单词 | 摩登 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 摩登—fashionableless common: modern (loanword) Examples:摩登原始人—The Flintstones (TV Series) See also:摩—rub 登—mount ascend enter (e.g. in a register) be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old) press down with the foot step or tread on publish or record put on (shoes or trousers) (dialect) scale (a height)
2014S主题概念:欧式贵族尚蒂利轻薄风、精致复古摩登田园风及亚马逊丛林植物草本灵感的表现。 interfiliere.com | SS 2014 Theme: European Noble Chantilly Lightsome, Delicate Retro and Modern Rural “Lace on Lace” Style; Big sheets of leaves, big flowers of tropical plants impel us to enter the Amazon jungle. interfiliere.com |
虽然“摩登时代” 所讲述的工业革命生产模式问题在今时今日的香 [...] 港已不再存在,而且香港也甚少制造业,但这却不代表工人在工作上能 松一口气。 legco.gov.hk | Although the mode of production [...] in the Industrial Revolution as depicted in "Modern Times" is no more seen in Hong Kong [...]now with the dwindling of the manufacturing industry, it does not mean that workers can relax in their work. legco.gov.hk |
旅行、魔术、远离喧嚣、放飞心灵 …… 选择全球最摩登奢华的游轮舰队会给您带来更多的体验。 msccruises.com.cn | Travel, magic, escape, relaxation…the pleasure of cruising with the most modern and luxurious fleet in the world. msccruises.com.eg |
全新Chronoris Grand Prix ’70限量表不仅拥有经典的Chronoris外型,同时融合了现代前卫的设计特色,以造就此摩登古典表款。 oris.ch | The new Chronoris Grand Prix ’70 Limited Edition is classic Chronoris in appearance but also incorporates some very modern design features. oris.ch |
其附近的区域统称婆罗摩登格尔赛梅鲁国家公园(Bromo Tengger [...] Semeru National Park),拥有4个湖,50条河以及若干迷人的山脉。 shangri-la.com | The surrounding area, [...] called Bromo Tengger Semeru National [...]Park, comprises 4 lakes, 50 rivers and striking mountain ranges. shangri-la.com |
此季发布的服装,摩登中带着传统审美,让你从严谨的工作轻松变身融入派对场合。 ba-repsasia.com | The clothes are modern but traditional with outfits that can go from work to play. ba-repsasia.com |
余若薇议员: 主席,不少乐评人一直批评香港缺乏独立音乐和露 天音乐会的现场表演场地,以致独立音乐无法蓬勃地发展,香港亦没 有条件举行如台湾垦丁的“春天呐喊音乐祭”、北京的“摩登天空音乐 节 ”和英国的“格拉斯顿伯里当代表演艺术节”,为音乐界和旅游业创 造盛事。 legco.gov.hk | MS AUDREY EU (in Chinese): President, quite a number of music critics have all along criticized that Hong Kong lacks venues for live performance of independent music and open-air concerts, with the result that independent music has failed to develop prosperously, and Hong Kong does not have the conditions for hosting mega events for the music and tourism sectors, such as the Spring Scream Music Festival in Kenting of Taiwan, the Modern Sky Music Festival in Beijing and the Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts in the United Kingdom. legco.gov.hk |
摩登现代的多片式不锈钢外壳,撘配放射状结构表盘设计和百老汇风格的数字刻度。 oris.ch | The multi-piece [...] stainless-steel casecomes ina modern design, [...]with a fine radial pattern on the dial and numbers in the style of Broadway posters. oris.ch |
这些都体现了Vogue对这些领域的支持:2012年Vogue摩登不夜城捐赠米兰,罗马和佛罗伦萨销售的 170,000欧元,1,300家零售店铺和300,000群众参与到这项活动。 bfchina.net | This marks Vogue’s ongoing support of these areas: the 2012 edition of Vogue Fashion’s Night Out [...] raised 170,000 euros thanks [...]to sales in Milan, Rome and Florence, where 1,300 retail outlets and 300,000 people took part in the event. bfchina.net |
这个广受赞誉的全新系列满足了摩登都市人群的功能需求,而钟表行家则尤为欣赏由自动上链机芯驱动的43毫米精钢表款,此表款配备全历复杂功能(星期、日期、月份和月相显示)。 wthejournal.com | As a member of this new family with such a bright future, which so expertly meets the needs of urban living at the beginning of this third millennium, fine watchmaking enthusiasts are sure to appreciate the 43 mm steel version driven by an automatic caliber and endowed with a Complete Calendar complication (day, date, month and moon phase). wthejournal.com |
从高效率的绿能照明与充满摩登现代感的办公室照明,到已成功架设且遍布于欧洲、亚洲及北美各地的LED户外照明,高功效与节能皆为市场普遍之首要需求,而亿光LED照明解决方案: [...] LED灯具与取代式灯泡球则为大众之首选。 everlight.com | From highly [...] productive greenhouses and modern offices [...]to the nightly streets in Europe, Asia or North America: wherever [...]a strong boost in efficiency and economic life-time is requested, EVERLIGHT’s high performing LED fixtures and retrofits are first choice. everlight.com |
此外,我们也提供典雅枫木与摩登灰黑两种颜色任君选择。 geniusnetusa.com | And you get a color option, either in maple wood ormodern grey black. geniusnetusa.com |
2002 年,戈德堡制作的百老汇音乐剧《摩登蜜莉》获得托尼奖。 unicef.org | Ms. Goldberg received the Tony Award in 2002 for producing the Broadway musical Thoroughly Modern Millie. unicef.org |
就算在摩登时代使用语音电话,亦只能每次单对单地一传十、十传百。 hkupop.hku.hk | Even when phones are used in modern days, the transmission mode is still one-to-one, and the speed in passing out the words is still rather limited. hkupop.hku.hk |
一滴香水、一个舞步,伴着轻快音乐,在空中的舞蹈…将女性美丽而柔媚、自由、自信而充满迷人的自然魅力展现出来,混合青苹果味道、清新的柠檬和橘子香气,加上果味韵调的茉莉,百合以及小苍兰的花香气息,就似在肌肤上轻轻带过的气息,洋溢着微妙的快乐情绪,带给人们经典而摩登的感觉。 hk.eternal.hk | A drop of perfume, a dance step, dancing with air…Aire Loewe Sensual combines Calabria lemon and tangerine, with a hint of spicy green apple, together with a floral, fruity heart of JasmineSambac,Lily of the Valley and Freesia. hk.eternal.hk |
博纳多安海仕系列推出了安海仕 36 Seamotion 和安海仕 42 Seamotion 限量版,配备更 [...] 加优雅高档的内饰,珍珠灰的船身倍显高贵气质,棕色的外部装饰及主卧的时尚摩登设计演绎了浪漫的法式情怀。 beneteau.cn | Beneteau Antares range announced Antares 36 Seamotion and Antares 42 Seamotion edition. With the advantage and [...] elegance Seamotion trim level and [...] finishing, Antares 36 Seamotion and Antares 42Seamotion [...]provided pearl grey hull color, [...]brown exterior upholstery, specific décor with more modern design in owner’s cabin. beneteau.cn |
2003年建筑大师关传庸先生一手打造CLUB DESIGNER敦南形象概念店,其独立优雅的艺术空间与前卫摩登的时尚品味,提供顾客顶级时尚的私密购物空间。 clubdesigner.com.tw | In 2003, Mr. Kuang, the master of architecture, designed CLUB DESIGNER Dunnan store and gave an aesthetic, modern and elegant interior with private space for customers. clubdesigner.com.tw |
我的见解是我们生活在摩登的现在,而非天花板上镶满大理石的18世纪。 iontime.ch | My point of view was (and still is), that we’re living in today’s world and not the 18th century with marble snowing from the ceiling. iontime.ch |
无论是参考卡拉瓦乔的经典名作还是摩登的摇滚音乐人,Diver & Aguilar都采用与普通街拍一致,挖掘被摄者灵魂的摄影手法,精心创作没件摄影作品。 ba-repsasia.com | Whether inspired by the classical works of Caravaggio or modern day rockers, Diver & Aguilar employ the same methods of street casting and photography to find the souls of their subjects. ba-repsasia.com |
曾参与之电影超过50部,包括《一眉道姑1990》、《红场飞龙1990》、《摩登如来神掌1990》、《蠍子战士1992》、《天长地久1993》、《南拳王II 1993》、《东邪西毒1994》、《小飞侠1995》、《运财五福星1996》等。 rightproduction.com | 1990-2000 As the stunt performer and/or action director in various TV programmes and movies as follows: Vampire Settle on Police Camp (1990), The Dragon from Russia (1990), Kung Fu vs Acrobatic (1990), Operation Scorpio (1992), Days of Tomorrow (1993), The South Shaolin Master II (1993), Ashes of Time (1994), Teenage Master (1995), How to Meet the Lucky Stars (1996) and Gen Xcops (2000), etc. rightproduction.com |
七颗独一无二的三角形切割水晶,融入了和谐悦目的深灰色调,同时利用 Pointiage® 技术局部镶有迷你水晶,在承袭巴洛克风格的项链上渗透出点点摩登气息。 brand.swarovski.com | Seven crystals with an exclusive triangular cut, in tones of Dark Grey and partly covered with mini crystals using the Pointiage® technique, provide the finishing touch to modernize this baroque necklace. brand.swarovski.com |
曼迪诗系列的命名灵感来源於世界闻名的曼哈顿麦迪森大道,在保留了“布克兄弟”品牌核心理念的基础上,同时添加了繁复而摩登的特质,适合追求休闲、雅致、时尚生活的女性。 hk.eternal.hk | Madison” was named after renowned Madison Avenue in New York City, one of the most fashionable and sophisticated shopping avenues in the world,speaking to relaxed, confident, on trend fashionable ladies. hk.eternal.hk |
自2009年起正式担任爱彼的形象大使,她佩戴一款搭配摩登造形曲线的雅致腕表,完美地彰显其高贵清新的风采。 audemarspiguet.com | An Ambassador since 2009, she wears a model graced with modern lines which befits her sense of elegance. audemarspiguet.com |
以摩登手法诠释经典元素的 Icon系列,共有两款设计供选择︰一款缀有四排光彩夺目的黑色仿水晶珍珠,正面配以精致小巧的金色饰链,别出心裁的设计彰显大方自信的气质﹔另一款则将奶白色仿水晶珍珠与银色饰链结合,巧妙地展现天真无邪的可爱美态。 brand.swarovski.com | Icon is a modern classic in two styles: one has four rows of glittering jet black pearls with a front detail of small, looped golden chains, suggesting knowing sophistication; the other has creamy white pearls and silver chains, suggesting innocent prettiness. brand.swarovski.com |
尽管上海浓厚的商业气息与摩登格调似乎与金属乐并不登对,但之前包括LAMB [...] OF GOD在内的几场演出充分证明在这座城市里同样充斥着渴望大音量刺激的热血部族。 painkillermag.com | Some still [...] remember the gigantic showof LAMB OF GOD [...]at the beginning of this year that showed enthusiastic and hungry the [...]Shanghaian metal crowd can be for good rocking acts and due to Painkillers 12th Anniversary, UNEARTH, one of the leading bands of NWoAHM has been invited to performe in Shanghai! painkillermag.com |
该系列拥有男女成衣和配饰,其风格完美游走于精致摩登与都会雅痞之间。新系列的“Gucci Viaggio”标签由黑色、墨绿色和灰色组成,连同标志性的织带条纹也是黑-灰-黑的组合,彰显与众不同的个性。 gucci.com | Balancing the contemporary values of dynamic elegance and cosmopolitan nonchalance, the line includes an extensive selection of ready-to-wear garments and accessories, for both women and men, distinguished by the new “Gucci Viaggio” label and a focused color palette of black, ink and grey, which even appears on the signature web stripe in a black-grey-black combination. gucci.com |
由David Sims 拍摄的春夏季广告大片充满对解构形式的摩登诠释, 将足够的空间赋予自由的概念与生命的轻盈, 最终呈现的效果热情又不乏温馨、活力却不激进、年轻又摩登——正是夏季乐观主义的最佳诠释。 zegna.com | Shot by David Sims, the spring summer adv campaign indulges in a modern interpretation of deconstructed formality giving ample space to the concepts of freedom and lightness of being, resulting in a style that is welcoming and reassuring; energized but never aggressive; young and cosmopolitan - an expression of summer optimism. zegna.com |
永恒经典 - 自然浪漫-摩登生活”,无论您偏爱哪一种类型,在您纯粹的发现之旅中,带着您对现实灯光水色的憧憬,可以身临其境,尽情感受和领略其中真谛。 oase-livingwater.com | Whether "Timeless Classic - [...] Natural Romantic -Modern Life"is your [...]preferred garden type,on your virtual voyage of discovery you [...]will find yourself in the environment where you feel good and where you would like to see your wishes and longings for the fascinating interplay of water and light realised. oase-livingwater.com |
随后,安道尔、澳大 利亚、奥地利、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、布基纳法索、加拿大、中国、 [...] [...] 克罗地亚、丹麦、法国、加纳、希腊、危地马拉、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、 爱尔兰、日本、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、荷兰、尼加拉瓜、挪威、巴基斯坦、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯 [...]洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞士、土耳其和大不列颠及北爱尔兰 [...]联合王国加入为提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Indonesia, [...] Ireland, Japan, [...] Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico,Monaco,Montenegro, [...]the Netherlands, Nicaragua, [...]Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland joined the co-sponsors. daccess-ods.un.org |