

单词 支取

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 接 受支 取 、 製 作 、 創 立 、 發 行 、 執 行 、 折 讓 、 背 書 、 洽 談 匯 票 、 期 票 和 其 他 是 否 有 洽 談 的 有 價 證 券 。
(c) To accept, draw, make, create, issue, execute, discount, endorse, negotiate bills of exchange, promissory notes, and other instruments and securities, whether negotiable or otherwise.
這項“轉職支取現薪 ”的安排,是為了配合政府的政策,鼓勵 公營學校之間健康的教師人事更替,確保教師在官立與資助學校之間 [...]
The “carry-forward” arrangement takes into account the [...]
Government’s policy to encourage a healthy turnover of teachers between
schools in the public sector, so that teachers would not be made worse off when they move among government and aided schools.
再培訓局行政總監答覆梁劉柔芬議員時證實, 當局會規定每名申請人在業務建議中估計其業務需要多 少時間才可達致收支平衡及開始錄得盈利,以及該名自 僱學員預支取最高達已批貸款額的30%作為自己的工 資的期間會為時多久。
In reply to Mrs Sophie LEUNG, ED, ERB confirmed that each applicant would be required to state in his business proposal the estimated period of time before the business could break even and start to make a profit, as well as the duration for which the self-employed trainee expected to draw up to 30% of the approved loan amount as his wages.
5.13 於交收日,本行有權自投資賬戶或其他指定賬戶 支取 結 構性產品交易的整筆應付款項, 包括但不限於買入價、一切收費、費用、佣金、印花稅、稅項、徵費及其他所有合理招致 的支出。
5.13 Upon the Settlement Date, we shall be entitled to debit the entire amount payable for the Structured Product Transaction (including, without limitation, the purchase price, all fees, charges, commissions, stamp duties, taxes or levies incurred and all other reasonable expenses) from the Investment Account or such other accounts.
(b) 「團體經理」及「主管合股人」需單獨對所有債項、負債、義務、成本、費用、收費及支出,並需對「賽馬團體戶口」及「合股人 戶口」中不時支取之款 項負責,即使該等款項及由「賽馬團體」及「合股人」之其他成員所引致(視乎何種情況而定),或該等 其他成員並不受「本章則」之約束。
(b) The Syndicate Treasurer and the Managing Partner shall be solely liable for the total amount of all debts, liabilities, obligations, costs,
fees, charges and
[...] expenses debited or to be debited to the Syndicate Account and the Partnership Account respectively from time to time notwithstanding that any such amount is incurred by other members [...]
of the Syndicate
or the Partnership (as the case may be) or that such other members are not liable therefor or bound by these Terms.
任何債權證、債券股證、債券或其他證券均可按折讓、溢價或其他價格 發行,並可附帶任何有關贖回、退回 支取 款 項 、股份配發、出席本公司股東大會及 表決、委任董事及其他方面的特權。
Any debentures, debenture stock, bonds or other securities may be issued at a discount, premium or otherwise and with any special privileges as to redemption, surrender, drawings, allotment of shares, attending and voting at general meetings of the Company, appointment of Directors and otherwise.
如果父母欠其子女抚养费,但却拥有工资和/或其他次要的不稳定收入,或 可获得部分或全部以实物形式支付的工资和/或其他收入,以及如果出现由于某 种原因不可能按工资或其他收入的比 支取 抚 养 费的其他情况,法庭可设定每月 支付的抚养费的固定金额,或固定金额与按工资和/或其他收入的一定比例设定 的金额并存。
In cases when the parent that owes childcare allowance to his child has a salary and/or other secondary unstable or fluctuant income or receives salary and/or other income which are partially or totally in kind, as well as in other cases
when due to certain
[...] reasons the charge of the allowance as a share of the salary and/or other income is impossible, the court of law may set the amount [...]
of the allowance
as a fixed amount of money paid monthly, or concurrently in a fixed amount and as a share of the salary and/or other income.
秘书长就支助特别政治任务问题提出 4 种方案: 让维和行动支助账户为特别政治任务的支助提供费 用;如大会批准设立一个单独特别账户,则用这个账 户按照特别政治任务预算在特别政治任务和维和特 派团合并预算中所占百分比提供资金给维持和平行 动支助账户和全球服务中心;从特别政治任务预支 取不固 定的支助经费;将支助特别政治任务的能力纳 入支助账户和全球服务中心,然后由方案预算按照特 别政治任务预算在特别政治任务和维和特派团合并 预算中所占百分比向支助账户和全球服务中心提供 经费。
Four options were proposed for the backstopping of political missions: making the support account for peacekeeping operations available to meet the backstopping requirements of special political missions; using the special separate account, if approved by the Assembly, to fund the support account for peacekeeping operations and the Global Service Centre, based on the size of the special political mission budget as a percentage of the combined budgets for special political missions and peacekeeping missions; charging variable backstopping requirements to the budgets of special political missions; and including backstopping capacity for special political missions within the support account and the Global Service Centre and contributing to them from the programme budget based on the size of the special political mission as a percentage of the combined budgets for special political missions and peacekeeping operations.
将 从 2012-2013 两年期方案预算第 3 款(政治事务)下特 别政治任务经支取的拟 议所需经费已提交给大会 本届会议审议。
The proposed requirements, which would be charged against the provision for special political missions under section 3, Political affairs, of the programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013, had already been submitted to the Assembly at its current session.
[...] 「馬會」所欠債務之憑證(除非相反證明成立),並會分別自「會員」之「專用卡戶口」、「賽馬團體戶口」及「合股人戶口 支取有 關款項而毋須取得進一步之證明或紀錄及不會事先通知「會員」、「團體經理」及「主管合股人」或取得彼等之同意。
Each Cardmember, Syndicate Treasurer and Managing Partner authorise Hang Seng to accept any advice of the Club referred to in Clauses 11(a)(ii) and 11(b)(i) as conclusive evidence of their respective liabilities to
the Club (unless and until the contrary is
[...] established) and debit the relevant sums [...]
to the Card Account of the Cardmember,
the Syndicate Account and the Partnership Account respectively without obtaining further proof or records and without prior notice to or consent of the Cardmember, the Syndicate Treasurer or the Managing Partner.
由於顧問費只佔預算 工程成本的一小部分,而有關支取 決 於 實際需要,故此在財政年度初期, 我們並無顧問費的準確預算,但預計該等費用會與過往幾年的趨勢大致相 若。
As consultancy fees only make up a small
portion of the estimated cost of the
[...] projects and the expenditure is contingent [...]
upon the need, we do not have accurate estimates
for the consultancy fees at the beginning of the financial year but expect they will generally follow the trend occurred in the past few years.
每張寄出的支票或付款單須以持有人作為抬頭人支付,或(如屬聯名持 有人)以就有關股份於股東名冊內排名最先的持有人作為抬頭人支付,郵誤
[...] 風險概由有關持有人或聯名持有人承擔,而 支取 款 項 的有關銀行兌現任何 上述支票或付款單時,將構成本公司已妥善履行有關股息及╱或紅利的付款 [...]
Every cheque or warrant so sent shall be made payable to the order of the holder or, in the case of joint holders, to the order of the holder whose name stands first on the register in respect of such shares and shall
be sent at his or their risk, and the
[...] payment of any such cheque or warrant by [...]
the bank on which it is drawn shall operate
as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged.
[...] Partesh/Parteš的新建市镇 举行选举的工作推迟了,因为在那些地区, 取支 持 权 利下放的工作没有取得足 够的进展。
The elections for the envisaged new municipalities in northern Mitrovicë/Mitrovica and Partesh/Parteš
were postponed, owing to insufficient progress
[...] having been achieved in gaining support for decentralization [...]
in those areas.
这一直接目 标是要帮助提出灾害损失设想并促进在当地 取支 助 行动将风险减少到可接受的水平。
The immediate objective is to help set up disaster damage scenarios and
[...] promote locally supported actions to reduce [...]
the risk to acceptable levels.
市和县的自治政府也必须制订本地反对家庭暴力的方 案,并成立跨部门工作队,确保更有效地 取支 助 家暴受害者的步骤。
Municipal and poviat self-governments are obligated to develop local programmes of counteracting
domestic violence and to set up
[...] interdisciplinary teams to ensure that steps taken for the sake [...]
of victims of domestic violence are more effective.
[...] 以便为消除针对发展中国家的所有形式的单方面胁迫性经济措施 取支 持。
Since the adoption of this General Assembly resolution, the Government of the Sudan has put the issue in the forefront of the multilateral system with a view
to mobilizing support for the elimination of all forms of unilateral coercive
[...] economic measures on developing [...]
[...] 助失业青年进入交易市场、提供专业培训、 取支 持 创 业的措施以及采取激励措 施以鼓励公司制造新工作岗位。
This second course of action is designed to promote the creation of jobs by assisting job-seekers, helping unemployed young people to access the job market,
providing professional training and
[...] adopting measures to support entrepreneurship [...]
and give companies incentives to create new jobs.
而 乐峰继续在公司发挥强有力的作用,专家组有证据证明,乐峰继续签署文件和取支票(见附件 8)。
Mr. Lafont continued to exert a strong role
in the company, and the Group
[...] possesses evidence that Mr. Lafont continued to sign documents and collect cheques (see annex 8).
董事會可為當前或於任何時間受僱或服務於本公司或其當時或 過往的任何附屬公司、與本公司或任何有關附屬公司有聯繫或 關聯的公司的任何人士,或當前或於任何時間為本公司或上述 任何有關其他公司的董事或高級職員的任何人士,及現時或曾
在本公司或其他公司擔任受薪職務或職位的人士,以及為此等 人士的配偶、遺孀、鰥夫、家人及受供養者的利益而設立及維 持或爭取設立或維持任何需供款或不需供款的退休或長俸基金
[...] 或個人退休金計劃,以及向上述人士支付或 取支 付 捐 款、年 金、退休金、津貼或報酬。
The Directors may establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or noncontributory pension or superannuation funds or personal pension plans for the benefit of, or give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to, any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company, or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company, or is allied or associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary company, or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company as aforesaid, and holding or who have held any salaried employment or
office in the Company or such other company, and the spouses, widows, widowers,
[...] families and dependants of any such persons.
鉴于此种情况,政府面对驱逐工作、拆 迁――惩罚工作产生的困难,针对物产被充公的人群 取支 援 措 施。
The Government dealt with the difficulties
related to the evictions, demolitions and sanctions
[...] and ensured that support measures were taken for the expropriated groups.
[...] 而,会议获悉,由教科文组织牵头的一个研究有关预算外活动的支助费问题的联合国工作组 目前正在讨论计算与取支助费 的问题,目的是使大家对联合国系统的共同方法取得一致意 见。
As regards the concern expressed by some participants with regard to UNESCO’s ability to remain competitive with other United Nations organizations and programmes in the mobilization of extrabudgetary funds, given UNESCO’s rates for overhead costs applied to extrabudgetary funds, the meeting was informed that a United Nations working group on support costs related to extrabudgetary activities, led
by UNESCO, was currently discussing
[...] issues pertaining to support costs measurement [...]
and recovery, with a view to agreeing
on a common United Nations system approach.
为此,在匹兹堡举行的 20 国集团首脑会议启动了强劲、可持续和平衡增长框架,在这一框架下,20
[...] 国集团 中的赤字国(主要是美国)承诺取支 持 私 人储蓄和整顿财政赤字政策,而盈余国 [...]
则商定通过采取减少金融市场扭曲、提高服务性部门生产力、改善社会安全网等 措施,加强经济国内增长来源。
In this regard, the G20 Summit at Pittsburgh launched a framework for strong, sustainable and balanced growth, under which the deficit members of the G20,
mainly the United States, pledge to
[...] undertake policies to support private savings [...]
and to consolidate their fiscal deficit,
while the surplus members agree to strengthen domestic sources of growth through measures such as reducing financial markets distortions, boosting productivity in service sectors and improving social safety nets.
这将需要进行重大的体制改革,建立协调机制以 及取支持公共和私营部门努力打破既定模式的手段。
This will require major institutional changes and the
establishment of coordinating mechanisms and
[...] instruments for supporting both public and [...]
private sectors in their efforts to break with the established model.
良 心与 和 平 税 国际组织指 出,虽 然 不 带 武 器 的 兵役符 合 那些仅仅拒 绝 亲 自 携 带 武 器 者的 需 求 ,
[...] 但还有 许 多 人的良 心不允许他 们取支持携 带 武 器 者的行为 。
CPTI indicated that while unarmed military service meets the needs of those whose only
objection is to personally bear arms, there are many whose conscience would not permit
[...] them to act in support of those who do.
High-level acquisition support is included for [...]
ease of use while low-level functionality is provided for flexibility and
control in even the most demanding scanning applications.
信息流通促进发展仍然是信 息无障碍方案的组成部分,但也被纳入了民主治理的其他核心领域,以增强人民
[...] 的声音,加大人民参与力度,强化国家机构的责任,包括 取支 持 媒 体和民间社 会的行动。
Communication for development continues to be an integral part of the Access to Information programme, but is also incorporated into other focus areas of democratic governance to enhance voice and
participation of people and accountability of state institutions including
[...] through actions that support media and civil [...]
缔约方一致认为,迫切需要加强适应行动,以便能够 取 、 支 持 和 落实有关 行动,减轻脆弱性并提高抗御气候变化影响的能力。
Parties agree that enhanced action on adaptation is urgently
[...] required to enable, support and implement [...]
action to reduce vulnerability and build resilience
to the impacts of climate change.
这些措 施包括:加强区域和次区域机构的作用;(通过伙伴关系展示会和学习中心等途 径)分享最佳做法和吸取的经验教训;加强联合国系统与其他机构和网络的合作;
[...] 与各主要团体加强接触;促进政府、主要团体和其他利益攸关方之间的伙伴关系 倡议;开展多利益攸关方对话,以促进 取支 持 执行工作的行动。
These include an enhanced role for regional and subregional institutions; sharing of best practices and lessons learned (e.g., through partnership fairs and learning centres); promoting greater collaboration between the United Nations system and other institutions and networks; strengthening engagement with the major groups; promoting partnership initiatives between Governments, major groups and
other stakeholders; and the introduction of multi-stakeholder dialogues to
[...] generate action in support of implementation.
(i) 工作人员不得企图影响会员国、联合国主要或附属机构或专家组,以期
[...] 改变秘书长所采取的立场或决定,包括关于秘书处方案或单位筹措经费的立场或 决定,或取支持改 善本人或其他工作人员的情况,或阻挠或改变对本人或同事 [...]
(i) Staff members shall not seek to influence Member States, principal or subsidiary organs of the United Nations or expert groups in order to obtain a change from a position or decision taken by the Secretary-General, including decisions relating to the
financing of Secretariat programmes or units,
[...] or in order to secure support for improving their [...]
personal situation or the personal
situation of other staff members or for blocking or reversing unfavourable decisions regarding their status or their colleagues’ status.
(e) 应发展和维持一个平台,以便酌情为发展中国家和经济转型国家的可持 续消费和生产取支持
(e) A platform should be developed and maintained to solicit support for the sustainable consumption and production programmes of developing countries and countries with economies in transition, as appropriate.




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