单词 | 攀枝花市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 攀枝花市—Panzhihua prefecture level city in south Sichuan, bordering |
於1982年至2009年,吴先生先後担任任攀钢集团及其联营公司和下属公司的矿石选矿技术科工程师,攀枝花市科研选钛厂生产副厂长及高级工程师,攀枝花市丰钛工贸公司兴发分公司经理及高级工程师,攀钢云南武定选钛厂厂长及高级工程师及攀钢钛业公司选钛厂高级工程师。 chinapolymetallic.com | Between 1982 and 2009, Mr. Wu worked at the PIS Group and its associates as well as its subsidiaries as their engineer of the technical department of the ore processing plant, and was [...] the deputy production director [...] and senior engineer of Panzhihua Scientific Research Titanium Concentrator (攀枝花市科研选钛厂), the manager and senior engineer of Xingfa Branchof Panzhihua Fengtai Industrial and Trading Company [...](攀枝花市丰钛工贸公司兴发分公司), [...]the director and senior engineer of Pangang Yunnan Wuding Titanium Concentrator (攀钢云南武定选钛厂) and a senior engineer at Pangang Titanium Company Titanium Concentrator (攀钢钛业公司). chinapolymetallic.com |
攀缘灌木,2.5-5米小枝深紫色红,不明显具角或圆柱状。 flora.ac.cn | Shrubsscandent,2.5-5 m.Branchlets dark purple-red, [...] obscurely angular or terete. flora.ac.cn |
雄蕊具5个心皮;子房上位,有5个着生子房基部的深裂且离生的分枝花柱,上面合生为头状柱头;胚珠倒生,倒弯生,单珠被,具厚珠心。 flora.ac.cn | Gynoecium of 5 carpels; ovary superior, deeply lobed with 5 free gynobasic stylodia connected above into a capitate stigma; ovules pendulous, anacampylotropous, unitegmic, crassinucellate. flora.ac.cn |
二零一二年下半年的价格很可能因此较二零一二年上半年大幅攀升,而市场环境亦会更为动荡。 glencore.com | H2 2012 is therefore likely to be a considerably higher priced and more volatile environment than H1 2012. glencore.com |
根据在中国南方的有5.2亿年历史的岩石中发现的几件零碎化石,科学家首次于1999年描述了石莲桦属分枝花柱。 chinese.eurekalert.org | C. tylodes was first described in 1999 based on a couple of fragmentary fossils unearthed from 520-million-year-old rocks in southern China. chinese.eurekalert.org |
石莲桦属分枝花柱(Cotyledion tylodes)拥有高脚杯状的外形,杯体外环绕着U型消化道(图左化石的黑色特征,箭头象征食物的流动),这种动物往往将自己锚定在海床上或在固定的坚硬物质上,例如三叶虫蜕皮后的外骨骼(图右为艺术构想图)。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Cotyledion tylodes had a goblet-shaped body that surrounded a U-shaped gut (dark feature in fossil at left; arrows denote flow of food), and the animal spent its life anchored to the seafloor or to hard objects that had settled there, such as the molted exoskeletons of trilobites (artist's representation at right). chinese.eurekalert.org |
在同一时间,我们亦正推行其他重要的工 程项目,以改善城市的环境质素,例如港岛西、荃湾和荔枝角的雨水排放隧道工 程计划,以及更换和修復水管工程计划第 3 及第 4 期工程。 devb.gov.hk | At the same time we are also implementing other important [...] projects to improve [...] the quality of cityenvironment, for example the drainage tunnel projects in Hong Kong West, Tsuen Wan and LaiChi Kok; and the [...]stages 3 and 4 of the [...]watermains replacement and rehabilitation project. devb.gov.hk |
落叶灌木,攀缘,2-3米高;枝和小枝具条纹,具棱,干燥时的棕色的或灰色棕色,有时黑色。 flora.ac.cn | Deciduousshrubs, scandent, 2-3 mtall;branches and twigs striate, [...] angulate, brown or gray-brown when dry, sometimes black. flora.ac.cn |
攀缘灌木,2-4米小枝圆柱状,具角或具凹槽。 flora.ac.cn | Shrubs scandent, 2-4 m. Branchlets terete, angular [...] or grooved. flora.ac.cn |
攀缘灌木枝具短柔毛;叶对生或3轮生或4; 叶柄1-2.5毫米; 叶片狭椭圆形,2-2.5 X 1-1.5厘米,革质,背面无毛,基部锐尖,先端渐尖; 侧脉不明显。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3 or 4; petiole 1-2.5 mm; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, 2-2.5 X 1-1.5 cm, leathery, abaxially glabrous, base acute, apex acuminate; lateral veins inconspicuous. flora.ac.cn |
这个公园是绝佳的丛林健行、骑山地自行车和攀岩的地点,有很多露出地表的花岗岩石可供攀爬。 australia.com | The park is a popular spot for [...] bushwalking, mountain biking and rock-climbing, with lots of granite rockoutcrops to clamber over. australia.com |
大多数产品的发明和上市花费了很大成本,凝聚了很多心血,但是复制成 本却低得很(但并不是一定的)。 iprcommission.org | Probably most products, with sufficient effort, can be copied at a fraction (albeit not necessarily small) of the cost it took to invent and market them. iprcommission.org |
银胎、金;微凹唇、平足;分作内外两层,内层为实壁,外层为镂空壁,镂空壁两面有开光,开光内各饰一四爪云龙,开光外则满饰转枝花卉,壶侧、颈、足圈外面各有稍微不同似蔓藤花纹的蟠夔纹,口缘及颈接腹处都有几圈连珠纹,开光、颈、足、腹左右两侧带描金 e-yaji.com | Silver and gold; with a slightly concave lip and protruding flat foot; an inner, plain container enclosed within a reticulated outer body, decorated on each main [...] side with an identical circular panel [...] containing a four-clawed dragon amidst [...]formalized clouds, surrounded by a formalized [...]floral scroll pattern repeated with different formulations in vertical bands on the narrow sides, and around the outer footrim and neck, the lower and upper neck with serrated bands, the main panels, neck, foot, and side bands all gilt e-yaji.com |
农产品整体营销业绩因棉花市场出现前所未 有的环境而受到严重影响。 glencore.com | Overall agricultural products marketing results were significantly impacted by the [...] unprecedented cotton market environment. glencore.com |
透明无色含微白色片玻璃套六彩料,都含有大小不同的气泡;平唇、平面 不规则形椭圆底;雕通体莲池图,有一端栖着喜鹊的梅花枝,其上有黄蝴蝶,以一大莲叶作底 e-yaji.com | Transparent emerald-green, ruby-red, sapphire-blue, and golden-yellow glass, translucent pale yellow and pink glass, and colourless glass, all suffused with air bubbles of various sizes, the colourless glass with small white flakes; with a flat lip and flat, irregularly oval foot made up of elements of the design; carved as a single overlay with a continuous [...] design of a lotus pond, with a [...] cattail and a severed branch of blossoming prunus, with a [...]magpie perched on it and a butterfly [...]overhead, a large lotus leaf forming the base and doubling as a naturalistic foot e-yaji.com |
按照环评报告的建议实施消减噪音措施後,东区 走廊介乎维多利中心至城市花园之间的现有露天高架路段 的民居的交通噪音水平,会由介乎68与 82分贝(A)之间降至 介乎51与 71分贝(A)之间8 。 devb.gov.hk | With the implementation of the noise mitigation measures in accordance with the recommendation in the EIA report, the operational road traffic noise levels of residential areas along the existing open road section at IEC viaduct from the Victoria Centre to City Garden would be reduced from the range between 68 and 82dB(A) to between 51 and 71 dB(A)8. devb.gov.hk |
在城市里,民众若参与都市花园与园艺活动,会在闲置土地栽种各种食材,让更多人讨论各种经济模式,以及可能解决市场现有问题的道德解答;消费者团体与合作社藉由购买永续食品,同时拒绝和大型供应链一同剥削小农。 thisbigcity.net | In a city, those who participate in urban gardens andgardening [...] collectives, growing various foods on unused pieces of land [...]and lots, greatly promote critical discussion among people about the economic model to which they belong and possible ethical solutions to the current market. thisbigcity.net |