单词 | 收件匣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 收件匣noun—inboxn收件匣—inbox (email)See also:件匣n—inboxn 匣n—boxn
专属的 Dell 优惠方案,直接寄到您的收件匣。 www1.ap.dell.com | Exclusive Dell deals delivered right to your inbox. www1.ap.dell.com |
收件匣会开启,内含从其他装置 收到的 SMS 及 MMS 讯息。 garminasus.com | The inbox opens, containing SMS and [...] MMS messages received from other [...]devices. garminasus.com |
换言之,这种恶意软体很可能就快出现在您的收件匣里。 fireeye.com | Put another way there’s a very good chance these types of malware will be coming to your inbox soon—if they’re not there already. fireeye.com |
垃圾邮件会直接送到用户的收件匣内,而它们的主旨都标签了一个默认的关键字﹕[ SPAM ]。 support.communilink.net | SpamController will deliver the spam emails in the inbox of each user account; they are prefixed by the default keyword [ SPAM ]. support.communilink.net |
提升产能 —Dell PowerEdge 伺服器的 Exchange Server 2007,提供容量更大的收件匣功能,可处理更多使用者,释放 IT 资源。 www1.ap.dell.com | Increase Productivity — With larger inboxcapacities and ability to handle more users, Exchange Server 2007 on Dell PowerEdge servers frees IT resources. www1.ap.dell.com |
如果指示符号在闪烁,您的收件匣资料夹可能已经满 了。 vertu.com | If the indicator is [...] blinking, yourInbox folder maybe full. vertu.com |
讯息图示上的数字会显示收件匣中未读取讯息的数目。 garminasus.com | A number on the Messaging icon displays the number of unread messages in yourinbox. garminasus.com |
当你点击收件匣中一个已加密的电子邮件时, e-Cert 管理软件自动要求你输入 配对密码匙的解锁密码來为讯息解密。 hongkongpost.gov.hk | automatically requests your key pair e-Cert PIN to decrypt the message contents. hongkongpost.gov.hk |
由於Acronis能够备份和复原个别电子邮件、档案、档案夹和邮 件匣,而非整个Exchange应用程式,大大缩短复原时间,备份档案容量亦较小。 acronis.com.hk | Restorations are faster and the backup files are smaller due to Acronis' ability to back up and restore individual emails, files, folders and mailboxes and not the entire Exchange application. acronis.com |
员工交还作回收用途的 碳粉匣和墨水匣共12 个。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Collectionboxes forold clothes were set up and notices issued [...] to residents to encourage them to contribute. 360kg of old clothes were collected. wastereduction.gov.hk |
经常性检查您的垃圾信件和广告信件及封锁信 件匣是个很好的主意,看看是否有 AsiaFind的电子邮件被不小心送至那里。 asiafind1.com | It's a good idea to routinely check your spam, junk and blocked email folders to see if any AsiaFind messages were routed there by mistake. asiafind1.com |
离线工作时,电子邮件讯息会储存 在「寄件匣」资料夹中,并於您下 次连线时传送。 garminasus.com | If you are working offline, e-mail messages are saved to the Outboxfolder and sent the next time you connect. garminasus.com |
台湾故宫珍藏有共储於一木匣的二十件同式的带乾隆年款的鼻烟壶 (张临生 1991, 编号 74)。 e-yaji.com | There is a boxed set of twenty in the Imperial collection in Taipei of the same shape, but with flowers and poems (Chang Lin-sheng 1991, no. 74). e-yaji.com |
透过精细还原(砖层式还原),回复特定的电子邮件讯息或邮件匣 acronis.com.hk | Recover specific email messages ormailboxes using a granular (brick-level) restore acronis.com |
如果您尝试传送讯息,则讯息会储存在寄 件匣资料 夹中, 当其他操作模式启动後才会进行传送。 vertu.com | If you try to send a message, it is [...] placed in the Outbox folder, and is [...]sent only when another profile is activated. vertu.com |
(2) 因股东身故、精神紊乱或破产而享有股份权利之人士,本公司可藉预付邮资之信 函及在信封或封套上注明其为收件人而把通知邮寄给该人士,以身故者代表或破产者受托 [...] 人之称谓或类似称谓而享有股份权利之人士,本公司可把通知寄交声称如上所述享有权利 [...] 之人士就此目的所提供之地址(如有),或(直至获提供地址前)藉如无发生该身故、精 神紊乱或破产时原来之方式发出通知。 dejinresources.com | (2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of [...] the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy [...] of a Member by sending itthrough the [...]post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper [...]addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred. dejinresources.com |
假若飞利浦对合营公司供应商宣称拥有任何3D专利权,而该名供应商就任何供 给合营公司用於许可地区的飞利浦品牌范围内产品的显示屏或组件的相关3D专 利权,支付许可使用费予飞利浦,则飞利浦须向合营公司支付从所供应显示屏 或组件收取的3D专利权许可使用费收益(扣除任何费用、代理费、银行及行政费 用後)的70%。 cre8ir.com | In the event Philips asserts any 3D Patents against suppliers of JVCo, and where such a supplier pays Philips a royalty for any 3D Patents in respect of display panels or components supplied to JVCo for use in Philips-branded Scope Products in the Territory, Philips will pay to [...] JVCo 70% of the 3D [...] Patent royalty revenue (after deduction of any taxes, agent fees, bank and administration costs) ithas received for such supplied [...]display panels or components. cre8ir.com |
法院因此判定,虽 然该挂号信只是寄给《仲裁法》第 5(a)条(最后一句)中规定的第三种备选 [...] 人,但不应因此认为仅限于该备选人——换言之,如果经过合理查询后未能找到收件人的住所、居住地或营业地,就应努力寻找另外两人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Court therefore ruled that, although the registered letter was sent only to the third option given in article 5 (a) of the Arbitration Act (final sentence), it should not, for that reason, be considered to have [...] been restricted to that option — in [...] other words, if theaddressee’sdomicile, place [...]of residence or place of business could [...]not be found after a reasonable inquiry is made — but rather efforts should be made to find the other two. daccess-ods.un.org |
将未包装的纸张存放在湿热或乾冷的环境(即使是存放在送纸匣中) 中,很容易使纸张在列印之前 扭曲,而且会造成送纸问题。 cryptoman.com | Storing paper unwrapped in hot, humid, cold, or dry conditions, even in the trays, can contribute to paper curling prior to printing and can cause feeding problems. cryptoman.com |
在办公室放置有清晰标示的碳粉匣及墨水匣回收箱。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Clearlylabelled collectionboxes forspent [...] toner and ink-jet cartridges were provided in offices. wastereduction.gov.hk |
提 供 劳 务 交 易 的 结 果 [...] 能 够 可 靠 估 计,是 指 同 时 满 足 下 列条件:收入的金 额 能 够 可 靠 地 计 量,相 关 的 经 [...]济 利 益 很 可 能 流 入 本 集 团,交 易 的 完 工 进 度 能 [...]够 可 靠 地 确 定,交 易 中 已 发 生 和 将 发 生 的 成 本 能 够 可 靠 地 计 量。 zte.com.cn | The transaction result of the supply of services could be [...] measured reliably by meeting [...] the following conditions at thesame time: Revenue canbe measured [...]reliably, the relevant economic [...]benefits will follow to the Group, the percentage of construction work and relevant cost incurred can be measured reliably. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
为提高对人权准则和工作的认识,已出版一些出版物和资料,其中有:《人权问 答》;1983 年出版的教学资料更新和修订本,并已译成约 30 种语言,及正在编制的《重要 国际文件》,收录文件截止2004 年 5 月 31 日。 unesdoc.unesco.org | To reinforce knowledge of human rights standards and procedures, a number of publications and materials were issued, among them Human Rights: Questions and Answers; an updated and revised version of this teaching tool first published in 1983 and translated into approximately 30 languages and Major InternationalInstruments. unesdoc.unesco.org |
经询问,咨询委员会获悉,这些中心的职能将包括审查来自外勤安 [...] 保协调干事的所有情况报告、事件报告和信息摘要;与东道国安保当局 联络;评估威胁和与安保有关的事件;收集、分析并向在有关国家开展 业务的联合国各机构、基金和方案传播安保信息;就有关标准作业程序 [...]提供咨询意见;以及编制应急计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that the functions of the centres would include the review of all situation reports, incident reports and information summaries from Field Security Coordination Officers; liaison with host country security [...] authorities; the evaluation of threat and [...] security-related incidents; thecollection,analysis and [...]dissemination of security information [...]to all United Nations agencies, funds and programmes operating in the country concerned; the provision of advice on relevant standard operating procedures; and the preparation of contingency plans. daccess-ods.un.org |
30.5 凡是以邮递方式寄发的通知或文件被视为已於香港境内的邮局投递之後 [...] 翌日送达。证明载有该通知或文件的信封或封套已付足邮资、正确书写地 址及在有关邮局投递,即足以作为送达证明,而由秘书或董事会委任的其 [...] 他人士签署的书面证明,表明载有该通知或文件的信封或封套已如此注明收件人地 址及在有关邮局投递,即为具决定性的确证。 sitoy.com | 30.5 Any notice or document sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day following that on which it is put into a post office situated within Hong Kong and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or document was properly prepaid, addressed and put into such post office and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the [...] Board that the envelope or wrapper [...] containing the notice or documentwas so addressed [...]and put into such post office shall be conclusive evidence thereof. sitoy.com |
这些程序应根据第 [...] 37 条[**超级链接** ]在投标邀请书中列明,所涉及 的事项可以包括诸如获取招标文件的方式、地点、对招标文 件收取的费用、付 款方式和币种,以及第 37 条(d)项[**超级链接**]所提及的更为实质性的事项, 即可以根据第 8 [...]条对参加特定采购程序加以限制(其后果是,被排除在外而无 法参加采购程序的供应商或承包商将无法获取招标文件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | These procedures are to be set out in the invitation to tender in accordance with article 37 [**hyperlink**] and may concern such matters as the means of [...] obtaining the solicitation [...] documents,the place where they may be obtained, the price to be paid for the solicitation documents, the means and [...]currency of payment [...]as well as the more substantive matter referred to in subparagraph (d) of article 37 that the participation in the given procurement proceedings may be limited in accordance with article 8 [**hyperlink**] (with the consequence that suppliers or contractors excluded from participation in the procurement proceedings will not be able to obtain the solicitation documents). daccess-ods.un.org |
(B) (1) 须向本公司或本公司任何高级职员寄交或送达的任何通知或文 件,可寄交或以留交方式或透过预付邮资并注明本公司或总办 事处或注册办事处的有关高级职员为 收件者的邮件或包裹送 达。 perfectech.com.hk | (B) (1) Any notice or document required to be sent to or served upon the Company, or upon any officer of the Company, may be sent or served by leaving the same or sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapper addressed to the Company or to such officer at the Head Office or Registered Office. perfectech.com.hk |
与前一代的行矩阵卷轴印表机相比,P70 00卡匣式印表机系列配备有一种更持久的新型卡匣式色带,速度更快且更易於安装,能够节省IT时间,提高劳动生产率。 news.printronix.com | Compared to the previous generation of line matrix spool printers, the P7000 Cartridge Printer Series features a new longer-lasting cartridge ribbon that is faster and easier to install, saving IT time and improving labor productivity. news.printronix.com |