单词 | 搭架子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 搭架子—put up scaffoldingless common: launch an enterprise build a framework See also:搭—put up join arrange in pairs throw in (resources) take (boat, train) build (scaffolding) hang (clothes on a pole) 架子n—shelvespl framen standn frameworkn 架子—airs arrogance 架n—frameworkn rackn framen
因此您不想选择一副只用三个月就坏或者因为您的员工不想用它而放在架子上沾灰尘的耳麦是很容易理解的。 jabra.cn | It’s understandable, then, that you want to [...] choose a headset that won’t break after three months or [...] gather duston the shelfbecauseyour employees [...]don’t want to use it. jabra.com |
我觉得,好的profiling应该能够根据不同的人群按需使用,同时在功能不断复杂和强大的过程中仍然能够保证较轻的架子。 javakaiyuan.com | I think , a good profiling should be used on demand according to different [...] groups of people , while in the functional process of increasingly complex [...] and powerfulStill less can guarantee ashelf . javakaiyuan.com |
这也是为什么孩子搭乘地中海邮轮免费的原因。 msccruises.com.cn | That’s why children travelfree all year [...] on MSC Cruises. msccruises.com.hk |
研讨会的建议预期 会促进各国与土着人民之间的对话,并为执行和拟订更能保护土着人民权利的条 约和协定搭建一个框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was expected that the recommendations of the seminar would contribute to a dialogue between States and indigenous peoples and provide a framework for the implementation and elaboration of treaties and agreements that would better protect the rights of indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
并非巧合的是,这种荒谬想法就像纸牌搭的房子一样在大量能证明与亚美尼亚方面的说法完全相反的证据面前站不住脚。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is no coincidence that such a preposterous idea immediately collapseslike a house of cards under the weight of evidence testifying of a situation diametrically opposite to that represented by the Armenian side. daccess-ods.un.org |
中兴通讯波分设备采用高集成度全新子架设计,可实现单机架80波OTM站点配置。 zte.com.cn | ZTE wavelength division devices use new [...] highly-integratedsubrack design to realize single rack 80 wavelength [...]OTM station configuration. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
本周在摩加迪沙,联合国难民事务高级专员办事 处一架搭载了为数千名流离失所者提供的31 吨住房 材料和约 2 500 个紧急救济包的飞机降落在首都,这 是 5年来的首次。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Mogadishu this week, an Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees airlift carrying 31 tons of shelter material and some 2,500 emergency assistance packages for thousands of displaced people landed in the capital, for the first time in five years. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,喀麦隆政府 为本国的研究所和国内的外国子公司牵线搭桥,成立研究中心,以增强本地公司 特别是农业部门的技术能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of Cameroon, for example, was seeking to build up the technological capabilities of local firms – especially in the agriculture sector – by establishing research centres through linking their research institute with foreign affiliates in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
凯库拉毛伊青年旅舍以其轻松悠闲的住宿氛围而闻名,宾客可以在户外庭院或是搭有藤架的BBQ烧烤区域休闲娱乐,或是在舒适的休息室观看电影。 cn.yha.co.nz | The YHA Kaikoura Maui backpackers is known for its laid-back atmosphere and we encourage our guests to relax in our courtyard/pergola BBQ area or watch movies in our cosy lounge room. yha.co.nz |
拆除前门和架子之间的泡沫塑料板。 printronix.com | Remove the foam pad between the front door and the frame. printronix.de |
原因:有铅焊料的库存不多了,准备改用无铅焊料的时候,将剩的有铅焊料和将要使用的 无铅焊料放到同一架子上保管了。 ricoh.co.jp | Cause: Since the inventory of leaded solder was [...] small and scheduled to be replaced with lead-free one after consumption of the inventory, [...] they were kept onthe same shelf. ricoh.co.jp |
有机硅不但绝缘功能优异, 还具有极高的憎水性, [...] 即使绝缘子积有污垢, 也不会失去憎水效应, 有机硅涂料因此能够有效地防范潮湿污层的形成, 避免因潮湿污层而造成的电流泄露、 干燥带放电、 绝缘子裙搭接,甚至电闪络等常见闪络现象发生。 wacker.com | It enables silicone coatings to reliably prevent the formation of wet pollution layers. wacker.com |
目标应用包括时钟和数据分发、热交换应用、基于架子的设备以及自动测试设备。 tipschina.gov.cn | Targeted applications include clock and data distribution, hot [...] swap applications,rack-based equipment [...]and Automatic Test Equipment. tipschina.gov.cn |
昨天,初来报到的第一天,饭店的老板竟然帮我扛我的背包到我的宿舍,令我非常敬佩这位毫无架子的老板。 4tern.com | Yesterday, after I reported to work, the Heartland Hotel’s managing director helped me to carry my backpack to the employee’s hostel. 4tern.com |
您可能想改变一下您所租的地方,比 如,把墙油漆成不同的颜色或在墙壁上 打孔安装架子,在您这么做之前,应该 事先征得房东的书面许可。 welcomebc.ca | You may want to make changes in the place you rent–for example, paint the walls a different colour or drill holes in the walls for shelves. welcomebc.ca |
在《建议书》监测框架内,以及为了搭建区域间桥梁,联合国教科文组织于 2010 年 6 月在联合国教科文组织总部召集了四个其他区域性公约的代表会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Within the frameworkofmonitoring theRecommendation [...] and in a view to forge interregional bridges, UNESCO convened in June [...]2010 a gathering of representatives from four other regional conventions at UNESCO Headquarters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
宝马325iCoupe搭载采了Valvetronic电子气门的直列6缸自然吸气发动机,输出160kW/6500rpm的最大功率与250N.m/rpm的最大扭矩。 vantageshanghai.com | The BMW 325i Coupe picks up a Valvetronic naturally aspirated strait 6-engine, which puts out 160kW/6500rpm at its highest power, with torque at 250Nm/rpm. vantageshanghai.com |
有必要综整出版的文献中,有关架子牛、肥育牛、母牛与女牛喂饲高粱谷粒、 高粱青贮与高粱蒸馏酒糟的性能表现,以教育家畜饲养者与相关专业人员能了解 高粱在肉牛产业的真实价值。 sorghumcheckoff.com | A comprehensive review of the published literature concerning the performance of growing cattle, finishing cattle, brood cows and heifers when fed sorghum grain, sorghum forage and sorghum distillers grains is needed to help educate livestock producers and other professionals on the true value of sorghum to the beef cattle industry. sorghumcheckoff.com |
还能够实时监控 LCD 端子状态,搭载使映 射到 PC 上的 LCD 面板显示的实时 LCD 监控,能够从未获得 LCD 面板的阶段评价使用了目标系统的 LCD 控制程序,并进行系统验证。 lapis-semi.com | Moreover, it is made possible to evaluate LCD control program and to verify the system using the target system even at the time-stage before obtaining a LCD panel, by installation of real-time LCD monitor that oversees the LCD terminal situation in real time and displays an LCD panel as imagined. lapis-semi.com |