《监狱改革新法案》,并考虑成为 关于国收养的《 海牙公约》的签署国。
Liberia was considering adopting the Children’s Rights Law and the New Prison Reform Act and becoming a signatory to the Hague Convention pertaining to inter-country adoption.
委员会还感到关切的是,国收养程 序尚未充分遵守《 国收养 方面 保护儿童及合作海牙公约》。
The Committee is further
[...] concerned that the process of inter-country adoption is not in full conformity with the Hague Convention on Protection [...]
of Children and Cooperation
in respect of Inter-country Adoption.
这样做的目的是提供一个法律框架,以规管 国收养 并确保在国收养的过 程中对儿童进行保护。
This is being done with the objective of providing a legal framework to regulate inter country adoption and ensure the protection of children during inter country adoption.
从其他国家领养一个孩子牵涉到不同的法律问题和个体, 譬如省移民局、治国际收养的Hague 大会、儿童的发源国法律办公室等等。
Adopting a child from another country involves different legal issues and entities such as the
Provincial immigration office, Hague
[...] Convention that governs international adoptions, child’s country [...]
of origin legal offices and so on.
支持家庭团聚、家庭支持和巩固、家庭 养 、 国 内 收养 和 跨 国收养 作为 养育院的替代选择,为丧失父母看护的儿童寻求稳定的家庭解决方案, [...]
To support family reintegration, family support and strengthening, [...]
foster families, national and inter-country adoption
as alternatives to institutionalization in order to reach a stable family solution for children without parental care and reduce the number of care leavers.
此外,委员会关切的是,对国收养缺乏足够的监督,在其国家 收养 的 儿 童没有登记。
It is, furthermore, concerned at the lack of adequate oversight for intercountry adoptions, including the absence of a registry for children adopted outside the country.
(d) 很少有收养后服务,特别是对 国收养 的 孩 子而言,包括对寻求了解 生养人的这种被收养孩子所遇到的语言困难如何解决
(d) The paucity of post-adoption services available, particularly for inter-country adopted children and including with regard to addressing the language difficulties faced by such adoptees seeking information on their biological origin
儿童权利公约》第 21 条规定,缔约国应“确认如果儿童不能安置于寄养或收养 家 庭 ,或不能以任何适 当 的 方 式在儿童原 籍 国加以照料,国 收养可视为照料儿 童 的一个替 代 办 法 ” ,并且 “ 确保得到国 收养的 儿童享有与国收养相 当 的保 障 ……” 。
The Convention on the Rights of the Child provides, in article 21, that States parties shall “recognize that inter-country adoption may be considered as an alternative means of a child’s care if the child
cannot be placed in a
[...] foster or an adoptive family or cannot in any suitable manner be cared for in the child’s country of origin” and “ensure that the child concerned by inter-country adoption enjoys safeguards […] equivalent to those existing [...]
in the case of national adoption”.
(a) 没有一个经明确授权的中央机构负责对收养进行管理性监督,也没有 法律规定出缔约国的主管当局对 国收养 程 序进行干预的责任
(a) The absence of a clearly mandated central authority to provide regulatory oversight on adoptions and
legislation codifying the obligation of the State party’s competent authorities to intervene
[...] in inter-country adoption procedures
虽然截至 2005 年每年收养儿童的人数已接近 250 000 人, 但大多收养都发生在几国家, 尤其是按人数排名的前三个国家美国、中国和 俄罗斯联邦。
Although, by 2005, the number of adoptions per year had reached nearly 250,000, the majority of adoptions took place in a few countries, in particular the United States, China and the Russian Federation, in order of magnitude.
法律规定:该秘书处作为处理收养问题的核心与权威机构,其目标是简 化和去除收养程序中的各种繁琐环节,并对国内和 国收养 程 序 进行优化。
The law establishing SENNIAF states that it is to act as the
central authority for adoptions in order to streamline and improve procedures for both
[...] national and international adoptions.
(c) 批准《关于在国收养方面 保护儿童和进行合作的海牙公约》,同时 向议会提出法案,以将其规定列入国内法规
(c) The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption should be ratified and a bill should be brought before parliament transposing its provisions into domestic legislation
2002 年 2 月 22 日,爱沙尼亚批准了 1993 年《国收养方面保护儿童及合 作公约》(在海牙国际私法会议上)。
On 22 February 2002 Estonia ratified the 1993 Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (within the Hague Conference on International Private Law).
委员会建议,缔约国在下一次定期报告中列入收养法程序和实质方面的详 细资料,其中特别包括适用法律和做法在多大程度上符合《公约》第 21 条和《国收养方面 保护儿童和收养合作的公约》(第 33 号海牙公约)。
The Committee recommends that the State party incorporate, in its next periodic report, detailed information on the procedural and substantive aspects of the law on adoption including, in particular, the extent to which applicable law and practice are in accordance with article 21 of the Convention and the Hague Convention No. 33 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.
(e) 批准2009 年签署的《在国收养方面 保护儿童和进行合作的海牙公 约》以及《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别 是妇女与儿童行为的补充议定书
(e) Ratify the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption signed in 2009 as well as the International Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children supplementing the 2000 United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Palermo Protocol).
(a) 按照海牙《公约》第6 条,明确规定韩国中收养资源 代理处的任 务,为其配备有效发挥作用和履行职能所必要的充足人力、技术和财政资源,包 括提供收养后服务所需要的资源,同时注意确保不熟悉韩语的被 国收养 者 能方 便地利用有关设施
(a) Define a clear mandate, with adequate human,
[...] technical and financial resources, for the Korea Central Adoption Resources agency to effectively perform its role and function in accordance with article 6 of the Hague Convention, and including with regard to the provision of post-adoption services with due regard to ensuring the practicable access to such facilities [...]
by inter-country
adoptees who may not be proficient in Korean
委员会注意到缔约国在对话期间提供的资料,建议缔约国制定适当保障措 施,以确保遵守“辅助性原则”,仅在用 国 内 收养 的 所 有可能性的情况下,才 考虑国收养。
The Committee notes information provided during the dialogue and recommends that the State party develop appropriate safeguards to ensure respect for the “subsidiarity principle”, so that intercountry adoption of a child is only considered after all possibilities for domestic adoption have been exhausted.
委员会敦促所有缔国在可 能情况下让儿童了 收养 、 监 护或其他安排 的影响,并通过立法确保儿童的意见得以表达。
The Committee urges all States parties to inform the child, if possible, about the effects of adoption, kafalah or other placement, and to ensure by legislation that the views of the child are heard.
重申人权理事会第7/29 号决议第17 段和第18 段,吁请各国考虑批准 《关于在父母责任和保护儿童措施方面的管辖权、适用法律、承认、执行和合作 的公约》、《关于在国收养方面 保护儿童和进行合作的海牙公约》和《国际儿童 拐骗事件的民事问题海牙公约
Reaffirms paragraphs 17 and 18 of Human Rights Council resolution 7/29, and calls upon States to consider ratifying the Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children, the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, and the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
2008 年 12 月,议会通过了列支敦士登加入 1993 年《关于国收养的 海牙公 约 》的决定。
In December 2008, Parliament approved the accession of Liechtenstein to the 1993 Hague Convention on Inter-country Adoption.
关于第 16 条第 1 款(f)项,联合王国认为其中提到儿童的最大利益与消除 对妇女歧视并没有直接关联,并在此声明,联合 国 关 于 收养 的 立 法,虽然主要 立场是促进儿童的福利,但对儿童利益并未给予在关于儿童监护权问题上给予的 同等重要的地位。
As regards subparagraph 1 (f) of article 16, the United Kingdom does not regard the reference to the paramountcy of the interests of the children as being directly relevant to the elimination of discrimination against women, and declares in this connection that the legislation of the United Kingdom regulating adoption, while giving a principal position to the promotion of the children’s welfare, does not give to the child’s interests the same paramount place as in issues concerning custody over children.
书和国际文书,例如《有组织犯罪公约》及其《贩运人口议定书》、《儿童权利 公约》、《国际劳工组织关于强迫劳动的公约》、《国际劳工组织(劳工组织)关
[...] 于禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动的公约》、《欧洲理事会打击贩运 人口行动公约》以及《国收养方面 保护儿童及合作公约》。
In that regard, States referred to relevant regional and international instruments, such as the Organized Crime Convention and its Trafficking in Persons Protocol, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour, the ILO Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour, the Council of Europe Convention on Action against
Trafficking in Human Beings and the Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation
[...] in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.
在塞尔维亚共国,以 下儿童群体被认 为是特别脆弱的群体:来自贫困家庭的儿童,罗姆儿童,难民和流离失所者家庭 的儿童,没有父母照看的儿童和/或与父母分离的儿童, 收养 机 构生活的儿 童,残疾儿童,处在重新被接纳过程中的儿童。
The children from the following groups are considered particularly vulnerable in the Republic of Serbia: children from impoverished families, Roma children, children from families of refugees and displaced persons, children without parental custody and/or children separated from parents, children in institutions, children with disabilities, children in the readmission procedure.
(g) 承认国际比较方案对各国意义重大,尤其有助于 养 各 国收 集 和计算价 格数据以及编制国民账户的能力,并敦促世界银行在这方面进一步采取措施帮助 [...]
(g) Acknowledged that the International Comparison Programme has tremendous implications for
countries, in particular in terms of developing
[...] their capacity to collect and compute price [...]
data and to compile national accounts,
and urged the World Bank to take additional steps to assist countries in this respect.
为了便利传播在养国家实 施国家带头的评价制度方面的良好做法和所得 教训,儿童基金会与世界银行、联合国开发计划署、世界粮食规划署、国际劳工 组织、联合国妇女发展基金、国际评价合作组织和国际发展评价协会合作,出版 并广泛分发了一本书,其收集 40 个国际公认专家的智慧和经验。
To facilitate the dissemination of good
practices and lessons learned
[...] in fostering national capacities for country-led evaluation systems, UNICEF published and widely disseminated — in partnership with the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, the World Food Programme, the International Labour Organization, the United Nations Development Fund for Women, the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation and the International Development Evaluation Association — a book collecting the wisdom and experiences [...]
of 40 internationally recognized experts.
联海稳定团继续协助海国家警察建立保护儿童的能 力,并对改收养立法 以及拘留未成年人的政策提供技术援助。
MINUSTAH continued to contribute to building the capacity of the Haitian National Police for child protection and to provide technical assistance for reform of adoption legislation as well as policy on detention of minors.
有些保留条款甚至规定 了这种暂时的性质(参阅 1967 年关收养儿童 的欧洲公约第 25 条第 1 款和 1975 年关于非婚生 子女法律地位的欧洲公约第 14 条第 2 款,其措词方式相同:“保留应于本公约对缔 国 发生 效力后五年内有效。
And certain reservation clauses even impose such a provisional nature (cf. article 25, para. 1, of the 1967 European Convention on the adoption of children and article 14, para. 2, of the 1975 European Convention on the legal status of children born out of wedlock, whose wording is identical: “A reservation shall be valid for five years from the entry into force of this Convention for the Contracting Party concerned.
委员会建议缔约国确保在领养程序的各个阶段上遵守《关于在 国收养方 面 保护儿童和进行合作的海牙公约》,办法是为收养中央管理局提供充足的人力 和财力资源,使其能够适当实施其方案,包括在所有不同阶段对领养程序及领养 机构实施监督和控制,并加强负责有关程序的公务员队伍的能力建设。
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure compliance with the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption at all stages of the adoption procedure, by providing adequate human and financial resources to the central adoption authority so that it can implement its programmes adequately, including by maintaining the oversight and control of all the different phases of the adoption proceedings and adoption agencies and by building the capacity of civil servants involved in the process.
正在采取的行动包括养国家利 益攸关者对有 关针对妇女暴力行为的社会、政治、经济和发展问题的敏感度,以及加强 国家统计处收集和 分析与这些问题相关数据的技术和分析能力。
Actions being taken include sensitizing national stakeholders to the
social, political, economic and
[...] development issues related to violence against women and enhancing the technical and analytical capacity of national statistical offices to collect and analyse data on those issues.




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