单词 | 撮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 撮—extractless common: gather up collect together pick up (a powder etc) with the fingertips scoop up 撮classifier—classifier for the quantity a pinch classifier for hair or grass, literal meaning: tuft Examples:撮合—act as a middleman play matchmaker 一小撮—handful (of) 撮要n—summaryn
4.14 食品法典委员会食物分類的索引和例子撮载於附件 5。 cfs.gov.hk | 4.14 Index and examples of Codex classification of foods is extracted at Annex V. cfs.gov.hk |
保守派”寻求保留旧的 [...] 经济体制,这种经济体制为一小撮人提供了众多经 济寻租机会和垄断优势。 crisisgroup.org | The “conservative” view seeks to [...] preserve the old economic system that provided considerable economic rents and [...] monopolistic advantages to asmallgroup. crisisgroup.org |
事实上,亚美尼亚总统通过赞美他的武装部队(这支部队在任何文明社会中 都将成为羞辱和蔑视的对象),以及讴歌一小撮应对战争期间对阿塞拜疆平民犯 下的残暴罪行负责的亡命之徒,向全世界再清楚不过地表明,在他看来,“亚美 尼亚品牌”和“亚美尼亚价值体系”到底意味着什么。 daccess-ods.un.org | In reality, by glorifying his armed forces, which would be an object of shame and contempt in any civilized society, as well as eulogizing a handful of desperadoes who are responsible for atrocious crimes committed against Azerbaijani civilians during the war, the President of Armenia makes it absolutely clear what, in his view, “the Armenian brand” and “the Armenian system of values” mean. daccess-ods.un.org |
据刚果黄金出口行主管人员说,正规出口量小的原因是,事实上,Kampala 和 Bujumbura 的一小撮不法贸易商多年来垄断了刚果的黄金贸易。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to Congolese gold export house managers, the small volume of official exports can be attributed to the fact thatahandful offraudulent traders in Kampala and Bujumbura have for many years monopolized the Congolese gold trade. daccess-ods.un.org |
2006 年预定完成的 58 项工程计划,现撮录於附件 I 及 II。 devb.gov.hk | Summary of details on the 58 projects scheduled for completion in 2006 are provided at Annexes I and II. devb.gov.hk |
第三,联盟的附加价值在这一期间有时受到挑战, 尤其是在注重成果做法与其作为全球撮合者和共同行动促进者的任务挂钩方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thirdly, the added value of the Alliance was sometimes challenged during this period, [...] in particular its results-oriented approach twinned to its mission [...] as a global matchmakerand catalyst [...]for joint actions. daccess-ods.un.org |
遗憾的是,2001 年在南非德 [...] 班举行的反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关 不容忍行为世界会议遭到一小撮国家的劫持,这些国 家参加此次会议的唯一目的就是把以色列妖魔化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in [...] Durban, South Africa in 2001 had been [...] hijacked by a small groupof States whose [...]sole purpose in attending the conference had been to demonize Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
终审法院判决撮要附於附件 B,以供参考。以下是节录自终审法院一致 作出并由终审法院首席法官颁下的判决撮要。 devb.gov.hk | A copy of the CFA judgment is enclosed for reference at Annex B. The following is extracted from the summary of the judgment given by the Chief Justice as the unanimous judgment of the CFA, prepared by the Judiciary. devb.gov.hk |
the Shepherd》之後,UNDER COVER的撮影工作亦会交给弟子守本胜英(N. Hoolywood御用摄影师)君延续,将巴黎的时光一直记录下去。 think-silly.com | After ‘the Shepherd’, Katsuhide Morimoto (the official photographer of N. Hoolywood) will take over to record Under Cover’s future in the making. think-silly.com |
索马里一小撮援助机构的承包商组成了卡特尔,并成为重要的权力 经纪人——其中一些将获取的利润——或援助本身—直接输送给反政府武装团 体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ahandful of Somali contractors [...] for aid agencies have formed a cartel and become important powerbrokers — some of whom channel [...]their profits — or the aid itself — directly to armed opposition groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
倘若涂掉部分十分庞大, 以致原有文件变得并无意义或有误导成分,则应考虑提供一 份清楚易明的纪录撮要,或如果这做法不可行,可考虑拒绝 要求,并提述拒绝理由。 access.gov.hk | If the extent of obliteration is such that the original document becomes meaningless or misleading, consideration should be given to providing an intelligible summary of the record or, if this is not possible, to refusing the request, with reference to the reasons for refusal. access.gov.hk |
现根据《注册承建商作业备考》38 的规定,将本人由上次參加/接受上文第 2(a)/2(b)/2(c)所述的面试/评审之日起计所获取的经验撮錄於随附的纸张上,并提交有关的证明文件。 bd.gov.hk | The experience I have gained since the date of my last interview/assessment as mentioned in paragraph 2(a)/2(b)/2(c) above is summarized in the attached sheet(s) with documentary justifications in accordance with PNRC 38. bd.gov.hk |
高专办还 应请求,就纠纷的解决在利益方之间进行调解或撮合讨论或谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon request, OHCHR also mediated or facilitated discussions or negotiations among stakeholders to resolve disputes. daccess-ods.un.org |
(i) 只提供纪录的撮要,而非所要求纪录的副本; (ii) 拒绝就是否持有资料一事加以证实或否认(如提 出拒绝披露资料的理由会证实资料的确存在或 不存在,便无须向申请人提供上文第 2.1.2(a)段 的资料)。 access.gov.hk | (ii) to refuse to confirm or deny the existence of information (in case giving the reasons for refusal would serve to confirm that the information did or did not exist, the point in paragraph 2.1.2(a) above does not have to be included in the information to be provided to the applicant). access.gov.hk |
我们正在利比亚看到的情况—— 一小撮国家出于政治目的利用一个崇高议题——使 [...] 得推动保护平民问题背后的所谓利他考量丧失了一 切可信度。 daccess-ods.un.org | What we are witnessing in Libya — the [...] exploitation for political purposes of a noble [...] subject by a small groupof countries [...]— has drained any credibility from the allegedly [...]altruistic intentions behind the promotion of the protection of civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
小穗4.5-6(-7)毫米,玫瑰色或带紫色红色; 披针形的颖片,近等长,下部颖片1脉,3脉的上面颖片,粗糙的平滑或只沿着龙骨状,锐渐尖的先端; 胼胝体毛1/3-1/2段外稃; 外稃4-5毫米,膜,上半部分粗糙,先端钝的或具小齿; 芒生于或者一外稃的小的中间以下,直或者有点膝曲,5-6毫米; 大约3/4的倍于外稃的内稃; 显着具毛撮的小穗轴,1.5-2毫米,包括头发4-5毫米花粉囊2-2.5毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets 4.5–6(–7) mm, rose or purplish red; glumes lanceolate, subequal, lower glume 1-veined, upper glume 3-veined, smooth or scabrid only along keel, apex sharply acuminate; callus hairs 1/3–1/2 length of lemma; lemma 4–5 mm, membranous, upper part scabrid, apex obtuse or denticulate; awn arising from or a little below middle of lemma, straight or slightly geniculate, 5–6 mm; palea ca. 3/4 as long as lemma; rachilla conspicuouslypenicillate,1.5–2 mm, including hairs 4–5 mm. flora.ac.cn |
这一非法 接管行动,让人想起在附近被占东耶路撒冷的 Sheikh Jarrah 发生的事件。作为旨 在将尽可能多的巴勒斯坦人赶出城市、对城市土生土长巴勒斯坦居民进行族裔清 洗、并进而实现犹太化的大政策的组成部分,那里的巴勒斯坦人聚居区现在已被 一小撮受多重保护的犹太定居者占据。 daccess-ods.un.org | This unlawful takeover is reminiscent of what took place in nearby Sheikh Jarrah in Occupied East Jerusalem, where a handful of heavily protected Jewish settlers now live in the predominantly Palestinian community as part of a larger policy aimed at forcing out as many Palestinians as possible from the City, advancing the ethnic cleansing of the City’s indigenous Palestinian inhabitants and thus its Judaization. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种做法 看 起 来 像 是 父 母强迫 子 女结婚 ,但事实上,父 母只是撮合,做 出 决定的仍然是子女本人。 daccess-ods.un.org | This act seems like the parents force their children to get married, but, in fact, the parents only facilitate the marriage, and the children are still the ones who decide. daccess-ods.un.org |
锺庭耀希望,本网页所载的「研究报告」、「参考资料」、「研究组员专栏文章」、「其他专栏文章撮要」、「档案文件」和「意见园地」,可以有助各界人士了解全民投票的理念,加强有关公民意识。 hkupop.hku.hk | Dr. Robert Chung hopes, with the information in below sections, namely "Research Report", "References", "Column Articles by Research Team Members", "Abstracts of Other Column Articles", "Document Archive" and "Open Forum", to strengthen public awareness and understanding of the concept of referendum. hkupop.hku.hk |
攻击行动是来自一小撮残暴之徒,不是利比亚人民或政府。 embassyusa.cn | This was an [...] attack by a small and savage group [...]– not the people or Government of Libya. eng.embassyusa.cn |
不过,区区数字只是简便的撮要,未能反映全部事实,尤其是署内各科各组不同职系和职级的人员,他们为完成上述高峰目标,为推行计划帮助有需要的人士获得居所,一直默默承受巨大的压力。 housingauthority.gov.hk | In particular they do not tell the story of the extraordinary pressures on staff at all levels, in all grades and disciplines, in all divisions and sections of the Department in preparing for this production peak, and in turning lines on a plan into homes for the needy. housingauthority.gov.hk |
虽然如此,窗户的美景依然有绿林及一小撮的冰河。 4tern.com | However, it still looks great. You are able to see the forest and a little bit of glacier. 4tern.com |
今天的投票结果是对以色列最好的回答:与一小撮以色列的庇护者正相反,真正的国际社会站在了法 [...] 治的一边,并谴责其在各处,包括黎巴嫩,实施的非 法行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | The results of the day’s vote were the best answer to Israel: [...] the real international community, as [...] opposed to thesmall group of protectors [...]of Israel, was on the side of the rule of law [...]and condemned it for its illegal practices everywhere, including in Lebanon. daccess-ods.un.org |
小穗3-5(-6)毫米,深紫色; 披针形的颖片,近等长或下部颖片稍短于上面,下部颖片1脉,3脉,粗糙的上面颖片,先端渐尖; 约的胼胝体毛1/3段外稃; [...] 外稃3-4.5毫米,似纸,透明的在边缘和顶,有时粗糙; 不规则的先端4齿; [...] 芒生于上面外稃背面或在上部的1/3,1-2.5(-6)毫米,直或稍弯曲; 大约2/3的倍于外稃的内稃; 显着具毛撮的小穗轴,1.5-2毫米,包括头发可达5毫米花粉囊1.4-2.3毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets 3–5(–6) mm, dark purple; glumes lanceolate, subequal or lower glume slightly shorter than upper, lower glume 1-veined, upper glume 3-veined, scabrid, apex acuminate; callus hairs ca. 1/3 length of lemma; lemma 3–4.5 mm, papery, hyaline at margins and apex, sometimes scabrid; apex irregularly 4-toothed; awn arising from upper 1/3 of lemma back or above, 1–2.5(–6) mm, straight or [...] slightly curved; palea ca. 2/3 as long as lemma; rachilla [...] conspicuously penicillate, 1.5–2 mm, including hairs up to 5 mm. flora.ac.cn |
为了解这些新 问题、其复杂性以及法庭的处理方法,我们撮述了自 1998 年以来 发生的 6 宗经纪违责事件的主要事实和结果,以及法庭作出的重要 判决。 hkicc.org.hk | To understand these new issues, their complexities and how they had been addressed by the courts, we provide a summary of the main facts and results of each of the 6 broker defaults since 1998 as well as the key decisions made by the courts. hkicc.org.hk |
本文主要概述2012年6月15日在香港举行的第65届世界民意研究学会 (World Association of Public Opinion Research)年会中,由其姊妹组织美国民意研究学会 (American Association of Public Opinion Research) 筹办的专题会议「21世纪票站调查:美国的角度」,其中一篇报告的撮要。 hkupop.hku.hk | This article mainly summarizes one of the presentations at the special panel session “Exit Polling in the 21st Century: A Perspective from the USA” of AAPOR (American Association of Public Opinion Research), the sister organization of WAPOR (World Association for Public Opinion Research), at the 65th annual conference of WAPOR held in Hong Kong on 15 June 2012. hkupop.hku.hk |
高伦向客户提供直通式订单自动撮合技术,因而浮动点差在市场波动剧烈的时刻也可能发生变动,例如在经济数据发布前后以及重大新闻事件发布之际。 gcmfx.cn | Due to our STP / DMA, spreads may vary in times of high market volatility, before and after major economic releases, and following other important news and events. es.gcmfx.com |
在若开问题上 新兴起的“佛教徒团结”游说团体由佛教僧侣和一小撮支持若开佛教徒的缅甸精英人士组成,51 这对 建设多元化国家和开放社会似乎并不是个好兆头。 crisisgroup.org | ne issue – with Buddhist monks and a segment of the Burman elite demonstrating in support of Rakhine Buddhists51 – does not augur well for the development of a more open society that is accepting of the diversity of the country. crisisgroup.org |