单词 | 摩根士丹利 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 摩根士丹利—Morgan Stanley (financial services company)See also:摩根—Morgan (name) 士丹利—Stanley (name)
在加入摩根士丹利私募股权投资部门之前,Huang 先生是摩根士丹利在香港和纽约的媒体及通讯投资银行部的副总裁和高级经理。 china.blackstone.com | Prior to joining MorganStanley’s private equity unit, Mr. Huang was a Vice President and Associate in MorganStanley’s [...] Media & Communications [...]Investment Banking Group in Hong Kong and New York. blackstone.com |
加入 Blackstone 之前,Chi 先生是摩根士丹利亚洲私募股权投资部的副总裁,主要负责中国的私募股权投资事宜并执行制药和特种化学品领域的交易。 china.blackstone.com | Before joining Blackstone, Mr. Chi was a [...] Vice President at MorganStanley Private Equity [...]Asia where he focused on private equity [...]investments in China and executed transactions in the pharmaceutical and specialty chemical sectors. blackstone.com |
摩根士丹利资本国际表示将於 Glencore 股份 於伦敦交易所作有条件买卖首天,将就此作进一步的公布。 glencore.com | In accordance with its policy, MSCI stated that it will makea further announcement [...] in this regard on the first day of conditional [...]dealings in Glencore shares on the London Stock Exchange. glencore.com |
此 外 , 根 据 吾 等 与 估 值 师 的 沟 通 , 吾 等 获 悉 , 在 估 值 师 考 虑 来 自 现 有 资 源 及 储 备 的 预 期 收 入 时 , 彼 等 亦 已 考 虑 铁 矿 石 的 预 计 市 价 , 而 预 计 市 价 [...] 乃 参 考 由 若 干 享 有 盛 誉 的 投 资 银 行( 包 括 但 不 限 於 瑞 信 、 City [...] Group Markets 、 高 盛、摩 根 士 丹 利及瑞银 )发 布 的 市 [...]场 研 究 报 告 进 行 预 测 。 cre8ir.com | Furthermore, according to our interview with the Valuer, we understand that, in their consideration of the expected income from the existing resources and reserve, the Valuer has taken into account of the projected market prices of iron ore which are forecasted with reference to the market research reports issued by certain reputable [...] investment banks including but not limited to Credit Suisse, City Group [...] Markets, Goldman Sachs, MorganStanley, and UBS. cre8ir.com |
目前,哈尔滨正在按照每股24美元的现金价格进行一项私有化交易,该交易由高盛、摩根士丹利与拉扎德公司担任顾问。 tipschina.gov.cn | At present, Harbin is in the process of [...] completing a going private transaction at $24 per share in cash, advised by [...] Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley andLazard Freres & Co. tipschina.gov.cn |
另外,三菱日联摩根士丹利证券如下述(5) “为保证公平性的措施”所述,受日立电线董事会的 [...] 委托,于 2013 年 2 月 12 日向日立电线董事会提交了意见(公平意见),表明在上述前提条件和其他特定 前提条件下,从财务角度上看对于除日立电线的控股股东等之外的其他日立电线股东而言,本合并的合 并比例为合理的。 hitachi-cable.com.cn | Meanwhile, as described in “(5) Measures to Ensure [...] Fairness”below, pursuantto a request from [...]the Board of Directors of Hitachi Cable, [...]Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities submitted to the Board of Directors of Hitachi Cable an opinion (a fairness opinion) dated February 12, 2013, to the effect that the Merger Ratio is reasonable under the aforementioned premises and certain other premises and some reservations from a financial viewpoint of the shareholders of Hitachi Cable, excluding the Controlling Shareholders, etc. of Hitachi Cable. hitachi-cable.com |
在加入 [...] Blackstone 之前,Huang 先生最后任职的是摩根士丹利亚洲私募股权投资部的常务董事及合伙人, [...]负责中国的私募股权投资,并成功领导在制药、化学和消费领域的交易。 china.blackstone.com | Before joining Blackstone, Mr. [...] Huang was most recently a Managing Director [...] and Partnerat Morgan Stanley Private Equity [...]Asia where he focused on private equity [...]investments in China and successfully led transactions in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and consumer sectors. blackstone.com |
下列数据可供参 考︰根据摩根士丹利资本国际世界指数显示,全球已发展市场的 股票回报率在 2001-02 和 2002-03 [...] 年度分别下跌 3.88% 和 23.96%。 legco.gov.hk | By wayof reference, accordingto the Morgan Stanley Capital International [...] World Index, equity returns in all developed [...]markets fell by 3.88% in 2001-02 and 23.96% in 2002-03. legco.gov.hk |
在掌管消费品部之前,Citrino 女士是摩根士丹利医疗保健服务投资银行部联席主管。 china.blackstone.com | Prior to running the Consumer Products group, Ms. Citrino was Co-Head of Health Care [...] Services Investment Bankingat Morgan Stanley. blackstone.com |
他曾担任摩根士丹利投资管理部/FrontPoint 的投资组合经理,其团队则是从摩根士丹利股权投资部调来,他自 2000 年以来一直在该部门担任自营交易投资组合经理和分析师。 china.blackstone.com | Mr. Jordan was the portfolio manager of a hedge fund for Morgan Stanley Investment Management / FrontPoint, having moved his team fromMorgan Stanley’s equity division, where he was a portfolio manager and analyst in proprietary trading since 2000. blackstone.com |
International Limited(下称"摩根士 丹利")安排的信贷挂鈎票据)的投诉宗数,以及因应外 [...] 界关注参考机构的信贷事件对精明债券相关系列造 成的影响而采取的跟进行动。 legco.gov.hk | International Limited (MS), thenumber of Octave [...] Notes-related complaints and actions taken to follow up concerns about [...]the implications of credit events of the reference companies on the relevant series of Octave Notes. legco.gov.hk |
瑞士联合银行(UBS)位居第二,摩根士丹利排名第三。 tipschina.gov.cn | UBS lands in second [...] place, followedby Morgan Stanley inthird. tipschina.gov.cn |
正当全球合力抵御金融海啸之际,美国政府与金融中心华尔街正在 痛定思痛,打算从根本改革金融体系,一些叱吒华尔街数十年甚至上百 年的投资银行,有的如雷曼般倒闭,有的如摩根士丹利般转为商业银 行,而美国各界有识之士都在寻找这次经济大灾难的根源。 legco.gov.hk | When the whole world is working together to resist the financial tsunami, the United States Government and the Wall Street financial centre have drawn lessons from the bitter experience. legco.gov.hk |
阳光油砂有限公司(「阳光」) 欣然宣布,完成筹组一项总额达2亿加元的银团信用贷款,银团由加拿大阿尔伯塔省财务银行(ATB)及中国银行加拿大分行联合牵头,协调安排方包括美国银行加拿大分行、滙丰银行加拿大分行、Morgan Stanley Senior Funding, Inc(摩根士丹利高级基金公司)、加拿大丰业银行、加拿大多伦多道明银行、瑞士银行加拿大分行,以及中国工商银行加拿大分行。 sunshineoilsands.com | The co-lead institutions that arranged the credit facility were Alberta Treasury Branches and Bank of China (Canada), supported by Bank of America, N.A., Canada Branch; HSBC Bank Canada; Morgan Stanley Senior Funding, Inc. sunshineoilsands.com |
在进入瑞士信贷之前,Gonzalez 女士在摩根士丹利私人客户服务部担任 Series 7 和 Series 63 注册经纪人助理。 china.blackstone.com | Prior to working for Credit Suisse Ms. Gonzalez [...] worked for Morgan Stanley as a series 7 & 63 registered brokers assistant in the Private Client [...]Services department. blackstone.com |
刘慧卿议员: 主席,国际投资银行摩根士丹利於上月24日发表一份 研究报告,指出自金融海啸发生以来,滙丰控股有限公司(“滙控”)是全 [...] 球唯一一间股价并没有大幅下跌的金融机构,而且估计滙控将会削减派 发股息,因此将其股票的目标价下调至75元。 legco.gov.hk | MS EMILY LAU (in Chinese): President, in a study report published on [...] 24th last month, MorganStanley, an international [...]investment bank, pointed out that [...]since the outbreak of the financial tsunami, HSBC Holdings PLC ("HSBC Holdings") was the only financial institution in the world whose share price had not experienced a sharp fall. legco.gov.hk |
在 2004 年加入 [...] Blackstone 之前,Citrino 女士是摩根士丹利消费品投资银行部的全球负责人。 china.blackstone.com | Before joining Blackstone in 2004, Ms. Citrino was Global Head of Consumer Products [...] Investment Banking Group at Morgan Stanley. blackstone.com |
前所未有的低点差——欧元兑美元点差低至2,来自于一个深度市场交易池的流动性,超过20个银行间交易报价,包括瑞士联合银行,JP摩根,花旗银行,巴克莱银行,德累斯顿银行,德意志银行,摩根士丹利,美国银行,高盛,Currenex, FXALL等。 jpmifc.com | Unprecedented low of difference - the euro against the dollar difference as low as2, from a depth of market trading liquidity of the pool, more than 20 inter-bank transactions offer, including UBS, JPMorgan,Citibank, Barclays Bank, GermanyDresden Bank, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Currenex, FXALL and so on. jpmifc.com |
Citrino 女士在摩根士丹利为客户提供咨询服务长达 20 多年。 china.blackstone.com | Ms. Citrino spent more than [...] 20 years advising clientsat Morgan Stanley. blackstone.com |
在加入摩根士丹利之前,Huang 先生在美林证券纽约的金融机构部任职。 china.blackstone.com | Before joiningMorgan Stanley,Mr. Huang [...] worked in the Financial Institutions Group at Merrill Lynch in New York. blackstone.com |
在 2011 年加入 [...] Blackstone 之前,Tassell 先生在摩根士丹利的法律及合规部工作了 9 年,其最近的职务是领导欧洲合规团队,履行 [...]投资银行业务、资本市场以及股权投资研究职能。 china.blackstone.com | Before joining Blackstone in 2011, Mr. Tassell [...] spent nine years atMorgan Stanley in the Legal [...]and Compliance department most recently [...]heading up the European compliance coverage team for the investment banking, capital markets and equity research functions. blackstone.com |
在加入摩根士丹利之前,Chi 先生在纽约花旗集团投资银行业务部的并购部任职。 china.blackstone.com | Before joiningMorgan Stanley, Mr. Chi worked [...] in the Mergers & Acquisitions Group at Citi Investment Banking Division in New York. blackstone.com |
瑞士信贷和摩根士丹利担任Blackstone 的并购顾问,并为此次交易提供融资。 china.blackstone.com | Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley acted as M&A advisors [...] to Blackstone and provided financing for the transaction. blackstone.com |
Kelder先生於1990年加盟摩立特集团前,曾於1986年至1988年间担任荷兰皇家壳牌有限公司(一般称为壳牌)的石油工程师;而彼於1989年为摩根士丹利位於纽约的企业融资团队成员。 chinapolymetallic.com | Prior to joining Monitor Group in 1990, Mr. Kelder was a petroleum engineer with Royal Dutch Shell Plc, commonly [...] known as Shell between 1986 and 1988; and he [...] was a member of Morgan Stanley's corporate [...]finance team in New York in 1989. chinapolymetallic.com |
位居第三的摩根士丹利在研究排名中位居第六,在销售排名中位居第四,在交易排名中位居第三。 tipschina.gov.cn | Third-place MorganStanley was ranked No. 6 [...] in research, No. 4 in sales and No. 3 in trading. tipschina.gov.cn |
在加入本集团前, 曾 任 职於摩 根 士 丹 利、瑞士 信 贷 第 一 波 士 顿 及 滙 丰 银 行。自1999年 至2003年,Lau女 士 任 职 於 纽 约 及 香 港之摩 根 士 丹 利之投资 银 行 及 股 票 研 究 部。 aactechnologies.com | From 1999 to 2003, Ms. Lau worked for Morgan Stanley in New York and Hong Kong within the investment banking and equity research divisions. aactechnologies.com |
此前,他曾在 Norfolk Markets 担任常务董事,并在摩根士丹利以及瑞士信贷第一波士顿公司的抵押贷款部门担任高级衍生品交易员。 china.blackstone.com | Previously, he was a Managing Director at Norfolk Markets and a senior derivative trader on the mortgage deskof Morgan Stanley andCredit Suisse First Boston. blackstone.com |
三菱日联摩根士丹利证券在提交下述意见书、表明所写意见书上的意见时,以及计算作为该意见的 基础的上述合并比例时,原则上直接使用了两公司提供的信息和向公众公开的信息等,其前提条件是这 些被使用的资料和信息等均为正确的、完整的,且其向三菱日联摩根士丹利证券无一遗漏地披露了对合 并比例的计算可能产生重大影响的所有事实。 hitachi-cable.com.cn | In submitting the following opinion, expressing its [...] views therein [...] and calculating the above Merger Ratio valuation, as the basis for such opinion, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities relied on the information provided by both companies and publicly available information, in principle, assuming that such information was accurate and complete and that there were no facts undisclosed to MitsubishiUFJ Morgan StanleySecurities that could have [...]a material [...]impact on the valuation of the Merger Ratio, without independent verification of the accuracy or completeness of such information. hitachi-cable.com |
本公司除於二零零九年先後获纳入成为恒生综合指数和摩根士丹利国际新兴市场指 数成份股外,本公司亦於今年三月获纳入成为新华富时香港指数成份股,反映本集 团赢得投资者及市场的广泛认同。 shougang-resources.com.hk | The Company was not only selected as a constituent in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index and the Hang Seng Composite Index in 2009, but was also added to the Xinhua FTSE HK Index in March this year. shougang-resources.com.hk |