

单词 摩托艇

See also:


motor (loanword)


vessel n

small ship

External sources (not reviewed)

同一波消息来源指出摩托艇在抵达卢旺达后,又按指 示返回 Makenga 的住宅,以回收剩余的武器弹药(见图 2)。
The same sources indicated that upon arrival to Rwanda, the boats were sent back once again to Makenga’s residence to recover the remainder of the weapons and ammunition (see image 2).
(k) “序列号资产”系指机动车辆、拖车、移动住房、牵引车、航空器机 身、航空器发动机、铁路机动车辆、船舶 摩托艇。
(k) “Serial number assets” means a motor vehicle, a
trailer, a mobile home, tractor, an aircraft frame, an aircraft engine, railway rolling stock
[...] and a boat and boat motor.
但必 须摩托艇上安 装运动传感器和全球定位系统接收器,以测定位置和方向。
The challenge then is to develop an integrated DMAC system that acquires and serves diverse data and information on local to global scales.
这天风和日丽,他们乘坐Gottlieb Daimler的敞摩托艇外出旅行。
One sunny day, they set out for a trip
[...] on Gottlieb Daimler's open motor boat.
无论是陆上的第一辆汽车还是水上的第一 摩托艇 — —两位冒险家不断推动技术的进步。
Be it on land with the first automobile or on the waters in a motor boat - the two adventurers are in a constant battle with the limits of technology.
摩托艇 Maestral 650 由建造 建設的一年 2010 在租金低廉 普纳特, 克罗地亚.
Powerboat Maestral 650 from build 2010 to rent or charter for special price in Punat, Croatia.
那工藝精細的經摩托艇散發 著沙灘、海水和天然的木材氣味。
The smell of the sand, the sea and wet wood from
[...] beautifully crafted classic motor boats.
最常见的运动在这里无疑包括帆板,潜水,帆船和滑翔伞也连接到超 摩托艇。
The most common sports here undoubtedly include windsurfing, diving, sailing and paragliding too
[...] attached to a speeding motorboat.
Dubai Sports」頻道致力為觀 眾搜羅頂級體育賽事,包括杜拜世界盃、杜拜網球公開賽 摩托艇 世 界 錦標賽、阿聯酋足球聯 賽,和其他世界體壇活動及體育專訪。
The Dubai Sports Channel is dedicated to featuring major tournaments such as the Dubai
World Cup, Dubai Open
[...] Tennis, World Powerboat Championship, the UAE Football League and other important world [...]
sporting events and sports documentaries.
从驾乘私人飞机环游世界到舷 摩托艇 竞 赛 ,这款计时器搭配了强劲可靠的机芯,尽显十足动感。
From round the world trips in private jets to outboard motorboat races, this timepiece evokes moving imagery as powerful as its reliable movement.
海洋变化研究活动是在一个 110 英尺的双桅纵帆船
[...] Fleur de Passion 上进行的,此船于 1942 年进行初次试航,当时是 德国海军摩托艇。
Changing Oceans research activities are
conducted from a 110-foot ketch, Fleur de Passion, which was
[...] originally commissioned in 1942 as a motor boat in the German Navy.
将单波束回声测深仪装摩托艇上, 是一种快速、价廉和方便的调查方法, 它能够在浅海(1 米)、中等海况和有水生植物生长的环境下工作(Dugan 等,1999)。
Most users of GOOS data and information reside in the coastal zone where the effects of global climate change and land-use practices in coastal drainage basins play out on local to regional scales in terms of a broad range of phenomena.
摩托艇 Espade 850 Fly (1Cab) 由建造 Espade 建設的一年 1987 在租金低廉 科涅克白兰地, 法国内陆.
Powerboat Espade 850 Fly (1Cab) from Espade build 1987 to rent or charter for special price in Cognac, France Inland.
专家组从刚果情报人士获悉,Makenga 上校在返回布卡武的家参加 Chuma 上校的葬礼时,把武器和弹药从 Nyamunyoni 转移到他的住所,这些武器和 弹药最后装上基伍湖上摩托艇运走
Makenga had transferred weapons and ammunition from Nyamunyoni to his residence, where they had eventually been picked up by motorized boat on Lake Kivu.
上海动达国际贸易有限公司,成立于2004年,专业生产和出口运马车、马拉小马车、箱式拖车、ATV拖车、自卸式拖车、游艇拖车、框式拖车 摩托艇 拖 车 、汽车拖车、机场拖车设备、训狗器械、马具产品的制造商和出口商。
G & W International Inc is a professional manufacturer & exporter for   light vehicles such as Horse trailer, Horse cart, Cargo trailer,Generator trailer ,Car trailer,
Tilting trailer, ATV trailer, Boat
[...] trailer, Box trailer, Jetski trailer ect ,Steel [...]
made Agility items and Airport ground
equipment   which established in 2004.
5 月 4 日 20 时 30 分,两艘大摩托艇运 送 60 名部队人员和好几吨武器弹药跨过湖面 200 米,抵达卢旺达的尚古古镇(见 S/2012/348,第 118 段)。
Jimmy Nzamuyein at his residence by Lake Kivu in the Nguba neighbourhood of Bukavu (see image 1). At 2030 hours on 4 May, the two large motorized boats transported the 60 troops and several tons of ammunitions and weapons 200 metres across the lake to the Rwandan town of Cyangugu (see S/2012/348, para. 118).
在蒂阿瑙体验惊险刺激的活动:水肺潜水、四轮越 摩托 车 、 喷射 艇 或 骑 马。
Get the adrenalin racing while in Te Anau: try scuba
[...] diving, quad biking, jet boating or horseback riding.
后来,警察毁坏并放火烧了他们的财物,包 括两摩托车和 一个用于运送给养的车辆。
Later, the police destroyed and set fire to their belongings,
[...] including two motorcycles and a vehicle [...]
used for delivering supplies.
此次骑行活动将采用著名的本田67 50cc小摩托车, 这是越南第一批面向大众市场 摩托 车 之一,在越南的现代化发展过程中发挥了重要作用。
The ride will be
[...] done on the famous Honda67 a small 50cc motorcycle one of the first mass market bikes in [...]
Vietnam, and credited
with a major role in the development of modern Vietnam.
值得注意的是,这项改革是在全国范围内展开的,所有行业均可适用。但是,购进用于个人消费的小型汽车 摩托 车 以及 游 艇 等 项目发生的进项税额是不可抵扣的。
Please note that such reform is nationwide without limitation on industries although VAT incurred on
purchasing certain personal consumption items
[...] such as small motor cars, motor cycles and yachts are specifically [...]
低碳交通系统 愿景的一些要素可以包括:(a) 密集但绿色、混合用途城市,在居民区附近提供 就业及购物和休闲设施;(b) 中心区之间现代化高质量连接,长途枢纽与当地交
通融为一体;(c) 个人汽车使用的高质量替代,特别是高效率的公共交通、良好 的非机动化交通基础设施及其适当的一体化:(d) 高效率的多式货物联运和智能
[...] 城市物流,其中包括清洁车辆;以及(e) 混合动力引擎、代用燃料、甚至电摩 托车和汽车等先进技术。
Some of the elements of a vision for a lowcarbon transport system could include: (a) dense, but green, and mixed-use cities that provide jobs, and shopping and leisure facilities close to people’s residential areas; (b) modern, high-quality links between the centres and good integration of long-distance hubs with local transportation; (c) high-quality alternatives to individual car use, in particular efficient public transport and good non-motorized transport infrastructure and its proper integration; (d) efficient, intermodal freight transport and smart urban logistics that also include clean
vehicles; and (e) advanced technologies such as hybrid engines, alternative fuels
[...] or even electric motorbikes and cars.
2010 年 7 月 18 日:一名 11
[...] 岁的巴勒斯坦男孩在哈利勒老城(希伯伦) 被以色列定居者疾驶而过摩托车撞 倒。
18 July 2010: a young Palestinian
boy, Abdullah Al-Mohtasib, aged 11, was hit by a settler on
[...] a speeding motorcycle in the Old [...]
City of Al-Khalil (Hebron).
品牌同时涉足帆船领域,赞助摩纳哥王子阿尔伯特二世 摩 纳 哥 游 艇 会 、 帕尔马皇家航海俱乐部、西班牙国王杯、最近一届美洲杯以及高尔夫、马球和滑雪等运动的各大主要赛事。
The brand is also involved in the sailing world
[...] through the Monaco Yacht Club, whose president is H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, the [...]
Real Club Nautico in Palma,
the Copa del Rey and even the last America's Cup, and in the worlds of golf, polo and skiing through major competitions.
當局亦已徵 詢香摩托車 商 會、 香港電單車 協 會、香港汽 車 商 會及防護頭盔的主要分銷商及 零售商對更 新防護頭盔及安全帶標準建議的意見,他們均表示支持。
The Hong Kong Motorcycle Chamber of Commerce, the Hong Kong Motorcycle Association, [...]
the Motor Traders Association of Hong
Kong, major protective helmet distributors and retailers have been consulted on the proposed updating of the standards of helmets and seat belts, and they all indicated support.
强调会员国必须继续将《世界预防道路交通伤害报告》作为道路安全工作的 纲领,酌情采用其中的建议,特别注意其中列出的不使用安全带和儿童约束装置、 不使用头盔、酒后和吸毒后驾驶、车速不当和超速以及缺乏适当基础设施等重大 风险因素,加强道路安全管理,尤其注意行人、骑自行车和 摩托 车 以及使用不 安全公共交通工具的人等易受伤害的道路使用者的需要,以及改进道路重大碰撞 事故受害者碰撞后的救治
Underlining the importance for Member States to continue using the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention as a framework for road safety efforts and implementing its recommendations, as appropriate, by paying particular attention to the main risk factors identified, including the non-use of safety belts and child restraints, the non-use of helmets, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, inappropriate and excessive speed and the lack of appropriate infrastructure, by strengthening road safety management and by paying particular attention also to the needs of vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, and users of unsafe public transport, as well as by improving post-crash care for victims of road crashes
在许多国家,人口基金及其合作伙伴通过提供救护车摩托车等 运输工具,为社区提供支助,这些国家包括贝宁、乍得、几内亚、几 [...]
In many countries, UNFPA and its partners supported
communities through the provision of transport by
[...] ambulance and motorbike, including in [...]
Benin, Chad, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya,
Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia.
其他传统设备商,如北电摩托罗拉 ,都面临着许多挑战,目前他们已经或正在被更大的3G同行收购(爱立信收购了北电的CDMA资产,同时诺基亚西门子正在收 摩托 罗 拉的网络部门)。
Other traditional players such
[...] as Nortel and Motorola have faced many challenges and now have been acquired or are in the midst of being acquired by their larger 3GPP counterparts (Ericsson acquired Nortel’s CDMA assets, while Nokia Siemens is in the midst of acquiring Motorola's networks division).
众多宾客的豪华晚上登上贝勒黑娜,一个宏伟的50米的游艇和的法国Couach的游艇品牌,使他们在与弗雷泽 艇 在 摩 纳 哥 游 艇 展 首 次亮相的旗舰地接受了邀请。
Numerous guests accepted the invitation for a lavish evening aboard
La Pellegrina, a
[...] magnificent 50m yacht and flagship of the French Couach Yachts brand, who were making their first appearance at the Monaco Yacht Show in partnership with Fraser Yachts.
在运动方面,居住在摩纳哥意味着有一个很好的机会参加到世界级的盛事,如蒙特卡洛拉力赛(摩纳哥汽车俱乐部)、普里莫杯 摩 纳 哥 游 艇 俱 乐 部)、网球大师系列蒙特卡洛赛(蒙特卡洛乡村俱乐部)、F1和F3大奖赛(摩纳哥汽车俱乐部)和蒙特卡洛国际马术障碍赛等。
In the sports arena, living in Monaco means having the opportunity to attend world class events such as the
Monte-Carlo Rally (Automobile Club de
[...] Monaco), the Primo Cup (Yacht Club de Monaco), the [...]
Tennis Masters Series Monte-Carlo (Monte-Carlo
Country Club), the F1 and F3 Grand Prix (Automobile Club de Monaco), Jumping international of Monte-Carlo and the international Herculis (Fédération Monégasque d’Athlétisme) athletics meeting...
此外,在过去 24 小时中,以色列占领军对加沙地带又发起了一次空袭,在 光天化日之下故意将目标指向 25 岁的 Jamal
[...] al-Najjar,欲将其法外处决;当时 他正在 Khan Yunis 骑摩托车。
Moreover, over the past 24 hours, Israeli occupying forces carried out yet another air strike against the Gaza Strip, deliberately targeting and committing the
extrajudicial execution of Jamal al-Najjar, 25 years old, in broad daylight as he
[...] was riding his motorcycle in Khan Yunis.




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