

单词 擅场

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

人际促进 这类擅长调和工场所的人际关系。
Interpersonal Facilitation: People that are keenly attuned to the interpersonal aspects of work situations.
审计委员会感到关切的是,缺乏对实物和环境的充分控制措施可能导擅 自使 用服务器室,近东救济工程处可能无法防止服务器受到危害。
The Board was concerned that the lack of adequate physical and environmental controls might lead to unauthorized access to the server room and the inability of UNRWA to prevent hazards to the servers.
一个关键教训是,编写《世界报告》是一项非常复杂的工作,但该部门采取的一 种类似外包的模式十分有效,每个合作伙伴都能够做其 擅 长 的 部分。
A key lesson is that producing a World Report is a very complex undertaking and yet the quasi outsourcing model adopted by the Sector worked extremely well, with each partner doing what it does best.
[...] 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way to promote the
rights of vulnerable groups, especially children and women, and by the increased participation of
[...] women in the labour market.
根據其他國家的經驗,供款率在㆒段時間後便會㆖升,因 為政客並不遵守理財規則,而且擅 於 慷 他㆟之慨。
Experience in other countries show that the rate of contribution would go up after a while because politicians do not observe fiscal discipline and are very good at spending other people's money.
徐永恒先生于2009年6月加入卓睿世纪团队,徐先生拥有10余年便携多媒体电子方案的丰富硬件研发经验,时刻关注电子 场 各 种 方案 擅 长 协 助客户在最快的时间高效完成项目开发,工作严谨注重产品品质,喜欢与客户一起在保证质量的同时降低产品BOM成本。
Mr.Xu joined us in June 2009, he has over 10 years wealth of experience in hardware development of portable multimedia solutions, always pay attention to the various solutions of the electronics market, specialize in assisting customers in development project in the fastest time, working carefully and focus on the quality of product, ensure quality while reducing BOM cost.
而如果您想一年中任何时候都能买到真正便宜的商品,不妨前往热闹的巴拉斯 场 ( Ba rras Market)擅长吸 引主顾招揽生意的摊主们将向您兜售从运动鞋到鲜花、从鹌鹑蛋到石膏镀金小天使像的各种商品。
And for a real bargain at any time of the year check out the boisterous Barras Market where charismatic stallholders will sell you anything from trainers to flowers and quails eggs to gold plaster cherubs.
瑞士MF3于2003年推出场,擅于研 制胎盘素,器官特异性提取物及植物提取物等,对抗慢性退化病及抗衰老用途。
Launched to market in 2003, MF3 of Switzerland excels in rejuvenation and revitalisation therapy products using placenta, organ-specific and botanical cell extracts to combat chronic degenerative diseases and anti-aging.
相反,援助的提议是按照条款草案提出 的,并且没有任何其他的援助来源,将有很强的推理空间,认为不予同意的决定擅自作出的。
Inversely, where an offer of assistance is made in accordance with the draft articles and no alternate sources of assistance are available, there would be a strong inference that a decision to withhold consent is arbitrary.
它欢迎采取措施,增进和保护妇女权利,尤其是在担任高层职务、接受教育 和进入劳动力场等领域。
It welcomed measures for the promotion and protection of the rights of women, in particular in areas such as access to higher positions, education and the labour market.
瑞典和日擅长通 过焚烧将废物从一种介质转变为另一种介质,并将残留物转移 到土壤,微粒释放到空气中。
Sweden and Japan are experts at transferring waste from one medium to another by incinerating it and transferring residues to the soil and fine particles to the air.
津巴布韦再度承诺,将排雷行动中心迁移至便于 所有人抵达的地区,再设立一支排雷中队,重新调查所有已知 场 和 疑 似危险区 域,并继续进行排雷和雷险教育。
Zimbabwe recommitted to relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where it will be easily accessible to all, to establish another demining squadron, to resurvey all known minefields and suspected hazardous areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.
该计划最重要的一项工程是在米奥利斯/邦万大楼入口处外部 建造一个新的中心检查站,配备监视器和防 擅 自 闯 入的设施。
One of the main features of the Plan is the construction at the entrance to the Miollis-Bonvin site of a new outside, centralized control post equipped with surveillance and an anti-intrusion system.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的
I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系
[...] 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际场旅客 名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 [...]
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database
(FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the
[...] international airport in order to [...]
prevent terrorists from entering and passing
through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
本操作说明书包含技术 方面的规范和图纸,并禁止将这些内容以全部或部分形式进行复制、传播,或未经 批擅自用于竞争目的和其他用途。
The operating instructions contain technical regulations and drawings which may not be reproduced partially or in full, transmitted by any means, utilized without permission for competitive purposes or disclosed to third parties.
如果不对更改控制程序进行审查和质量保证检查,就可能造成更改不符合 更改请求规定,并可能增加对关键业务系统作 擅 自 更 改的可能性。
Lack of review and quality assurance checks in the change control procedures could result in changes that were not in accordance with the change request requirements and could result in an increase in the likelihood of unauthorized changes being introduced into key business systems.
7.1 倘若閣下的會員八達通並非因閣下的過錯而失效,而閣下也未曾破壞 擅 自 改 動它,只 需將閣下的會員八達通送交八達通卡有限公司授權的服務中心(有關中心的最新名單已 [...]
但倘若閣下的會員八達通屬於銀行發行版八達通,閣下應通知發卡銀行或金融服務公 司,以便補領及轉移任何獎賞。
7.1 If your Membership Octopus
malfunctions due to no fault of yours and you have not
[...] damaged or tampered with it in [...]
any way, you may recover any Benefits (including
Reward$) by returning your Membership Octopus to an OCL’s Authorised Service Centre (an up-to-date list of which is available at www.octopus.com.hk) as described in the Conditions of Issue except if your Membership Octopus is a Bank Issued Octopus.
为安全起见,事先未经 MR 同意不擅自更动或改造有载分接开关装 置! 在有载分接开关的安装、电气连接 或试运行过程中进行非规范作业可 能影响电动机构、有载分接开关和 变压器的安全运行。
For safety reasons, any unauthorized or incorrect work regarding installation, alteration, electrical connection, commissioning or modification of the on-load tap-changer equipment is forbidden without first consulting MR!
土地部还在解决历史遗留 的沿海地区房客租期不定擅自占用空房等问题,盘点了闲置土地 擅 自 占 用严 重的土地,以及房客租期不定的土地。
The Ministry of Lands is also currently addressing the historical coastal land issues of tenants-at-will and squatters, by taking an inventory of land that is either idle, heavily squatted on or where members of the public are tenants-at-will.
此外,倘若閣下作出欺詐行為,或因嚴重疏忽,或在 發現或懷疑白金卡及/或私人密碼遺失或被盜去或 擅 自 披露後未能在合理切實可行的情況下盡快通知本行或未能遵守上述之 保障措施,則閣下需對一切未經授權之交易負上責任。
Further, you are liable for all unauthorised transactions if you have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence or have failed to inform the Bank as soon as reasonably practicable upon notice or suspicion of any loss, theft or unauthorised disclosure of your Platinum Card and/or PIN or failed to follow the safeguards set out above.
答案如㆘:因為政府是行政主導;必須尊重勞顧會的意見;未經勞顧 會討論,不擅自提出修訂;勞顧會是行之有效的機制,如果罔顧勞顧會的決定,會 破壞勞資數十年所建立的共識機制。
The answer is as follows: it is because the Government is executive-led, the views of the Labour Advisory Board (LAB) have to be respected, no amendment should be put forward without prior discussion with the LAB, and the LAB being a time-honoured mechanism, its decision should not be disregarded, or else the consensus mechanism established for decades between the employers and employees will be damaged.
国际著作权规则需要对作者、艺术家及其它创作者的专利权以及广泛传播知识这一社会 目标加以平衡,为此,该规则允许各国对以下权利进行限制,即防止某些指定范围擅 自使用和复制行为的权利。
As part of the balance between the exclusive rights of authors, artists and other creators on the one hand, and the social goal of wide dissemination of knowledge on the other, international copyright rules allow countries to place limits on the right to prevent unauthorised use and reproduction in certain prescribed circumstances.




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