

单词 摩洛哥人

See also:

哥哥 n

brother n

External sources (not reviewed)

因 此,他这方面的意愿在起草一部顺 摩洛哥人 民 特 别 是青年人愿望的新宪法过程中得到体现。
Consequently, his will in that regard was embodied in
the drafting of a new Constitution responsive to the
[...] aspirations of the Moroccan people, especially [...]
the young among them.
当天晚些时候,成群结队摩洛哥人 袭 击 了撒 哈拉平民的住宅和居民。
Later that
[...] day, groups of Moroccans attacked Saharan [...]
civilian homes and their residents.
相对来说摩洛哥人、罗 马尼亚人的数量有所增加,厄瓜多尔人、玻利维亚人和 阿根廷人的数量有所减少。
The proportion of Moroccans and Romanians has [...]
increased, while that of Ecuadorians, Bolivians and Argentineans has decreased.
本组织还摩洛哥人类发展国家倡议的合作伙伴,该倡议的目标是在国 家和地方各级实现千年发展目标。
The organization is a
[...] partner in the Moroccan National Initiative [...]
for Human Development, aimed at attaining the Goals at
the national and local levels.
(d) 下列国家人权机构的观察员 摩洛哥人 权 咨 询委员会
(d) Observer for a national human rights institution:
[...] Consultative Council of Human Rights of Morocco
32 该宪章的宗旨是创建一种考虑保护环境的
[...] 新动力,这是在可持续发展进程中所 摩洛哥人 持 续 关注的问题,并确定个人和 集体的责任。
The charter is designed to introduce a new approach that views the
preservation of the environment as a long-term
[...] concern for all Moroccans in the context [...]
of sustainable development and to define
individual and collective responsibilities.
阿马兹格语被视为国家的官方语言,也是全 摩洛哥人 共 享 的遗产,并规定了设 立国家语言和摩洛哥文化委员会。
The Amazigh language is considered as an official language of the State and
a shared heritage
[...] belonging to all Moroccans, and a national council for languages and Moroccan culture is [...]
provided for.
(c) 国家人权机构的代表摩洛哥人权咨 询委员会、非洲国家人权机构 网、危地马拉人权监察员
(c) Observers for national human rights institutions: Advisory Council on
[...] Human Rights of Morocco, Network of African [...]
National Human
Rights Institutions, Procurador de los Derechos Humanos de Guatemala
[...] 进行了调整,改进死刑判决的程序,同时注意听摩洛哥人民的各种意见,以便更好地从宗教、司法、 [...]
His Government had made institutional and judicial adjustments to refine the procedure for
applying capital punishment, while remaining
[...] attentive to the Moroccan population in all [...]
its diversity in order to form a better
idea of the various religious, legal, sociological and humanistic dimensions of the question.
除欧盟公民外摩洛哥人数量最多(710 401 人),随后依次为厄瓜 多尔人(413 [...]
715 人)和哥伦比亚人(292 971 人)。
Of those foreigners who are
[...] not EU citizens, Moroccans are the most numerous [...]
(710,401), followed by Ecuadorians (413,715) and Colombians (292,971).
[...] 个人隐私、不公开姓名、具有针对性的社会经济调查,并可能有助于评 摩洛哥 人口的 经济、社会和文化状况的其他任何资料。
The Committee also recommends that it be provided with any other information drawn from targeted socio-economic research in which participation was voluntary and the privacy and anonymity of the persons concerned were
fully respected, that might assist it in evaluating the economic, social and
[...] cultural situation of the Moroccan population.
摩 洛哥人民对 这一犯罪行为不约而同地作出了坚决和 一致的反应,这种反应仍然是应对这一挑战的一个主 [...]
要堡垒,同时表明了整个摩洛哥王国坚决反对一切形 式和表现的恐怖主义,不论肇事者是何人,也不论其 目的如何。
The spontaneous, energetic and unanimous
[...] response of the Moroccan people in the [...]
face of that criminal act remains the main
bulwark with respect to this challenge and made clear the absolute rejection by the entire Kingdom of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, regardless of its perpetrators or aims.
人权理事会秘书处谨转摩洛哥人权 咨 询委员会提交的来文,** 按照理事 会第5/1 号决议附件载列的议事规则第7(b) 条转载如下。
The Secretariat of the Human Rights Council hereby
transmits the
[...] communication submitted by the Advisory Council on Human Rights of Morocco,** reproduced [...]
below in accordance with
rule 7(b) of the rules of procedures described in the annex to Council resolution 5/1, according to which participation of national human rights institutions is to be based on arrangements and practices agreed upon by the Commission on Human Rights, including resolution 2005/74 of 20 April 2005.
事实上,Wana的电话和电信服务极富创新性,并充分体现 摩洛哥人 的 预 期期望,Wana为其预付费用户提供了以下创新特性:每花费一迪拉姆(摩洛哥货币单位)就发出一声“的的”声、通过短信进行帐户余额转账、通过CDMA网络和USB调制解调器以预付费形式访问互联网、高级的融合统一消息系统…。
As a matter of fact, Wana showed great creativity and
[...] understanding of Moroccans expectations over [...]
telephony and telecommunications services
by offering revolutionary features to its prepaid subscribers: beep / dirham feature (a beep being played each time a monetary unit is spent), SMS-driven inter-accounts credit transfers, prepaid internet access through USB modem using CDMA network, advanced convergent messaging system… Seamless and quick deployment of all these features has been enabled by StreamWIDE Prepaid solution’s flexibility and interoperability advantages.
小组成员包括赞助国政府(哥斯达黎加)、人权高专办 摩洛 哥人权问 题咨询委员会和两个民间社会组织。
Panellists included representatives of the
sponsoring Government (Costa Rica), OHCHR, the Advisory Council on
[...] Human Rights of Morocco and two civil society [...]
联合国观察团访问霍姆斯市期间, 摩洛哥人 Talhat Abdulhadi 带领的 4 位观察团成员乘联合国 [...]
85 号车到达 Quwatly 街老钟楼和新钟楼之间时,一个武 装团伙从 Hamidiyah 区方向对其开火。
During the United Nations observer mission tour of the city of Homs and as UN
vehicle 85, conveying the four-member
[...] mission led by the Moroccan, Talhat Abdulhadi, [...]
reached Quwatly Street, between the
old clock tower and the new clock tower, the mission was fired at by an armed group from the direction of the Hamidiyah district.
2010 年3月8
[...] 日,在人权理事会第十三届会议期间,人权高专办 摩洛哥 人权咨 询理事会组织了一次会外活动,主题是过渡时期司法背景下的社区赔偿。
On 8 March 2010, in the margins of the 13th session of the Human Rights
Council, OHCHR and the Advisory Council on
[...] Human Rights of Morocco organized a side [...]
event on community reparations in the context of transitional justice.
摩洛哥人权协 会指出,国家人权理事会的组成和规则证明其服从国王的权 威,不完全符合巴黎原则。
The Association marocaine des droits humains (Moroccan Human Rights Association) [...]
(AMDH) pointed out that the composition
and regulations of CNDH showed that it was under the authority of the King and did not fully meet the Paris Principles.
摩洛哥人权咨 询委员会的成员,本组织主席参加了 2009 年 3 月 2 日至 27 日 举行的人权理事会第十届常会的工作,期间代表摩洛哥做了关于残疾人权利的发 言。
As a member of the Moroccan Advisory Council on Human Rights, the [...]
President of the organization participated in the work
of the tenth regular session of the Human Rights Council, held from 2 to 27 March 2009, during which he delivered Morocco’s statement on the rights of persons with disabilities.
(c) 下列国家人权机构的观察员 摩洛哥人 权 咨 询理事会、欧洲国家人权 机构集团、非洲国家人权机构网络、东帝汶人权和司法监察
(c) Observers for the following national human
rights institutions: Consultative Council of
[...] Human Rights of Morocco, European Group [...]
of National Human Rights Institutions, Network
of African National Human Rights Institutions, Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça de Timor-Leste
(d) 国家人权机构的观察员摩洛哥人权 咨 询委员会; (e) 以下非政府组织的观察员:大赦国际、亚洲法律资源中心、阿拉伯妇 [...]
女总联合会、国际法学家委员会、美洲少数群体国际人权协会、二十一世纪南 北合作会
(d) Observer for a national human rights institution:
[...] Advisory Council on Human Rights of Morocco
(g) 国家人权机构的观察员摩洛哥人权 咨询委员会、韩国人权委员会(并 代摩洛哥人权咨 询委员会、印度尼西亚人权委员会、大不列颠平等和人权委员 会、菲律宾人权委员会、德国人权研究所、爱尔兰人权委员会、多哥国家人权委 员会、纳米比亚监察员和乌克兰议会人权委员会; (h) 以下非政府组织的观察员:大湖区和平与发展国际行动组织、国际发 展机构、哈基姆基金会、大赦国际、亚洲法律资源中心、世界教育协会
(g) Observers for national human rights institutions: Advisory Council on Human Rights of Morocco, National Commission on Human Rights of Korea (also on behalf of the Advisory Council on Human Rights of Morocco, the Commission on Human Rights of Indonesia (Komnas Ham), the Equality and Human Rights Commission of Great Britain, the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines, the German Institute for Human Rights, the Irish Human Rights Commission, the National Commission on Human Rights of Togo, the Ombudsman of Namibia and the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights)
(e) 国家人权机构的观察员摩洛哥人权 咨 询委员会、亚太国家人权机构 论坛、欧洲国家人权机构小组
(e) Observers for national human rights institutions: Advisory Council on
[...] Human Rights of Morocco, Asia Pacific Forum [...]
of National Human
Rights Institutions, European Group of National Human Rights Institutions
此外,在摩洛哥出生,母亲摩 洛哥人,父 亲为外国人的儿童可取得其母亲的国籍,条件是在成年后两年内声明 愿意取得该国籍,只不过做出此声明时,需要长期定居摩洛哥。
Further, a child born in Morocco of a Moroccan mother and a foreign father may acquire the nationality of its mother by declaring, within two years of reaching the age of majority, its desire to acquire that nationality, provided that, on making such declaration, its customary and regular residence is in Morocco.
摩洛哥人 民还为重建进行了捐款,这包括重建加沙以及圣城医 院的一个侧楼。
Contributions for reconstruction have also
[...] been made by the Moroccan people, including [...]
for the reconstruction of Gaza and a wing of the Al-Quds Hospital.
[...] 日,在人权理事会第十六届会议期间,人权高专办 摩洛哥 人权咨 询理事会组织了一次会外活动,主题是摩洛哥真相与和解委员会的建议的 [...]
On 9 March 2011, in the margins of the sixteenth session of the Human Rights
Council, OHCHR and the Advisory Council on
[...] Human Rights of Morocco organized, a side [...]
event on the implementation of the recommendations
of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Morocco.
(c) 下列各国人权机构的代表摩洛哥人 权 事 务咨询委员会、洪都拉斯全 国人权委员会、墨西哥全国人权委员会、多哥全国人权委员会、卡塔尔全国人权 [...]
(c) Observers for the following national human rights
institutions: Advisory Council on
[...] Human Rights of Morocco, Comision Nacional de los Derechos Humanos [...]
de Honduras, Comision Nacional
de los Derechos Humanos de Mexico, Commission nationale des droits de l’homme du Togo, National Human Rights Committee of Qatar, Network of National Human Rights Institutions of the Americas, New Zealand Human Rights Commission
然 而 ﹐雖 然 德 國 早 前 曾 宣 稱 在 摩 洛 哥 並 無 利 益 ﹐但 威 廉 二 世 為 了 測 試 英 法 協 定 (Anglo-French Entente)在
[...] 外 交 上 的 實 力 ﹐ 便 宣 布 支摩 洛 哥 人 。
However, though Germany had earlier stated that they had no interest in Morocco,
to test the diplomatic value of the Anglo-French Entente, Kaiser William II declared
[...] Germany’s support for the Moroccans.
(e) 联合国实体、专门机构和相关组织的观察员:联合国人口基金; (f) 国 家 人权机构的观察员摩洛哥人权咨 询委员会(同时代表爱尔兰人 权委员会)、亚太国家人权机构论坛
(e) Observer for the United Nations entities, specialized agencies and related organizations: United Nations Population Fund
最后,7 月 1 日是摩洛哥民主进程中的一个历史 性日子,1 000 多摩洛哥人在这一天出来表达他们 对新《宪法》的决定。
Finally, 1 July marked a historic date in Morocco’s democratic process, when more than 10 million Moroccans came out to express their decision regarding the new Constitution, which honoured our young people by genuinely involving them in the development of our economic, social and political institutions by encouraging their active contribution to the electoral process.




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