

单词 摸不着头脑



lit. like a three-meter high monk , you can't rub his head [idiom.]
fig. at a total loss

See also:


unable clearly understand (a situation etc)


not acquainted with the situation
not up on things


(fig.) gist (of a matter)

头脑 n

mind n
wit n
skull n


need not
no need

External sources (not reviewed)

小業主往往在收樓以後,在一查公契之下, 才知道要承擔一些不合理、令 摸不着 頭 腦 的責任。
It was always only after flat owners had taken possession of the property and made a search on the DMC that they learnt of some of the unreasonable and puzzling responsibilities.
重要的是,着科学认识 的演变和摸不定的 气候变化时代的到来,我们的法 律框架也必须具有足够的灵活性,以迅速和果断地应 对新出现的挑战。
Importantly, as scientific understanding evolves and we enter the uncertain [...]
world of climate change, we must also be flexible
enough in our legal frameworks to respond quickly and decisively to new challenges as they emerge.
而非洲,尤其是撒哈拉南部非洲,多样化和提高附加值一般都仍然 摸不着 边,只有几个突出的例外。
In contrast, in Africa, in particular, sub-Saharan Africa, diversification and higher value addition have generally remained elusive with a few notable exceptions.
此外,机构风险管理是个相对较新的管理工 具,仍在演变之中,各组织都在试 摸着 石 头 过 河,这也是事实。
In addition is the fact that as ERM is a relatively
new management tool and is still evolving, organizations are
[...] trying to find their way in relatively uncharted [...]
度假小屋的生活品味,就是懂得把所有也停下來,欣赏什么 不 做 的 状态 – 坐在头上, 把您脚趾浸泡在水中,這胜过一天 着 电 脑 屏 幕 強。
Cottage life in Finland is about
appreciating the art of
[...] doing nothing – sitting on a jetty dipping your toes in the water beats staring at a computer screen any day of the week.
Zarrouk 女士认为,地方政府和治理行为体在发展中发 着 主 要作用,她探 讨了这些行为体在全球化带来的种种复杂和 摸不 定 的 因素中面临的三大挑战: (a) 国家和地方合作社之间的关系,特别是如何分配权限和资源以及监管、控制 和支助机制;(b) [...]
地方一级的民主、组织和公共治理;(c) 地方公共治理对公民 福祉、消除贫穷和地方发展的影响。
Ms. Zarrouk, viewing local governments and
[...] governance actors as major developmental players, probed the three main challenges they face amid the complexities and uncertainties [...]
by globalization: (a) the relations between the State and local collectivities, especially how competencies and resources are shared as well as the mechanisms of regulation, control and support; (b) democracy, organization and public governance at the local level; and (c) the impact of local public governance on citizens’ well-being, on the fight against poverty and on local development.
另一項令我完摸不着頭腦的建議,便是把行政長官辦公室主任的職級 調升至與政策局局長看齊。
Another proposal that completely goes over my head is to upgrade the director of the Chief Executive's Office to the same par as the Directors of Bureau.
例如, 饮食缺乏叶酸的孕妇生下的孩子可能最终出现脑积水,这种衰弱疾病会 头脑产 生不利影响,导致儿童发育迟缓。
For example, expectant mothers whose diets lack folic acid are likely to bear children who eventually suffer from hydrocephalus, a debilitating disease that adversely affects the head and leads to the stunting of the child’s growth.
我想再說的是,剛才劉健儀議員 ─
[...] 不過,她現時不在席 ─ 所說 的一番話,我可以說摸不着頭腦
What I want to say again is, regarding what Ms Miriam LAU has said just now
[...] ― but she is not in the Chamber [...]
now ― I can say I was baffled.
自 2005 年世界脑会议 以来,人们已经认识到, 发展与安全之间存在联系,因此,我们必需采取统 筹兼顾的办法来应对这些挑战,特别是在萨赫勒地 区,这个地区正在承受广泛和头不 一 的 问题,国 际社会必须投入资源,特别是投入财政资源来解决 这些问题。
Summit that there is a link between development and security, and we therefore need a comprehensive and integrated approach to meeting these challenges, in particular in the Sahel region, which suffers problems of such scope and origins that the international community is compelled to dedicate the resources — in particular, [...]
the financial resources
— necessary to resolving them.
我感謝各位議員發言,儘管有議員藉此議案辯論提到民主,令 摸不着 頭腦,不解為何會關涉到民主。
I am thankful to Members for their speeches, though the reference to democracy made by some Members in this motion debate has baffled me, for I really have no idea why democracy is involved.
该奖的荣誉奖颁给了 Yolande Mukagasana 女士(卢旺达/比利时),表彰她作为 1994 年 卢旺达种族大屠杀的受害者和见证人,为促进和平文化而进行的勇敢的 头脑 清 醒 的战斗。
An honourable mention of the Prize went to Ms Yolande Mukagasana (Rwanda/Belgium) in recognition of her courageous and lucid combats to contribute to a culture of peace as both a victim and a witness of genocide in Rwanda in 1994.
要在绿色经济中取得成功,我们需要绿色 头脑 ( 想 出点子)、绿色的心 灵(做出承诺)和绿色的双手(采取行动)。
“To succeed in a green economy we will need green heads (for ideas), green hearts (for commitment) and green hands (for action).
[...] 程度的判断,因此有必要记录假设和论证结果,例如,利用各级工作人员参与的头脑风暴”会。
Since qualitative assessments involve a degree of judgment, it is necessary to document assumptions
and validate the results, for instance, using brainstorming sessions with the
[...] involvement of different levels of staff.
信息和传播技术为穷人所用,其主要方式包括 1)将信息和传播中心与各种社区媒体连 接起来,包括印刷媒体、有线广播和电视;2)在现有资源和网络的基础上,建立穷人特别
是贫穷妇女的自助小组(SHGs),以及地方青年会;3)加强横向联系,比如在穷人和国立 大学之间,以及在更广泛的一般社区范围内;4)对信息和传播技术设施实行战略性配备,
[...] 比如在妇女之家、地方火车站和各类地方学校;并 5)调整和应用创新技术,如手持、手写 和摸屏电脑。
Key strategies for ICT use by the poor include (1) linking ICT centres with various types of community media, including print and both cable radio and television; (2) building on existing assets and networks of the poor, particularly women’s self-help groups (SHGs) and local youth clubs; (3) strengthening horizontal linkages, for instance between the poor and state universities and more broadly within the community-at-large; (4) strategically locating ICT facilities, in women’s homes, in local railway stations and various types of local schools;
and (5) innovating adaptations and new applications of technology, including
[...] hand-held, tablet and touchscreen computers.
所有看守都着头罩,只露 出眼睛,不说话
All the guards wore hoods with small eye holes, and they never spoke.
另外不要用手指摸热敏头的玻 璃表面,因为这样有可能损坏打印头。
Also, do not touch the glass surface of the thermal print head with your fingers; [...]
it could damage the print head.
雖然在最低工資方面, 有很多海外經驗可供參考,但香港始終首次落實最低工資立法,應該 小心行事摸着石頭過河,在實施時真正幫助僱員 不 應 造 成 不 必要的混亂,繼而影響受惠的僱員和僱用香港勞動人口超過六成的中小企 業。
Insofar as minimum wage is concerned, although there are many overseas experiences that can serve as reference, this is, after all, the first time that legislation is enacted to introduce a minimum wage in Hong Kong.
We should proceed
[...] carefully and grope our way across the river, while ensuring that the minimum wage, when implemented, [...]
can truly help the
employees without causing unnecessary confusion, which would otherwise affect the employees who will benefit from a minimum wage as well as the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which have over 60% of the labour force in Hong Kong in their employ.
我至 今想來想去摸不着頭腦 ,這兩項方案除了金額同為6,000元外,在 很多方面也有不同。
The two proposals are different in many ways, except that the amounts of money offered are the same, that is, $6,000.
关闭一个国际法 庭对我们来说是一摸着石头过河 的事情。
Closing down an international
[...] court means navigating in uncharted waters.
环境法规及标准制定遵摸着石头过 河 的原则。
The environmental regulations and standards have been set following the principle
[...] of crossing the river by touching stone.
这些学校的教师安排在教学线的材料,并在诠释一个顺序的mishnah选择了教训,当他们的学生 头脑 中 仍记忆犹新,然后传递到较小tractates最长的论文开始。
The teachers of these schools arranged their material on pedagogic lines, and in interpreting an order of the Mishnah they selected the longest treatise for the beginning of the lesson, when the minds of their pupils were still fresh, and then passed on to the smaller tractates.
同样,《日内瓦进度报告》也回顾称,缔约国还在卡塔赫纳脑会议 上强调,如果没有可持续的筹资方法,支助股只能大幅减少提供的服务, 这无疑将对执行进程产不利影响。
As well, the Geneva Progress Report
[...] recalled that at the Cartagena Summit, the States Parties also highlighted that, without a sustainable means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service [...]
offerings, which no doubt would adversely affect the implementation process.
与 Spaun见面——这是一种由250万个模拟的“神经元”组成的人脑的计算模型,其组织方式类似于 着不 同 功能 的 脑 区 域
Meet Spaun, a
[...] computational model of the human brain composed of 2,500,000 simulated “neurons” that are organized to resemble different functioning brain regions.
当然,尽管周鸿祎坦言对移动互联网一直惶恐 摸着 石 头 过 河,360也没获得移动互联网“船票”,在移动互联网领域主攻方向是手机安全,希望360成PC、手机、移动终端最大网络安全服务提供商。
Of course, although Zhou admitted that fear, the
mobile Internet has been crossing the
[...] river by feeling the stones, and 360 did not get [...]
mobile Internet "tickets", the main
direction in the field of mobile Internet phone security, hope 360 ​​into a PC, mobile phone, mobile terminal network security ISP.
不管船隻起錨後是航行也好,摸着 石 頭 過河也好, 不 論 是 屬於 甚麼黨派,我們也有責任在議會內代表香港市民向政府提出希望怎樣前 行、該用甚麼門檻、選舉如何進行,是比例代表制抑或單議席單票制, 以及所指的是分區或是一個大選區。
After weighing anchor, whether we should sail away or move steadily, and regardless of our party affiliation, we have the obligation to make suggestions to the Government on behalf of Hong Kong people on how to move forward, what threshold should be adopted, and what the electoral method should be, whether proportional representation or single non-transferable vote should be used, and whether there should be several constituencies or one big constituency.
再者,行政長官即使有施政理念,但轄下的局和署卻並未好好履 行行政長官的施政方向,亦更令我 摸不着 頭 腦
Moreover, the comment that the bureaux and departments, despite the governing philosophy of the Chief Executive, have not properly implemented the policy directions proposed by the Chief Executive, is all the more puzzling to us.
各位部长重申,在落实体现了不结盟运动在纷繁国际问题上的机构地位的 《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》和以往各不结 盟 运动 脑 会 议及部长级会议通过的各项 文件的过程中,应当适当考虑最大限度地发挥不结盟运动处理当前迅速演变的 [...]
The Ministers reaffirmed that within the implementation of the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration, which reflects the institutional positions of the Movement vis-a-vis various
international issues, and the documents adopted
[...] by the previous NAM Summits and Ministerial Conferences, [...]
due consideration should be
given to maximizing the ability of the Movement to deal with the current rapidly evolving global situations, crises and challenges.
着笔记本电脑有缺点, 到的, 例如, 包括笔记本脑的高成本, 购买普通买不可用, 但看不同侧面的笔记本电脑, 我们得出的结论, 在这些笔记本电脑职业玩家做的更多利大于弊, 因此,高油价和其他缺点我们只是没注意, 是的那里他们的通知, 因为性能, 样式和压实度,他们不受.
As laptops have disadvantages, to which, for example, include the high cost of laptops, not available to purchase ordinary buyer, but looking [...]
at laptops with
different sides, We have come to the conclusion, the pros in these laptops do more than disadvantages, Therefore, high prices and other disadvantages we just don't notice, Yes and there they notice, because performance, style and compactness, they are not affected by.
在 2001 年《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的承诺宣 言》中,各国国家元首和政府脑带 着 紧 迫的关切承 认,艾滋病毒蔓延是一个全球紧急状况,也是人的生 命和尊严面临的最严峻挑战之一以及实现国际商定 发展目标的严重障碍。
In the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, heads of State and Government acknowledged with urgent concern that the spread of HIV constituted a global emergency and one of the most formidable challenges to human life and dignity as well as a serious obstacle to the realization of the internationally agreed development goals.




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