单词 | 搭载 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 搭载 verb —equipped with v搭载 —transport (people, a payload etc)See also:搭—join • put up • arrange in pairs • throw in (resources) • take (boat, train) • hang (clothes on a pole) • build (scaffolding)
新闻部对 UNifeed“搭载”的 监督工作表明,这些报道部分或完整播放 [...] 至少 10 538 次,其中美国使用最多(NY 1、ABC、FOX 和 CNN 等等)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Department’s efforts to [...] monitor UNifeed pick-up show that the [...]stories were broadcast in part or in whole at least 10,538 [...]times, with the heaviest usage in the United States (NY1, ABC, FOX and CNN, among others). daccess-ods.un.org |
基于网络的联合国新闻统一馈送(UNifeed)电视新闻服务在海地大地震发生 后,打破了国际广播公司的“搭载” 的 所有记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Web-based UNifeed television news service broke all records of “pickups” by international broadcasters during the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
搭载了Au dience自动语音识别辅助技术的移动设备可以提供更好的语音应用可靠性、准确性和任务完成度,即使在嘈杂、干扰的环境下亦能做到。 tipschina.gov.cn | Mobile devices equipped with Audience ASR Assist technology deliver improved speech application reliability, accuracy and task completion -- even in noisy, distracting environments. tipschina.gov.cn |
这枚IWC万国表,搭载复杂 的恒星时系统和精确的星图,让佩戴者透过非凡的机械装置,在手腕上细赏星空,并知道他们在宇宙身处的位置。 iwc.com | This IWC watch and its complex sidereal [...] mechanism and accurate star charts allow the wearer to appreciate and understand [...]their place in our galaxy – an extraordinary accomplishment for a mechanical device that you can wear on your wrist. iwc.com |
本周在摩加迪沙,联合国难民事务高级专员办事 处一架搭载了为 数千名流离失所者提供的31 吨住房 材料和约 2 500 个紧急救济包的飞机降落在首都,这 是 5年来的首次。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Mogadishu this week, an Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees airlift carrying 31 tons of shelter material and some 2,500 emergency assistance packages for thousands of displaced people landed in the capital, for the first time in five years. daccess-ods.un.org |
借助Marvell先进的蜂窝网技术和无缝无线连接能力, 让 搭载 P X A 97 8的移动终端设备不仅能维持合理的价格,又能随时随地实现高性能移动连接,为浏览、高清实时视频、音乐、3D游戏和其他急需带宽资源的移动应用程序提供超凡体验。 marvell.com.cn | With Marvell’s cutting-edge cellular technology and [...] seamless wireless connectivity, PXA978-powered [...]mobile terminals provides high mobile [...]connectivity wherever they go and offer ultimate performance for browsing, HD live video, music, 3D gaming and other bandwidth-hungry mobile applications at an attractive price. marvell.com |
第一个是欧空局的 火星快车飞行任务,其中意大利航天 局 搭载 了 两 个仪器:表层下探测雷达测高 仪 MARSIS 及行星傅立叶光谱仪。 oosa.unvienna.org | The first was the ESA Mars Express mission, where ASI embarked two instruments: the Subsurface Sounding Radar Altimeter MARSIS and the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer. oosa.unvienna.org |
所幸的是,凭借搭载CUDA™ 技术的NVIDIA®(英伟达™)Tesla™ GPU(图形处理器),Lowry Digital公司以其独到的数字视频恢复技术增强了电视报道的原版视频,如此一来,人们现在将能够以高清(HD)形式观看Neil Armstrong为全人类实现的一次巨大飞跃。 nvidia.cn | Fortunately, unique digital video restoration technology from Lowry Digital, powered by NVIDIA® Tesla™ GPUs (graphics processing units) with CUDA™ technology has enhanced television coverage of the original video so that we can now watch Neil Armstrong take a giant leap for mankind in high-definition (HD). nvidia.in |
挪威防务研究机构和奥斯陆大学、卑尔根大学及特罗姆瑟大学的科学家参 加了搭载在航天器上的近 20 项实验,包括对粒子电流、电场、X 射线辐射和尘 埃的研究。 oosa.unvienna.org | Scientists at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and the universities of Oslo, Bergen and Tromsø participate in nearly 20 experiments on board spacecraft, including research on particle currents, electric fields, X-ray radiation and dust. oosa.unvienna.org |
印度国家空间机构印度空间研究组织研制的月球撞击探测器是一个由该空 间研究组织的月球 1 号月球遥控轨道器释放的月球探测器,而月球 1 号遥感轨 道器是 2008 年 10 月 22 日搭载在该机构经过改进的极卫星运载火箭上发射的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Moon Impact Probe developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), India’s national space agency, was a lunar probe that was released by the agency’s Chandrayaan-1 lunar remote sensing orbiter, which itself was launched on 22 October 2008 aboard a modified version of the agency’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle. daccess-ods.un.org |
搭载附带反转功能手柄的高速装载机 moriseiki.com | High-speed loader with a rotary [...] hand function moriseiki.com |
G700SE也发扬了G700功能多、性能高和便于使用的特点 , 搭载 的 功 能包括防水、防尘、防震和耐化学性功能;基于密码保护的相机锁并支持SD WORM(一次写入多次读取)卡等安全功能;相机本身可识别一维/二维条形码;相机备忘功能可添加信息(音频和文字等)至图像数据;闪光灯范围最远可至10 m;28 - 140 mm广角变焦镜头;包含CALS模式在内的模式拨盘;以及众多其他功能。 ricoh.com | The G700SE also boasts the high functionality, performance, and ease of use featured on the G700, with functions and capabilities such as water, dust, shock, and chemical resistance; security functions such as password-based camera lock and support for SD WORM (write-once read-multiple) cards; one and two dimensional barcode recognition in the camera unit itself; camera memo function for adding information (audio, text, etc.) to the image data; flash with a maximum range of 10 m; 28 to 140 mm wide-angle zoom lens; mode dial that includes CALS mode; and much more. ricoh.com |
许可在论坛渔业局 成员国家管辖范围内捕鱼的渔船,须在整个捕鱼过程 中 搭载 一 名 观察员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fishing vessels licensed to fish within areas under the national jurisdiction of FFA members were required to carry an observer throughout a fishing trip. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过采用搭载了多 显示Matrox MuraTM MPX输出/输入显卡的新一代视频墙控制器后,控制室内的显示器系统可以组建为大型、多功能的视频墙,进而显示各种传入视频或数据,如来自各种源的VGA或DVI信号数据:需要运行地图的工作站、列车自动监控系统(ATS)、列车自动保护系统(ATP)、列车自动运行系统或乘客信息系统(PIS),平台直播视频CCTV信号、机顶盒HDMI信号等。 advantech.com.cn | Benefiting from a new [...] generation of video wall controllers loaded with multiple Matrox [...]MuraTM MPX output/input graphic cards, [...]display systems used in the control room can create large-scale and highly functional video walls to display any incoming video ordata, such as VGA or DVI feeds from any of a range of sources: operator workstations running maps, Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), Automatic Train Protection (ATP), Automatic Train Operation (ATO) programs or Passenger Information System (PIS), platform live video CCTV feeds, set-top BOX HDMI feeds, etc. Broad video walls composed of multiple monitors provide the viewers with a large virtual desktop that can be easily manipulated in response to rapidly changing conditions. advantech.com.mx |
获得瑞士官方天文台精密计时器认证(COSC)的Mille Miglia女士腕表采用42毫米表壳,搭载 具 备 42小时动力储备的机械自动上链机芯,足以驱动小时、分钟,日期与小三针的显示,另外还配备长秒针及30分钟与12小时积算盘以实现计时码表功能。 hautehorlogerie.org | COSC-certified, the Mille Miglia Lady houses in a 42mm case, a mechanical self-winding movement with a 42-hour power reserve driving indications of the hours, minutes, date and small seconds, as well as a chronograph function with sweep seconds hand and 30-minute and 12-hour counters. hautehorlogerie.org |
此腕表亦搭载万年 历,可显示该年的实际天数,以及日出和日落的时间。 iwc.com | These are joined by a perpetual calendar showing the absolute day of the year, plus the times of sunrise and sunset. iwc.com |
腕表所搭载的1270P型机芯是伯爵研发的首枚自动陀飞轮超薄机芯,厚度仅为5.55毫米,令人惊叹。 piaget.com.cn | Calibre 1270P is Piaget’s first ultra-thin automatic tourbillon movement, measuring a mere 5.55 mm thick. piaget.com |
1929年,巴克宁•波尔扎奇尼驾驶搭载 1 6 汽 缸发动机的V4跑车在克雷莫纳首次参加意大利Grand Prix大赛就表现出色,以246.069公里的时速创造了世界C级时速记录(行驶距离大于10公里)。 maserati.com.cn | In 1929 the V4 appeared, with a 16-cylinder engine, making its debut at the Italian Grand Prix and setting the world Class C speed record over 10 km at 246.069 km/h in Cremona, with Baconin Borzacchini. maserati.com.au |
而在2009年发表的两只全新表款中,皆采 用 搭载 了 创 新Oris声响音簧的同型号瑞士制机芯。 oris.ch | For 2009 two new models house the same Swiss made movement with the innovative Oris sound spring. oris.ch |
高刚性高精度的数控车床NLX系列加入了加工中心同样的设计理念,虽然为车床但 是 搭载 了 和加工中心同等铣削能力的刀塔。 moriseiki.com | The NLX series, high-rigidity and high-precision CNC lathes designed with the concept of machining centers, are equipped with the turret that has high milling capability equivalent to machining centers. moriseiki.com |
世界上最纤薄的自动上链腕表(厚度仅6.44毫米) , 搭载 厚 度 仅为2.35毫米的1200P自动上链机芯,创下又一纤薄之最。 piaget.com.cn | The world’s thinnest automatic watch (at 6.44 mm thick), it sets a majestic stage for the beauty of the world’s thinnest automatic movement, 2.35 mm thick Calibre 1200P. piaget.com |
还需要更多纳 入自行车的综合措施,如允许公共汽车和火 车 搭载 自 行 车,提供安全便捷的自行 车泊车位,建成自行车集中点,推广自行车共享等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The increased integration of bicycles is also required, such as allowing bicycles on buses and trains, the provision of safe and convenient bicycle parking, creating bicycle hubs and introducing bicycle-sharing. daccess-ods.un.org |
在厚生劳动省的网页中"第63届厚生科学审议会科学技术部会 资料" 的"资料6"部分,公开了有关由九州大学医院主持实施的使用本公司开发 的 搭载 血 管增生因子的仙台病毒载体的"使 用 搭载 血 管 增生因子(成纤挝胞生长因子:FGF-2)基因的非传播型重组仙台病毒载体对慢性下肢缺血重症(闭塞性动脉硬化症,伯格氏病)患者进行血管增生基因治疗临床研究"的"基因治疗临床研究结束报告书"。 dnavec.co.jp | The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare released in its home page the “Report of the completion of gene therapy clinical research” regarding the “Clinical research for angiogenic gene therapy for the treatment of critical limb ischemia [...] (arteriosclerosis [...] obliterans and Buerger's disease) using a non-transmissible type recombinant Sendai virus vector carrying the [...]angiogenesis factor gene, [...]fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2)” as part of the “Appendix 6” to the “63rd Committee on Scientific Technology of Health Sciences Council, Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare” The clinical research had been conducted by Kyushu University Hospital using the FGF-2 gene-carrying Sendai virus vector developed by DNAVEC. dnavec.co.jp |
1992年 搭载CORUM 独家机芯的“海军上将杯”之“潮流”表推出,能指示当前的潮汐状态,还使得预测当前的水文高度与潮汐力量变得可能。 hautehorlogerie.org | 1992 Launch of the Admiral’s Cup “Tides” watch [...] fitted with an exclusive CORUM movement [...]indicating the current state of the tide and [...]also enabling the height of the water and strength of the currents to be estimated. hautehorlogerie.org |
与此同时,Oris将在雷诺发布BC3 Air Racing限量腕表:一款搭载第二时区的飞行腕表,献给首次参加知名的美国飞行大赛的Oris飞行队。 oris.ch | Also at Reno, Oris will be launching the BC3 Air Racing Limited Edition: pilot’s watch with a second time zone dedicated to the Oris team’s first appearance at the famous US air event and packed with great aviation features. oris.ch |
13 时 15 [...] 分,一个武装团伙拦截一辆搭载 4 名执法官员、正在 Nabk 沿着 [...] Urqub 街前行的巡逻车,殴击车上人员,造成瘀伤和挫伤,并拿走他们的武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 1315 hours, an armed group intercepted [...] a patrol vehicle carrying four law enforcement officers as it was proceeding along [...]Urqub Street in Nabk, beat the men, inflicting bruises and contusions, and took their weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
搭载飞利浦4000DPI雷射引擎,提供最佳游戏操控性能。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Equipped with Philips 4000DPI laser engine, it provides the best game handling. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
在Jean Todt的要求下,这枚卓越的腕表有着圆弧形的轮廓与符合人体工学的绝佳设计 , 搭载 RM036陀飞轮机芯,机芯由5级钛金属及ARCAP合金打造,机板则由纳米碳纤维制成。 wthejournal.com | The curved, ergonomic case specifically requested by Jean Todt for this exceptional timepiece houses the RM036 caliber, a tourbillon movement made entirely of grade-5 titanium and ARCAP, with a carbon-nanofiber baseplate. wthejournal.com |
小组委员会赞赏地注意到气象组织自 2008 年以来通过以下活动支持了国际 空间气象举措的国际努力:气象卫星 搭载 空 间 气象仪器飞行的能力,使用气象 组织信息系统增强世界各地的数据交换和数据传播,以及大气模型研制界和空 [...] 间气象界之间交流经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee noted with appreciation that WMO had supported international efforts of the International Space Weather Initiative since 2008, through the following [...] activities: the [...] capability of flying space weather instruments on meteorological satellites, the use of WMO information [...]systems to enhance [...]data exchange and data distribution worldwide and the exchange of experience between the atmospheric modelling community and the space weather community. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为全新一代ES的最新成员,ES [...] 300h是豪华品牌同级别车型中唯一一款完全油电混合动力车型,采用LEXUS雷克萨斯Hybrid全混动科技 , 搭载 2 . 5 升 阿特金森循环汽油发动机和电动机,可达到相当于3.0升汽油发动机的动力,同时配备双智能正时可变气门控制系统(VVT-i),以及电子无级变速系统,带来151千瓦的最大功率和213牛•米的峰值扭矩,不仅能够产生源源不断的充沛动力,更能实现百公里5.4升的超低油耗。 lexus.com.cn | Empowered by Lexus Hybrid Drive technologies, ES 300h features a 2.5-liter, four-cylinder Atkinson cycle engine, on par with a 3.0 L gasoline engine. [...] With the support of Variable Valve Timing [...] with intelligence (VVT-i) and Electronically-controlled [...]Continuously Variable Transmission [...](ECVT), ES can generate a maximum power of 151 kw and a peak torque of 213 N•m. While producing an inexhaustible source of tractions, the fuel consumption of ES 300h is as low as 5.4 L/100 km. lexus.com.cn |