单词 | 摆摊子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 摆摊子 —set up a stallmaintain a large staff and organizationSee also:摆摊—set up a vendor's stall in the street 摆子—malaria 摊子—booth • organizational structure • scale of operations • vendor's stall 摊—spread out • vendor's stand
大家也可以在这里摆个摊子赚点小钱。 4tern.com | You may open up a stall, to earn some pocket money in Sunday Markets. 4tern.com |
正如刚才通过的决议和 E3+3 外长们在今天会 议上的声明所重申的那样,这个一揽 子 计 划仍 然 摆在 桌面上。 daccess-ods.un.org | This package remains on the table, as reaffirmed by the resolution just adopted and the statement of the E3+3 Foreign Ministers at today’s meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
女孩子们庆幸地欢笑着,坐在了摆在 地 上的 垫 子 上 , 一边读书,一边聊聊生活。 unicef.org | The girls laugh at the perfect timing of the rain – then sit on mats arranged on the floor, read a bit, and chat about life. unicef.org |
他们一致认为, 鉴于资源有限, 教科文组织应把力量集中在为数有限的优 [...] 先事项上, 巩固那些已获得成功的项目,避免工作重复, 铺 子摊 得 太 大。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They agreed that, given its limited resources, UNESCO should seek to concentrate its efforts on a limited [...] number of priorities, consolidate successful projects and avoid diluting its efforts [...] into an overly large number of projects. unesdoc.unesco.org |
难道说父亲被控犯有的罪过现在要摊 到孩子身上吗? daccess-ods.un.org | Have the alleged sins of [...] the father now been visited on the sons? daccess-ods.un.org |
现在,他被迫在泥泞不堪的大街上 摆摊 卖 沙 拉三明治。 unicef.org | Now, he sells falafel from a makeshift stall in the mud. unicef.org |
你会不会也跟我一样在想为何住在28顶楼都会被盗,小偷从何而入这是问题的关键,表姐告诉我周四她下楼去洗头发,也就半个钟的时候回到家居然不敢相信眼前的一切,家里的东西 跟 摆 地 摊 的 一 样乱七八糟,衣服物品满地都是,第一反应就是被偷了,这才去到房间发现现金4000千多、首饰、戒指、玉还有小 孩 子 过 年 收的红包三千多全部不见,赶紧报警之后找了物管调监控,只看到是一个穿黑丝衣服的中年男性,其他没有任何特点。 pg304.com | Would you also like me wondered why live in 28 attic will be stolen, the thief from where it into this is the key to the problem on Thursday, cousin told me she went downstairs to wash hair, is half a clock back home incredibly dare not believe at present, all the thing in the home and put stall in the same at sixes and sevens, clothing items were on the [...] ground, the first [...] reaction was stolen, this just go to the room found more than 4 million cash, jewelry, ring, jade and children receive the Chinese New Year red envelopes more than three thousand disappear, hurriedly [...]alarm after looking [...]for things tube adjustable monitoring, only to see is a wear black silk clothes of middle-aged male ? pg304.com |
圣诞集市拥有超过一百二十个摊档, 摆 卖 如 传统手工艺、灯笼、圣诞装饰、冬日食物或热饮料等,肯定是进行圣诞购物的热闹好地方。 visitfinland.com | The market consists of over 120 stalls selling handicrafts, lanterns, Christmas decorations, food and hot drinks and is a great, convivial venue for gift shopping. visitfinland.com |
这是一个最坏的情况:在一个任务抓住一些非常需要为自己和贝瑟尼午餐,克里斯蒂决 定 摆 动 的妄 想 摊 位 ,抓住她的小猫 帽 子 , 希 望不惜一切代价避免马特。 cn.moba-app.com | It’s a worst-case scenario: On a mission to grab some [...] much-needed lunch for herself and [...] Bethany, Christie decides to swing by the Delusion booth and grab her kitty hat, [...]looking to ... moba-app.com |
正如克里希纳一般是在以儿童为图像形式的崇拜,他的导流很大程度上在于他的形象,纺上衣,和其他游 戏 摆 动 亲 爱的 孩 子 的 心。 mb-soft.com | As Krishna is generally worshipped in the form of a child-image, his [...] diversion consists largely in the swinging of his image, the spinning of tops, [...] and other games dear to the heart of the child. mb-soft.com |
像世界上其它地方一样,爱尔兰越来越乐于消费本地产的食物,食品市场也成了美食爱好者周末常去的一个繁忙、喧闹的地方,到处 都 摆 着 小 摊 , 出 售从手工制作的萨拉米香肠到柔软、美味的软糖等等所有的东西,若想要品位真正的当地生活,农贸市场便是一个不得不去的地方。 discoverireland.com | Ireland, like the rest of the world, is becoming increasingly interested in consuming more locally produced foods and the food market has become a busy, buzzing weekend destination for savvy foodies. Stuffed with local stalls selling everything from hand-crafted salamis to soft, luscious fudge, they’re wonderful places to visit for a real taste of local life. discoverireland.com |
在筹款活动期间,五年级各班同学就在操场 上 摆摊 位 , 康老师和林老师班上的同学则售卖不同甜度的柠檬汁。 ycis-bj.com | Each offered a different sweet for sale. ycis-bj.com |
那晚上,劳马老城街道充塞着摆卖摊 位 和 快乐的劳马人,夏天温暖的黑夜,跟朋友们的欢乐笑语混在一起,到处您也可以听到舞厅或户外音乐会传来的愉快音乐。 visitfinland.com | The warm evening air is filled with the cheerful chatter of friends and music from lively dance halls and outdoor concerts. visitfinland.com |
IR创造一种疾病,转换成变形虫的人,留给了黄鼠狼来清理这个 烂 摊子 了。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | I.R. creates a disease which transforms people into amoebas, leaving it up to Weasel to clean this mess up. seekcartoon.com |
把握轻重缓急和突出重点至关重要,因为同时做的事情过多可能会让教科文组织 的 摊子 铺 得 过大,结果 降低其行动的影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Prioritizing and focusing are crucial, as doing too many things at the same time may stretch the Organization too thinly and in the process diminish the impact of the interventions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
会议商定,将由气象组织与联合国有关实体协商编写一本以上述特别报告 主要内容为基础的小册子,按照费用 分 摊 标 准 及时出版供将于 2011 年 11 月 28 日至 12 月 8 日在南非德班举行的联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议第十七届 会议使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Meeting agreed that a brochure, drawing on the main elements of the above-mentioned special report, would be prepared by WMO in consultation with United Nations entities involved, for publication on a cost-sharing basis in time for the seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to be held in Durban, South Africa, from 28 November to 8 December 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
庭院中布置了一个摆满石子的小花园,灵感 来自日本花园,包括一个天然的木板桥和水池。 iguzzini.com | A rock garden was created in the courtyard, inspired by Japanese gardens and with a natural wood access walkway and a small pond. iguzzini.com |
每个桌子上都摆放着一束亮丽的鲜花,以及一个个随风而动的气球,展示夏天的气息。 ycis-bj.com | Each table was decorated with a bouquet of flowers and balloons danced in the breeze to loud speakers playing summer tunes. ycis-bj.com |
摇摆木马受小 孩子欢迎的地方是,造型具真实或怀旧意味(如历经数代儿童而不衰者)和可以发声。 cpsc.gov | Features that make rocking horses popular [...] include their realistic or nostalgic (like those popular for previous generations [...]of children) appearance, and their ability to make sounds. cpsc.gov |
在这所房舍的前方有一间屋子,里面 摆 放 着 一台电视和两张床铺,这是两 名警官居住的地方。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the front of the house there was a room with a television and two beds, where there were two police officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 感受着屋子里的家具摆设, 第一次有了拥有它们的 感觉。 enviefashion.com | I was feeling my furniture, the first time I felt I owned it. enviefashion.com |
加拿大是原子能机构经常预算的第七大捐助国,及时足额缴 纳 摊 款 , 并为 原 子能 机 构的核安全、保安、保障监督、能源以及技术合作方案提供预算外捐助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Canada is the seventh highest contributor to [...] the IAEA regular [...] budget, pays its assessed contribution in full and on time, and makes extrabudgetary contributions to the IAEA nuclear safety, [...]security, safeguards, [...]energy and technical cooperation programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
从社会角度来说,收拾这个烂摊子的 唯 一可行途径是通过投资组合获得更多收益。 china.blackstone.com | As a society the only viable way to get out of this mess is to earn more on the portfolios. blackstone.com |
我们必需商定要 解决的具体问题,包括工作方法问题,并侧重于在这 些问题上取得具体成果,而同时又不 把 摊子 铺 得过 大,工作负担太重。 daccess-ods.un.org | We need to agree on specific issues to address, including the working methods, and focus on achieving tangible results on them without overextending ourselves with too broad a workload. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你喜欢做圣诞饼干,但讨厌的烂 摊子 , 这是为你准备的。 cn.moba-app.com | If you enjoy making Christmas cookies but hate the mess, this is the app for you. moba-app.com |
根据农发基金关于使农村贫穷妇女和 男 子 能 够 摆 脱 贫穷这一总任务,与土著 人民接触的政策的目标是加强基金的能力,从而使土著人民具备参与自我发展进 程的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the overall mission of IFAD to enable rural poor women and men to overcome poverty, the policy on engagement with indigenous peoples will aim at enhancing the Fund’s ability to empower indigenous peoples to engage in selfdevelopment processes. daccess-ods.un.org |
一般来 说每次不用放得太多,避免想 抓的猫一次吃饱之后再也不来 (有些时候可能需要多次调整 笼子的安置地点、摆放位置等 等)。而且一旦诱捕成功,猫在 笼子内都会有挣扎的过程,多 余的食物往往会洒地浪费。 animalsasia.org | The lure may also be wasted due to the relocation and reposition of the cage and struggle of the trapped cat, so ensure you have sufficient. animalsasia.org |
双方还商定,如果三分之一/三 分之二的分摊比例是偿还人事费的公平假设,则将其应用于以前未 分 摊的 费用:一般临时人员、计算机、办公场地和审计费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also agreed that, if the one-third/two-thirds formula was a fair assumption for the reimbursement of staffing costs, it should also be used for costs that had previously not been shared: general temporary assistance, computer, office space and audit costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中的一些会员国还尤其反对对会费 分 摊比 额 表进行追溯调整,因为这会“对本组织的预算规划和计划执行带来不必要的困难,也会对 联合国系统财务管理的稳定性和可预见性造成严重损害”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some of these countries also underscored their opposition to any retroactive adjustment to the scale of assessment as it would “bring unwanted difficulties in budget planning and programme delivery of the Organization and would seriously harm the stability and predictability needed in United Nations system financing”. unesdoc.unesco.org |