单词 | 擘 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 擘—thumbless common: pierce Examples:巨擘—thumb authority (knowledgeable person) 擘开—break open
成立近30年来,L'Atelier曾鼓励逾15,000家拥有创新精神之企及信息及通讯科技业的巨擘与决策者互相分享专门技术,相辅相成。 bnpparibas.com.cn | Established nearly 30 years ago, L'Atelier has encouraged over 15,000 innovative companies and the biggest players and decision-makers in ICT to pool and share their expertise. bnpparibas.com.cn |
只有欧洲方可提供最先进的设施、参与尖端科研的机会,以及跟随全球最具影响力的思想巨擘攀登学术顶峰的良机。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | And only Europe can offer state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge research opportunities together with the chance to walk in the footsteps of so many of the world’s most influential thinkers. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
法国巴黎为既有城市,在奥斯曼(Georges-Eugène Haussmann)擘画之下,於十九世纪中期大幅翻修市区,修筑知名大道与放射状都市计画,启发美国芝加哥、俄罗斯莫斯科等地的知名设计。 thisbigcity.net | Paris, the existing city, received a complete urban-overhaul in the mid 1800s by the revered Georges-Eugène Haussmann withhis famous wide-avenue and spoke and radial urban plan that inspired famous urban designs for places like Chicago and Moscow. thisbigcity.net |
两座城市分别代表不同的永续策略,也成为全球领袖与灵感来源,开发未必非得损害环境,纵然是生态与社会遭到严重破坏的城市,也能够跨越历史,擘画美好环保未来。 thisbigcity.net | Both of these cities represent polar approaches to becoming more sustainable, and subsequently–global leaders and inspirations. thisbigcity.net |
隐私问题核心小组会议对于 Groupon 所提出的质疑,令人思考这样的团购巨擘与电子邮件营销在隐私层面的相似性。 benchmarkemail.com | The CPC inquiry into Groupon got us thinking about the parallels the deal-a-day giant has with email marketing in terms of privacy. benchmarkemail.com |
身为储存设备巨擘的Seagate 总共宣布十项全新产品,这些产品全部传承该公司适用於消费性电子产品、企业、桌上型电脑及行动运算等市场之硬碟机系列的优异效能。 seagate.com | In all, the storage giant announced ten new products that build on its impressive array of disc drives for consumer electronics, enterprise, desktop and mobile computing markets. seagate.com |
智能手机巨擘苹果及三星最近相继发表最新产品,令双方的大战再次升温。 ipress.com.hk | As smartphone giants Apple and Samsung announced their latest innovations the battle between the two is once again heating up. ipress.com.hk |
此专用的数据中心将於2013年落成启用,具备无可比拟的近距地利和超低延时解决方案,促进电子交易,致力满足金融服务巨擘最严格的要求,尽享竞争优势。 hknet.com | To be launched in 2013, the dedicated Financial Data Centre is expected to meet the most stringent requirements of mega financial services institutions eager to gain a competitive advantage from the facility’s unparalleled proximity and Ultra-low Latency Solution that facilitate electronic trading. hknet.com |
美国国家零售业联盟指出 由於部分店家 如巨擘零售商沃尔玛 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. apecscmc.org | According to NRF, some retailers, such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc. apecscmc.org |
产品、市场及趋势之研究,以「领航亚洲 ICT 产业情报及顾问服务」之专业智库自许,协助政府擘划产业政策与技术发展蓝图产业的顾问,提供企业稳实严谨之产业情报资讯。 taiwanforesight.org.tw | As a professional and leading think tank that provides industry intelligence and consulting services for ICT industries in Asia, the MIC offers consultation to the government onformulating policies and configuration of technology roadmaps. taiwanforesight.org.tw |
本 公 司 为 扩 大 有 线 电 视 业 务 之 经 营 版 图 , [...] 拟 透 过 子 公 司 大 富 媒 [...] 体 公 司 购 买 盛 庭 股 份 有 限 公 司 100%股 权,以 取 得凯擘股份有 限 公 司 及 其 旗 下 所 有 有 线 电 视 系 统 及 频 道 [...]代 理 业 务 , 交 易 价 金 [...]拟 以 上 限 15.5%之 本 公 司 库 藏 股 及 部 分 现 金 完 成 交 易,目 前 待 主 管 机 关 核 准 後 进 行 交 割 。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | The Corporation expects to close the deal after obtaining the authorities’ approval. english.taiwanmobile.com |
据北美农药行动联盟指出,农用化 学品巨擘Syngenta的附属公司Ciba Geigy已 经承认在1988到1990年间“错误地”向坦桑 尼亚输出了405,000升DDT,违反了联合国粮 农组织(FAO)关于农药供销的行为守则和其 公司自身的政策方针。 worldinfo.org | Network, Ciba Geigy, one of the subsidiaries which formed thegiant Syngenta agreed to the ‘mistake’ of shipping 405,000 liters of DDT to Tanzania between 1988 and 1990, a violation of the FAO Code of Conduct on the Distribution of Pesticides and a ‘violation of the company’s own policy guidelines’. worldinfo.org |
Mittal Steel 与 GlobalEnglish 於 2006 年签订第一只合约後与钢铁巨擘Arcelor 合并,组成全球最大的钢铁公司 ArcelorMittal,於 60 个国家境内拥有 320,000 名员工。 tipschina.gov.cn | After signing an initial agreement with GlobalEnglish in 2006, Mittal Steel merged with steel giant Arcelor, and ArcelorMittal became the largest steel company in the world, with more than 320,000 employees in 60 countries. tipschina.gov.cn |
采矿业巨擘必和必拓与力拓长期在该地区运营,在巴西、智利和秘鲁等地已建立了市场,但小型企业也表达了对新兴和成长中市场的浓厚兴趣,包括阿根廷、玻利维亚、哥伦比亚、墨西哥、巴拉圭和乌拉圭。 solidgroundmagazine.com | Mining giants BHPBilliton and Rio Tinto have long operated in established markets such as Brazil, Chile and Peru, but juniors are also expressing interest in emerging and growing markets including Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay. solidgroundmagazine.com |
多年来,通过与国际知名 IT 巨擘(Microsoft、IBM等)的成功合作,中讯汉扬建立了成熟有效的项目管理方法和项目流程。 artmtech.com | Through years of successfully providing testing services for many global It giants (i.e. Microsoft, IBM, etc), SinoCom-ArtM has established an efficiency-proven project management methodology and process. artmtech.com |
法国广告与传播巨擘阳狮集团 youngchinabiz.com | French publishing giant Publicis (Paris: PUBP) has become the latest media firm to warn of an advertising slowdown in China, setting the stage for some ugly numbers when new media companies start reporting their second-quarter results next month. youngchinabiz.com |