

单词 摸着石头过河

See also:

石头 pl

rocks pl

石头 n

rock n

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,机构风险管理是个相对较新的管理工 具,仍在演变之中,各组织都在试摸着石头过河 , 这 也是事实。
In addition is the fact that as ERM is a relatively
new management tool and is still evolving, organizations are
[...] trying to find their way in relatively uncharted [...]
关闭一个国际法 庭对我们来说是一摸着石头过河的 事 情。
Closing down an international
[...] court means navigating in uncharted waters.
环境法规及标准制定遵 摸着石头过河 的 原 则。
The environmental regulations and standards have been set following the
[...] principle of crossing the river by touching stone.
当然,尽管周鸿祎坦言对移动互联网一直惶恐摸着石头过河 , 36 0也没获得移动互联网“船票”,在移动互联网领域主攻方向是手机安全,希望360成PC、手机、移动终端最大网络安全服务提供商。
Of course, although Zhou admitted that
fear, the mobile Internet
[...] has been crossing the river by feeling the stones, and 360 did not get [...]
mobile Internet "tickets",
the main direction in the field of mobile Internet phone security, hope 360 ​​into a PC, mobile phone, mobile terminal network security ISP.
可是,目前來說,主席,我認為對於 新法例的實施,大家也須小心行事 摸着石 頭 過 河 , 給 予空間和時間 予以適應。
But for the time being, President, in bringing the new
legislation into operation, we must be
[...] careful, grope our way across the river, and give people the [...]
room and time to adapt to it.
我想利用今天這數分鐘時間,以一個具體例子說明政府如何在房 屋問題上摸着石頭過河”,拖泥帶水,欠缺規劃。
I wish to use the several minutes
today to explain how the
[...] Government wades across the river by feeling its way, thus doing [...]
a slovenly job and showing a lack of planning.
我支持 政制向前走,亦寧摸着石頭過河, 也不希望一步到位。
I prefer to
[...] grope our way across the river rather than hope [...]
to achieve the goal in one step.
[...] 很多香港長遠規劃的問題,不解決人口結構問題,便像今天一樣,很 多事情變得瑣碎,只摸着石頭過河。
If the problems relating to the demographic
structure are not solved, as is the case now, many issues will become fragmented and
[...] we can only grope our way across the river.
南华早报》首席营运官Elsie Cheung女士表示:“我们的读者充满智慧 头 脑 敏锐、具国际视野 过着 繁 忙 的生活。
Chief Operating Officer, Ms Elsie Cheung remarked: "Our readers are smart, discerning, internationally-minded individuals who lead enormously busy lives.
[...] 有很多海外經驗可供參考,但香港始終首次落實最低工資立法,應該 小心行事摸着石頭過河,在 實施時真正幫助僱員,不應造成不必要 的混亂,繼而影響受惠的僱員和僱用香港勞動人口超過六成的中小企 業。
Insofar as minimum wage is concerned, although there are many overseas experiences that can serve as reference, this is, after all, the first time that legislation is enacted to introduce a minimum wage in Hong Kong.
We should proceed
[...] carefully and grope our way across the river, while ensuring that [...]
the minimum wage, when implemented, can truly help the
employees without causing unnecessary confusion, which would otherwise affect the employees who will benefit from a minimum wage as well as the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which have over 60% of the labour force in Hong Kong in their employ.
他建议委员会过一项关于石油泄 漏的一般 性决议,而不是忙于头这项 决议所体现的明显的 政治妖魔化行为。
He suggested that the Committee should adopt a general resolution on oil spills rather than engaging in [...]
the obvious act of political
demonization represented by the resolution at hand.
对于喜爱冒险的人来说,洞穴探险、绳索下降和黑水漂流是不容 过 的 活动 ——穿越狭窄的通道、从逐级而降的地下瀑布一跃而下 、沿着河流缓缓漂流并欣赏拱形石 灰 岩 地道和闪烁的萤火虫飞舞。
For the thrill seekers, go adventure caving, abseiling ,rappelling
and black water rafting
[...] – work your way through tight squeezes, take leaps of faith over cascading underground waterfalls and float serenely down river as you enjoy the glowworm show on the vaulted limestone galleries up above.
参观完城堡并过石头后, 往西南方来到海滨城镇金赛尔(Kinsale),在那里海港周围众多的海鲜餐厅中选择一家吃一顿早午饭。
Visit the
[...] castle to kiss the stone before driving southwest [...]
to the coastal town of Kinsale for an early lunch at one of
the seafood restaurants dotted around the harbour.
例如,在厄瓜多尔的亚马河地区 ,开 石 油和非法伐木致使猴子、西猯和其它动物在偏远地区寻求 庇护地,而且严重威胁到自过着与 世 隔绝生活的 Tagaeri 人和 Taromenane 人等土著社区的生存。
In the Amazonian region in Ecuador, for
[...] example, oil exploitation and illegal logging have caused monkeys, peccaries and other animals to seek refuge in remote areas and seriously endangered the survival of indigenous communities living in voluntary isolation, such as the Tagaeri [...]
and Taromenane.
Dutreuil de Rhins
[...] 因其前往中亚和西藏的远征而闻名,1894 年在探寻湄河源头的过程中被敌对的当地居民杀害。
Dutreuil de Rhins is best known for his expeditions to Central Asia
and Tibet, where he was killed in 1894 by hostile local people while
[...] attempting to locate the source of the Mekong River.
在开发KD33阶梯格栅过程中,特殊设计了可移动格栅 部分,从而确保石头及其它磨损成分可以从渠道底部 提起来,同时保证格栅间距恒定。
In connection with the development of Step Screen KD 33, particular care has been taken in
[...] connection with the movable screen part to ensure that stones and other abrasive elements are lifted from the [...]
channel bottom, and furthermore that the gaps are kept as constant as possible.
另一方面,我也希望政府可以放下凡事皆摸着石頭過河” 的心 態,在這次徹底配合人口結構,再加上外來的因素,便是中國經濟起 飛。
On the other hand, I also hope that the Government
will throw away the
[...] mentality of "crossing a river by groping the stones along the way", and [...]
do its best to take into full
account the demographic structure and such external factors as the economic takeoff of China.
大家須 知 道,內 地 市 場 的 狀 況較為複 雜 , 管制 法規亦與香 港 有 別,港 商 要 獨
[...] 力 打 開 市 場,不但勢 單力薄、風 險 高,更 有摸 着 石 頭 過 河 ” 的 無 奈 。
Members must understand that the conditions of the mainland market are relatively complex and its laws and regulations on control are different from those of Hong Kong too. Hong Kong businesses are not only fighting alone powerlessly in face of high
risks in opening up the market, they also feel a sense of helplessness
[...] as if they are groping their way across the river.
主席,我曾經說過,中央政府着過 去 的文化和歷史背景而採取一步一 步的政改政策,就好像開放經濟政策一樣, 摸 住 石 頭 過 河 , 見 步行步”。
President, I have
[...] said before that due to its cultural and historical background, the Central Government has adopted the constitutional reform policy of taking one step at a time.
不管船隻起錨後是航行也好, 摸着石 頭 過 河 也 好,亦不論是屬於 甚麼黨派,我們也有責任在議會內代表香港市民向政府提出希望怎樣前 行、該用甚麼門檻、選舉如何進行,是比例代表制抑或單議席單票制, 以及所指的是分區或是一個大選區。
After weighing anchor, whether we should sail away or move steadily, and regardless of our party affiliation, we have the obligation to make suggestions to the Government on behalf of Hong Kong people on how to move forward, what threshold should be adopted, and what the electoral method should be, whether proportional representation or single non-transferable vote should be used, and whether there should be several constituencies or one big constituency.
我希望下屆特首除了摸着石頭過河 ” 外 ,也必須在長遠規劃,包 括水質、海濱、房屋及老人政策方面提供更長遠規劃。
I hope that while the next Chief
[...] Executive "crosses the river by feeling the stones", he must also make [...]
longer-term planning in respect
of water quality, harbourfront development, housing and elderly policies, and so on.
在這方面,大家都是摸 着石頭過河”, 因此,政府必須促請全民合作,並制訂相關的政策以配合。
Therefore, the Government must call for territory-wide co-operation and formulate relevant support measures.
令業界頭痛的是,內地當局對化驗所的設施規範及準則,往往不夠 清晰,業界只可憑着本身的經驗 摸着石 頭 過 河 ”。
Another headache for the industry is that the mainland authorities have not laid down very clear regulations and standards for the laboratory facilities.
如果我們未能一步到位地提出一套高瞻遠矚的新 公共街市政策,主席,我們大可嘗試(好像政府現時很喜歡說 的 ) 摸着石 頭過河。
In case we were unable to formulate a far-sighted public market policy now, President, we might as well grope our way forward (as the Government likes to put in these days).
关于这一点,可以认为,公约 在切断保留有效性标准与反对的效果之间的联系方面有些 过头 了。
On this point, it can be said that the Conventions went further than necessary in eliminating the link between the criteria for the validity of reservations and the effects of objections.
我記 得我唸書時,黃宏發最喜歡說,以前港府是muddling through,摸着 石頭過河,問題出現便走一步,大家也希望整個構圖能夠很快出現。
I remember that when I was a student, the pet comment of Andrew WONG was that the Hong Kong Government in the past was muddling through, that is, whenever a problem arose, it took one step and wished that the composition of the whole picture would come up soon.
过,这种可再生能源项目面着来 自 传统石 燃料 发电项目的严峻挑战和激烈竞争,这是由于相关的技术仍处于发展阶 段,成本也仍然较高。
Nevertheless, such renewable energy projects face serious challenges competing with conventional fossil fuel-fired power [...]
projects, as technologies
are still evolving and costs have remained relatively high.
着占领 国窃取每一寸巴勒斯 坦土地并为以色列平民在巴勒斯坦被占领土的非法定居铺设每一 石头 , 越 发显 示出以色列对于国际社会的所认可公正和持久解决的和平解决办法毫无兴趣,而 这又正是两国根据 1967 年以前的边界作为一个历史性的妥协由巴勒斯坦领导层 于数十年前所接受的解决方案。
With every inch of Palestinian land stolen by the occupying Power and every single stone laid for illegally settling Israel’s civilian population in [...]
the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, it becomes clearer and clearer that Israel is not interested in the kind of peace settlement endorsed by the international community as a just and lasting settlement, i.e., the two-State solution based on the pre-1967 borders, an historic compromise accepted decades ago by the Palestinian leadership.
若要相同公称尺寸的内螺纹和外螺纹拥有相 同的压力额定值、内螺纹往往需要更厚的管壁、可能会造成头 过大和过于笨重以至于无法使用。
For female and male pipe threads to have the same pressure rating in the same nominal pipe size, the female thread would require a heavier wall, resulting in a fitting too large and bulky to be practical.




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