

单词 撒克逊



Anglo-Saxon (people)


Saxon (people)

See also:

let go
let loose
give expression to

External sources (not reviewed)

巴赫的大多数独唱曲和合唱曲都是在其早期作品的基础上添加歌词而来,主要来自 1733 年所作的两部庆撒克逊宫廷 的圣乐曲。
For most of the arias and choruses, Bach added new text to music
derived from his earlier compositions, most notably from two congratulatory cantatas
[...] written for the Saxon court in 1733.
法国杂志Indigo的旅游记者Marc Michel表示,澳门的地中海“暖”风情与香港的安格 撒克逊 ( A n gl o-Saxon) “冷”情调形成强烈对比,这将会是吸引法国游客的卖点。
For the travel journalist, Marc Michel, from Indigo magazine, "Macau's Mediterranean side will charm French people, mainly because of the contrast with the Anglo-Saxon, more [...]
formal, side of Hong Kong.
汉娜得到执行前面的英国女王和她的孙女,但Miley和 克逊 的 祖 母“Mammaw访问”麦莉感到受了伤害,因为她在这里 克逊 的 排 球比赛。
Hannah gets to perform in front of the Queen of England and her
granddaughter, but a
[...] visit from Miley and Jackson's grandma "Mammaw" makes Miley feel hurt because she's here for Jackson's volleyball tournament.
c. 普魯士:失去了所屬的波蘭,所以獲得了萊茵河各省和五分之二 撒克森 作為補償。
ii. For the loss of its Polish
territory (to Russia), Prussia received Western
[...] Pomerania, parts of Saxony and Westphalia, [...]
and lands on the River Rhine.
普魯士均得了波林﹐此舉是為了揭止俄國﹔她亦同時在西部取 得了部撒克森和 萊茵河區﹐以揭止法國在將來的侵略。
Prussia took Posen in order to
check Russia and, at the same time, she
[...] also got part of Saxony and the Rhine [...]
province in the West in order to check the future aggression of France.
另一方面﹐普魯士的勢力因為吞併 撒克 森 和萊 茵河區而強化。
On the other hand Prussia was strengthened by the
[...] annexation of Saxony and Rhineland.
80 对于这一批评,可以这样回答:㈠ 评注绝不是以盎 格鲁-撒哈逊当局 的惯例为限,同时,人们必须以现有的可以得到的惯例为基础 (这种惯例可能在盎格鲁-撒哈逊国家 比在其他国家多);㈡ 虽然,尽管现任特别 报告员的前任非常仔细的研究,可能仍有某些先例被遗漏。
In addition, it has been said that the practice referred to in the commentary is too focused on practice and doctrine in common law countries.80 In response it may be stated: (i) that the commentary is certainly not confined to the practice of common law authorities but that it must be based on existing, accessible practice (and practice is perhaps more accessible in common law countries than in others); (ii) that while it may be that some precedents are not referred to, notwithstanding the meticulous research undertaken by the current Special Rapporteur’s late predecessor, that research was thoroughly conducted and there should be no major omissions; and (iii) that any further research based on questionnaires addressed to States would delay the conclusion of work on this topic indefinitely.
这些文章包括里科尔多·达·蒙克罗 斯(Ricoldo da Montecroce,约 1243–1320 年)的 Confutatio legis latae Saracenis a maledicto Mahometo(《驳撒拉逊人穆 罕默德诅咒所制定的律则》),附有平行显示的希腊文译文;Historiae de Saracenorum [...]
sive Turcarum origine, moribus, nequitia,
religione, rebus gestis(《撒拉逊人历史或土耳其的起源、行为、邪恶行径、宗教和历史》),由路德作序;以及 Contra Mahometicam fidem Christiana & orthodoxa assertion(《反对伊斯兰教和一篇基督正教的信仰主张》)的希腊文原版和拉丁文译本,作者是东方大帝约翰六世坎塔库泽努斯(John VI Cantacuzenus,1292–1383 年)。
These writings include Confutatio legis latae
[...] Saracenis a maledicto Mahometo (Refutation of the law enacted by the curse of the Saracens, Mahomet) by Ricoldo da Montecroce (circa 1243–1320), with a parallel Greek [...]
translation; Historiae
de Saracenorum sive Turcarum origine, moribus, nequitia, religione, rebus gestis (History of the Saracen or Turkish origin, behavior, wickedness, religion, and history), prefaced by Luther; and the Greek original and Latin translation of Contra Mahometicam fidem Christiana & orthodoxa assertion (Against Mohammedanism and a Christian Orthodox faith assertion) by John VI Cantacuzenus, Emperor of the East (1292–1383).
这幅由亚历山大·杰克逊·戴维 斯(1803-92 年)创作的画作采用的是水彩和水墨的手法,表现的是 [...]
1834 年国会大厦东侧的正面图。
This elevation
[...] by Alexander Jackson Davis (1803-92), [...]
rendered in ink, watercolor, and wash, shows the east front of the
Capitol as it appeared in 1834.
海军健康研究中心为位于马里兰州Silver Spring的海军医学研究司令部、位于佛罗里达州 克逊 维 尔 的海军医学支持司令部以及海军内外科局(BUMED),管理和开展远期应用医学研究、开发、测试以及评估项目。
NHRC manages and executes expeditionary operational medical research, development and test and evaluation programs for the Naval Medical Research Command, Silver Spring, MD, Navy Medicine Support Command, Jacksonville, FL and the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED).
伯劳姆-杰克逊女士是一位资格出众的候选人,拥有必要的学 术、专业、国际和跨文化背景以及数十年的经验。
Ms. Prom-Jackson is an eminently qualified candidate with the requisite academic, professional, international and cross-cultural background and experience, spanning many decades.
赞赏成立由海地总理让-马克斯·贝勒里夫先生和美利坚合众国前总统 威廉·杰逊·克林顿先生担任联合主席的海地恢复临时委员会,其目的是进行 战略规划协调,并以最大程度的必要透明和问责,使用来自双边和多边捐助者、 非政府组织及私营部门的资源,并期待捐助者以及其他国家、区域和国际组织、 合作伙伴及利益攸关方继续在委员会执行任务方面提供支助
Commends the creation of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission, co-chaired by the Prime Minister of Haiti, Mr. Jean-Max Bellerive, and the former President of the United States of America, Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, aimed at conducting strategic planning and coordination and implementing resources from bilateral and multilateral donors, civil society organizations and the private sector, with all necessary transparency and accountability, and looks forward to continued support from donors and other national, regional and international organizations, partners and stakeholders in connection with the implementation of the mandate of the Commission
在《太快逝去》中,Halperin深入到 克逊 的 生 活,拍下了长达300多小时的视频和音频片段,这些全新的视频和音频片段以前从未公开或发布过,视频和音频片段的内容是迈克尔 · 杰 克逊 及 其 最信赖的好友和员工在他逝世前后一段时期内的情况。
In GONE TOO SOON, Halperin infiltrates Jackson's camp and shoots over 300 hours of unprecedented and never before seen or released video footage and audio clips of Michael Jackson and the star's most reliable friends and employees [...]
both before and after the star's death
音樂大師如撒克·斯特 恩,小澤征爾等,都對她的音樂才華給予極高評價。
Following her performance at the1999 Beijing Music Festival, Isaac Stern invited her to study with him in the USA.
I would like to thank the Secretary-General and his Special Envoy, former
[...] President William Jefferson Clinton for their reports [...]
and briefings today.
[...] 1931年出生于加拿大安大略省,现任美国缅因州 克逊 实 验室荣休科学家。
Douglas L Coleman, born 1931 in Ontario, Canada, is Senior Staff Scientist,
[...] Emeritus of The Jackson Laboratory, Maine, USA.
此外入有负责西撒哈拉 问题的秘书长个人特使的咨询人所需资源, 显示 2010 年计划中的磋商和谈判有所增加(76 400 美元);以及秘书长 防止灭绝种族罪行问题特别顾问的咨询人所需资源,因为计划在 2010 年 开展培训活动以加强该办公室在提高对灭绝种族罪行的认识方面的工作 (90 200 美元)。
Resources for consultants are also included for the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara, reflecting the increase in consultations and negotiations planned for 2010 ($76,400), and the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, as a result of the planned training activities for 2010 to intensify the efforts of the office on genocide awareness ($90,200).
b) 在教科文组织特别项目“青年参与世界遗产的保护和宣传”框架内,制订世界遗 产教育计划,其目标群体为 12--16 岁学生,在耶撒冷中学举办讲习班,宣传现 有的材料:倡导青年参与遗产遗址的管理和保护实用手册(教科文组织和国际文 化财产保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)于 2002 年在皮特拉开始根据耶撒冷情况调整活动)和世界遗产掌握在青年手中教育包。
(b) Development of a World Heritage Education programme, the target group of which are 12-16 years old students, within the framework of the UNESCO Special Project “Young People’s Participation in World Heritage Preservation and Promotion”, through workshops diffusing already available materials: the practical manual Introducing Young People to Heritage Site Management and Protection (adapting an activity initiated in 2002 in Petra by UNESCO and ICCROM to the case of Jerusalem) and the World Heritage in Young Hands Kit in Jerusalem secondary schools.
公司有独特的保温瓶技术,超高温承压保温瓶(耐温400℃)已成功大量应用于热采测井仪器,该系列热采仪器在胜利油田、辽河油田、新疆油田等国内油田广泛使用,并且出口到 撒克 斯 坦国;使用该保温瓶的长效压力计解决了蒸汽井长时间压力测试难题,是国内唯一在超高温环境下连续工作时间超过4天的仪器,该项技术的专利正在审批过程中。
The company has a unique thermos technology, ultra high temperature pressure vacuum flask (temperature 400 ° C) have been successfully applied to a large number of thermal recovery logging instrument, the thermal recovery equipment widely used in domestic oilfields of the Shengli Oilfield, Liaohe Oilfield, Xinjiang Oilfield exports to the country of Kazakhstan; use the thermos of long-term pressure gauge to solve the test problem of the long pressure of the steam wells, is the only consecutive working hours in the ultra-high temperature environment for instruments more than four days, the technology the patent approval process.
在这方面,我想提请你们注意占领国以色列在包括东耶 撒 冷 在 内的巴勒斯 坦被占领土上进行的以下非法行动,并重申巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人呼吁包括安全 理事会在内的国际社会维护他们的法律义务和责任、立即采取行动制止这种非法和 危险的局势和抓住实现公正、全面和持久和平解决的有利时机,特别是通过和平解 决巴勒斯坦人民可在 1967 年前边界的基础上建立以东耶撒冷 为 首都的独立、主 权、民主、毗邻和能独立发展的巴勒斯坦国,实现自己的自决和自由权利。
In this regard, I wish to draw your attention to the following illegal actions perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory,
[...] including East Jerusalem, and to reiterate the appeal of the Palestinian people and their leadership to the international community, including the Security Council, to uphold its legal obligations and responsibilities and to act forthwith to bring an end to this unlawful and dangerous situation and to salvage the prospects of realizing a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement by which, inter alia, the Palestinian people will realize their right to self-determination and freedom in their independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its [...]
capital, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
多种文化和民族撒哈拉”项目在其第二个实施阶段,已开始确立有助于在文化、 环境和旅游领域促进自主管理和采用参与性方法的框架,通过开展能够满足参观者愿望的旅 游活动,进一步利撒哈拉 文化和自然遗产,同时要保证资源具有长久性,并尊重当地居民 的生活方式。
The second operational phase of the
[...] project “The Sahara of cultures and people” has begun to establish a framework to encourage empowerment and participatory approaches in the fields of culture, the environment and tourism and to promote the cultural and natural heritage of the Sahara through a form [...]
of tourism that meets
visitors’ expectations while ensuring the sustainability of resources and respect for the local people’s way of life.
关于以色列在包括东耶撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦 被占领土和被占领的叙利亚戈兰的定居点的报告 [...]
(A/66/364),根据在该领土开展行动的联合国机构 以及以色列和巴勒斯坦非政府组织提供的资料,特 别建议以色列履行其国际法律义务及其在定居方面 的路线图承诺,并且建议适当调查并起诉所有关于
The report on Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
[...] including East Jerusalem, and the occupied [...]
Syrian Golan (A/66/364), based on information
provided by United Nations bodies operating in the territory and by Israeli and Palestinian non-governmental organizations, recommended, inter alia, that Israel should comply with its international legal obligations and its Road Map commitments in respect of settlements and that all serious allegations concerning settlement-related criminal acts should be properly investigated and prosecuted.
后来他发现,无论是当音乐家、作曲家或制作人的角色,自己越来越对蓝调,疯克和流行乐产生浓厚兴趣,因此很自然地朝向此方向发展,也把他带到年轻的迈克尔 - 杰 克逊 ( Mi chael Jackson)身边。
Subsequently he found himself increasingly interested – as a musician, composer and producer – in blues, funk and pop, a direction that naturally led him to the doorstep of the young Michael Jackson.
在东部沿海地区,《华盛顿邮报》对铜质管道系统的常年泄漏问题进行了两年多的持续报道;在西部的德克萨斯州,《圣安托尼奥快报》对过早故障问题进行了追踪报导;而在南部的佛罗里达州 克逊 维 尔 ,铜质冷热水管道已遭到全面禁用。
From the east coast where The Washington Post has provided ongoing coverage for more than two years on the chronic leaks in copper systems--onward west to Texas where The San Antonio Express-News has continued to cover the problem of premature failures--down south to Jacksonville, Florida, where copper plumbing has been banned all together.




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