

单词 撮人

See also:

classifier for the quantity a pinch
classifier for hair or grass, literal meaning: tuft


people n
human n
man n

External sources (not reviewed)

這樣,受惠的並不是一撮人,而是大眾市民,但我們必須較其他競爭 對手更快抓緊這個機遇。
Rather, the broad masses of people will benefit. But we must act more quickly than our competitors to grasp the opportunity.
為何要一撮 人犧牲他們的家園,沒有應有的合理安置和賠償,而要他們服務社會 [...]
Why should
[...] we ask a small group of people to give [...]
up their homes and serve the public interests without getting reasonable
rehousing arrangement and compensation?
因為他們看 到 由 一撮 人 控 制的事,最 後 是會導 致 災 難 產 生 的 。
This is because they know that disasters will eventually strike
[...] should a small number of people be allowed to gain control.
根據終審 法院的裁決及歐洲的人權個案,可向任何人施加的懲 罰性罰款屬刑事制裁,只可向一 撮人 施 加的規管、 補償或保障性罰款很可能會被視作民事制裁。
Based on the CFA ruling and human rights cases in Europe, fines which were punitive in nature and which could be imposed on any person were criminal, whereas fines for a regulatory, compensatory or protective purpose and targeting a limited group of persons were likely to be regarded as civil.
我們最純潔的愛國感情,我們最優秀的赤子心靈,卻被說成是“動 亂 ”,說成是“別有用心”,說成是“受一 撮人 的 利 用”。
The purest of our patriotic sentiments and the noblest aspirations of
our young hearts are, however, associated with 'riots', 'ulterior motives' and the
[...] 'manipulation by a handful of people'.
[...] 會裏,即權力和資源均過分集中在一 撮人 手 中的背景下,以及在一個不民 主、市民無權選擇他們的領導人的政制下,進一步擴大委任,令我實在感到 [...]
I am very concerned about this system because in a society which is already excessively skewed towards one side and imbalanced, that is, with the excessive
concentration of power and resources in the
[...] hands of a small group of people and [...]
in an undemocratic political system in which
members of the public have no right to choose their own leader, the further expansion of such appointments really makes me feel very concerned.
保守派”寻求保留旧的 经济体制,这种经济体制为一撮人 提 供 了众多经 济寻租机会和垄断优势。
The “conservative” view seeks to
preserve the old economic system that provided considerable economic rents and
[...] monopolistic advantages to a small group.
為甚麼香港這麼多人,包括工 商界的人、 以 往 很 保 守 的人,最近 亦開始 關 注 香港政制檢討 , 以 及 支 持 有
[...] 直選或 變 相 的 直選, 而不希望被 一撮 人 操縱壟 斷 ?
Why have so many Hong Kong people, including people from the business sector and those who used to be very conservative, recently started to pay attention to Hong Kong's constitutional review and support direct elections or
direct elections in a disguised form, wary that the territory may be controlled and
[...] monopolized by a handful of people?
可是, 主席,豐盛的經濟成果只是集中於一 撮人 的 手 上。
However, Chairman, the fruits of economic prosperity have only fallen into the hands of a small group of people.
[...] “大、大、大的不公平”,即整個香港現時的資源分配是不公平的,以致一撮人擁有香港大部分的財富,只是首 10%的人便擁有 [...]
I think this claim has disregarded a basic fact, and that is, there is already "extremely, extremely, extremely great inequity" in Hong Kong, meaning that the distribution of resources in Hong Kong as a whole is so unequal
that most of Hong Kong's wealth is owned
[...] by a very small group of people, with [...]
the top 10% alone owning 40% of the wealth.
我相信他們聽過後,這一生裏也會記住的 ─ 每一個乖仔、乖女都要記住,盡快爭取普選,因為進行普選,是為了我 們香港人的尊嚴,我們不可以讓一 撮人 - 我也不說甚麼庸才了 - 我們不應該讓一撮人壟斷 了我們的權利。
I believe that after they have listened to these debates, they will remember it for the rest of their lives ― all good boys and girls have to remember that they have to champion for the early introduction of universal suffrage because the introduction of universal suffrage has to do
with the dignity of Hong Kong people and we
[...] cannot let a small bunch of people ― I am not going to say anything about people of mediocrity again ― we should not let a small bunch of people monopolize our rights.
在這問題上,其實已充分證明這行業是由一 撮人 壟 斷 ,而 黑箱作業的保監處是無法處理的。
Actually, this has sufficiently proved that this industry is
[...] monopolized by a small group of people, and [...]
the OCI, which operates in a black box, is unable to deal with it.
星島 日 報 》 在 2 月 19 日 的 報 道指出 , 香港一國兩 制
研究中 心 總 裁 邵 善 波 先生早 前 出 席一個研討 會時表 示 , 在 七 一
[...] 大遊行裏 , 只 有 一撮 人 爭 取普選 , 只 是民 主 [...]
派 利 用遊行和輿 論 攻 勢 , “ 騎 劫 "   -   他 說 騎 劫   -
  社 會 上 的 不 滿 和 各 種 問題, 把 鬥 爭 焦 點 放 於 爭 取普選 上。
It was reported in Sing Tao Daily dated 19 February that Mr SHIU Sin-por, the head of the One Country Two Systems Economic Research
Centre, had stated in a seminar held
[...] earlier that only a handful of people in [...]
the 1 July march strived for universal suffrage,
that it was actually an attempt by the pro-democracy camp to take advantage of the march and public opinions to hijack — he used the word "hijack" — social discontents and various problems and focus the struggle on the fight for universal suffrage.
(c) 新公司須具有 妥善的公司架構,以確保公司不 會 受 一撮 人 操控,而董 事會成員的任期亦不 會無限期延 長
(c) The new company should have a proper corporate structure to ensure that it would not be controlled by a few persons and the terms of its board of directors would not be extended indefinitely
此外,陳冠中先生的《我這一代香港人》提到:(我引述)“政府的 認受性來自北京和財團主導的一 撮人 , 自 然向北京治港官僚和財團 傾斜,現在香港的高級官員,我同代的聰明人,也就不會去擋住北京 治港官僚和財團對政府的暗箱操作。
In additional, in My Generation of Hong Kongers written by Mr CHEN Guanzhong, it is mentioned that (I quote): "The recognition of the government comes from Beijing and a small group of people dominated by major consortia.
如果為了短暫利益,為了一撮人的 利 益而打壓集體 談判權,基本上便會動搖了整個社會的經濟根基,對自己的專業也毫無 [...]
If the right to collective bargaining is suppressed for the
sake of transient interests and the
[...] interests of a small group of people, the [...]
economic foundation of the whole society will
basically be shaken, which is not beneficial at all to his own profession.
因為他應該 知道,他可以欺騙一撮人一段 很長的時間,又或欺騙很多人一段很短的時 間;但他很難永遠地欺騙很多人很長的時間。
The reason is he should know better that though he might be able to fool a small number of people for [...]
a long time or a large
number of people for a short time, it is difficult for him to fool a large number of people indefinitely.
我明白他們的這種看法及政治考慮,以取消功能界別作為所謂公投 的宣傳口號和爭取目標,可以製造攻擊這種制度的突破點,並把功能界 別選民基礎較為狹窄這個制度規限之下的因素無限擴大,說這是小圈子 選舉,維護一撮人的利益,並把社會上出現的種種問題均歸咎於功能 界別議員的罪過。
I understand their views and political considerations. By using the abolition of FCs as the slogan and the fighting goal of the so-called referendum, they can create a breakthrough point to attack this system; and by exaggerating the relatively narrow electorate bases of FCs, which is a factor restricted by this system, they can name the FC election as a coterie election protecting the interests of a small group of people and put all the blame for various social problems on FC Members.
反 對 這 個 見 解 的 人 ﹐例 如 Adam Smith﹑David Ricardo 及 J.A. Hobson承 認 帝 國 主 義
[...] 的 受 益 可 以 是 一撮 人 ﹐ 但 絕 不 是 全 個 國 家 。
Their opponents, among them Adam Smith, David
Ricardo, and J.A. Hobson, often admit that imperialism may
[...] benefit a small, favoured group but never [...]
the nation as a whole.
不幸的是,代表团的规模和沟通困 难,导致一撮人的行为违背了联合会的基本规则。
Unfortunately, the size of the delegation and difficulties in communication led to small groups acting against the ground rules laid down by the Union.
可是,香港大部分人 卻 不能發 出任何 聲 音 , 鬥 來 鬥 去 也 只 是 那 一撮 人,說 明年會由 唐 英年做 , 又說是 甚 麼甚麼人會做 , 而香港人 卻只有 看 的 分 兒 。
However, the majority of the people of Hong Kong have no say; the fight is confined to just a handful of people who have suggested a list of candidates, including Henry TANG, to be the replacement next year.
如符合資格的人數不多,晉升選拔委員會便應 考慮所有人選,而非只讓一撮人通 過 篩選。
In cases where only a small number of eligible
officers are involved, the board should consider all the candidates rather than
[...] shortlisting only a handful of candidates.
這個社會可能因為種族問題、宗 教問題,或其他生活環境的問題,如果不透過“一人一票”的民主普選,一撮人便可 能打從歷史到現在都一直受迫壓。
In such a society, due to racial problems, religious or other problems related to their living environment, a small group of people may be subject to continued suppression that can be dated back to their historical past, unless democratic "one person, one vote" universal suffrage is implemented.
眾所周知,絕大多數的守法市民參與電台節目, 是不會有任何問題,亦不會被刑事檢控的,除了那些漠視法紀、公然非法廣 播的一撮人。
As we all know, the participation in radio programmes by a vast majority of law-abiding citizens is not a problem at all; nor will their participation result in criminal prosecution, except for a handful of people who defied the rule of law and openly engaged in illegal broadcasting.
正如一撮人於19 87年創辦「母親的抉擇」的時候一樣,我們每一天秉承使命:「母親的抉擇」所提供及推廣的服務包括照顧等待永久家庭領養的幼嬰及兒童,並且幫助未婚婦女及其家庭解決因懷孕所帶來的種種問題。
Today, no less than when we were
[...] created by a small group of concerned [...]
citizens in 1987, we are guided every day by our
Mission Statement: Mother’s Choice provides and promotes loving, nurturing care for babies and children needing permanent homes, and for single girls and their families facing crisis pregnancies.
公共空間的控制權被交給一撮指定 人 士 ,而不是由日常生活在這些場所中的人們自然而然地使用和發揮。
Control of civic space is delegated to a select few rather than developing organically from occupants who actively inhabit the space on a daily basis.
这种做法 看 起 来 像 是 父 母强迫 子 女结婚 ,但事实上,父 母只撮 合 , 做 出 决定的仍然是子女人。
This act seems like the parents force their children to get married, but, in fact, the parents only facilitate the marriage, and the children are still the ones who decide.
該事務委員會的委員普遍支持有關的立法建 議,但有部分委員認為有關建議應針對打擊一 撮 以 不 良手法經營的 零售商,不應對誠實的人造成影響。
While members supported the legislative proposals in general, some members expressed the view that the proposals should target at combating unscrupulous malpractices of a handful of retailers and should not affect the operation of honest traders.
据刚果黄金出口行主人员说 ,正规出口量小的原因是,事实上,Kampala 和 Bujumbura 的一撮不法贸易商多年来垄断了刚果的黄金贸易。
According to Congolese gold export house managers, the small volume of official exports can be attributed to the fact that a handful of fraudulent traders in Kampala and Bujumbura have for many years monopolized the Congolese gold trade.
在若开问题上 新兴起的“佛教徒团结”游说团体由佛教僧侣和一撮支持若开佛教徒的缅甸精人士 组 成,51 这对 建设多元化国家和开放社会似乎并不是个好兆头。
ne issue – with Buddhist monks and a segment of the Burman elite demonstrating in support of Rakhine Buddhists51 – does not augur well for the development of a more open society that is accepting of the diversity of the country.




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