

单词 搭乘

搭乘 ()

travel by (car, plane etc)
ride as a passenger

乘搭 verb ()

travel on v


搭乘(交通工具) v

take v

See also:

put up
arrange in pairs
throw in (resources)
take (boat, train)
build (scaffolding)
hang (clothes on a pole)

(...) v

ride (sth.) v

make use of
take advantage of
avail oneself of
four (archaic)
surname Cheng
generic term for history books
Buddhist sect or creed
multiply (mathematics)
four horse military chariot (archaic)

External sources (not reviewed)

搭乘私人 航班抵达的 游客人数众多,符合百慕大旅游业“白金”时段战略,有助于促进旅游业发展, [...]
A large number of
[...] visitors arrive on private flights, [...]
which is in line with Bermuda’s “platinum period” strategy efforts
for tourist development, promoting high-end tourism.
搭乘银鸟 出租车至酒店的车资约为230,000卢比至270,000卢比。
Fare for a Silver Bird Taxi to the hotel is between IDR 230,000 to IDR 270,000.
We recommend using only the Blue Bird or the more upscale Silver Bird taxi services.
155北瓦克办公室位于便利的北瓦克径与伦道夫街交汇处的东北角,从芝加哥运输管理局(税务师 搭乘 火 车,Metra,地铁或使用其他公共汽车运输服务往返芝加哥只需几分钟的路程。
Servcorp's 155 North Wacker location conveniently lies on the northeast corner of North Wacker Drive and Randolph Street, just minutes from Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) trains, Metra, subway and bus transport services.
推廣活動期間,旅客搭乘澳門航空由亞洲及中國主要 12 個城市前往澳門的航班〔包機及代 [...]
Passengers traveling to Macau from [...]
destinations across Asia and 12 major cities in China (except chartered and code shared
flights) have two ways to win fabulous prizes.
如果您购买了具有日期限制的机票,请遵循实际支付票价适用的各项规则,下列一项或多项限制(其中包括,但不限于下列一项或多项限制)可能适用于您的旅行:(1) 可能无法退票,但可交费兑换满足原始机票的所有规则/限制(包括支付全部票价差额)的其他限价机票;(2) 可能需要收取预定变更/取消费用;或者 (3) 可能限搭乘特定 的航班和/或要求限定时间以及最短和/或最长停留时间。
If you have purchased a restricted ticket, depending on the rules applicable to the fare paid, one or more restrictions including, but not limited to one or more of the following, may apply to your travel: (1) the ticket may not be refundable but can be exchanged for a fee for another restricted fare ticket meeting all the rules/restrictions of the original ticket (including the payment of any difference in fares); (2) a fee may apply for changing/canceling reservations; or (3) travel may be restricted to specific flights and/or times and minimum and/or maximum stay may be required.
只需 4.50 澳元即可购买无搭乘一日漫游(Day Rover)车票,可在周一至周五上午 [...]
9:00 后使用,周六、周日和公众假日全天均可使用。
For $4.50 you can buy
[...] an unlimited-travel Day Rover ticket [...]
that can be used after 9:00am Monday to Friday, and all day Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.
鉴于国际社会消除索马里海盗威胁的努力产生的影响有限,2010 年 初后,船主更多地依靠“私营海上安保公司”为穿越红海、亚丁湾和广大 印度洋海域的船只和船员提供武装保护人员,这些人有时被称为“船搭 乘者”
Given the limited impact of international efforts on the threat of Somali piracy, since early 2010 ship owners have turned increasingly to private maritime security companies to provide armed protection teams, sometimes referred to as “shipriders”, to ships and crews traversing the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the wider Indian Ocean.
There's nothing more romantic than setting sail with someone special on an MSC cruise.
VSAT是由美国俄亥俄州的模拟器与飞 搭乘 员 培训系统领域的工程师、训练分析员、操作专家组成的专业集团。
VSAT is a group of engineers, training analysts, and operational experts in the field of simulators and aircrew training systems, based in Ohio USA.
第一重獻禮是「您是銀家幸運大 抽獎」:凡於 2012 年 12 月 1 日至 2013 年 2 月 28 日期間,搭乘澳門 航空前往澳門,於各地 機場辦理登機手續即可獲得抽獎券 1 張,旅客只需把填妥的抽獎劵投入當地澳門航空登機櫃位 的指定抽獎箱內,或投入澳門航空位於澳門國際機場票務櫃位的指定抽獎箱內,即可參加每月 一次的幸運大抽獎,有機會成為真正「銀家」。
The first is by filling out a lucky draw ticket upon check-in at any Air Macau counters and depositing it in the designated box at the local counters or Macau International Airport ticketing counters between 1 December 2012 and 28 February 2013.
从赫尔辛基前往圣彼得堡的最快方法,肯定 搭乘 高 速 列车Allegro号,那只需要3.5 小时。
The quickest way to travel from Helsinki to St. Petersburg is definitely the high-speed train Allegro; it takes just 3.5 hours.
馬提茲亦強調,支線系統一旦全部啟用後,應可大大減輕身障人士復康巴士Dial-a-Ride的負擔,這項服務目前供不應求,亦反映出過去身障人士不 搭乘 大 眾 運輸系統。
Martheze also emphasized that the feeder system, once fully operational, should alleviate some demand from the City’s existing Dial-a-Ride (DAR) service, which is heavily over subscribed.
去卡利奥的方法非常简单,从市中 搭乘 3 B 或 3 T有轨电车,那两路车也是赫尔辛基的最好观光线。
Kallio can be easily accessed from
[...] the city centre via tram routes 3B [...]
and 3T, which are also often referred to as Helsinki’s best lines for sightseeing.
(g) 这场危机可能是采用创新性发展筹资机制的一个契机,例如可以实施国 际货币交易税搭乘飞机税或者设立基于资产风险类别的稳定基金。
(g) The crisis might be an opportunity to introduce innovative development financing mechanisms, such as an international currency transaction tax, a tax on air travel or a stabilization fund based on the risk class of assets.
作为当地居民的学生仍可免搭乘公 交 及公共渡轮。
Free public transportation for resident students via bus and ferry continues to be available.
阿尔及利亚还在信 中附上了飞机的飞越请求表(见附件三),该表明确说明,飞机载有给阿尔及利亚 国防部的 12 吨航空器备件搭乘的机组人员为 10 人,这几乎是正常人数的两倍。
) to its letter (see annex III), which specifies that the aircraft carried 12 tons of aircraft spares for the Algerian Ministry of Defence and carried a crew of 10 persons, nearly double its normal strength.
在穿越边境进入尼日尔之前的这11天里,他们顶着烈日,靠步行 搭乘 驴 车 赶路。
For 11 days, they travelled under the scorching
[...] sun by foot and by donkey until they [...]
crossed into the Niger.
豆要到邮局去,但在他的汽车的电池是死了,所以他决 搭乘 巴 士 代替。
Bean wants to go to the post office, but the battery in his car is dead, so
[...] he decides to catch a bus instead.
在民族社会这种体制持续存在的同时,人们正日益深刻地意识到,人类其实就象人权宣言所 表述的那样,它有共同的归属和共同的权利,并象生态学界比喻地球是“人 搭乘 的 宇 宙飞 船”所提示的那样,它有共同的命运。
Alongside the persistence of a system of national societies is the development of a greater awareness of humanity as a community of membership and of rights, reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and as a community of destiny, something suggested by the ecological metaphor for the planet, “humanity’s spaceship”.
但隨著地鐵系統不斷發展,每天持續載運數百萬旅客,犧牲地理距離的真正代價日益顯著,儘管路線蜿蜒,貝克依然使用直線呈現;各站之間在地圖上幾乎等距,可是有些車站其實極為相近,導致許多乘客習慣換乘路線才抵達目的地,卻不知道步行其實更快,或 搭乘 在 地圖上看似最短的路線,實則並非最便捷的選項。
Beck used straight lines in place of the city’s snaking routes, and almost equidistant spacing between stations when some are strangely close to one another. The end result is that many London Underground users change lines to reach their destination when walking would be much quicker, or take routes that appear shortest on the map, but in fact aren’t the most speedy option.
最重要的是,外勤支助部和粮食署已采取必要步骤,以加强联合国行动的安 全以及我搭乘联合 国商用包机旅行的工作人员的安全。
Most importantly, the Department of Field Support and WFP have taken the necessary steps to improve the safety of United Nations operations and our staff members travelling on board United Nations commercially charted aircraft.
该报 告中的几个表列出 2008 年 7 月 1 日至 2010 年 6 月 30 日期间和 2006 年 7 月 1 日至 2008 年 6 月 30 日期间 联合国和联合国其他机搭乘头等 舱和公务舱旅行 次数的比较。
Tables in the report provided a comparison of the number of trips made in first and business classes for the periods 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2010 and 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2008, for both the United Nations and other United Nations entities.
第十个案件涉及 Ahmed Dad Baloch 先生,据称他在 2010 年 10 月 3 日搭乘公共 汽车从瓜达尔到卡拉奇的路上在 Uthal Zero 站被警察和巴基斯坦情报人 员绑架。
The tenth case concerned Mr. Ahmed Dad Baloch, allegedly abducted by police officers and Pakistani intelligence agents at the Uthal Zero point while travelling in a bus from Gwader to Karachi on 3 October 2010.
由公司或代公司所發出的告示、一覽表、列表或其他公布中不時顯示的車費,即 乘搭 任何巴士或鐵路列車的認可車費。
The fares appearing from time to time in notices, lists, tables or other publications issued by or on behalf of the Corporation are the authorized fares for travel on any bus or on the railway.
9. 衣著 任何人如被公司的任何受僱人認為其衣著或衣服會弄污或破壞公司的任何船隻或公司的 碼頭的座位或裝置,或會弄污或破壞其他乘客的衣著或衣服的,又或任何人如被公司的 任何受僱人認為會因任何其他適當的理由令乘客感到厭惡的,均不得進入公司的任何碼 頭乘搭公司的任何船隻;而公司的受僱人可藉給予任何上述理由而阻止任何該等人士 進入公司的任何碼頭乘搭公司 的任何船隻。
No person whose dress or clothing may in the opinion of any servant of the Company soil or damage the seats or fittings of any of the Company's vessels or of the Company's piers or the dress or clothing of any other passenger, and no person who in the opinion of any servant of the Company may for any other
appropriate reason be
[...] offensive to passengers shall enter upon any of the Company's piers or travel in any of the Company's vessels, and it shall be lawful for any servant of the Company to prevent any such person from so doing by giving any of the aforesaid reasons therefor.
一般來說,他在倫敦與客戶會晤後,便 乘搭 夜機飛返杜拜國際機場,再轉乘計程車,前往 杜拜舊城哈里發塔區或杜拜商場,與當地客戶 會面。
In a typical scenario, after client meetings in London, he flies back overnight to Dubai International Airport and then takes a taxi to the Burj Khalifa area of Dubai Old Town or Dubai Mall to see a local client.
(2) 任何人不得使用或企圖使用已不恰當地更改、損壞又或以其他方法干擾的車票, 而如屬使用聰明卡作為車票,則不得使用或企圖使用不能與車票自動處理裝置傳訊的車票 乘搭 任何巴士或鐵路列車。
(2) No person shall use or attempt to use for travel on any bus or the railway a ticket which has been improperly altered damaged or which has been otherwise interfered with and, in the case of using a smart card as a ticket which is unable to communicate with an automatic processing device for tickets.




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