

单词 摆地摊

See also:


arrange v


set up a vendor's stall in the street


street stall with goods laid out on the ground

spread out
vendor's stand

External sources (not reviewed)

你会不会也跟我一样在想为何住在28顶楼都会被盗,小偷从何而入这是问题的关键,表姐告诉我周四她下楼去洗头发,也就半个钟的时候回到家居然不敢相信眼前的一切,家里的东西 摆地摊 的 一 样乱七八糟,衣服物品满地都是,第一反应就是被偷了,这才去到房间发现现金4000千多、首饰、戒指、玉还有小孩子过年收的红包三千多全部不见,赶紧报警之后找了物管调监控,只看到是一个穿黑丝衣服的中年男性,其他没有任何特点。
Would you also like me wondered why live in 28 attic will be stolen, the thief from where it into this is the key to the problem on Thursday, cousin told me she went downstairs to wash hair, is half
a clock back home incredibly dare not
[...] believe at present, all the thing in the [...]
home and put stall in the same at sixes and
sevens, clothing items were on the ground, the first reaction was stolen, this just go to the room found more than 4 million cash, jewelry, ring, jade and children receive the Chinese New Year red envelopes more than three thousand disappear, hurriedly alarm after looking for things tube adjustable monitoring, only to see is a wear black silk clothes of middle-aged male ?
圣诞集市拥有超过一百二十摊档, 摆 卖 如 传统手工艺、灯笼、圣诞装饰、冬日食物或热饮料等,肯定是进行圣诞购物的热闹 地 方。
The market consists of over 120 stalls selling handicrafts, lanterns, Christmas decorations, food and hot drinks and is a great, convivial venue for gift shopping.
他还指出,将条款范围扩大到违反关于禁止使用武 力的规定,将意味着各国可更容 地摆 脱 其 条约义务。
He also noted that the possibility of extending the scope of the provision to the violation of
the prohibition on the use of force would mean that States
[...] could more easily rid themselves of their [...]
treaty obligations.
现在,他被迫在泥泞不堪的大街 摆摊 卖 沙 拉三明治。
Now, he sells falafel from a makeshift stall in the mud.
像世界上其它地方一样,爱尔兰越来越乐于消费本地产的食物,食品市场也成了美食爱好者周末常去的一个繁忙、喧闹 地 方 , 到处 摆 着 小 摊 , 出 售从手工制作的萨拉米香肠到柔软、美味的软糖等等所有的东西,若想要品位真正的当地生活,农贸市场便是一个不得不去的地方。
Ireland, like the rest of the world, is becoming increasingly interested in consuming more locally produced foods and the food market has become a busy, buzzing weekend destination for savvy foodies. Stuffed with local stalls selling everything from hand-crafted salamis to soft, luscious fudge, they’re wonderful places to visit for a real taste of local life.
双方还商定,如果三分之一/三 分之二的分摊比例是偿还人事费的公平假设,则将其应用于以前未 摊的 费用:一般临时人员、计算机、办公 地 和 审 计费用。
It was also agreed that, if the one-third/two-thirds formula was a fair assumption for the reimbursement of staffing costs, it should also be used for costs that had previously not been shared: general temporary assistance, computer, office space and audit costs.
主席还回顾说,缔约国已对执行支助股的业绩、效率、 专业能力、反应能力和敬业精神表示满意,工作队成员普遍同意需要审查执行支
[...] 助股的供资模式,使其具有可持续性和可预期性,并更为公 地 分 摊 责 任
The President also recalled that the States Parties have expressed satisfaction with the performance, efficiency, professional competence, responsiveness and dedication of the ISU and that there was general agreement among the Task Force members on the need to review the
financing model of the ISU, in order to make it sustainable and predictable, and to
[...] achieve more equitable burden sharing.
这些发展标志着过渡联邦机构令人欣 地摆 脱了 2011 年上半年索马里政治进程 陷入的内部纷争。
These mark a welcome departure from the internal squabbles within the Transitional Federal Institutions that characterized the political process in Somalia during the early part of 2011.
[...] 否会致力于遵守特使建议的所有六点内容——叙利 亚政府对这些内容作出了承诺——但我们认为最好 的行动方针是,宁愿相信政府和反对派成员会这样 做,相信联合国观察员的地存在将真正提升联合国 和阿拉伯国家联盟帮摆脱这 场危机的能力。
While we share the scepticism expressed by various members of the Council regarding the commitment of the Government of Syria to complying with all six points in the Special Envoy’s proposal — points that the Government has committed to — we believe that the best course of action is to give the Government and the members of the opposition the benefit of the doubt, and to trust that the presence of United Nations
observers on the ground will make a genuine difference to the
[...] capacity of the United Nations and the League of Arab States to help find a way out of this crisis.
那晚上,劳马老城街道充塞摆卖摊 位 和 快乐的劳马人,夏天温暖的黑夜,跟朋友们的欢乐笑语混在一起,到处您也可以听到舞厅或户外音乐会传来的愉快音乐。
The warm evening air is filled with the cheerful chatter of friends and music from lively dance halls and outdoor concerts.
在筹款活动期间,五年级各班同学就在操场 摆摊 位 , 康老师和林老师班上的同学则售卖不同甜度的柠檬汁。
Each offered a different sweet for sale.
(b) 自 2006 年起,在联合国正常预算中,吸收由联合国系统各组织根据行政首长协 调会(CEB)高级管理委员会(HLCM)2002 年 1 月 1 日商定的地保安费用摊安排联合提供的全部费用。
(b) absorbing within the United Nations Regular Budget, as from 2006, all costs jointly financed by United Nations system organizations through a cost-sharing arrangement for field security agreed upon as of 1 January 2002 by the High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM) of the Chief Executives’ Board (CEB).
巴西、哥伦比 亚和墨西哥通过摊费用,为地支 助 预算提供了大量捐助。
Brazil, Colombia and Mexico provided
[...] significant costsharing contributions for the local support budget.
业务费用(493 200 美元)项下开支节余主要是下列因素所致:(a) 咨询人 (134 200
[...] 美元),因为推迟了若干培训课程,以及与其他特派团 摊地 理 信 息系 统培训课程费用的安排;(b) [...]
陆运(109 000 美元),因为用以维持战略部署储存 车队所需备件库存量减少(这是通过改用“即用即订”备货系统来降低库存的部
分努力);(c) 医疗设备和服务(75 700 美元),因为美元兑欧元汇率出现了有利 的变化。
Underexpenditures of $493,200 under operational costs are attributable, inter alia, to (a) consultants ($134,200) owing to the
postponement of training courses, as well as a
[...] cost-sharing arrangement with other missions [...]
for geographic information system training
courses, (b) ground transportation ($109,000) owing to lower spare part inventory needs to maintain the strategic deployment stocks vehicle fleet (as part of efforts to reduce inventory levels by changing to a “just-in-time” stock ordering system) and (c) medical equipment and services ($75,700) owing to the favourable exchange rate of the United States dollar against the euro.
随着各会员国互联网门户网 站的开通,将可更加全面和及地提 供关 于 摊 款 情 况的资料。
With the implementation of the
Internet portal for
[...] Member States, information on the status of contributions will become available in a more comprehensive and timely manner.
鉴于这些障碍,闭会期间会议与会者建议采取下列关键行动,以增强私营部 门参与废弃物管理的情况:一步一步地累积成果;建立以地方能力为基础的伙伴
[...] 关系;汇编和提供关于废弃物的可靠和坚实数据以及关于未来变化的预测;确保 合同程序明确和透明,使私营部门和公共部门都能更 地 评 估和 分 摊 风 险 和利 益。
In the light of such barriers, participants in the intersessional conference recommended taking the following key actions to enhance the participation of the private sector in waste management: building incrementally on success; developing partnerships based on local capacity; compiling and making available reliable, solid data on waste and forecasts for future changes; and ensuring clarity and transparency in
the contract procedures in order to
[...] better assess and share the risk and benefits among [...]
the private and public sectors.
因此,政府、企业、社区和 学生应当尽可能地分摊技术和职业 教育所需的资金,并由政府在财政方 面提供相应的鼓励政策。
Therefore funding for technical and vocational education should be shared to the maximum extent possible between government, industry, the community and the learner, with government providing appropriate financial incentives.
自内罗毕首脑会议以来,联合国维 摊 款 成 为 地 雷 行 动筹资的主要来源。
Since the Nairobi
[...] Summit, UN Peacekeeping Assessed Funds have become [...]
a significant source of funding for mine action.
不限成员名额工作组第一次会议上,大多数缔约国都强调执行支助股目前 的供资模式并不合适,而且表示它们愿意探讨其他备选办法,以便找到最佳的供
[...] 资模式,能够确保活动的连续性、执行支助股活动资金的可持续性和可预期性, 并使缔约国更地分摊负担
At the first meeting of the open-ended working group, most States Parties emphasised that the current funding model of the ISU is not adequate and expressed their readiness to explore other options, aiming at identifying the financing model that may best ensure the continuity of activities, sustainability
and predictability of funding for the ISU’s activities, as well as provide
[...] better burden sharing among the States Parties.
这些伙伴组织向区域中心提供实物捐助以及费用 摊 安 排 ,这 极地帮助该中心 实施其计划和活动。
These partner organizations provided the Centre with in-kind contributions and cost-sharing arrangements which greatly assisted the Centre in implementing its programmes and activities.
全球经济正在缓地摆脱深度危机,但若干不确定因素和风险给这一前景蒙 上阴影,尤其是与主要经济体公共部门负债增加以及在当前全球复苏的道路上再 [...]
Although the global
[...] economy is slowly recovering from the deep recession, [...]
a number of uncertainties and risks cloud the
outlook, in particular those associated with rising public sector indebtedness in major economies and resurging global imbalances under the present path of global recovery.
You may open up a stall, to earn some pocket money in Sunday Markets.
我刚才列举的这些数字显示出这样一个国家的 痛苦情形:它成地摆脱了赤贫,建立了运行良好的 经济框架和基础设施,而且不乏政治意愿与远见卓 识, 但仍然受到源于少数发达国家的金融和经济危 机的毁灭性影响。
painful picture of a country that had successfully pulled up itself from abject poverty, had developed functioning economic frameworks and infrastructure, and was not lacking in political will and foresight, but still suffered the devastating effects of the financial economic crisis originating from a small number of developed countries.
我们希望,海地在国际社会的支持下,不仅能够 更地摆脱去 年灾难的影响,而且能够表现出政治恢 复力,实现急需的改革,改善海地民众的生活条件。
We hope that, with the support of the international community, Haiti will this year not only recover faster from the effects of last year’s disasters but also show political resilience to achieve muchneeded reforms to improve the living conditions of the Haitian population.
说:“广告公司的创意是这样的:一个艺术家将自己的创作器材在大自然中随 地摆 放 开 来,然后一个摄影师正好路过,将其拍下。
Says Schnabel, “[The advertising agency] wanted to have the objects embedded in nature as if an artist had laid out an installation and then a photographer happened to pass by and shoot them.
30 多年来,联黎部队一直在 与黎巴嫩人民一道,努力使黎巴嫩 地摆 脱 以 色列 的占领,并协助黎巴嫩南部的排雷和发展努力。
UNIFIL had worked with the Lebanese people in the liberation of their lands from Israeli occupation for over 30 years and also assisted in mine clearance and development efforts in south Lebanon.
(d) 费用分摊预算系统,使每个国家办事处能将 地 费用 分摊预算 输入系统,各机构、基金和方案可在全球各地检 索和使用,以审查拟议的地费用分 摊 预 算
(d) The cost-share budget system, which allows each country office to input the local cost-share budget into a system that can be retrieved globally and utilized by United Nations agencies, funds and programmes to review the proposed locally cost-shared budgets.
这是一个最坏的情况:在一个任务抓住一些非常需要为自己和贝瑟尼午餐,克里斯蒂决 摆 动 的妄 想 摊 位 ,抓住她的小猫帽子,希望不惜一切代价避免马特。
It’s a worst-case scenario: On a mission to grab some
much-needed lunch for herself and Bethany, Christie
[...] decides to swing by the Delusion booth and grab [...]
her kitty hat, looking to ...
在援助一个国家使之一劳永地摆脱 冲突的时 候,我们必须采取广泛和全面的办法,作为预防犯罪 战略的一个重要内容,这一办法应包括创造可持续经 济发展的机会,让人民远离犯罪。
In providing assistance to a country so that it can emerge from conflict once and for all, we must take a broad and comprehensive approach that includes, as an essential element of crime prevention strategies, measures to generate opportunities for sustainable economic development so that people will turn away from crime.




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