

单词 收假

See also:


false adj
fake adj
artificial adj

External sources (not reviewed)

我明白到,星期六早收假日收費這 個概念是很難被接受的,因為在香港,星期六早㆖並非假日。
I understand that the public finds it hard to accept the
[...] concept of paying holiday fares on Saturday [...]
mornings as the morning is not a holiday in Hong Kong.
空气的相对湿度(RH)是影响胶片湿度的主要因素,它主导影响胶片的暂时扩张 收缩 (假设温度不变)。
Relative Humidity (RH) of the air is the major factor affecting the moisture
content of the film, thus governing the temporary
[...] expansion or contraction of the film (assuming constant temperature).
为此,教科文组织于 2002 年 4 月出台了工作与家庭的政 策(包括延长产假、父假、收养假 等 ),比联合国系统其他机构最进步的家庭政策还来得 好。
In this context, a UNESCO work-family policy was introduced (comprising improved maternity and paternity leave, adoption leave, etc.) in April 2002 which compares favourably with the most progressive family policies in other United Nations agencies.
短期职工福利包括首次雇佣福利(派任津贴)、每月的定期收入(工资、 薪金、津贴)、带薪休假(年假、病假、产假/陪 假/收 养 假 ) 及其他短期福利(教育补助 金、税费补偿)以及向在职员工提供的长期福利的流动部分。
Short-term employee benefits comprise first-time employment benefits (assignment grants), regular monthly benefits (wages, salaries, allowances) compensated absences (annual leave, sick leave, maternity/paternity/adoption leave) and other short-term benefits (education grant, reimbursement of taxes) and the current portion of long-term benefits provided to current employees.
預計營收入之假設:收入係 考量產業的變化及市場競爭情形,依用戶數、發受 話分鐘數及每分鐘貢獻度之變動情形預估。
After taking changes in the telecom industry and competitive landscape into
[...] consideration, operating revenues were estimated based on [...]
changes in subscriber numbers, minutes of incoming and outgoing calls and average revenue per minute.
投 資 物 業 的 公 平 值 反 映 即 期 租 賃 的 租
[...] 金 收 入 以 及 根 據 現 時 市 況 所 作 有 關 未 來 租 賃 之 租收 入 的 假 設 等事 項。
The fair value of investment property reflects, among other
things, rental income from
[...] current leases and assumptions about rental income from future [...]
leases in the light of current market conditions.
基於在二零一一年十二月三十一日可 收 回 的假 設下 ,上述款項於資產中列作「支付予稅務當局之款項」。
The Group has recorded this amount as an asset under “Amount paid to tax
[...] authority” on the assumption that it is recoverable as at 31 December 2011.
获得这类津贴的权利在住院单收留 病 人实 假 肢 或 矫形手术的整个过程 中提供。
The right to such type of allowance is given for the whole duration of the in-patient
[...] unit internment for prosthesis or orthopaedic intervention.
应当指出的是,上收入概算均假 定 在未来几年中国际局海牙体系应收费用的收费表不发 生任何变化这一情况提出的。
It should be
[...] noted that the income estimates given above are based on the assumption that no changes [...]
to the schedule of fees
payable to the International Bureau under the Hague system will take place in the forthcoming years.
图 6 列出假设性 PCT 收入预测,其依据为以假设: (1)在提起申请的同一年缴纳全部 费用,和(2)全部费用按 WIPO 官方汇率兑换成瑞郎。
Chart 6 shows
[...] provides the hypothetical PCT income forecast which is based on the assumptions that (1) all fees are paid [...]
within the same of year
of filing and (2) all fees are converted to Swiss francs according to WIPO official exchange rates.
收到的报价单假定已 经解决了有关乙醇挥发和爆炸的问题。
Based on the quotation received, it was assumed that issues related [...]
to the flammability and explosion of ethanol have been addressed.
基准量可以看作是项目收益的 NPV,并假定是项目收益值 得最佳估计值。
The base case can be seen as the NPV of the
[...] project’s net benefits and is assumed to be the best estimate of the project’s [...]
net benefit value.
管理層相信上述主假設的 任何 合理可見變動,將不會導致商譽之賬面值超出 收 回 數額,因此毋須進行敏感性分析。
Management believes that any reasonably
foreseeable change in
[...] any of the above key assumptions would not cause the carrying amount of goodwill to exceed the recoverable amount [...]
and therefore no sensitivity analysis was required.
这一理论最早是由R.表示的Kairwan瓦克宁(“Mafteaḥ”,第3B),虽然他的时间之前解决这个问题,正如已经指出的,由Kairwan犹太人Sherira Gaon表明,他们赞成这个观点,和gaon的反应 收 到 插值 的 假 设 的 犹太法典书面节录。
This theory was first expressed by R. Nissim of Kairwan ("Mafteaḥ," p. 3b), although even before his time the question addressed, as already noted, to Sherira Gaon by the Jews of Kairwan had shown that they
favored this view, and the
[...] gaon's response had received an interpolation postulating the written [...]
redaction of the Talmud.
具體而言,根據此修訂,就計 量遞延稅項而言,根據香港會計準則第40號投資物業利用公平值模式計量之投資物業 假 定 透 過銷 收 回, 除非假定在若干情況下被駁回。
Specifically, under the amendments, investment properties that are measured using the fair value model in accordance with
HKAS 40 Investment
[...] Property are presumed to be recovered through sale for the purposes of measuring deferred taxes, unless the [...]
presumption is rebutted in certain circumstances.
类似亚伯拉罕·林肯是一假想的笔 没 收 M a c 的 老师后,她抓住了他帮助他的创造者的历史测试中作弊。
An imaginary pen
[...] resembling Abraham Lincoln is confiscated by Mac’s teacher [...]
after she catches him helping his creator cheat on a history test.
按照 这一修订,如果 提供假报告或假收据, 则是犯罪行为,将罚款 1,000,000 瓦图或判处不超过两年 的徒刑,或罚款与徒刑并罚。
Under this amendment it will become an offence for a member
[...] to provide a false report or false receipt of the spending [...]
and the penalty is VT 1,000,000
or a term of imprisonment not more than two years of both.
daccess-ods.un.org Barron 教
[...] 授在保護海港協會的其中一份誓章中所提出的 另一個意見是,由於政府已放棄電子道 收 費 計 劃,所假設須 擴大供應的方案(即建造新的道路)。
devb.gov.hk Another view expressed by Professor Barron in one of SPH’s Affirmation is
that the supply expansion option (i.e. construction
[...] of new road works) was assumed because the Government [...]
has rejected ERP.
(vi) 股東應佔界定利益退休金計劃的精算及其他收益和虧損份額,反映計劃資產的實際減預期回報、經 收 益 及 虧損假 設變 動的影響及赤字融資撥備(如相關)的總和。
(vi) The shareholders’ share of actuarial and other gains and losses on defined benefit pension schemes reflects the aggregate of actual less expected
returns on scheme assets,
[...] experience gains and losses, the effect of changes in assumptions and altered provisions [...]
for deficit funding, where relevant.
目的在于明确获准的通知函件方式、获准 的递送目的地、实际假定收据以 及电子方式递送 的详细情况。
The aim was to clarify the details of permitted modes of
communication of notices, permitted delivery
[...] destinations, actual and deemed receipt, and delivery by [...]
electronic means.
假設收購發 生在本報告期開始日,貢獻收入將是 134.4 百萬美元,淨溢利則沒有顯著變化。
If the acquisition had occurred [...]
at the start of the reporting period, the contributed revenue would have been US$134.4 million
with no significant change in net profit.
[...] 案”,分娩后的女性公务员及其丈夫――如果是公务员――经她申请,将有权休无假;收养一 名小孩的父母在小孩三岁前或收养一名小孩的单亲父母也将有权休 [...]
With “the Bill amending the Law on Civil Servants and the Labour Law”, which is on the agenda of the Parliament as of May 2008, female civil servant who has given birth and her husband — if
civil servant — , on her request, will be
[...] entitled to unpaid leave; and parents who [...]
have adopted a child up to three years old
or single parents who have adopted a child will also be entitled to unpaid leave.
刑法》还适用假释、文书丢失收 益 和优势及一些安保措施,如禁止 不负责任者的某些活动和吊销驾驶执照。
The CC also regulates parole, the loss of instruments, proceeds and advantages [...]
and such security measures as the institutionalisation
of unaccountable persons and the prohibition of certain activities or the withdrawal of a driver’s licence.
根 據 通 函 附 錄 三 所 載 經 擴 大 集 團
[...] 未 經 審 核 備 考 資 產 負 債 表假 設 收 購 事 項 已 於 二 零 零 七 年 三 月 [...]
三 十 一 日 進 行,本 公 司 股 權 持 有 人 應 佔 本 集 團 有
形 資 產 淨 值 將 減 少 約7,500,000港元,主要原因是代價與Kingsrich Group資產淨值的差額導致無形資產約5,700,000 港元所致。
Based on the unaudited pro forma statement of assets and liabilities of the Enlarged
Group as set out in Appendix III to
[...] this circular, assuming the Acquisition had taken [...]
place on 31 March 2007, the Group’s
net tangible assets value attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company would be reduced by approximately HK$7.5 million, mainly as a result of the intangible assets of approximately HK$5.7 million which may be arisen from the difference between the Consideration and the net assets value of Kingsrich Group.
如果您每月缺席超过2-3天,而且没有打电话 假 , 您 会 收 到 警 告,而且可能会丧失 上课的权利。
If you miss more than 2-3 days of school per month and do
[...] not call, you will receive a warning and you [...]
may lose the privilege of attending class.
假如不可面收件者,而又要由其他地方取得公開密碼匙,便有需要確定 公開密碼匙沒有被未獲授權使用,或被其他可容許非意屬收件者解密信息的公開 密碼匙取代。
But if you cannot meet the recipient in person, and must obtain the public key from somewhere else, you need to be sure the public key has not been tampered with, or substituted with another public key that allows someone other than the intended recipient to decrypt the message.
虽然不假设,一个halakot收集, 在六个订单安排,进行了此更改时,或者自己编辑的希勒尔米示拿,因为雷纳一直试图证明(柏林的“Magazin的,”1886年,第1 [...]
Although it can not be assumed that a collection of halakot, arranged [...]
in six orders, was undertaken when this change was
made, or that Hillel himself edited a Mishnah, as Lerner has attempted to show (Berliner's "Magazin," 1886, pp. 1-20), it is probable that the material of the Mishnah first began to be collected at the time of the "Ziḳne Bet Shammai" and "Ziḳne Bet Hillel," the elder pupils of Shammai and Hillel.
此处假设是,在收集消 耗臭氧 层物质的项目足够先进以前,除具有高漏泄率的商用设备之外,所有消耗臭氧层物质都将 在产品的寿命期间释放(100%的释放),并必须重新充填,因此在其寿命期间,将释放一 [...]
The assumption was that, until projects on the collection of ODS were [...]
sufficiently advanced, all ODS would be released over
the product’s lifetime (100 per cent release), apart from commercial equipment that had high leakage rates and had to be recharged, thus releasing more than one filling over its lifetime.




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