单词 | 摘下 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 摘下—tear downSee also:摘v—removev takev pickv borrowv 摘—pluck take off (glasses, hat etc) pick (flowers, fruit etc)
平治AMG凭车手Bernd Schneider夺得史上第三个德国巡回汽车锦标赛冠军,同年他为平治AMG一举 摘下国际巡回汽车锦标赛冠军。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Mercedes-AMG wins the German Touring Championship for the third time in the history of the event and the ITC title in its first year. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
每位女性都对吊饰钟爱有加,常将其佩戴于靠近心脏的位置,戴上便不会轻易 摘下。 hk.ashford.com | Every woman loves and appreciates a pendant and tends to wear it close to the heart; never taking it off. ashford.com |
此外还有 多人报怨说,在从法庭到拘留地点途中,他们手上脚上都带着手铐和脚镣,有时 甚至在法官面前都不给他们摘下脚镣。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several complained that detainees had been handcuffed and shackled en route from the place of detention [...] to the judge’s chambers and [...] that insome cases theshackles had not been removed evenfor the [...]hearing before the judge. daccess-ods.un.org |
我摘下一朵 小花,近距离观察它,它确实在每一方面都很完美──小小的雄蕊,小小的黑色条纹,以及小小的纯白色中心。 amccsm.org | Ipickedone ofthe small [...] flowers and looked at it closely and it was indeed perfect in every way - the tiny stamen, the [...]tiny black stripes and the tiny pure white centre. amccsm.org |
长时间使用更舒适,适用所有成人,热天也能保持凉爽,不会起雾,能够在所有头盔下使用, 摘下后可挂于脖间。 chainssprockets.com | More comfortable prolonged use, [...] applicable to all adults, hot days to keep cool, not fog, can be used in all the [...] helmets, hanging in the neck to take off after. chainssprockets.com |
从充电支架上摘下 Jabra GO 6470 耳机。 jabra.cn | Removethe Jabra GO 6470 headset from [...] charging cradle. jabra.com |
他是史上在欧洲巡回赛期间获得专业资格的最年轻高尔夫球员,2011年 6月19日,他更成功地摘下第111届美国高尔夫球公开赛冠军头衔。 audemarspiguet.com | He was the youngest golfer in history to obtain professional status on the European tour, and on June 19, he won the 111th edition of the US Open. audemarspiguet.com |
如果隐形眼镜容易摘下就摘下隐形眼镜, 继续清洗眼睛,并立即呼叫医生。 chemical.kao.com | Immediately call a POISON CENTRE or doctor/physician. chemical.kao.com |
香蕉刚从地里摘下来时,就需要尽快就地装入冷藏集装箱,并使温度保持在 58.0° F (14.4° C)。 emerson.com | As soon as they are harvested, they are placed into a refrigerated container while still in the field and brought to 58.0° Fahrenheit (14.4° Celsius). emerson.com |
而曾经摘下第47届金马影帝的黄渤,首度担任金马奖主持人。 piaget.com.cn | The winner of the 47th Golden Horse “Best Leading Actor Award”, Bo Huang, as the first-time host to the awarding ceremony. piaget.com |
自1996年发表《Trainspotting》以来,Danny Boyle或许是最被忽视的电影导演之一;但随着《Slumdog [...] Millionaire》在2008年奥斯卡摘下八项大奖,导演在影坛的活跃程度与日俱增。 think-silly.com | Since releasing ‘Trainspotting’ in 1996, Danny [...] Boyle has been under theradar until [...]‘Slumdog Millionaire’ took eight major awards in the Oscars 2008. think-silly.com |
闪亮的粉红色瓶身加上鲜明的玻璃红晕,亮泽得像一颗刚从树上 摘下来的新鲜苹果。 hk.eternal.hk | A crystalline apple, tinted with a radiant raspberry pink and enhanced with shiny silver leaves, as tempting as a gourmet treat. hk.eternal.hk |
当摘下腕表后,请用柔软干布擦去湿气和汗水;可使用在伯爵的专卖店中出售的专用人造麂皮把湿气和汗水擦去。 piaget.com.cn | When you remove your watch, wipe off moisture and perspiration with a soft cloth. en.piaget.com |
他在20岁时摘下柯尼 希方程式(Formula Konig)和三级方程式的德国车手锦标赛殊荣,这使他于1991年签约成为班尼顿一级方程式车手。 wthejournal.com | By the age of 20 he had won German drivers’ championships in both Formula Konig and Formula Three, before being signed as a driver for Benetton Formula One in 1991. wthejournal.com |
闪猎THERON】雷射引擎电竞滑鼠以全球电竞领导品牌的权威姿态将想像力、创新力和竞争力集结於电竞配备上,一举拿下『2012红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards』,这代表着曜越Tt [...] [...] eSPORTS将优越的电竞设计理念清楚地传达至所有电竞领域,同时也更凸显了【闪猎THERON】以卓越的设计思维,搭配优越的技术面,以画龙点睛之效果在多逹58个国家的众多竞争对手最佳姿态赢得所有陪审团成员的青睐脱颖而出,一举 摘下欧洲 最具声望的德国设计协会Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen 所设立的红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards,一项迄今已有五十年悠久历史,且为目前国际上数一数二的重要设计竞赛之一。 ttesports.com.tw | In 2012 THERON is the only gaming mouse that has won the reddot Design Award (click here for more information), with prestigious recognition by the institute of The DesignZentrum – the organizer of reddot. ttesports.com.br |
对于想要达到这种效果的照片部分,在 摘下眼镜的情况下,调整 X 值,使两幅图像看起来叠在一起 (看不到双图像)。 nvidia.cn | With your glasses off, adjust the X value such that the two images appear overlapped (no double image) for that part of your picture. nvidia.com |
闪猎THERON 电竞滑鼠】以卓越的设计思维,搭配优越的技术面,搭配画龙点睛之效果在多逹58个国家的众多竞争对手最佳姿态赢得所有陪审团成员的青莱脱颖而出,一举 摘下欧洲最具声望的德国设计协会Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen 所设立的红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards,一举拿下『2012红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards』,这代表着曜越Tt eSPORTS把优越的电竞设计理念清楚地传达至所有电竞领域。 ttesports.com.tw | In 2012 THERON is the only gaming mouse that has won the red dot Design Award (click here for more information), the chosen one to receive such prestigious recognition by the institute of The Design Zentrum – the organizer of red dot. ttesports.com.au |
迈克尔·舒马赫确实当之无愧,这位现年42岁的德国赛车手的战绩辉煌,除七次 摘下世界冠军头衔外,也拿下68次首发杆位次数冠军、91次分站冠军,站在颁奖台上的次数总计高达154次,缔造体坛令人印象最深刻的亮眼纪录。 audemarspiguet.com | That’s to be expected; with seven world champion titles, 68 pole positions, 91 victories and 154 podiums, the 42-year-old German driver has the most impressive record in the sport. audemarspiguet.com |
警告 在相机盖子打开的时候,只能碰那些涂成绿色的内部组件 (参阅在第 xxiv 页的图片),将戒指、领带、首饰和其他的一些物件 摘下来,把头发扎 在后边,防止它们掉进相机或者被相机 “ 抓 ” 进去。 codonics.com | WARNING With the imager cover open, touch only those internal components that are colored green (refer to the figure on page xxviii). Remove rings, ties, jewelry, and other items, and tie back hair, so that they do not fall into or get caught in the imager. codonics.com |
以下摘要概述本集团各须予呈报的分类的业务营运。 cre8ir.com | The following summarydescribesthe operations [...] in each of the Group’s reportable segments. cre8ir.com |
关于外债总额和本金偿付额的资料多数情况 下摘自世 界银行系列出版物《全 球发展金融》中发布的世界银行外债数据库。 daccess-ods.un.org | Information on total external debt and repayments of principal were [...] extracted in most cases from the World [...]Bank database on external debt, as published [...]in the World Bank serial publication daccess-ods.un.org |
以下摘要介绍了在 2010-2011 两年期举办的信息技术项目的详细情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Brief details of the status [...] of information technology projects undertaken in the biennium 2010-2011 are given below. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会第六十三届会议请秘书长向大会第六十五届会议提出一份载有下列资料的报告:(a) 关于外交和领事使团和代表的保护、安全及保障文书的批准和加 入情况的资料;(b) 各国关于外交和领事使团和代表受到的严重侵犯和对罪犯采 取的行动的报告和关于加强对外交和领事使团和代表的保护、安全及保障所需采 取或已采取的措施的意见的摘要(第63/126 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report containing: (a) information on the state of ratification of, and accessions to, the instruments relevant to the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives; and (b) a summary of the reports received from States on serious violations involving diplomatic and consular missions and representatives and actions taken against offenders, as well as of the views of States with respect to any measures needed or already taken to enhance the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives (resolution 63/126). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们谨通知你,工作组完成了第 63/111 号和第 64/71 号决议中要求的向大 会提供建议的任务,并谨向你提交会议成果,其中包括工作组通过的转交大会第 六十五届会议的建议(第一节)和共同主席关于在各个议程项目下的审议过程中 提出的关键问题、想法和提议的讨论摘要 (第二节)(见 A/AC.276/3)。 daccess-ods.un.org | provide recommendations to the General Assembly as requested in resolutions 63/111 and 64/71, and have the honour to submit to you the outcome of the meeting, which consists of the recommendations adopted by the Working Group for transmittal to the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session (sect. I) and a Co-Chairperson’s summary of discussions (sect. II) on key issues, ideas and proposals raised during the deliberationsunder the various agenda items (see A/AC.276/3). daccess-ods.un.org |