

单词 支撑

支撑 ()

prop up


支撑管 n

support tube n

支撑架 n

bracket n

支撑物 n

support sth. n

(用手支撑)跳跃 v

vault v

See also:

prop up
fill to bursting point
push or move with a pole
open or unfurl

External sources (not reviewed)

通过提支撑移动 物重量 的构造物的刚性,可抑制重切削加工和断续切削时产生的振颤。
By improving the rigidity of
[...] the structure to support weight of moving [...]
parts, the chatter during heavy-duty cutting or continuous cutting is minimized.
高精密轴加工的其他有用的选项包括液压稳 支撑 装 置(可以最大限度地减少轴的颤动和弯曲)和曲轴 加工规格。
Other useful options for high-precision shaft machining include the hydraulic steady rest, which minimizes chatter and bending of shafts, and specifications for crankshaft machining.
执行秘书在开场白中着重指支撑亚 太经社会任务和作用的三个主要 推动者:注重实际成果、伙伴关系和将亚太经社会建成一个学习型组织。
In her introductory remarks, the Executive Secretary highlighted three
[...] key drivers underpinning the mandate [...]
and role of ESCAP: results, partnerships
and building ESCAP as a learning organization.
金融市场仍在恐惧和动荡的状态中挣扎,缺乏只有积极主动的协 调政策才能提供支撑点。
Financial markets remain paralysed
between bouts of fear and volatility, lacking the anchor that only a proactive and coordinated
[...] policy action can provide.
冲突刚结束时期为提供基本安全,交付和 平红利支撑和建立对政治进程的信心,以及加 强国家领导建设和平工作的核心能力打开了一 扇机会之窗。
a window of opportunity to provide basic security, deliver peace dividends, shore up and build confidence in the political process, and strengthen core national capacity to lead peacebuilding efforts.
上海交通大学以强大的工程学科为基础,以雄厚的科研实力 支撑 , 以 学生创新精 神和实践能力的培养为抓手,对机械工程人才培养的理念和教学模式进行重大改革,机 [...]
械与动力工程学院以增强工程意识,拓展学习能力,培养创新意识为指导思想,以迅速 发展的上海制造业为依托,将工程教育、工程实践和工程研究有机地结合起来,全方位
On the basis of powerful engineering
[...] disciplines, under the support of solid scientific [...]
research strength, starting with cultivation
for students’ innovation spirit and practical capacity, SJTU greatly reformed the concept of cultivating mechanical engineering talents and teaching mode; the aims of mechanical engineering school of SJTU are to build up engineering senses, develop capacity of study and cultivate innovative senses; in addition, depending on the quick development of manufacturing of Shanghai, the said school will organically combine with engineering education, engineering practice and engineering research to improve comprehensive engineering capacity of students in all aspects.
确保安装面支撑泵、 软管和附件的重量以及工作 中产生的压力。
Be sure the
[...] mounting surface can support the weight of the [...]
pump, hoses, and accessories, as well as the stress caused during operation.
自此开始,数项政策和机构框支撑 联 合 国教科文 组织在非洲的工作,使得“非洲优先”计划正式成为 34 C/4《中期战略》中本组织两项总体 优先事项之一。
Since then, several policy and institutional frameworks have underpinned UNESCO’s work in Africa resulting in “Priority Africa” being formalized as one of the two global priorities of the Organization in the 34 C/4 Medium-Term Strategy.
目前,老年人事务司已经开始对养老院的情况进行调查和监督,目的是核实 老年人在养老院的生活状况,经过调查,在全国范围内共十六家养老院,其中两 家是私人开设的营利性的养老院,两家是政府开办的养老院,还有十二家是非营
[...] 利性组织开办的养老院,这十二家养老院条件比较差,依靠私人捐赠和慈善组织 的帮助才得支撑。
The Directorate-General has launched an inspection and enquiry into the workings of centres for older persons in order to establish the living conditions in such institutions; there are 16 such centres around the country, of which 2 are profit-making private centres, 2 are State-run and 12 are non-profit
institutions that care for older persons living in
[...] poverty, and which are supported by private individuals [...]
and charities.
强调健全的立法基础是确保儿童和青年司法制 度公平有效的一个必要组成部分,以及若要实现有意义的长期解决,则需对支撑犯罪行为的各种条件。
It was stressed that a sound legislative basis was an essential part of ensuring a fair and effective justice system for children and youth and that it was also necessary to address the conditions underlying criminal behaviour if meaningful, long-term solutions were to be achieved.
为进一步提高经营和管理效率,降低企业运营成本,以获取更大的企业效益,电信企业对网络资源管理及运营机制提出了新的要求,即需要一个能够全面提升电信运营管理水平的综合网络资源管理系统,有效解决电信运营商的资源数据及资料维护 支撑 各 类 电信业务所需的动态资源调度、数据与应用同营销业务系统等(如客户资源管理系统、电信97、专线系统、故障处理系统等)等基于工作流的互联互通、资源的使用分析与优化以至决策支持等。
To further increase operations and management efficiencies and reduce corporate operating costs for better corporate effectiveness, telecommunications corporations set new requirements for network resources management and operating systems; in other words, they need a comprehensive network resources management system, which can generally raise the level of telecommunications operations and management, to effectively dispose of resources data and
documentation maintenance for telecommunications
[...] carriers and give support to dynamic resources [...]
dispatching, workflow-based interconnections
and interchanges like those between data/applications and marketing business systems (such as client resources management system, Telecom 97, leased-line system and troubleshooting system), analysis and optimization of resources usage and even decision support, as required for various types of telecommunications business.
根据最终高度的 不同,开关支撑法兰间要留有 5 - 20 mm 间隙。
Depending on the specified height, a distance of 5-20 mm must be left between on-load
[...] tap-changer head and supporting flange.
不要使用空气 或流体管路为泵提支撑。
Do not use air
[...] or fluid lines to support the pump.
支撑缸与夹紧缸相向使用时支撑力 应 为夹紧力的1.5倍以上。
When using a work support opposite a clamp, set the support force at more [...]
than 1.5 times the clamping force.
显然该能力的发展是由 许许多多的要素决定的,它需要一个有效的教育体制(特别是高等教育体制)和一个具支撑作用 的制度和法律结构网络,它还需要有效的公共和私人财政来源以发展科技,还有 许多其它的因素对所谓的“国家革新系统”发挥着作用。
There are many other factors that contribute to what are often known as “national systems of innovation”.
按照联通集团公司的整合思路,移动呼叫中心客服系统(10010)和固网呼叫中心客服系统(10060)需要尽快进行全面融合改造,统一客户服务界面,形成公司统一的服务形象,同时整合客服资源和流程,实现全业务客 支撑 , 以3G服务创新为契机,建设统 支撑 3 G 全 业 务、服务营销一体化的客服中心,以实现提升服务功能、创造服务优势的最终目标。
According to the consolidation approach of Unicom Group, the mobile call center client service system (10010) and the landline network call center client service system (10060) needed to be generally merged and retrofitted as soon as possible to have a uniform client service interface and create a uniform service image for the company while consolidating client service resources and processes,
realizing full-business
[...] client service support and constructing a client service center with uniform support to full 3G business [...]
and integrated
service and marketing, with 3G service innovations as a chance, to fulfill the ultimate objective of enhanced service function and creation of a service edge.
[...] 结构提供了优秀的抗振动疲劳性能和苛 刻的卡套支撑作用 —— 即使是在恶 劣的或压力极大的环境、例如燃料处理 [...]
The patented case-hardening process and back-ferrule
geometry provide excellent vibration fatigue
[...] resistance and tube support—even in harsh [...]
or stressful environments, such as fuel processing
or rotary equipment applications.
这样也方便在支架支撑法兰 之间放入临时 间距垫块和在钟罩箱盖扣合前撤出垫块。
It is advantageous to put spacer blocks temporarily between supporting structure and supporting flange and to remove them before setting up the bell-type cover.
尽管咨询委员会注意到对一些现有工具的改进正在计划之中 或正在进行之中,但委员会认为强有力 支撑 框 架 是必不可少的,这样才能确保 秘书长的报告附件一所列的问责制度的各个组成部分能够顺利地发生相互作用, [...]
Although the Advisory Committee notes that improvements to some of the existing tools are
being planned or are under way, it
[...] believes that a strong underlying framework is indispensable [...]
to ensure that all the various
components of an accountability system as set out in annex I to the Secretary-General’s report will successfully interact with each other, and thus provide assurances to Member States that personal and institutional accountability are embedded in the organizational culture.
另外,控制对动作速度有影响的油缸(转动  式夹具、工支撑缸等 )时,请尽可能在每个油缸上设置调 [...]
Also, as much as possible use a regulating valve on each cylinder to control cylinders with speed restrictions
[...] (swing clamps, work supports, etc.).
该系统的成功研发将有助于开展DNSSEC设备与系统的测试评估与认证工作,掌握DNSSEC部署后对现 有DNS影响的实测数据,综合评估我国部署DNSSEC系统的安全风险,研究制定我国DNSSEC部署策略及相
[...] 关管理政策,从而为我国DNSSEC系统的安全、高效、有序部署提供技 支撑 和 管 理依据。
Successful R&D of this system will facilitate the evaluation of DNSSEC device and system testing and the authentication work, obtaining the measured data about the influence of DNSSEC deployment on the existing DNS, comprehensive evaluation of the risk of deploying DNSSEC system and research and formulation of DNSSEC deployment policy and relevant
management policy, so as to
[...] provide technical support and management basis [...]
for safe, high-efficient and orderly deployment of China’s DNSSEC system.
如果不作重大改变,那么地支撑和 维 持我们的能力将继续退化,最 终可能随着关键阈值和临界点的突破以及社会谋公平压力的增强而发生突变。
Without major changes, the
[...] planet’s capacity to support and sustain us will [...]
continue to degrade, with the potential for
sudden shifts as key thresholds and tipping points are passed, and as social pressures for fairness increase.
[...] 以接触手柄里的额外停止按钮,在不离 支撑 臂 的安全情况下停止跑 步机。
Even if the therapist moves the additional keyboard down to the running deck to assist the patient, the patient still has access
to the additional stop button in the hand grip and can stop the treadmill without
[...] leaving the safety of the arm support.
[...] 形式没有一个是没有结构性暴力的――因为在所有地方,这种侵犯 支撑 因素 是,按照关于性别和权利的社会观念,人们相信,肇事者有权这么做。
No form of interpersonal violence against women is devoid of
structural violence – as in all places,
[...] such abuse is underpinned by beliefs [...]
about the perpetrator’s right to harm another,
based on societal notions of gender and rights.
增殖型渔业是“受到旨在辅助或支持一种或多种水产资源补充量的活动支 持,并提高产量的渔业,或渔业中经选择部分的生产,超越了自然过程可 支撑 的水平。
Enhanced fisheries are those “that are supported by activities aimed at supplementing or sustaining the recruitment of one or more aquatic organisms and raising the total production, or the production of selected elements of a fishery, beyond a level which is sustainable by natural processes.
核心技术平台以J2EE技术框架为基础,提供了全方位的技术开 支撑 环 境,包含:统一接口平台(用于消除不同类型PBX、CTI、IVR、录音系统的差异,提供统一的开发环境)、快速开发插件、快速原型框架、统一企业服务总线、统一安全控制框架、不同行业的业务组件库和工作流引擎、报表工具、数据移植工具等。
The core technology platform is based on the J2EE technology
framework, which provides a full range of
[...] technology development support environments, including: [...]
a unified interface platform (for
shielding the differences among different types of systems such as PBX, CTI, IVR, and recording systems, and providing a unified development environment), rapid development plug-in, rapid prototyping framework, unified enterprise service bus, unified security control frameworks, as well as business component libraries, workflow engines, reporting tools, and data migration tools for different industries.
发达国家在应 对本国问题方面有很大的政策空间,比如为应对当前危机采取了救助企业 支撑 全球金融系统的措施。
Developed countries had a lot of policy space to deal with their problems, as exemplified in the response to the ongoing crisis in the form of bailouts and the steps taken to shore up the global financial system.
继续监测停产的一种方法是 请国家臭氧办公室继续监督 Quimobasicos 工厂,将其作支撑国家 氟氯化碳淘汰计划工作 的一部分。
One way of continuing monitoring the closure would be requesting the national ozone office to maintain supervision of the Quimobasicos Plant as part of the effort to sustain the national CFC phase-out plan.
发生在福岛的悲剧将核能问题重新带回国际谈判桌上,然而这场能源辩论的核心仍旧是政治议题:我们的工作方式、消费方式、出行方式,会产生情感、氛围、气味和感觉,这些都不会在由其他能 支撑 的 世 界中存在,也不会以其他速度发生。
The Fukushima tragedy brought back to the international negotiation table the problem of nuclear energy, but the core of the debate on energy remains merely political: the way we work, the way we consume, the way we travel, generates feelings, atmospheres, smells and sensations that wouldn’t exist in a world fed by different energies and run at another speed.
(vi) 继续借助战略调整计划(SRP),提升秘书处内部的协调性与连贯性,形成注重成 果、强调服务、有效整合的管理体制,同时加强管理问责制度,营造一个运作高效、反映组 织价值取向、且得到公平公正的监管框架、尊重员工的工作政策和有效解决员工问题的机支撑的工作环境。
(vi) Enhancing coordination and coherence within the Secretariat will continue through the Strategic Realignment Plan (SRP) to build a results-oriented, service-delivery and integrated administration, with strengthened management accountability, a productive work environment, which reflects organizational values, and is supported by a fair and equitable regulatory framework, respectful workplace policies and effective channels to address staff concerns.




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