

单词 撇掉

See also:

cast away
left-slanting downward brush stroke (calligraphy)
fling aside



lag behind
go missing
lose (value, weight etc)
show off
shed (hair)
fall (in prices)

External sources (not reviewed)

One time, a piece was returned to us because we cut out a point when we skeletonized the rotor, and in doing so the meaning of the word had completely changed,” the enthusiast recalls.
用新流体体,或者用兼容溶剂体, 然后引入新流体。
Flush out old fluid with new fluid, or flush out old fluid with a compatible solvent before introducing new fluid.
不过,代表们强调,尽管有必要变革以利新的和有前途的活动出现,但是,34 C/4 不应当的优先事项和目标的连续性。
However, delegates emphasized that, while changes were necessary to allow for new and promising activities to emerge, document 34 C/4 should not lose continuity of present priorities andobjectives.
家发展的总量数字,侧重分析地 方一级的成绩和挑战,问题就更加严重。
This fact becomes further evident when one moves beyond aggregated national development figures and focuses on achievements and challenges at local level.
由於所摊占累计亏损已超过本 集团於共同控制实体之权益,因此本集团未有确认所多出的数额,并於二零一一年 十二月三十一日将投资成零。
The accumulative share of losses has exceeded the Group’s interest in the jointly controlled entity and hence the Group did not recognise the excess amount and has reduced its investment cost to zero as at 31 December 2011.
政府应通过与相关部族协商和合作,制定一项有关农村土地的国家重大政 策,以客观解决土地及其所有权问题地与种族之间的联系,在开发土地 时促进合作与互补以实现共同繁荣。
The Government should develop a nationwide rural land policy in consultation and cooperation with the concerned communities in order to gain a clear picture of the issue of land and its prosperity, break the link between land and ethnicity and foster cooperation and complementarity in land use for shared prosperity.
[...] 最初估计有异,该等差异将影响存货的账面值并可能导致於有关估计变动的期货。
Where expectation is different from an original estimate, the difference will
impact the carrying values of inventories and
[...] may resultin write-downs of inventories [...]
in the period in which such estimates have been changed.
法国说,这一难题在某种程度上 是教育系统所固有的:虽然表面上教育系统对所有学生一视同仁,但是它实际上是一个有选
[...] 择的机制,往往偏重学习成绩,轻视其他各种能力,而且还将往往没有社会背景的“不成功 者边。
The difficulty, France suggests, is to some extent inherent in the education system: while ostensibly treating all pupils as equal, the system nevertheless functions as a selection mechanism that tends to favour academic over other
competencies, while at the same time pushing to one side the
[...] “unsuccessful” who areoften from [...]
socially deprived backgrounds.
拨 备 账 之 其 他 变 动 及 之 前 直其 後 收 回 之 款 项,均 在 损 益 中 确 认。
Other changes in the allowance account and subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off directly are recognised in profit or loss.
属公司少数股东权益後,本集团应占之重估增 值为港币 65.8 百万元,已列入本集团之投资物业估价增值储 备。
After adjusting for minority interests, the valuation increase attributable to the Group in the sum of HK$65.8 million has been credited to the Group’s investment properties revaluation reserve.
(a) 危机管理队须在危机发生后的最初几小时内迅速商定应该容许哪些人
[...] 留在本要关闭停止正常业务的办公场地,而且这项决定必须明确传达到每个有关 人员,以免例如将重要的外部人员打
(a) The Crisis Management Team needs to quickly agree during the first hours of a crisis on who should be allowed on the premises that are otherwise closed for normal business and the
decision needs to be clearly communicated to everyone involved, to avoid
[...] for example sending awayimportantexternal [...]
但是期不谈,人们对这一迅速复苏能否在全球和拉丁美洲 和加勒比变成持续增长仍有疑问。
Beyond the short term, however, a number of questions arise as to whether this rapid recovery will develop into sustained growth at the world level and in Latin America and the Caribbean.
咨询 委员会获悉,虽然审计委员会主张联合国披露离职后健康保险负债,但
审计委员会并未就这些负债的供资选择办法采取任何立场,除了下列实 体及方案和活动之外:(a) 任务有限、且任务期限将要届满的实体,如 卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭;(b) 自愿供资的
[...] 方案和活动,无供资和不断增加的离职后健康保险负债可能在自愿捐款 不足时消资金。
The Advisory Committee was informed that, while the Board of Auditors had advocated for the disclosure of after-service health insurance liabilities by the United Nations, the Board had not taken a position on funding options for those liabilities, except for (a ) entities with limited mandates that were to expire, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; and (b ) voluntarily funded programmes and activities, for which unfunded and
growing after-service health insurance liabilities could consume programme funds when
[...] voluntary contributions fell short.
[...] 因为并非所有的活动都即刻能量化和衡量,而且本组织最终可能会和伦理方面的问 题。
Some participants, while agreeing that greater importance should be attached to results measurement, warned against “blind pragmatism”, as all activities are not
immediately quantifiable and measurable and the Organization
[...] may end updoing away with philosophical [...]
and ethical issues.
存货成本包括与员工成本、折旧开支及存关的人民币153,021,000元(二零零八 年:人民币144,338,000元),该等金额亦包括在上文或附注5(ii)独立披露的各项该等类别 开支各自的总金额内。
Cost of inventories includes RMB153,021,000 (2008 : RMB144,338,000) relating to staff costs, depreciation expenses andwrite down of inventories which amounts are also included in the respective total amounts disclosed separately above or in Note 5(ii) for each of these types of expenses.
倘可 使用年期少於先前估计之年期,管理层将增加折旧或其放弃或出售之技术陈旧或 非策略资产。
Management will increase the depreciation where useful lives are less than previously estimated lives, or it will write-off or write-down technically obsolete or non-strategic assets that have been abandoned or sold.
期内本集团之有效税率约为 10%(二零零八年:10% 一次性的 递延税项调整之影响後)。
The Group’s effective tax rate for the period was approximately 10% (2008 : 10% excluding the effect of one-off deferred tax adjustment).
虽然国际公司与烟草农场场主没有直接的合同关系,但鉴于它最终从此类行为获 得大量经济上的好处,它还是难此类指控的关系。
While the international company had no direct contractual relationship with the tobacco farm owners, it has nevertheless found it difficult to disassociate itself from the allegations in the light of the significant economic benefits that it ultimately derives from such conduct.
如资料当事人因被颁布破产令而导致任何帐户金额不论帐户还款资料有否显示任何拖欠为期超过60日的还款,该帐户还款资料(定义 见以上第(8) (v)段)会在全数清还该拖欠还款後被信贷资料服务机构继续保留多五年,或由资料当事人提出证据通知信贷资料服务机构其已获 解除破产令後保留多五年(以较早出现的情况为准)。
In the event any amount in an account is written-offdue to a bankruptcy order being made against a data subject, the account repayment data (as defined in paragraph 8 (v) above) may be retained by the credit reference agency, regardless of whether the account repayment data reveal any default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days, until the expiry of five years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default or the expiry of five years from the date of discharge from a bankruptcy as notified by the data subject with evidence to the credit reference agency, whichever is earlier.
若 未 来 的 实 际 情 况 或 预 计 有 别 於 原 有 估 计,则 有 关 差 额 将 影 响 到 改 变 有 关 估 计 的 期 间 内 存 货 的 账 面 值拨 回
Where the actual outcome or expectation in future is different from the original estimate, such differences will impact the carrying value of inventories and write-off/reversal in the period in which the estimate has been changed.
棉兰抢劫案可能为第二章提 到的“共生关系”提供一个例证,也就是说,像唯一 真主游击队这样规模较大的组织可以为小组织所进行 的暴力行动提供必要的组织构架,同时确保能把自
The Medan robbery may have been an example of the symbiosis noted in Section II, where a larger organisation like JAT can provide the necessary framework for the violent actions of a smaller group while at the same time trying to ensure plausible deniability foritself.
(ii) 董事会可进行一般被视为必要或适宜之行动及事宜,以使根据第(a)段条 文之任何拨充资本生效,并可行使董事会全面权力,作出其认为适当之 规定(就零碎可分派股份而言),包括有关汇集出售全部或部分零碎权 益及将所得款项净额向应得人士分派,关零碎权益或向上或向 下调整为整数或将零碎权益拨归本公司而非相关股东之安排。
(ii) The Directors may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalization pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a), with full power to the Directors to make such provisions as they think fit in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the Company rather than to the members concerned).
陎 不 公 帄 这 个 问 题 不 计,要 求 受 疑 人 签 署 他 以 外 语 所 说 的 话 的 英 文 译 本 , 此 举 作 为 证 据 来 说 , 如 果 受 疑 人 质 疑 这 份 关 於 其 陈 述 的 纪 录 的 准 确 性 , 便 会 是 无 甚 价 值 或 者 毫 无 价 值 。
Apart from the question of apparent unfairness, to obtain the signature of a suspect to an English translation of what he said in a foreign language can have little or no value as evidence if the suspect disputes the accuracy of this record of his statement.




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