单词 | 撇除 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 撇除 verb —exclude vSee also:撇—cast • cast away • fling aside • left-slanting downward brush stroke (calligraphy)
期內本集團之有效稅率約為 10%(二零零八年:10% 為撇除因一次性的 遞延稅項調整之影響後)。 asiasat.com | The Group’s effective tax rate for the period was approximately 10% [...] (2008 : 10% excluding the effect of [...]one-off deferred tax adjustment). asiasat.com |
國際上最新及頗被接受的做 法,是撇除福利和稅收的轉移,然後計算堅尼系數。 legco.gov.hk | Post-tax post-social transfer GC is the latest and quite commonly accepted approach used to calculate the GC in the international community. legco.gov.hk |
這些受訪者是以 一個科學抽樣方法從 210 萬名曾於 2004-05 財政年度中使用過醫 管局的住院、專科門診或急症室服務最少 1 次的病人中隨機選 出,但當中撇除了醫 管局的私家病人和那些不能按照受大幅資助 的收費使用公立醫院服務的病人(即 撇除 了 非符合資格的人)。 legco.gov.hk | These respondents were randomly selected based on a scientific sampling method from 2.1 million patients, who had utilized the HA's in-patient, specialist out-patient or Accident and Emergency services at [...] least once in the 2004-05 [...] financial year, excluding the HA's private patients and those patients who were not eligible to receive public hospital services at heavily subsidized rates (that is, excluding Non-eligible Persons). legco.gov.hk |
由 於中位數存 在此方面的局限 ,以 中位數撇 除家庭人 口 分 布 的 影響,並以之作為計算 收入指數值的基 礎 ,在技術上並不可行。 legco.gov.hk | This limitation of median renders it not technically feasible to discount the household size distribution effects and to be adopted as a basis for computing the income index values. legco.gov.hk |
根據統計處發表的住戶收入分布報告顯示,如 果撇 除住戶 人數在 10 年之間有所減少這項因素,則住戶收入按人口平均計算的 堅尼系數在過去 10 年相當穩定,維持於相若水平。 legco.gov.hk | According to the report published by the C&SD on household income distribution, the GC computed on the basis of per capita household income has been very stable and stayed at about the same level in the past decade if we take into account the decrease in household size in the local population during the same period. legco.gov.hk |
律師會認為,擬議第7AI條不清晰,因為其第(4)款所提 述的"或有"一詞的涵義未有界定,而為擬議第7AI條的目的計算 合夥義務時,有限責任合夥須自行判斷何時將一項義務納入或 撇除。 legco.gov.hk | LS has expressed the views that the proposed section 7AI is unclear by reason that the meaning of "contingent" referred to in subsection (4) is not defined and that LLPs are left to their own judgement in figuring out when an obligation is to be included or excluded in the computation of partnership obligation for the purpose of the proposed section 7AI. legco.gov.hk |
(ii) 董事會可進行一般被視為必要或適宜之行動及事宜,以使根據第(a)段條 文之任何撥充資本生效,並可行使董事會全面權力,作出其認為適當之 規定(就零碎可分派股份而言),包括有關彙集出售全部或部分零碎權 益及將所得款項淨額向應得人士分派, 或 撇除 有 關 零碎權益或向上或向 下調整為整數或將零碎權益撥歸本公司而非相關股東之安排。 equitynet.com.hk | (ii) The Directors may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalization pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a), with full power to the Directors to make such provisions as they think fit in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the Company rather than to the members concerned). equitynet.com.hk |
撇除這些短期利淡 因素,基本因素及股息仍然吸引。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | Beyond these short-term headwinds, fundamentals and dividends are attractive. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
相對而言,收入指數可 以統計學的方法,撇除租戶 家庭人口分布變化的影響,計算整體公屋居民於 [...] 該特定時段內的“純收入”變化,為量度公屋住戶的收入或負擔能力的變 化,提供一個更客觀和更準確的指標。 legco.gov.hk | On the contrary, through excluding the impact of the [...] changes in the population distribution of the tenants, we can adopt [...]the income index to work out, by way of some statistical methods, the changes in the "pure incomes" of PRH tenants as a whole during a specified period of time, thereby providing a more objective and accurate index for gauging the changes in the incomes or affordability of PRH tenants. legco.gov.hk |
為不同家庭人數組別編製 租金與入息比例中位數,雖可大致 撇除 家 庭 人口分布變動所造成的影 響,但由此得出的各個家庭人數組別的租金與入息比例中位數仍會受 到其他外在因素所影響,特別是綜援戶數目的增加及每人平均居住面 積的提高。 legco.gov.hk | Although the compilation of MRIRs of different household size groups would largely discount the effects of changes in household size distribution, the resultant MRIR of each household size group would still be influenced by other extraneous factors, notably increase in the number of CSSA households and average living space per person. legco.gov.hk |
收 益 於 扣 除 增 值 [...] 稅、退 貨、回 扣 及 折 扣 及 撇 除 本 集 團 內 部 銷 售 後 入 賬。 cre8ir.com | Revenue is shown net of value-added tax, returns, rebates and [...] discounts and after eliminating sales within [...]the Group. cre8ir.com |
撇除以分 階段取代有長遠服務需要 的非公務員合約僱員崗位而增設的83個職位,我們將增設23個 [...] 公務員職位,以便落實各項新措施。 legco.gov.hk | Excluding 83 posts for phasing [...] out Non-Civil Service Contract Staff positions with long term service needs, there will be [...]an increase of 23 civil service posts for undertaking various initiatives under this portfolio. legco.gov.hk |
她詢 問教資會對大專教育發展方向的意見, 而 撇除 資 源方 面的考慮,會否考慮在香港實施一套兩層架構的大專 教育制度。 legco.gov.hk | She sought the view of the UGC on the direction of developing tertiary education and whether a two-tier tertiary education system in Hong Kong would be considered, putting aside resources consideration. legco.gov.hk |
撇除附屬 公司少數股東權益後,本集團應佔之重估增 值為港幣 65.8 百萬元,已列入本集團之投資物業估價增值儲 備。 wingtaiproperties.com | After adjusting for minority interests, the valuation increase attributable to the Group in the sum of HK$65.8 million has been credited to the Group’s investment properties revaluation reserve. wingtaiproperties.com |
計算列入英國業務 PAC 分紅基金經營業績的長期投資回報時,由於支持負債及未分 [...] 配盈餘的資產會受市場波動影響,報告期初的資產價值會被調整, 以 撇除 短 期 市場變動的影響(於下文附註 1(c)(iv) [...]闡釋)。 prudential.co.uk | For the purpose of calculating the longer-term investment return to be included in the operating result of the PAC with-profits fund of UK operations, where assets backing the liabilities and unallocated surplus are subject to market volatility, asset values [...] at the beginning of the reporting period [...] are adjusted to remove the effects of [...]short-term market movements as explained in note 1(c)(iv) below. prudential.co.uk |
作為申請人唯一謀生工 具的資產亦應予撇除。 legco.gov.hk | Asset which was the only means of livelihood of a legal aid applicant should also be disregarded. legco.gov.hk |
撇除各 院校無法直 接控制 的 某 些特殊 情況, [...] 例如公營 部 門 調整薪 金、政府批 准的實 際學費水平低 於 評估三年期 所 需 經 費 時所假設的 水平或政府推 行 新 措 施 ,教資會一般 而言須審慎理 財 , 確 保 開支不會超 [...]出三年期 的 核 准現金支出限 額。 legco.gov.hk | Except for some special circumstances [...] which are beyond the institutions’ direct control such as salary adjustment of the [...]public sector, the actual tuition fee levels approved by the Government being lower than that assumed for the triennial funding assessment, or implementation of new Government initiatives, the UGC sector is normally expected to manage their finances within the approved cash limit for the triennium. legco.gov.hk |
風 險管理-撇除法例、營運和合約 規定的問題,香港的航空 公司已表明不會承擔如此龐大的風 [...] 險,也 不會在沒 有 足夠第 三者保險賠償的情況下經營。 legco.gov.hk | Risk management – setting aside the legal, operational [...] and contractual requirements, Hong Kong airlines have indicated that [...]they will not be prepared to take on such huge risk exposure and operate without adequate third party insurance coverage. legco.gov.hk |
具體而言,即包括期內來自有效業務的到期金額,並 且 撇除 新 業 務投資、 市場變動的影響及其他一次性項目。 prudential.co.uk | Specifically, it includes amounts maturing from the in-force operations during the period less the investment in new business, the effect of market movements and other one-off items. prudential.co.uk |
這幾項修訂的目的,是修 改計算淨投注金收入的算式,把未被領取的彩金和投注回 扣 撇除 於 算 式以 外。 legco.gov.hk | These amendments serve to amend the [...] formula for calculating the net stake receipts such that unclaimed dividends and [...] rebates will be excluded from the formula. legco.gov.hk |
7.43 莫資深大律師表示,撇除各項 揣測、事後看法和詮釋,李教 授在二零零四年一月二十一日只是告訴莫禮時教授“無論如何學生額 [...] 會減少,為了繼續運作或應付有關困難,莫禮時教授需要做點“進 取”的事,包括考慮合併”—— 正如李教授向委員會所說的一樣。 legco.gov.hk | 7.43 Mr Mok SC said stripped of theories, hindsight [...] and interpretations, what Professor Li told Professor Morris on 21 January [...]2004 simply was that “the decline in student numbers was going to come in any event and that in order to survive or cope with the difficulties, Professor Morris had to do something ‘radical’, including the consideration of a merger” – the same as was reported by Professor Li to the Commission. legco.gov.hk |
當局指出,雖然有關建議可大致撇除 家庭 人口分布變動所造成的影響,但中位數仍然會受以上所列舉的多個其他 因素所影響。 legco.gov.hk | The authorities pointed out that although this proposal would largely discount the effects of changes in household size distribution, the MRIR would still be influenced by the other extraneous factors mentioned above. legco.gov.hk |
撇除中國 三地人民,平均約有三分一民眾認為中國對外政策的道德水平「與平均差不多」,而認為「比平均低」則比認為「比平均高」的多一倍。 hkupop.hku.hk | Excluding people in these three [...] regions, around one-third of the world average thought the morality of China's foreign policy [...]was "about average", while percentage of those opted for "below average" doubles that of "above average". hkupop.hku.hk |
就低收 入人士而言,若撇除外籍 家庭傭工,工作人口中實質收入低於 4,000 [...] 元 的人士的比例,由 1996 年的 8.5%下降至 2006 年的 6.8%。 legco.gov.hk | For the lower income groups, if foreign domestic [...] helpers were excluded, the proportion [...]of working population with real employment [...]income below $4,000 dropped from 8.5% in 1996 to 6.8% in 2006. legco.gov.hk |
本數表所列數字已經撇除自稱不瞭解預算案內容而沒有作答的被訪者。 hkupop.hku.hk | Figures listed in this [...] table have already excluded respondents who [...]said they did not know the content of the budget. hkupop.hku.hk |
21. 透 過 股 息 、 花 紅 或 視 作 合 宜 的 任 何 其 他 方 式 以 現 金 、 實 物 、 權 益 或 已 議 決 的 其 他 方 式 將 公 司 任 何 資 產 向 公 司 股 [...] 東 分 派 , 惟 此 舉 並 不 會 致 使 公 司 的 資 本 減 少 , 惟 就 此 作 出 的 分 派 乃 旨 在 達 [...] 成 公 司 解 散 的 目 的 , 或 撇 除 本 段 , 分 派 則 屬 合 法 的 [...]情 況 則 作 別 論 golikmetal.com | 21. to distribute among the members of the company in cash, kind, specie or otherwise as may be resolved, by way of dividend, bonus or in any other manner considered advisable, any property of the company, but not so as to decrease the capital of the company unless the distribution is made for the [...] purpose of enabling the company to be dissolved or [...] the distribution, apart from this paragraph, [...]would be otherwise lawful golikmetal.com |
撇除匯兌 變動的影響後,除稅前利潤有所增 長,主要由於所有地區的收入均有增加。 hsbc.com.tw | Excluding the effect of foreign [...] exchange movements, the rise in profit before tax was largely attributable to higher revenue in all regions. hsbc.com.tw |
15 然而,撇除非現 金股份獎勵開支(截至二零零八年六月三十日止六個月: 8,600,000港元 [...] 及截至二零零七年六月三十日止六個月: 245,900,000港元)及廣州美嘉偉華及廣州美維 電子兩家廠房的成立初期的營運虧損(截至二零零八年六月三十日止六個月: [...] 62,000,000 港元及截至二零零七年六月三十日止六個月: 7,000,000港元),本集團於回顧期內的營運 溢利及期內溢利應為467,000,000港元及398,000,000港元(二零零七年上半年則分別為 325,000,000港元及302,000,000港元),而期內相關營運毛利率已進一步由擴大至17.6% (二零零七年上半年為16.3%),純利率於回顧期內維持於15.0%(二零零七年上半年則為 15.2%)。 opc.com.hk | However, by excluding the effects of non-cash [...] share award expenses (for the six months ended 30 June 2008: HK$8.6 million [...]and for the six months ended 30 June 2007: HK$245.9 million) and the initial start-up operating losses of the MAGL and GME plants (for the six months ended 30 June 2008: HK$62 million and for the six months ended 30 June 2007: HK$7 million), the Group’s operating profit and profit for the period under review would have been HK$467 million and HK$398 million (HK$325 million and HK$302 million respectively in the first half year of 2007) while the relevant operating profit margin would have further expanded to 17.6% (16.3% for the first half year in 2007) and net profit margin would have been stagnated at 15.0% (15.2% for the first half year in 2007). opc.com.hk |
財經事務及庫務局局長:我主體答覆中所用的堅尼系數,如果把人口轉變的 因素也計算出來,因為堅尼系數是以住戶收入計算,如果把住戶的成員因素 撇除,便 會看到數字在最近 10 年不是增加了很多,這正是我剛才回答李議 員補充質詢時曾說過的。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES AND THE TREASURY (in Cantonese): With regard to the GCs mentioned in the my main reply, if we also factor in the changes in population when computing the GC, which is primarily based on household income, that is, if we also factor in the changes in the composition of household, we will see that there has not been much increase over the last decade, just as what I said earlier in response to the Mr LI's supplementary question. legco.gov.hk |