

单词 摇匀

摇匀 ()

mix by shaking

See also:

surname Yao

distribute evenly


share v

External sources (not reviewed)

使用方法:配合洁面乳后使用,用时上 摇匀 洒 于 棉球上,再循循轻拍于面颈。
Method To Use : Gently shake the can and spray on a flannel, sponge, tissue or cotton pad.
摇匀气罐,在 需清洁表面足量喷涂本品,对 于难于喷涂到的地方请使用加 长导管。
Use an extension tube for hardto-reach places.
静止状态时,可以保持明显的“两相”状态,使用时,通过轻 摇 动 形成 均 匀 的 “ 一相”而进行使用。
When the product is not in use, these different states are clearly differentiated, but gentle shaking combines them together before application.
带电的液体被 吸引到最近的接地工件上,包覆和 匀 地 涂 盖所有表面。
The charged fluid is attracted to the nearest grounded object,
[...] wrapping around and evenly coating all [...]
对比于电子束,X-射线消毒灭菌一个重要的特点是直接处理货盘上的产 品并且保持优秀的剂量匀度。
One of the key differences of X-ray sterilization versus E-beam sterilization is the ability to sterilize products directly on pallets with excellent dose uniformity.
这一决定符合圭亚那长期毫不摇的 做法,即团结巴勒斯坦人民、致力于其 行使自决权并建立自己的独立、自由、繁荣与和平家园的正义及合法愿望;符合 我们多年来倡导的做法,即通过“两国解决方案”解决以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突, 使以色列和巴勒斯坦人民在其自由和独立国家内,并在安全和国际公认的边界内 以和平、繁荣、和谐方式共处。
This decision is in keeping with Guyana’s long-standing and unwavering solidarity with, and commitment to, the just and legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine for the exercise of their right to self-determination and to achieve a homeland of their own, independent, free, prosperous and at peace, and our advocacy over the years for a two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the people of Israel and Palestine living side by side in their free and independent countries in peace, prosperity and harmony and within secure and internationally recognized borders.
匀支这 么大一笔资金,进一步削减计划 将不可避免,因此,将需要请会员国在执行局本届会议上指出他们认为可以在哪些计划领域 做出削减。
Further reduction in programme areas would be inevitable in order to accommodate absorption of this large amount, and Member States would be requested to give, during the present session of the Executive Board, indications of programme areas where reductions could be achieved.
如为同等冷却级或通风组,则可预设一种具备 匀 负 载 监控功能的交替运行模 式。
For equal cooling phases or ventilator groups, alternating operation with monitoring of a consistent workload can be specified.
各组份在混合室中进行预混合,然后在静态混合器 (SM) 中匀地混合。
The components are pre-mixed in the
[...] integrator, then uniformly blended in the [...]
static mixer (SM).
在这方面,伊斯兰会议组织重申,它坚定和毫不摇地支持在确保对 1967 年占领的巴勒斯坦领土的 主权的基础上建立以圣城为首都的巴勒斯坦国,并且 支持在大会第 194(III)号决议基础上公正解决巴勒 斯坦难民的困境。
unwavering support for the establishment of the State of Palestine based on commitment to the right of sovereignty over the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, and for a just solution to the plight of the Palestine refugees on the basis of General Assembly resolution 194 (III).
在承认其人民的期望的同时,各位部长重申了不结盟运动对万隆原则和那 些在哈瓦那首脑会议上通过的《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原 则及作用宣言》所载原则、《联合国宪章》及其维护与促进的不可 摇 的 政 治 和道德承诺和决心以及充分尊重,以进一步巩固和加强不结盟运动作为在多边 论坛,特别是联合国中代表发展中国家的主要政治平台的作用和立场。
Recognising the aspirations of their peoples, the Ministers reaffirmed the Movement’s irrevocable political and moral commitment and determination to and full respect for the Bandung Principles and those adopted at the Havana Summit in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the NAM in the Present International Juncture and the UN Charter as well as for their preservation and promotion, with a view to further consolidate and enhance the Movement’s role and position as the principal political platform representing the developing world in multilateral forums, in particular the United Nations.
因此,如果大会通过决议草案 A/C.2/66/L.59, 由于秘书长作出匀支努 力,将不需要在 2012-2013 两年期拟议方案预算下追加经费,但有一项谅解,即 有关直接或间接实际额外费用将由巴西政府按照大 会第 40/243 号决议支付。
Thus, should the General Assembly adopt draft resolution A/C.2/66/L.59, no additional requirements would arise for the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013, thanks to the absorption efforts made by the Secretary-General and on the understanding that the Government of Brazil would defray the actual additional costs directly or indirectly involved in accordance with General Assembly resolution 40/243.
现确定,2011 年为不限成员名额工作组提供服务 的 508 900 美元所需资源总额,可从为大会提供服务 的经费匀支, 条件是不限成员名额工作组不得与大 会和/或其它工作组同时开会;其会议确切日期将由 实务秘书处与大会和会议管理部协商确定;不限成员 名额工作组的文件须及时提交且在预估字数以内。
It is determined that the total resource requirements of $508,900 in 2011 to service the Openended Working Group could be absorbed from within the provisions to service the General Assembly on the understanding that the Open-ended Working Group cannot meet in parallel with the General Assembly and/or other working groups, the exact dates of its meetings will be determined in consultations between the substantive Secretariat and the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, and the documents of the Open-ended Working Group are submitted in time and within the estimated word count.
大会第 65/248 号决议决定,因该决议核准的服务条件变化而增加的费用应 由本组织在现有资源匀支, 不得影响业务费用,不得影响已获授权的方案和活 动的开展。
In its resolution 65/248, the General Assembly decided that additional costs arising from the changes in the conditions of service approved in that resolution were to be absorbed by the Organization from within existing resources, without affecting operational costs or undermining the implementation of mandated programmes and activities.
这一选择方案仅降低了名义零增长方案的不利影响,因为它意味着要将偿还贝尔蒙计 划贷款和采取安全措施的费用全部列入预算,但本组织将需要在预算 匀 支 估 计为 37,800,000 美元的整个通货膨胀和法定增长额。
This option which merely reduces the detrimental impact of the ZNG scenario would imply that the costs of the Belmont loan and security measures would be fully provided but the Organization will be required to absorb the entire amount of inflation and statutory increases estimated at $37.8 million.
其中强调的成果包括:毫不摇地致 力于实现千年发展目标;强烈支持粮食保障;保护儿童权利、两性平等 和制止对妇女和儿童的暴力行为的战斗;与合作伙伴一道,为在儿童保健、营养、 教育、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、紧急人道主义援助和其他中期战略计划领域取得全球 进展作出具体贡献;推出改善该组织的许多举措;对实现、监测和报告成果的重 视更加突出;推动更加强化和更有战略性的伙伴关系和协作关系;平稳指导该组 织度过全球经济衰退;继续支持联合国全系统的协调一致。
Among the results highlighted were an unwavering commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals; the strong support for food security, protection of children’s rights, gender equality and the fight to end violence against women and children; specific contributions, with partners, to global advances in child health, nutrition, education, HIV/AIDS, emergency humanitarian assistance and other areas of the medium-term strategic plan; the launching of the organizational improvement initiatives; a sharper focus on achieving, monitoring and reporting on results; the drive for strengthened and more strategic partnerships and collaborative relationships; a steady steering of the organization through the global economic downturn; and continued support for United Nations system-wide coherence.
咨询委员会相信,通过基本建设总计划施工经理,以设计——建造 方式采购新的永久广播设施,有利于新闻部弥补已在设计阶段发生的延 误,并相信新闻部将会尽力寻求进一步提高成本效益 匀 支 所 需的增 加。
It trusts that the procurement of the new permanent broadcast facility using a design-build approach through the construction manager for the capital master plan will allow the Department to make up for the delays already experienced during the design phase and that every effort will be made to seek further cost efficiencies and to absorb the additional requirements.
休斯顿--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(最终版本日期待定)— 埃克森美孚化工推出了一款新型的 Label-Lyte™ 50ML580 表面可印刷的镀金属拉伸聚丙烯 (OPP) 膜,适用于需要美观而匀的金属外观以及高速印刷性能的压敏标签 (PSL) 应用。
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ExxonMobil Chemical has introduced new Label-Lyte™ 50ML580 metalized, surface-printable oriented polypropylene (OPP) film for pressure sensitive label (PSL) applications requiring a consistent, attractive metallic appearance and high-speed performance.
以前藐视法庭案件 只分配给前南问题国际法庭的常任法官,因而有时一些常任法官一人即分配到七
[...] 八宗藐视法庭案,但现在这些案件则是更 匀 地 分 配给前南问题国际法庭的常任 [...]
While contempt cases were previously assigned to the Tribunal’s permanent judges only, which led to a situation where some permanent judges were assigned between seven and
eight contempt cases each, the caseload has
[...] now been more evenly redistributed [...]
among the Tribunal’s permanent and ad litem judges.




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