

单词 摆事实讲道理

See also:


a sermon



道理 n

principle n
reason n
point n

External sources (not reviewed)

为了保证民主在斐济的未来有真正的生存机会,必 实 行 认真 和 讲 原 则的 改革,建道路、机构和价值观。
In order to ensure that democracy has a real chance
of survival in Fiji's future, serious and
[...] principled reforms must be implemented to build roads, institutions and values.
克罗地亚将与欧洲-大西洋合作理事会合作组织一个安 理事 会第 1540(2004) 号决实施情况国讲习班
An international workshop on the implementation of Security
Council resolution 1540 (2004) will be organized
[...] by Croatia in cooperation with the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC).
除了这项新职能之外,经济及社会 事 会 还 继 续处理其它重要的发展问题,如协调联合国系统的 发展工作和业务活动、开展道主义 行动以及与建 设和平委员会建立互动和制度化联系,特别是要理如何在刚摆脱冲突的国实现千 年发展目标的 问题。
In addition to this new function, the
[...] Economic and Social Council continues to address other important areas of development, such as the coordination of development work and operational activities of the United Nations system, humanitarian operations and building interaction and institutional links with the Peacebuilding Commission, particularly to address how to [...]
achieve the Millennium
Development Goals in countries emerging from conflict.
因此,那些团伙杀害他们可实现自己的利益和目的, 即给该国带来无论是什么形式的道 主 义 干预和 事 干 预, 并 摆 脱 可 能鼓 理性 和促进国家稳定的负担。
Those groups therefore had an interest and a purpose in killing them: to bring about a humanitarian and military intervention in the country, in whatever form, and to get rid of a nuisance that could propagate the use of reason and the promotion of national stability to other countries in the region.
至少举行 8 次会议,向政府、特别是国防 事务国务秘书、安全事务国务秘书和军警 部门主要官员提供咨询和支助,帮助国家 警察、东帝汶国防军及其它有关安全部门 工作人员编制和通过协调程序 36 举行了编制和通过协调程序的会议,其 中包括:建立边境行动协理事会,建 立编制东帝汶国防军 2011 年招募战略的 国防秘书处/东帝汶国防军联合小组,并 举办了联东综合团赞助的“海岸警卫队 在海事安全中作用讲座。
Provision of advice and support to the Government, through at least 8 meetings, particularly the Secretary of State for Defence, the Secretary of State for Security and the key officers of the uniformed services in the preparation and adoption of coordination procedures by PNTL, F-FDTL and other concerned security sector practitioners 36 Meetings were held on the preparation and adoption of coordination procedures, including the
establishment of
[...] the Border Operations Coordinating Council, the establishment of the joint secretariat of Defence/F-FDTL team to develop the F-FDTL 2011 recruitment strategy, and an UNMIT-sponsored lecture was given on the theme “Role of coast [...]
guards in maritime security”.
在 2011 年 4 月 14 日第 8 次会议上,委员会审议了题为“关于人口与发展问 题对 2011 年度部长级审查主题的贡献的一般性辩论”的议程项目 6,并听取了经 济及社理事会副 主席关于人口与发展问题对 2011 年度部长级审查主题的贡献讲话:“落实教育方面的国际商定目标和承诺”。
The Commission considered item 6 of its agenda, entitled “General debate on the contribution of population and development issues to the theme of the annual ministerial review in 2011”, at its 8th meeting, on 14 April 2011, and heard an address by the
Vice-President of the
[...] Economic and Social Council on the contribution of population and development issues to the theme of the annual ministerial review in 2011: “Implementing the internationally [...]
agreed goals and
commitments in regard to education”.
巴希特先生(伊拉克)(以阿拉伯语发言):我谨就摆在安全理事会面 前的伊拉克政府的报告(见 S/2010/365,附件)讲几句
(Iraq) ( spoke in Arabic ): It is my
pleasure to make a few
[...] remarks on the report of the Government of Iraq that is before the Security Council(see S/2010/365, annex).
今天 提交给我们的这份报告中强调指出,建设和平委员会 主席多次在安全理事会发言并参加了大会第六十四 届会议有关维持和平行动的专题辩论,而且,委员会 与经济及社理事会共 同召开了两次重要会议,一次 是关于粮食危机问题,另一次则是关于在刚 摆 脱冲 突国实现千年发展目标的问题。
The report submitted to us today highlights the fact that the President of the Commission addressed the Security Council many times, that he took part in thematic debates of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly on peacekeeping operations,
and that the Commission convened
[...] two important events with the Economic and Social Council, one on the food crisis and the other on the Millennium Development Goals in countries emerging from conflict.
事实上只 有很少的这种“属灵领袖”甚至 道 他 们 的羊群的状况,他们用纯粹的演讲方 讲道 , 不 容任何反馈。
In fact few of such "spiritual leaders" are even aware of the condition of their flock, subjecting them to a purely lecture format with no [...]
feedback being allowed.
道主义 危机,以及对基本食品、药品和燃料必需品的需要, 重申阿拉伯国家决心继续努力寻求和平解决方案,协助叙利 摆 脱 重 大危 机实现叙 利亚人民对改革、变化和向一个和平民主生活和平过渡的心愿,并维 护叙利亚的团结、稳定和领土主权,同时避免任何 事 干预
Conscious of the desperate need to
[...] address the urgent humanitarian crisis involving Syrian civilians in a number of governorates as a result of the escalation in violence and the need for basic food, medicine and fuel requisites, Confirming its determination to continue Arab efforts to find a peaceful solution that will deliver Syria from its crushing crisis, achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people for reform, change and a peaceful transition to a peaceful democratic life and preserve the unity, stability and territorial sovereignty of Syria, while avoiding any military intervention
实现独 立的权利被视与美 国搞对立,但既然冷战已经结束,殖民主义就没道理可言,事情已经发生了变化。
The right to independence had been
[...] seen as opposition to the United States but now that the Cold War was over, and colonialism could not be justified, things had changed.
(b) 继续推进与该次区域各国开展的密切对话,包括通过与面临威胁和挑战 的具体国家打道的联合国各事处 , 这些威胁和挑战可以影响这些国家和该次 区域其他国家对付恐怖主义的能力; (c) 继续积极与该次区域开展互动协作,包括通过促进技术援助、举办讲习 班和其他次区域活动(例如 2010 年 7 月在内罗毕举办的边境理讲习班 ),以及 通过把执行者和业务官员聚集在一起的举措开展后续行动。
Continue building upon the close dialogue established with States of the subregion, including through United Nations offices that deal with particular States facing threats and challenges which could impact their capacity and the capacity of other States of the subregion to deal with terrorism
作为第一个新型联 合国建设和平综合事处, 我们都希望在 理 会 的 帮 助下,我们还将能够使塞拉利昂成为可能选择类摆 脱冲突道路的其他国家的榜样。
As the first of the new type of fully integrated United
Nations peacebuilding offices, we all
[...] hope that, with the Council’s help, we will also be able to make Sierra Leone an example for other countries that may choose a similar path out of conflict.
当然从长远看,消灭冲突的治本道 是帮 助中非各国发展经济摆脱贫困,实 现 可 持续发展, 从根源上铲除轻小武器非法贩运活动滋生的温床。
Of course, in the long run the fundamental way to eliminate conflict is to help Central African countries develop economically, eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development so as to root out the breeding ground for illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons.
理会成员面摆有文件 S/2009/39,其中载有 秘书长关于联合国西非事处的报告。
Members of the Council have before them document S/2009/39, which contains the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Office for West Africa.
认识到善治及国家对政策和战略的自主权仍然很重要,并回顾已承诺推动建 立有效、高效的各级经济和金融机构,这是长期、持续和普惠性经济增长和发展 的关键性决定因素,并已承诺通过提高透明度、消除腐败和加强 理 , 加 速集摆脱危机,实现复
Recognizing the continued importance of good governance along with national ownership of policies and strategies, and recalling the commitment to promoting effective and efficient economic and financial institutions at all levels, which are key determinants of long-term, sustainable and inclusive economic
growth and development,
[...] as well as to accelerating the collective recovery from the crisis, including through improved transparency, eradication of corruption and strengthened [...]
孟加拉国同国际社会道, 重申它全力支持巴勒斯坦人民实现 自 决以 摆脱 继 续占领和压迫所开展的正义和正当斗争。
Bangladesh joins the international community in reaffirming its full support for the Palestinian people [...]
in their just and legitimate struggle
for self-determination and freedom from continued occupation and oppression.
我们已将这事实摆在你 们面前,我们恳请你们与所有国际 道 主 义 组织合 作,扭转我们在上文中提到的卫生部门的这一现况,以及在这方面面临的挑战, 并谴责和拒绝接受某些国家实施的单方面措施和制裁,以及针对卫生部门、卫生 机构和医疗人员的犯罪行为。
As we place these facts before you, we implore you to work with all the international humanitarian organizations [...]
to reverse the health
situation and the challenges which are faced in that regard that we have referred to above, and to condemn and repudiate the unilateral measures and sanctions that have been imposed by certain States, and the criminal acts that are targeting the health sector, health institutions and medical staff.
理事会/全球部长级环境论坛第十二届特别会议议事录(UNEP/GCSS.XII/14)更为详尽地记述了 本届会议的讨论情况,包括开幕辞和一般性发言的摘要,以 理事 会 /论 坛围 摆 在 面前 的实 质性问题所开展的审议活动。
A fuller account of the discussions of the Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum at its twelfth special session, including summaries of the
opening and general
[...] statements and of the Council/Forum’s deliberations on the substantive issues before [...]
it, is contained in
the proceedings of the session (UNEP/GCSS.XII/14).
理事会面前摆着文 件 S/2010/297,内载《国 际法院规约》缔约国国家团体提名的候选人;以及 [...]
文件 S/2010/299,内载各国家团体提名的候选人简 历。
The Security Council has before it document S/2010/297, [...]
which contains the candidate nominated by national groups of States
parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice, as well as document S/2010/299, which contains the curriculum vitae of the candidate nominated by national groups.
对国际标准理论和实践进行讲授, 具体为:生命权、自由和人身不受侵 犯权、名誉与尊严保护权、公正审判及无罪推定权、免受酷刑权,以及思想、言 论、信仰、宗教信仰自由权。
The course of studies covers the theory and practice of incorporating the following international standards into Uzbekistan’s domestic legislation: the right to life; the right to liberty and security of person; the right to protection of honour and dignity; the right to privacy; the rights of due process and presumption of innocence; the right to protection against torture; and the freedoms of thought, speech, opinion, conscience and religious belief.
大部分道都是中性的讲事实的, 目的是反映各国在谈判中的立场以及 谈判的现状。
The bulk of
[...] the reporting was neutral, factual and geared to convey the [...]
positions of various countries in the negotiations
and the state of play of the negotiations.
从特征讲,该代理人是执行机构的一个组成部分,并且对于该代 理人的行动,执行机构要对多边基金负全责,因为该代理人是在代表执行机构的部门或雇 员事。
Characteristically, the agent is an integrated part of the implementation structure, and the implementing agency is just responsible to the Multilateral Fund for the agent’s actions as it is for the actions of its own departments or employees.
有三种主要类型的例证是我们可以 讲道 中 使 用的:圣经中的例证、非圣经中的例证 实 物教 学。
There are three main types of illustrations for use in preaching: biblical illustrations, non-biblical illustrations, and object lessons.
安理会成员面摆着文 件 S/2010/495,其中载有 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国提交的一项关于第 1171(1998)号决议和安理事会第 1132(1997)决议 所设委员会规定的措施的决议草案的文本。
Members of the Council
[...] have before them document S/2010/495, which contains the text of a draft resolution concerning the measures imposed by resolution 1171 (1998) and the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1132 (1997), submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and [...]
Northern Ireland.
成员们也道,现在这种情况是我们在 2009 年 达成的一个协商一致的决定的结果,该决定是为了使 我们能摆脱委员会实质性 议程项目问题上所面 临的僵局。
Members are also aware
[...] that the current situation is the product of a consensus decision we reached in 2009 in order to emerge from our deadlock over the substantive agenda items before the Commission.
他们表 示,逐步发展最为重要的理体制 基础设施,包括制订新宪法、发展国家和地方 机构特别是包容性国家议会,是一个恰如其分的优 事 项 , 对刚 摆 脱 或 者仍然 处于暴力冲突的国家尤其如此。
They stated that progress on developing the core institutional
infrastructure of
[...] governance — development of new constitutions and national and local institutions, particularly inclusive national parliaments, to enable increased participation, the rule of law, the protection of human rights, and a transparent rules-based governance system — is a well-placed priority, especially [...]
for countries emerging
from or still challenged by violent conflict.
理会欣见若摆脱冲 突国家在妇女更多地参与决策方面取得的进展,请秘书长收集和汇 编良好做法及经验教训,查明依然存在的差距和挑战,以进一步推动 实有 效地执行第 1325 号决议。
The Council welcomes the progress made in increasing participation of women in decision-making in several countries emerging from conflict and requests the Secretary-General to collect and compile good practices, lessons learned and identify remaining gaps and challenges in order to further promote the efficient and effective implementation of resolution 1325.
今年 1 月,我们 再次高兴地同乌拉圭合作,在纽约这里主 讲 习 班, 讨论维持和平行动部和道事务协 调厅共同委托进 行的关于保护平民问题独立调查报告提出的建议。
In January, we were pleased to again partner with Uruguay in hosting a workshop here in New York to discuss the recommendations of the independent study — jointly commissioned by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs — on the protection of civilians.
国际海事组织(海事组织)通过其综合技术合作方案继续协助非洲国家减少 内陆道事故数 量,针对在非洲运营的因其船体大小而不在公约管辖范围之内的 船只和渔船拟定示范安全条例,并于 2011 年 11 月为西部和中部非洲非法语国家 举办了一次区讲习班和培训讨论会。
The International Maritime Organization (IMO), through its integrated technical cooperation programme, continued to assist
African countries in reducing the number of accidents on inland waterways through the development of model safety regulations for non-convention sized ships and fishing vessels operating in Africa, and through a regional workshop and training seminar benefiting non-francophone countries in West and Central Africa held in November 2011.




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