单词 | 擦亮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 擦亮 —polishExamples:擦亮眼睛—sharpen one's vigilance • remove the scales from one's eyes See also:擦—polish • erase • rubbing (brush stroke in painting) 擦 v—rub v • scrub v • grazes v • scrapes v 亮 adj—bright adj • clear adj 亮 v—show v • reveal v 亮—shine • resonant • resounding
從另一個角度看,這更能 擦亮市民的眼睛,讓他們看看哪些人為何要否決議案。 legco.gov.hk | They can see why those people want to vote down this motion. legco.gov.hk |
您可以用特殊 磨光劑來擦亮銅和 黃銅,製作方法是將鹽灑在一片 檸檬上、或將鹽灑在浸滿醋的布上。 essa.ca | You can polish copper and brass with special polish, salt sprinkled on a piece of lemon, or salt sprinkled on a cloth saturated with vinegar. essa.ca |
香港人實在應擦亮 眼睛 ,不要再希望這諮詢文件中的方案能帶我們到達“真普選”而心存僥 [...] 幸和妄想。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong [...] people should really see things in [...]their correct perspective and refrain from leaving things to chance and harbouring [...]wishful thinking that the proposals outlined in this consultation document can lead us to "genuine universal suffrage". legco.gov.hk |
因此,代理主席,我發言希望各位同事 能 擦亮 眼 睛 看清楚,如果吳靄儀 議員的修正案不獲通過,我們便無法有效地規範政府的行為,無法當政府明 [...] 顯地有種族歧視的行為時,在資源分配、執行職務、提供公共服務時,如果 出現了這種行為,我們便無法以這項法例有效規管政府。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, Deputy Chairman, I hope that through my speech, Honourable [...] colleagues will open their eyes wide and [...]see clearly that if the amendments proposed [...]by Ms Margaret NG cannot be passed, it will be impossible for us to regulate the Government's acts effectively and if the Government displays acts that amount to overt racial discrimination when allocating resources, performing its duties or providing public service, it will not be possible for us to regulate the Government effectively with this piece of legislation. legco.gov.hk |
不過,我希望各位市民擦亮眼睛 ,這些 便是我們在行政機關下僅能得到的小恩小惠,是不會觸動或絲毫增加實質監 察的任何權力或好處的。 legco.gov.hk | However, I hope every member of the public can see with a sharp eye that these are the only tiny favours we can obtain from the executive authority. legco.gov.hk |
如果說無論客戶是誰、律師是誰,如果這項原則是可以 侵犯的,我相信公眾便其實都要擦亮 眼 睛看一看,究竟誰會認為這項原則可 以侵犯。 legco.gov.hk | If it is said that this principle, no matter who the client concerned is or the solicitor concerned is, can be violated, I believe the public should open their eyes wide to see who considers that principle can be violated. legco.gov.hk |
你們覺得這些是健康的產品,包裝也暗示這是健康 的產品,但我作為小組委員會主席奉勸各位,請你 們 擦亮 眼 睛 ,看看其中一 些產品其實是如何誤導消費者。 legco.gov.hk | You think they are healthy, the packaging implies that they are healthy, but take my word as Chairman of the Subcommittee: really open your eyes to just how misleading some of these products can be. legco.gov.hk |
香港市民有了這次擦亮眼睛 的機會,將會增長他們的政治智慧, 去掌握他們未來的命運。 legco.gov.hk | Having had [...] this opportunity to rub their eyes and see [...]the real picture, Hong Kong people will have enhancement in their [...]political wisdom which will help them grasp their fate better in the future. legco.gov.hk |
第三,我覺得香港市民今天真的要 擦亮 眼 睛,看看誰在阻撓香 港實行普選。 legco.gov.hk | Third, I believe Hong Kong people have to open up their eyes to see for themselves who are those obstructing the implementation of universal suffrage in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
這份報 告 是一份阻 礙 民主的 垃圾報 告 , 唯 一的用處 ,就是 讓 市 民 一 把 火 燒掉, 以 擦 亮人民的 眼 睛 , 以 燃 點 民主的 怒 火 , 以 激 起大眾 的 憤 怒 , 以爭取民主普選的到 來 legco.gov.hk | This report is rubbish, it gets in the way of democracy and its only purpose is to be burnt by the people, so as to scour people's eyes, to kindle the blaze of democracy, to arouse public indignation to fight for the arrival of democratic election by universal suffrage. legco.gov.hk |
尝试我们的擦亮剂,并且您将看见塑料或丙烯酸酯的产品制造商为什么多年来使用了和建议使用的Novus波兰语。 professionalplastics.com | Try our polishes and you'll see why manufacturers of plastic/acrylic products have used and recommended Novus Polishes for years. professionalplastics.com |
因此,主席,我認為今次真不錯,讓我有15分鐘發言的機會,借題 發揮,但始終就這些政策而言,我不會批評任何人的對錯,我要求市民 擦亮眼睛 ,對整體社會的進化及進步自行作出心中有數的評論。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, President, it is really very nice this time around, because I have 15 minutes to speak and use the discussion as an excuse of saying so much. But after all, insofar as these policies are concerned, I will not criticize anyone for being wrong. legco.gov.hk |
我 希 望 曾 憲 梓 先生擦 亮 眼 睛 和 通通耳 朵,看 清 楚 和 聽 清 楚那 100 萬 人、那 10 萬 人 的 聲音, 以 及 請 他 講 出我們有 甚麼具 體行為, 想 把 香港變 成 一個他認為“獨 立 ” 或 “ 半 獨 立 ”的政 治 實 體。 legco.gov.hk | I hope Mr TSANG can listen and see the reality with greater clarity, so that he can listen clearly to the voices of the million people and the one hundred thousand people. legco.gov.hk |
胡桃核;無足,原料的崎嶇不平的表面被磨平 、 擦亮 以 模 仿水果;原件的蓋雕蒂及萼形以表示意圖 e-yaji.com | Walnut shell; with no functional foot; the naturally pitted surface smoothed and polished to resemble fruit, made explicit by the original stopper e-yaji.com |
事實上,在施政報告公布後,市民對今年施政報告的支 持度逐步降低,跟政府或特首打算提出來 “ 擦亮 招 牌 ”的原意相距甚遠。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, after the delivery of the policy address, public support for this year's policy address has gradually dropped. This outcome is quite different from that as intended by the Government or the Chief Executive of polishing up their reputation. legco.gov.hk |
主席,我覺得經過這次區議會選舉,特別是這次選舉,市民真的 是 擦亮 了眼睛,看到甚麼是民主。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, I think after the District Councils Election this time, the public has really seen the essence of democracy. legco.gov.hk |
主席,我希望大家今次可以擦亮眼睛 看清楚。 legco.gov.hk | Chairman, I hope Members will open up their eyes wide to see clearly for themselves. legco.gov.hk |
市民只是一種工具,民意只是一種工具;在 聽取民意後 ⎯⎯ 正如我上次批評不取消委任區議員一樣,我們如果 [...] 繼續支持政府去年的政改方案,我真的希望泛民議員 能 擦亮 眼 睛。 legco.gov.hk | After listening to public opinion ― just as I criticized the decision not to abolish appointed District Council seats on the last occasion, if we continue to support the constitutional reform proposal [...] put forward by the Government last year, I really hope that Members of the pan-democratic [...] camp can open their eyes wide. legco.gov.hk |
幼教部的学生则擦亮他们 的自行车,等待本地的修车阿姨来给他们展示基本的修车本领。 ycis-bj.com | The ECE students of YCIS Beijing polished their bikes and hosted a local Chinese bike repair woman to come exhibit basic bike maintenance. ycis-bj.com |
漢堡一向為工業中心,並非傳統大學城,其實高等教育及職業教育潛力尚未發揮,可拓展根基原已穩固的媒體與物流市場,且為吸引知識勞工前來,漢堡也很重視因為當地創意與藝術自主發展,而形成的城市品牌價值,這些創意地區不 僅 擦亮 「 漢 堡」這個品牌,亦為官方「人才城市」與「成長城市」策略開放政策的主軸。 thisbigcity.net | These quarters do not only contribute to the ‘Hamburg brand’, but form the paradox core of an openness policy presented in Hamburg’s ‘Talent City’ and ‘Growing City’ strategy. thisbigcity.net |
只要 再把“金漆招牌”擦亮,便 可以讓退休顧問醫生延續其專業生命。 legco.gov.hk | As a result, retired consultants with renowned images can have their professional life extended. legco.gov.hk |
市民繼反對就第二十三條立法後,再一 次 擦亮 眼 睛 ,警惕大權獨攬的專權政 治下的絕對權力是腐敗的酵母。 legco.gov.hk | The legislation for Article 23 of the Basic Law at the time of TUNG Chee-hwa was like that; so is the storm over Donald TSANG's accountability. Following their opposition to the legislation for Article 23 of the Basic Law, the people again sharpen their vigilance to be wary as absolute power of a dictatorship holding absolute authority is the path to corruption. legco.gov.hk |
如果是金属类家具在湿潮天建议最好用干燥的抹布勤擦拭,如果已经出现锈蚀的情况,最好洗碗布或牙刷沾防锈剂进行刷除,最后再用干 布 擦亮。 fudafurniture.cn | If it is best to use a dry rag ground wipe, if corrosion has occurred, the best dishwashing cloth or toothbrush [...] dipped rust inhibitor brushing, and finally with [...] a dry cloth to polish the [...]metal furniture recommendations in wet tide days. fudafurniture.cn |
相對而言,哥倫比亞美德因(Medellin)則突顯出,任何城市都能克服舊有困境,躍居全球永續領袖,當地一度是全球治安最差的城市,深受販毒與髒亂污染,然而現任市長Fajardo Valderrama卻讓美德因改頭換面、擦亮城 市 招牌。 thisbigcity.net | And from an opposite perspective, Medellin, Colombia shows [...] us that any (yes, any) city can overcome [...]its former challenges and become a global [...]leader from a sustainability perspective. thisbigcity.net |
我聽 說 政 府 當 局 現有公關公司來 試 圖 擦 亮 它那早已蒙 污的形 象 ﹔ 但 公關公司只 是 做 公關 而已, 它 不能作出基本的 變革。 legco.gov.hk | I heard that the Administration now has a public relations company touching up its tarnished image, but a public relations company is just that. legco.gov.hk |
使用“步骤 2”Brillianize Detailer wipe 再次擦拭上方和下方成像区, 去除任何碎片并擦亮表面。 graphics.kodak.com | Wipe the upper and lower imaging area again using the “Step 2” [...] Brillianize Detailer wipe to remove any debris and polish the surface. graphics.kodak.com |
對於這次的不幸事件,我希望全港市民真的 要 擦亮 眼 睛 ,看清楚 那些政黨及議員的真面目,看清楚他們是否“說一套、做一套”, “口 一套、心一套”, “明一套、暗一套”。 legco.gov.hk | This is all very unfortunate. I hope all the people of Hong Kong can see clearly the true face of these political parties and Members. legco.gov.hk |
全港市民,請擦亮眼睛 ,看清楚今㆝每㆒個政治團體和每㆒個政治㆟物,對民主政 [...] 制建議的立場及態度是怎樣,緊記其立場態度,用來作為九五年選舉時投票的參考。 legco.gov.hk | As for the [...] public, please have your eyes open and [...]see clearly the standpoints and attitude of each political organization [...]and each political figure on the proposed democratic political system. legco.gov.hk |
为了让我们擦亮眼睛 ,不再受JS蒙蔽,用最少的银子买到最棒的透气产品,我把我多年的心血整理出来给大家探讨一下,今天的部分是关于透气度: 首先,所谓透气度,用英文叫breathable,翻译过来就是呼吸能力,是指面料能让水气通过的能力。 szfangzhi.com | In order for us to keep their eyes open, no longer subject to JS blinded, buy the best ventilation products with the least silver, I put my many years of hard work sorting out to explore the part of today is on the air permeability: first, the so-called breathable called breathable, English translation is the ability to breathe is the fabric allows water vapor through the ability. szfangzhi.com |