单词 | 搭便车 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 搭便车 noun—lift n搭便车 —hitch a rideExamples:请求搭便车 v—thumb v See also:搭便—at one's convenience • in passing 搭—put up • join • arrange in pairs • hang (clothes on a pole) • take (boat, train) • throw in (resources) • build (scaffolding) 搭车—get a lift • ride (in a vehicle) • hitch-hike 便车—hitchhike
这一办法使人担心,如果主要国家不参加,这种做法会导 致 搭便车 , 因 此,覆盖 必要数量的贸易的参与至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | This approach leads to the [...] concern about free riders if major countries [...]do not participate, thus participation covering [...]a critical mass of trade is important. daccess-ods.un.org |
此类兴趣部分 [...] 源于这样一个认识:一个单一承诺办法下基础广泛的议程17 是主要的绊脚石之 一,主要参与者之间需要达成有意义的折衷,以避 免 搭便车。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such interest partly stems from the recognition that the broad-based agenda under a single undertaking approach17 was [...] among key stumbling blocks, and that meaningful trade-offs needed to be struck [...] among major players to avoid free riding. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此, 虽然您无法阻止竞争对 手生产竞争性产品, 但您可以防止其 生产看上去与您的产品一样而且属 于搭您的创造力便车的产品。 wipo.int | So, while you cannot stop competitors from making [...] competitive products you [...] may prevent them from making products that look just like yours and having a free ride on your creativity. wipo.int |
还需要更多纳 入自行车的综合措施,如允许公共汽车和 火 车搭 载 自 行 车 , 提 供安 全 便 捷 的自行 车泊车位,建成自行车集中点,推广自行车共享等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The increased integration of bicycles is also required, such as allowing [...] bicycles on buses and trains, [...] the provision of safe and convenient bicycle parking, creating [...]bicycle hubs and introducing bicycle-sharing. daccess-ods.un.org |
意大利拥有众多魅力名城,游客可以享受Trenitalia庞大铁路网络 的 便 利 , 搭 乘 舒 适的 火 车 旅 行,欣赏醉人的景致,尽情感受意大利的浓郁风情。 tipschina.gov.cn | With so many popular cities of interest, visitors can make the most of their Italian experience by enjoying Trenitalia's extensive rail network, complete with comfortable trains and stunning views. tipschina.gov.cn |
155北瓦克办公室位于便利的 北瓦克径与伦道夫街交汇处的东北角,从芝加哥运输管理局(税务师 ) 搭 乘 火 车 , Me tra,地铁或使用其他公共汽车运输服务往返芝加哥只需几分钟的路程。 servcorp.com.cn | Servcorp's 155 North Wacker location conveniently lies on the northeast corner of North Wacker Drive and Randolph Street, just minutes from Chicago [...] Transit Authority (CTA) trains, [...]Metra, subway and bus transport services. servcorp.bh |
夏芬博格半永久车钩提供列车内部 紧密的安全的连接,由于连挂和解编不会在正常运用的过程中进行,所以无需自动操作功能。 voith.com | Scharfenberg semi-permanent couplers provide secure and safe connections within a trainset. voith.com |
来文人说,在与该部 [...] 会面时,这件事本已商定;此外还说,她未获得任何法律 援助;除了每周一次免费搭车到他 所在机构之外,她儿子 的境况也没有得到解决;她未获得任何赔偿款。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author claimed that this had been agreed at the meeting with the Ministry, that, furthermore, she had not [...] been provided with any legal aid, that, [...] other than a free ride once a week to [...]his institution, her son’s situation had [...]not been resolved and she had not been paid any compensation. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,机床顶部的 Y 轴保护器采用开关式设 计,利用吊车便可轻 松地装入大型工件。 moriseiki.com | What's more, opening and closing the Y-axis protector at the top of the machine allows large workpieces to [...] be loaded smoothly using a crane. moriseiki.com |
委员会还建议缔约国采取措施确保将急救车服务毫无例外地扩大到 罗姆人和老年人,并设立一个特别的中心, 以 便 就 提 供救 护 车 的 服 务情况提出投 诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that emergency ambulance services are extended to Roma and older persons, without exception, and establish a special centre for the submission of complaints regarding the provision of such services. daccess-ods.un.org |
半永久车钩 voith.com | Semi-Permanent Couplers voith.com |
所涉各具体领域包括:升级改造现有的交通运输能力、建设 “缺失路段”、便利货物和车辆跨 界移动、以及努力把现有的交通运输模式 整合为一个真正的多式联运系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | Specific areas included the upgrading of existing transport capacity, [...] the construction of [...] “missing links”, facilitating the movement of goods and vehicles across borders [...]and integrating existing [...]modes of transport into a truly intermodal regional transport system. daccess-ods.un.org |
2.6 1987 年1 月,第一申诉人因为将一名搭车客送 到以色列边境,随后很快被 警察逮捕。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2.6 In January 1987, the first complainant drove a hitchhiker to the border with Israel and he was arrested by the police shortly thereafter. daccess-ods.un.org |
处于不同阶段的年轻癌症患者在离开医院后,均怀着同一个目标—— 攀上山脉之巅、划独木舟探索不同岛屿,或 乘 搭 沙 漠 飞 车 游 历 沙漠。 clarinsusa.com | Young people at different stages of cancer leave the hospital and come together with a common goal - to reach the summit of a mountain, explore an archipelago in a sea canoe or travel through deserts on a skidoo. clarinsusa.com |
2010 年 11 [...] 月,委员会编写了一份 39 项援助请求的综合清单,并附有每项 请求的情况摘要,以方便牵线搭桥。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee prepared a consolidated [...] list of 39 assistance requests in November 2010 with a summary of the status of [...] each request, to facilitate matchmaking. daccess-ods.un.org |
在审查贸发会议文件时还提及了各种政策问题,例如“免费 搭车者” 和身份问题、入境前和入境后条款以及最惠国待遇标准和其他投资保护 [...] 标准之间的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In reviewing the UNCTAD papers reference [...] was also made to various policy questions [...] such as the “Free rider” and identity [...]issues, pre-entry and post-entry clauses and [...]the relationship between the MFN treatment standard and other standards of investment protection. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,深圳市的交通相當便利順 暢,想 要 搭 車 到處旅遊,非常 方 便。 seagate.com | In addition, the city has a smooth transportation infrastructure so it is easy to get around. seagate.com |
一般來說,他在倫敦與客戶會晤後, 便 會 乘搭 夜機飛返杜拜國際機場,再轉乘計程車,前往 杜拜舊城哈里發塔區或杜拜商場,與當地客戶 會面。 hsbc.com | In a typical scenario, after client meetings in London, he flies back overnight to Dubai International Airport and then takes a taxi to the Burj Khalifa area of Dubai Old Town or Dubai Mall to see a local client. hsbc.com |
为了便于牵线搭桥,还可根据需要提供更详细的资料。 daccess-ods.un.org | This makes the requests known to a wider audience of potential partners, with more detailed information available as needed for matchmaking. daccess-ods.un.org |
普納即面臨如此重要關頭,城市發展完全無規劃,塞車、空氣污染、交通事故屢創新高,卻無穩定與普及的大眾運輸系統,居民常抱怨公車老舊、擁擠、效能低落、班次不固定,車站大多殘破,地點也不 方 便 , 況 且 搭 公 車 也無法節省時間,由於欠缺公車專用道,故和其他車輛一同受困在車陣中。 thisbigcity.net | The city is entirely unplanned; traffic congestion, air pollution and automobile accidents are at all time highs; and yet no reliable and broad public transportation system. thisbigcity.net |
英飞凌服务于各种汽车应用,比如:汽车动力系统(包括发动机和变速箱控制装置,用于优化燃耗,满足政府的排放要求,还包括适用于各种新兴技术的芯片,例如混合动力汽车、起动机、发电机和配气机构) 、 车 身 和 便 利 装 置(包 括 车 灯 控 制装置、HVAC、门锁系统、电动车窗、座椅记忆器和无钥匙进入系统)、安全管理(例如电动助力转向系统、防碰撞系统、防抱死制动系统、安全气囊、稳定性控制、胎压监控)和信息娱乐系统(包括电子呼叫、信息调用、无线通信和全球定位)。 cytech.com | Infineon serves automotive applications such as the car's powertrain (comprising engine and transmission control for optimized fuel consumption and to meet government emission regulations addressing chips for emerging technologies, such as hybrids, starter [...] alternators, and electromechanical [...] valve-trains), body and convenience (including light control; heating, [...]ventilation and air-conditioning [...]HVAC; comfort locking; power windows; seat memory and keyless entry), safety management (e.g. electronic power steering, collision avoidance, anti-lock brake system, airbag, stability control, tire pressure monitoring) and infotainment (including e-call and information access). cytech.com |
场景设置是一项艰巨的任务,小摄影棚必须在山 边 搭 建 , 以 便 捕 捉 这位演员的锻炼瞬间。 ba-repsasia.com | The set proved to be a bit of an undertaking as a small studio had to be built on the side of a hill to capture the actor working out. ba-repsasia.com |
在那世界上最大的群岛区(某些岛屿更是全世界最美丽),您可以步行、骑自 行 车 、 搭 乘 连接船或轮渡、 开 车 或 者 搭 乘 水 上巴士前往。 visitfinland.com | Among the world’s largest – and to [...] some among its most beautiful – the [...] archipelago is accessible by foot, bike, connecting vessels, ferries, car or waterbus. visitfinland.com |
BenQ第一台27吋液晶顯示器 M2700HD為多媒體玩家專注打造! 擁有27吋大螢幕,最多元齊全的連結介面讓豐富多媒體影音內容更 方 便 肆 意 的呈現 ! 搭 載 BenQ獨家真色彩科技及高亮度400 cd/㎡,透過M2700HD,高畫質影像畫面更加清晰明亮。 benq.com.tw | Designed to give you superior audiovisual entertainment, BenQ’s M2700HD features a magnificent 27" 16:9 Full HD LCD screen enhanced with Senseye® Human Technology, 10 W embracing sound, and a full array of ports for connecting home electronics and computing devices that output video. benq.co.ke |
带压溃管的半永久车钩 voith.com | Semi-permanent coupler with attached collapsible tube voith.com |
因為一方面可減低乘客的不滿,他們只要再次 乘 搭便 不 會 被多收 費用,另一方面,港鐵公司亦可避免令乘客為了省回多收的1毫而氣在 [...] 心頭,不使用八達通而購買單程車票。 legco.gov.hk | It is because on the one hand, the [...] discontent of passengers can be assuaged as [...]they will not be overcharged provided that [...]they take another journey, and on the other hand, the passengers will not stop using Octopus out of anger and buy single journey tickets in order to save the overcharged 10 cents. legco.gov.hk |
此外,我必須警告執政當局,不要以為民主黨在政制問題上與你 們勾搭,便可以 保證你們在這個議會內將獲得永遠的大多數。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, I must warn the ruling regime that it must not think that with the Democratic Party cosying up to you on the constitutional reform issue, you can be assured majority backing in this legislature all the time. legco.gov.hk |
尽管存在一些配额实施问题和“免费 搭车 ” 问 题, 但欧佩克的供应管理总的来说有助于相对稳定世界油价,从而提高出口收入的可 预见性并保障产油国的收入。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite some problems of quota enforcement and of free riding, OPEC’s supply management generally helped to relatively stabilize world oil prices, thus increasing the foreseeable nature of export earnings and smoothing income to producers. daccess-ods.un.org |
瓦克世创电子材料在新加坡设有往返于公司和不同市区之间的班车,而日本生产基地的员工们则决定在每月两天的无汽车日里,或乘坐公共交通工具,或组 成 搭车 小 组 ,或骑自行车和徒步上班。 reports.wacker.com | In Singapore, Siltronic has arranged for shuttle buses to travel from the site to various parts of the city. Employees at Siltronic in Japan have two car-free days a month, when they walk, bike, car share or use public transport to get to work. reports.wacker.com |