单词 | 摰 | ||||||||||
释义 | 摰—seize with the handless common: grasp breakdown
来自伦敦的Postcard Teas,便将茶叶和明信片结合起来,使远方的摰爱亲朋除了感受到字里行间的关怀外,还能细意品嚐你的心意。 think-silly.com | Postcard Teas from London combines tea-leaf and postcard, conveying a warmth that exceeds two- dimensional words. think-silly.com |
每 年 孩 子 生 日 , 我 们 均 会 预 备 智 多Kid 周 年 收 藏 卡 , 为 他 们 送 上真摰的祝贺 。 bank.hangseng.com | Your child will receive an M.I. Kid Annual Collectable Card on his or her birthday! bank.hangseng.com |
倘社会整体因某种事情而 获益,个别㆟士普遍愿意接纳某些㆟的时运际遇较其他㆟为佳,因此若某业权㆟因土 ㆞受到若干规限而陷入困难情况,实际㆖也是为共同利益之故,而其摰友的土㆞却升 值㆔倍,即使如此,该㆟亦会落落大方,参加其友㆟的庆祝盛会,其表现也会较其他 国家㆟民在此情况㆘所表现者显得泰然。 legco.gov.hk | If the community as a whole benefits from something, individuals are generally ready enough to accept that some have better luck than others. legco.gov.hk |
然而,我实在要恳切㆞向㆗英双方提出真摰的要求,希望他们本 香港最佳的利益, 能摒弃成见,在无伤大家尊严的情况㆘,就这㆒连串的问题,包括进㆒步的政治改革, 重开有建设性的谈判及彼此合作。 legco.gov.hk | But I do make a sincere and genuine plea to both sides to put aside their differences, without forfeiting their dignity and resume a constructive dialogue and co-operation on the whole range of issues, including further political reforms, in the best interests of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
K.O. Dining Group的酒窖是亚太区最大型、藏酒量最丰富的葡萄酒窖之一;客人一边欣赏璀璨醉人的维港景色,一边细意品尝环球名厨的创意,与知己摰爱把盏共醉,享受前所未有的极致餐饮体验。 ipress.com.hk | Featuring three high-end restaurants offering modern Japanese, Chinese and Italian cuisines, plus a 10,000-bottle wine cellar, one of the region’s largest and most impressive, K.O. Dining Group’s spectacular waterfront location also means connoisseurs of gastronomy can enjoy panoramic views of Hong Kong’s legendary harbour and skyline while savouring the most sublime creations by culinary talents from around the world. ipress.com.hk |