单词 | 撒但 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 撒但 noun —satan nSee also:撒—sprinkle • spill • cast • let go • let loose • give expression to • discharge
人管理的权力被魔鬼篡夺了,以至于今天人活在一个 被 撒但 控 制 的世界里(太 4:8,9)。 sallee.info | Man’s right to rule was usurped by the devil, so that now he lives in [...] a world ruled by Satan (Mt 4:8,9). sallee.info |
做為基督徒,我們在何處可以找到對 付 撒但 技 倆 的方法? calvarygs.org | As Christians, our defenses against [...] the strategies of Satan are found where? calvarygs.org |
如果人没有符合圣经的世界观,那么他可能认不 出 撒但 的 攻 击,或者他可能不知道 对 撒但 的 攻击 怎样回应。 sallee.info | If a person does not have a biblical [...] worldview, he may not recognize attacks from Satan, or he may not know how to respond to [...]the attacks. sallee.info |
类似 地,在耶稣禁食了四十个昼夜之后, 撒但 诱 惑 他不倚靠天父,而运用超自然的能力来除去他 [...] 的饥饿(太 4:2-4)。 sallee.info | Likewise, after Jesus had been fasting for forty [...] days and nights, Satan tempted Him to [...]relieve His hunger by exercising supernatural [...]power independently of His father (Mt 4:2-4). sallee.info |
因着我们的肉体里有撒但的生命和性情,所以我们根据神的话就说 , 撒但 以罪 的形态住在人的肉体里面。 concernedbrothers.com | In the sense of having within our [...] flesh the life and nature of Satan we say, according to God's Word, that Satan in the form of sin dwells [...]in man's flesh. concernedbrothers.com |
因 此,这世界和它的王撒但恨我们(约 17:14),与我们争战。 sallee.info | Therefore, the [...] world and its ruler, Satan, hate us (Jn 17:14) [...]and war against us. sallee.info |
撒但,“ 这世界的王”(约 16:11 ),不希望教会建立者开启非信徒的眼,以至于他们可能从黑暗中归向光明和得蒙赦罪(徒 [...] 26:18)。 sallee.info | Satan, the “prince of this [...] world” (Jn 16:11), does not want the church planter to open the eyes of unbelievers so that they [...]might turn from darkness to light and find forgiveness for their sins (Acts 26:18). sallee.info |
因着他与 神之间的新关系,他成了 [...] 神的仇敌――反对 神的百姓、计 划和旨意的撒但和牠 的势力――攻击的目标。 sallee.info | Because of his new relationship with God, the [...] believer becomes the target of attack by the [...] enemies of God— Satan and his forces [...]who oppose God’s person, plans and purposes. sallee.info |
因此,信徒不应该因逼迫而惊奇, 而应该意识到它是撒但发出 的间接攻击。 sallee.info | Therefore, believers should not be surprised by [...] persecution, but should realize that is an indirect attack from Satan. sallee.info |
如果注意到其他鬼魔活动的迹象,就应该寻找这个人在 自己的生命中所让给撒但的其 他“根据地”,并重复释放的过程。 sallee.info | If other signs of demonic activity are noticed, [...] the deliverance process should be repeated, looking for other "ground" that this [...] person has given to Satan in his life. sallee.info |
如果我们没有正确的世界观,那很可能 当 撒但 (比如通过疾病)发出进攻的时候,我们却不知道是攻击!对符合圣经的世界观的正确理解有助于教 [...] 会建立者正确地分辨他的生命和事工中所发生的事情。 sallee.info | If we do not have a proper [...] worldview then Satan may attack (for [...]example, through sending sickness) and we may not even recognize it! sallee.info |
这颗晨星想让自己与至高者同等,很多圣经学者把这点看作 是 撒但 堕 落 的参 考,牠本是个受造的天使,却想与神同等。 sallee.info | Many biblical scholars see this as a reference [...] to the fall of Satan, a created angelic [...]being who wanted to be like God. sallee.info |
教会是神的计划,为的是向世界传福音,彰显祂胜 过 撒但 的权 柄,并接纳那些将成为神的子民的人。 sallee.info | The Church is God’s plan to reach [...] the world today, to manifest His [...] progressive victory over Satan, and to enfold those [...]who would be part of the people of God. sallee.info |
记住这些经文,这样当撒但诱 惑你,要你相信谎言的时候,就用这些真理来反对牠。 sallee.info | Memorize these [...] verses and when Satan tempts you to believe [...]a lie, use these truths against him. sallee.info |
教会建立者们处在事工的“前线”,所以需要极其警醒,提 防 撒但 一 定 会给他们的试 探。 sallee.info | Church planters are on the “front lines” of [...] ministry and as such need to guard themselves carefully against the [...] temptations that Satan will most certainly [...]offer them. sallee.info |
所以,如果你真的放棄了為主作見證的生 活,就讓撒但正中下懷了。 liangyou.net | 72. and, if you give up the witnessing [...] life-style, you are delighting Satan. liangyou.net |
他们 宣告他们在基督里的权柄,斥责和拒 绝 撒但 在 他 们生命中的作为和能力,并且求神拯救他们。 sallee.info | Claiming their authority in Christ, they denounced the [...] work and power of Satan in their lives [...]and asked God for deliverance. sallee.info |
有时,如果受折磨的人是信徒,圣灵会带领他们亲口 [...] 承认他们在基督里的身份,为导致自己被鬼魔辖制的罪悔改,并斥 责 撒但。 sallee.info | Sometimes in cases where the person being afflicted is a believer, the Holy Spirit will lead them to [...] acknowledge their position in Christ, repent of the sins that resulted in demonic [...] oppression, and refute Satan themselves. sallee.info |
本课的目的是要帮助教会建立者分辨和抵 御 撒但 的 攻 击,并能够帮助因魔鬼的攻击而在受苦的人。 sallee.info | The purpose of this lesson is to help church planters discern and [...] defend against satanic attacks and be [...]able to help people who are suffering from demonic affliction. sallee.info |
馬太福音 [...] 4:1-11;在第 3 節經文中,我們發現耶穌被撒但試 探; 在第 6 節經文中發現今生的驕傲; [...]在第 8、9 節的經文 中發現眼目的情慾,在第 4、7、10 節耶穌用同樣的字句來 勝過試探,耶穌所用的字句是什麼? calvarygs.org | In Matthew 4:1-11; we find [...] Jesus tempted by Satan in verse 3; the [...]pride of life in verse 6; and the lust of the eyes in verses 8 & 9. calvarygs.org |
求神帮助人从享乐主义的文化及生活模式中解脱出来,这 是 撒但 欺 骗 人的技 俩,破坏人与人之间的关系。 ccineurope.org | Pray for God to release people from the deception of a hedonistic culture and lifestyle that destroys human relationships. ccineurope.org |
故此,在这些情况下,信友毋须参与主日 弥 撒 , 但 为 本 身的神益,他们仍须履行另一些善工,例如在家中阅读圣经 [...] (主日弥撒选用的读经较佳) 或念玫瑰经。 catholic.org.hk | However, for their own spiritual benefit, [...] they are still required to perform some works of piety, such as meditating on [...]some Scripture passages (preferably those chosen for the Sunday liturgy) or saying the Rosary at home. catholic.org.hk |
在这一方面,撒但 诱惑 过耶稣:只要耶稣拜牠,牠就将世上的万国和万国的荣华赐给他(太 [...] 4:8)。 sallee.info | Satan tempted Jesus in this arena [...] by offering Him all of the kingdoms of the world with their splendor if He would worship him (Mt 4:8). sallee.info |
福音 传道者们相信启示录 12:7-9 说的是撒但和牠 的使者被从天上摔到地上。 sallee.info | Evangelicals believe that Revelation [...] 12:7-9 speaks of Satan and his angels [...]being hurled from heaven to the earth. sallee.info |
耶稣的权柄远远大于所有撒但鬼魔 的能力,耶稣是 我们随时的帮助。 centerformissions.com | Because the power of Jesus is greater than [...] all the power of satan, we can receive [...]the help which we need. centerformissions.com |
最要緊的是,撒但利用 我們的失敗,攔阻我 們侍奉神。 liangyou.net | Most importantly, Satan uses our failure [...] to keep us from serving God. hg "3fi* ȱ liangyou.net |
天父,求你幫助我們過一個聖潔、公義和正直的生活, 好使我們勝過罪和撒但。 nimenqu.net | Heavenly Father, we pray that you help us to live a life of Holiness, Righteousness and Upright, so that we can [...] overcome sin and satan in our life. nimenqu.net |
明白思想争战的得胜途径是通过运用神的真理来对 付 撒但 的 谎 言。 sallee.info | The battle for the mind is won by [...] applying God’s truth to Satan’s lies. sallee.info |
许多福音 传道者相信启示录 12:4 提到,当撒但堕落 的时候,牠带着三分之一的天使跟牠一起堕落, [...] 这是事实。 sallee.info | Many evangelicals believe that Revelation 12:4 refers to the [...] fact that when Satan fell he took one [...]third of the angels with him. sallee.info |
他想要有自己的地方来荣耀耶稣,并且向社区开放,成为敬拜的地方,没有偶像 和 撒但 的 控 制。 amccsm.org | He wants his own place to honour Jesus and to open it up to his community to be a place of worship, free [...] from idols and demonic control. amccsm.org |