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他呼吁所有代表隘的政治观点,共同努力为中东创造更好的未 来。
He called on
[...] all delegations to move beyond narrow [...]
political views and to work together to build a better future for the Middle East.
很明显,必须立即在亚洲及太平洋各经 济体的发展源密集和碳密集模式、避免对环境造成破坏、以及使所 有人都能切实从发展中获益。
It was clear that development in Asia-Pacific economies could no longer continue to be resource- and carbon-intensive, environmentally damaging and non-inclusive.
关于跨部门机制,一位发言者认为教科文组织门优先事项的概念,并建议 35 C/5 应为两个科学 计划制定一套共同的优先事项,数量以不超过三个为宜。
With respect to intersectorality, one speaker felt that UNESCO should aimat abolishing the notion of sectoral priorities and recommended that for document 35 C/5 there be a common set of priorities for both the sciences programmes, preferably not exceeding three.
促请国际舞台上所有行动者建立一个以包容、正义、平等和公平、人的 尊严、相互谅解、增进和尊重文化多样性及普世人权为基础的国际秩序切基于种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍的排他理论
Urges all actors on the international scene to build an international order based on inclusion, justice, equality and equity, human dignity, mutual understanding and promotion of and respect for cultural diversity and universal human rights, and to reject all doctrines of exclusion based on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
(2) 董事会可作出任何他们认为必要或快捷的行为及事情,令按照本条 (a)段的规定进行的任何资本化生效,董事会并有全权在股份可零 碎分派时作出其认为合适的规定(包括将零碎所有权全部或部分集 合一起并且出售而出售所得款则分派给有权获得分派的人,或予向上或向下整数调整的规定,或让零碎所有权的利益归于本 公司而非有关的成员的规定)。
(2) The Board may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalisation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Article, with full power to the Board to make such provisions as it thinks fit in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the Company rather than to the Members concerned).
及动议批准及采纳已提呈本大会并由大会主席签署以资识别、注有「A」字样之 已重新编印之本公司新组织章程大纲及细则(包括截至本大会结束为止前所通过 有关修订组织章程细则之全部特别决议案(包括本决议案)),以作为本公司之新 组织章程大纲及细则,以代替本公司之现有组织章程大纲及细则并将并 授权董事可以进行其认为就上述事项所有必须、可取或权宜之事宜及行动及签署 所有文件。
and THAT the reprinted new memorandum and articles of association of the Company, incorporating all the special resolutions passed in connection with amendment to the articles of association of the Company up to the conclusion of this Meeting (including this resolution), marked “A” produced to this Meeting and for the purposes of identification signed by the chairman, be and is hereby approved and adopted as the new memorandum and articles of association of the Company in substitution for and to the exclusion of the existing memorandum and articles of association of the Company and that the Directors be and are hereby authorized to do all things and act and sign all documents which they consider necessary, desirable or expedient in connection with the foregoing.
各政党,无论是信奉宗教还是政教分立的政党, 都对其人民负有遵守本组织成立时所遵循的基本信 条的责任,这些信条是力;坚持法治;尊重 言论、结社和集会自由;保障宗教自由与容忍;保护 妇女和少数群体的权益;建立独立司法;促进媒体自 由;一旦选举落败就交出权力;以及,避免煽动分裂 社会的冲突。
All political parties, religious and secular alike, have a responsibility to their people to abide by the basic tenets upon which this body is founded: to reject violence; to uphold the rule of law; to respect the freedoms of speech, association and assembly; to safeguard religious freedom and tolerance; to protect the rights of women and minorities; to establish independent judiciaries; to promote a free press; to surrender power if defeated at the polls; and to avoid inciting conflicts that pull societies apart.
社区组织的代表常常参与 巩固现有的网络,有时儿童领导的组织也会参与进来,通过巩固现有网络,人们 对各种新出现或普遍存在的暴力形式、为社会所接受的做法、以及通过相关社区 的参与从而促进有效且长久种行为的方式有了更深的了解。
With the consolidation of existing networks, often involving representatives from community-based organizations and, at times, also child-led organizations, an increasing understanding has been gained on emerging and widespread forms of violence, as well as on socially accepted practices, and on ways of promoting their effective and lastingabandonment with the involvement of communities concerned.
解决政治冲突和长期存在的冲突,铲除导致纷争和恐怖主义的根源,尤 其在世界上局势最为紧张、恐怖组织广泛存在的地区这样做;改善政治 关系;各国之间建立信任和相互理解,这些都军备和获得政策, 减少或限制恐怖分子获取核武器的机会。
The resolution of political and long-standing conflicts and removal of the principle causes of struggles and terrorism, particularly in regions of the world where tensions are highest, and where terrorist groups are widely found; the improvement of political relations; and building of trust and mutual understanding between countries are all roads towards the rejection of nuclear armament and acquisition policies and the reduction or restriction of opportunities for terrorists to obtain nuclear weapons.
缔约国在巴勒斯坦被占领领土上应不折不扣地尊重人道主义法的准则封 锁政策;紧急批准所有重建家园和民用基础设施所需的建筑材料输送进入加沙地 带,从而确保尊重巴勒斯坦人依据《公约》享有的住房、教育、保健、供水和卫 生设施权。
The State party should fully respect the norms of humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, rescind its blockade policy and urgently allow all construction materials necessary for rebuilding homes and civilian infrastructures into the Gaza Strip so as to ensure respect for Palestinians’ right to housing, education, health, water and sanitation in compliance with the Convention.
尌 本 建 议 而 言,‚ 陈 述 ‛ 或 ‚ 纪 录 ‛ 包 括 陈 述 或 纪 录 的 任 何 部 分 , 而 陈 述 或 纪 录 的 某 一 部 分 , 不 得 仅 因 陈 述 或 纪 录 的 另 一 部 分证 据 之 外 而证 据 之 外 ( 建 议 9 ) 。
For the purposes of this Proposal, "statement" or "record" includes any part of a statement or record and a part of a statement or record shall not be excluded from evidence by reason only that some other part of such statement or record is excluded from evidence.
赫 斯 特 法 官 评 论 说 , 现 时 的 制 度 完 全 保 障 申 索 人 , 而 能 够 对 申 索 特 别 貣 抑 制 作 用 的 因 素 却 已
Judge Hurst commented that the system now completely protects claimants and the particular brake on claims has been taken away.
因而她提议举行进一步的磋商讨论这个问题,为此拟订一份报告概述 为什么机构间常设委员会提议难民署担任这个作用,是否由难民署承担这个作 用有的自然灾害情况下的特种安排是较为理想的。
She therefore proposed that further consultations be convened to discuss the question, for which a paper would be prepared to outline why the IASC system was proposing such a role for UNHCR and whether it was desirable for the Office to take this on and move away from the status quo of ad hoc arrangements in situations of natural disaster.
然而,有另一个部门持不同看法,坚持 不应把资历过高的应徵外,不让其获 考虑聘任为助理专业人员。
Yet another department held a different view and insisted that a candidate who was overqualified should not be precluded from being considered for appointment as an assistant professional.
董事会可按其认为合适的条款及条件及限制,以及在附加於关人 士本身权力下,向董事总经理、联席董事总经理、副董事总经理、执行董事或任何董 事委托及授予其可行使的任何权力,并可不时撤回或更改所有或任何该等权力,但秉 诚行事的人士在没有通知撤回或更改下不会受此影响。
The Board may entrust to and confer upon a managing director, joint managing director, deputy managing director, an executive director orany Director any of the powers exercisable by it upon such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as it thinks fit, and either collaterally with, or to the exclusion of, its own powers, and may from time to time revoke or vary all or any of such powers but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of such revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.
我们表示随时准备在对当代挑战和威胁形成共识、共牲他人安全谋 取自身安全的企图的基础上,与北约国家作出共同努力,首先是在政治和外交领 域,来反对弹道导弹的扩散。
We express our readiness to undertake joint efforts with NATO countries, first and foremost in the political and diplomatic sphere, to oppose the proliferation of ballistic missies on the basis of a shared understanding of contemporary challenges and threats and a mutual rejection of attempts to ensure security at the expense of the security of others.
我们必护的责任这一概念,因为它掩盖 了侵犯主权的行为,以便推动新殖民主义的利益。
We must reject the concept of [...]
the responsibility to protect, for it disguises the violation of sovereignty in order to promote neo-colonial interests.
(c) 在各级教育机构开展人权教育,旨视性做法、仇外心理和暴 力行为,以及增进对多样性、跨文化、性别平等和公民权利的理解
(c) Introduce human rights education in all levels of education aiming at theabandonment of discriminatory practices, xenophobia and violence and at the understanding of diversity, interculturality, the gender approach and citizenship
我们欢迎最近对贸易作 出的承诺,承诺在金融不稳定的时候务护主义,不能闭关自守,特别是 由于这可能特别影响到发展中国家。
We welcome recent commitments concerning trade and the critical importance of rejecting protectionism and not turning inward in times of financial uncertainty, especially as this might particularly affect developing countries.
在英国,水利行业当前几乎已经完靠实测历史用水趋势来预测未来需水量的方法,而是转而采取了分行业进行预测 的方法。
In the United Kingdom the water industry has now largely abandoned the extrapolation of trends in measured water consumption as a means of forecasting future water demands in favour of the component method.
有一个国家介绍了关于向青年人灌输民主价值观、教育他们学会宽容以及向 他们灌输自我节制和接受他人的原则的方案;推动宽容何极端主义表现 的宗教方案(音频和视频都有);为宗教机构的布道者提供的课程和讲习班,着重 于恐怖主义的危害和推动性质温和的宗教布道。
One State described programmes to instil democratic values in young people, teach them to practise tolerance and instil the principle of moderation and acceptance of others; religious programmes (both audio and visual) to promote tolerance and reject any manifestation of extremism; and courses and workshops for preachers in religious institutions, emphasizing the dangers of terrorism and promoting religious sermons that are characterized by moderation.
此外,委 员会促请缔约国加强努力解儿的根源,包括为无计划的怀孕和防止风险 怀孕提供计划生育以及适当的咨询和社会支助。
Furthermore, the Committee urges the State party to increase its efforts to address the root causes which lead tothe abandonment of infants, including the provision of family planning as well as adequate counselling and social support for unplanned pregnancies and the prevention of risk pregnancies.
在这方面,他注 意到该报告所列的各种挑战,以及其从酷刑定义、适 当制裁措施涉嫌使用酷刑国家引渡的做法 等的建议。
In that respect, he took note of the challenges set out in the report and its recommendations, ranging from the definition of torture, adequate sanctioning and the rejection of the practice of renditions to countries suspected of using torture.
为 了确定对一项条约声明的法律性质,真正的标准取决于声明的实际结果:如果将 一项声明付诸实行导致条约或其若干规定的法律效果被更改或则这是一 项保留,“不论其措辞或名称为何”;如果声明局限于确切表明或澄清声明者认 为条约或其若干规定所应有的意义或范围,则这是一项解释性声明。
If it results (or would result) in modifying or excluding the legal effect of the treaty or certain of its provisions, it is a reservation “however phrased or named”; if the statement simply clarifies the meaning or scope that its author attributes to the treaty or certain of its provisions, it is an interpretative declaration.
中国代表团尊重各国根据其司法公正的需要、 经济发展水平、历史文化背景等选择对罪犯适用适 当刑罚的权利,并强烈敦促该决议草案提案国采取
[...] 更加平衡的方式,尊重各国的主权死刑问 题政治化的做法。
China respected the right of each country to choose appropriate penalties for offenders in accordance with its judicial imperatives, level of development and historical and cultural background and urged the sponsors of the draft to
take a more balanced approach, to respect
[...] the sovereignty of other States and [...]
to refrain from politicizing the issue of the death penalty.




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