

单词 撤消

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 拒绝了关于取消互联网控制,加快宗教团体的地方登记 撤消 或 修订用于将异见 刑罪化的国家安全法和释放良心犯的建议。
It noted the rejection of recommendations to lift Internet controls,
expedite local registration of religious
[...] organizations, repeal or amend national [...]
security laws used to criminalize dissent,
and release prisoners of conscience.
印度代表团向经社会通报了《南亚自由贸易区》所取得的进展,并说 该国家实际上已对来自南亚区域合作联盟(南盟)最不发达国家的货 撤消 了敏感货物清单。
The delegation of India informed the Commission about the progress of the South Asian Free Trade
Area (SAFTA) and mentioned that the
[...] country had virtually eliminated its list of sensitive [...]
goods from the least developed member countries of SAARC.
该组织吁 请 以 色列继 续朝这 一 积极方 向 努 力撤 消 或 缩 小对《消 除 对妇女歧视公约 》、特别是 在 平等参与公共生 活 和 家 庭 生 活 中的男 女 平等问题上 的保留。
It called upon Israel to continue in this positive direction and to remove or narrow down its reservations to CEDAW, particularly on equality in public representation and on gender equality in family life.
在秘书处做了说明之后,埃及的候选人资格 撤消 , 因 为在选举上述委员会的当天, 《第二议定书》在埃及尚未生效。
Following the Secretariat’s explanations,
[...] Egypt’s nomination was withdrawn since, on the date [...]
of the election of the Committee, the
Second Protocol had not entered into force in respect of Egypt.
在这方面,应当回顾,第 478(1980)号决议除其 他外,特别认为以色列对耶路撒冷实施所谓的基本 法的做法违反了国际法,决定不承认“基本法”和
[...] 以色列旨在改变耶路撒冷性质和地位的其他行动, 并认定所有这些措施和行动是无效的,要求立即予撤消。
In this regard, it should be recalled that resolution 478 (1980), inter alia, specifically deemed Israel’s enactment of the so-called basic law on Jerusalem to be a violation of international law, decided not to recognize the “basic law” and other actions by Israel aimed at altering the character and status of
Jerusalem, and determined all such measures and actions to be null and void, calling
[...] for them to be rescinded forthwith.
4.敦促批准特拉特洛尔科条约第一和第二议定书的核武器国,如有影响条 约所做无核化规定的单方面解释,应修改 撤消 上 述 单方面解释。
4.To urge the States possessing nuclear weapons which, having ratified Protocols I and II of the Treaty of Tlatelolco, have done so with unilateral interpretations that
affect the status of denuclearization established by the
[...] Treaty, to modify or withdraw said unilateral interpretations.
[...] 可將授與董事會之任何權力、權限及處理權授與任何這種當地委員會、經理或代理(由董事會決 定是否附帶轉授權力),以及授權任何當地委員會成員或任何委員會填補其中任何空缺,而且不 論有無空缺都授權辦事,而任何這種委任或授權可根據董事會認為適當之條件作出﹔董事會可 撤換如此委任之任何人士,亦撤消 或 改 變任何這種授權,但著意從事業務而未收 撤消 或改 變通知之人士則不受其影響。
The Directors may establish any local boards or agencies for managing any of the affairs of the Company, either in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and may appoint any persons to be members of such local boards, or any managers or agents for the Company, and may fix their remuneration, and may delegate (with or without power to sub-delegate as the Directors shall determine) to any local board, manager or agent any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in the Directors, and may authorise the members of any local boards, or any of them, to fill any vacancies therein, and to act notwithstanding vacancies, and any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Directors may think fit, and the Directors may
remove any person so
[...] appointed, and may annul or vary any such delegation, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of any such annulment or variation shall [...]
be affected thereby.
在「香港政府」後加㆖「立撤消『 第㆒收容港』政策及堵塞其他漏洞,避免 因港府將越南拒收的船民變相改為『香港居民』而可能引致新㆒輪的船民湧港潮; [...]
此外,並應」及刪除「,並且不可藉修改越南船民的非法入境者身份,使其變相 成為香港永久居民,來達致關閉船民營這目標」。
To insert after "a decade" the
words ", this Council urges the
[...] Government to abolish immediately the 'Port of First Asylum' [...]
policy and plug up other loopholes
in order to prevent possible influx of boat people into the territory consequent upon the Government's move to allow boat people rejected by the Vietnamese Government to become 'residents of Hong Kong' in disguised form"; to delete "this Council urges the Government to"; and to delete "The Government should not, for the purpose of closing the VBP centres, alter the illegal immigrants status of the boat people and allow them to become permanent residents of Hong Kong; and instead" and substitute with "To achieve the target".
[...] 支持)和对工作人员的一般行政管理,提 撤消 外 勤 财务程序管理股并调动 5 个 现有员额至司长办公室。
In order to strengthen the Front Office in terms of support to the Director, to the services and sections of the Division (including for project management), and to the general administration of staff, it is proposed
that the Field Finance Procedures
[...] Management Unit be discontinued and 5 existing [...]
posts be redeployed to the Front Office of the Director.
一代表说,如果提供更多的背景资料,说明考 撤消 项 目 的理由,以使成员们在开会 之前意识到存在的问题,会有所帮助。
One representative said that it would be useful to have more background
on the reasons why projects were being
[...] considered for cancellation so that members [...]
would be aware of issues before they came to the Meeting.
据此,提撤消战略 部署物资储存股并裁撤该股的 4 个续设员额,即股长 [...]
(P-4)、业务干事(P-3)、财务助理(一般事务(特等))和业务助理(一般事务(其他 职等)),并在后勤基地后勤处处长办公室设立这些员额。
Accordingly, it
[...] is proposed that the Strategic Deployment [...]
Stocks Unit and its four continuing posts of Chief (P-4), Operational
Officer (P-3), Finance Assistant (GS (PL)) and Operational Assistant (GS (OL)) be abolished and established in the Office of the Chief, Logistics Service of UNLB.
刪除「以公眾利益為大前提,凍結九巴現行的票價」並以「認真考慮九巴的營 運情況、成本㆖漲幅度、服務質素、將
[...] 來的服務發展及市民對加價的接受程度等, 把加幅控制在合理的水平」取 代;在撤消」前 加㆖「在公眾利益的大前提㆘,」; 刪除「專營權,並開放港島所有」並以「部分專營路線,把所削減的」取代;刪 [...]
To insert "(KMB)" after "Kowloon Motor Bus Company Limited"; to delete "primary consideration to public interests and freeze the existing level of bus fares" and substitute with "serious consideration to such factors as KMB's operating conditions, the extent of rise in operating cost, quality and future development of KMB's services and the acceptability of the increase to the public, and to maintain the
fare increase at a reasonable level";
[...] and to delete "to revoke CMB's franchise upon [...]
its expiry in August this year and to
open all bus routes on Hong Kong Island for open tender so as to bring in competition" and substitute with ", in the best interests of the public, to cancel some of CMB's franchised bus routes when its franchise expires in August this year, and to put them for open tender so as to augment competition with a view to bringing about the best services to the public".
[...] 4(d)而表示的关切,尽管承认与(b) 分段内容大致类似的一则规定可能会抑制给破产财产造成损失,但会议商定, 需要对行文措辞再作考虑,并且需要进一步考虑如何澄清建议草案与《立法指 南》有撤消规定的章节之间的关系。
Subparagraph (b) raised concerns similar to those expressed with respect to draft recommendation 4 (d) and while it was acknowledged that a provision along the lines of subparagraph (b) might provide a disincentive for causing loss to the insolvency estate, it was agreed further consideration needed to be given to the drafting and
to clarifying the
[...] relationship of the draft recommendation to the section of the Legislative Guide on avoidance provisions.
(vi) 授予董事一般無條件授權(「購回授權」)以行使本公司所有權力
以購買總面值不超過本公司緊隨股份發售及資本化發行完成後 已發行股本總面值10%股份,但不包括因行使超額配股權可能發 行的任何股份,直至本公司下屆股東週年大會完結,或本公司根
[...] 據細則或任何適用法例須舉行下屆股東週年大會之日,或股東通 過普通決議撤消或改 變給予董事的權力,以較早發生者為先。
(vi) a general unconditional mandate (“Repurchase Mandate”) was given to the Directors to exercise all powers of the Company to purchase Shares with an aggregate nominal amount of not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue immediately following completion of the Share Offer and the Capitalisation Issue but excluding any Shares which may be issued pursuant to the exercise of the Over-allotment Option; until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company, or the date by which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the
Articles or any applicable law to be held, or the passing of an ordinary resolution
[...] by Shareholders revoking or varying the authority [...]
given to the Directors, whichever occurs first.
对委员进行调查,确定他们目前对 委员会活动的兴趣,征求他们对与另一委员会合并或直 撤消 的 意 见。
A survey of the membership will be taken to determine their current interest in the committee's activities and opinion regarding merger with another committee or discharge.
为协助将受害人和证人保护职能协调过渡到余留事项处理机制,同时也为遵 守 S/2009/258 第
[...] 259(l)㈡段的规定,法庭一直在考虑审查证人保护令的各种方 式,以便撤消或更 改不再需要的保护令。
In order to assist the coordinated transition of the victims and witnesses protection function to the Residual Mechanism, and in compliance with paragraph 259 (l) (ii) of S/2009/258, the Tribunal has been
considering ways to review witness protection
[...] orders with a view to withdrawing or varying those [...]
that are no longer necessary.
假如一个aspect从JVM中撤消,aspe ct代码将被丢弃并且相应的拦截也将不会再发生。
If a withdrawal from the JVM aspect [...]
, aspect code will be discarded and the corresponding block will not happen again .
您可通过电子邮件或传真将此等 撤消 通 知 书”传送给以下联系人,或将一份该通知 [...]
书的副本递交给 PEI 行政办公室存留。
You may send
[...] such Notice of Cancellation by email or [...]
fax to the following contacts, or leave a copy with the PEI administrative office.
[...] 机构和双边机构当年业务计划中的已核准项目通过节省而不再需要的经费;项目余额退款 以及已核准项目撤消之后 的退款;在业务计划所涉年度没有获得批准的年度分期付款; [...]
或由于符合资助条件的 ODS 消费量和/或产量低于预测模型得出的数量上限所节省的经 费)。
A window for accelerated phase-out and maintaining momentum might continue to be funded from various sources (e.g., funds not required through savings in approved projects from the current year’s business plans of the implementing and
bilateral agencies; funds returned
[...] from balances and cancellations from projects approved; [...]
funds from annual tranches not
approved during the business plan year; or savings from funding lower levels of eligible ODS consumption and/or production than the maximum levels resulted from the Model).
综上所述,现对第 34(2)条案文第三句提出以下建议:“只要根据仲裁地法各方 当事人可以有效为之,其即可对所作裁决放弃向任何法院或其他主管机构任何 形式的上诉、复议或追诉权利,但请 撤消 裁 决 的申请除外。
All this leads to the following proposal for the text of article 34 (2), third sentence: “Insofar as the parties may validly do so under the law of the place of arbitration, they waive their right to any form of appeal, review or recourse against an award to any court or other competent authority except for an application for the setting aside of an award.
请解释残疾人的监护人或照料者是否有权决定终止 撤消 治 疗 、营养或任何 其他生命维持形式。
Please explain whether guardians or caregivers of persons with
disabilities can take decisions regarding the
[...] termination or withdrawal of medical treatment, [...]
nutrition or any other life support.
(d) 在等待该国迅速撤消其对 《公约》第37条(c) 款的保留同时,保证任 何被剥夺自由的男女青少年在监禁场所内与成人分开,但不分开的方式符合青少 [...]
(d) While
[...] awaiting the expeditious withdrawal of its reservation [...]
to article 37 (c) of the Convention, ensure that, unless
it is in his or her best interests not to be, any child, male or female, deprived of liberty is separated from adults in all places of detention
作为本组织改革战略的组成部分,为了使秘书处内部 结构趋于合理,已将支助和服务 撤消 , 其原来的各 个科室已被分到管理和行政单位的不同处室中。
As part of the reform strategy of the Organization and in a bid to rationalize the structures within the Secretariat, the Bureau for Support and Services was dissolved with its different units being divided between different services within the Management and Administrative Services Sector.
随着金融市场条件改善以及逐步复苏的迹象增强,大多数短期流动资金措施 到 2010 年第一季度末已逐撤消,而中央银行购买的大多数长期证券依然留在 其资产负债表上。
As financial market conditions improved and signs of a gradual recovery have strengthened, most shortterm liquidity measures have been wound down by the end of the first quarter of 2010, while most long-term securities that central banks purchased remain on their balance sheets.
委员会的合并撤消,是 为了更好地服务于另一个主要委员会,前提是该委员 会的任务已完成或处于无业务状态。
This may occur if the purpose of the committee would be better served in another existing main committee, upon completion of the work for which the committee was established, or as a result of inactivity.
[...] HelpStudio的内容编辑提供了强大的创作功能,包括表编辑(行,列或单元格剪切/复制/粘贴、重设大小) ,无限制撤消,超 链接设计器和创建高亮标志。
Content Editor: The HelpStudio content editor provides powerful authoring functionality including
table editing (row, column or cell cut/copy/paste,
[...] resize), unlimited undo, hyperlink designer [...]
and build flag highlighting.
此外,印度尼西亚拟定了有利于新闻 自由和无种族歧视的立法撤消了其对《儿童权利公 约》提具的保留,并计划在 [...]
2009 年批准《禁止酷刑 和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》 任择议定书。
Moreover, Indonesia had enacted legislation to increase
freedom of information and to prevent
[...] racial discrimination, withdrawn its reservations [...]
to the Convention on the Rights of the
Child and taken steps towards ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in 2009.
要对国际和平与安全作出真正的贡献,外国列强就 撤消 其 在 拉 丁美洲和加勒比地区的军事基地,包括违背古巴人民意愿非法占领的古巴领土上 [...]
To make a real contribution to
international peace and security, foreign
[...] Powers should remove their military [...]
bases in Latin America and the Caribbean,
including the Guantánamo Bay naval base, which was on Cuban territory illegally occupied against the will of the Cuban people.
(c) 审查有关儿童监护的立法,根据《公约》第3和第12
[...] 条,确保所有决 定都以儿童最大利益原则为依据,并确保如果一名母亲再婚,不 撤消 其 对 其女 子的监护;和
(c) To review its legislation relating to the custody of the child with a view to ensuring that all decisions taken are based on the principle of the best interests of the child in line with articles 3
and 12 of the Convention and that
[...] children can no longer be withdrawn from their mother’s [...]
custody if she remarries; and




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