

单词 搬用

See also:

move (sth. relatively heavy or bulky)
copy indiscriminately
move (i.e. relocate oneself)

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然该文书只述及一种 特定形式的保留对话,但其中确立的原则同样可 搬用 于 所 有这类现象,不论这 一对话是在什么样的情况下进行。
Although this instrument concerns a specific form of the reservations dialogue, the principles that it establishes can easily be applied to the phenomenon as a whole, regardless of the context in which the dialogue unfolds.
关于《实践指南》第 4.5 节(无效保留的后果),有代表团对过分依赖人权条
[...] 约的区域实践表示关切,因为对这些条约适用的解决办法不一定能 搬用 于 其他 条约。
With respect to the consequences of an invalid reservation, which were dealt with in section 4.5 of the Guide to Practice, concern was expressed about relying too heavily on regional practices relating to
human rights treaties, as the solutions applicable to those treaties were not
[...] necessarily transposable to other treaties.
本集團的擴張計劃將受本集團搬遷本集團位於中國及越南的現有生 產工廠的影響 - 本集團預期將就搬遷產生下列用: 搬 遷 成 本、可能損失 中山生產工廠的保證金人民幣500,000元(相等於約568,000港元)、支付越 [...]
700,000港元(基於二零一零年一月三十一日的賬面淨值)及於最後可行日 期的估計遣散費約204,000港元,詳情載於本文件「業務」一節「生產設施」 一段「搬遷現有生產工廠」分段。
The expansion plan of the Group will be effected by relocation of the existing production plants of the Group in the PRC and Vietnam – the Group is expected
to incur the following
[...] expenses in connection with the relocation, the cost of relocation, a possible [...]
loss of deposit of
RMB500,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$568,000) in respect of the Zhongshan Production Plant, rental payment for the remaining term of the tenancy agreement for the Existing Vietnam Production Plant, a potential write off of immovable assets of approximately HK$700,000, based on net book values as at 31 January 2010, and estimated severance payment of approximately HK$204,000 as at the Latest Practicable Date, details of which has been set out in the sub-paragraph headed “Relocation of existing production plants” in the paragraph of “Production facilities” under the section headed “Business” in this document.
Supports a wide range of handling jobs with the best operating range, vertically and horizontally, in its class.
在两种高度的地搬运 时使用填充垫子,把一个 阶梯变成倾斜的平面,这样 可减少摔跤的危险。
Replace single steps or connect small differences in level with ramps in order to reduce the risk of tripping over.
为了弥补整搬运和管理用,以及退换货物的再销售风险,OASE 应从货物发票净额中扣除 30%。
For the entire handling and administration expenses, as well as the risk of reselling the returned products OASE will deduct 30% from the invoiced net value of the goods.
2-1.7 产品要装配良好,以确保在运输搬 运和正常使用时装置不会损坏。
2-1.7 Wheels must be assembled and packaged so as to prevent damage to the items during transportation, handling, and normal operation.
2-1.8 成品装置不能对碰撞敏感或在运输搬运和正常使用时有 过早引燃或爆炸的危险。
2-1.8 The finished item must not be impact sensitive or have a risk of premature ignition or explosion during transportation, handling, or normal operation.
在拜特哈 尼纳居民区,以色列占领当局闯入一个巴勒斯坦家庭的家园,把房屋中的家搬 运一空,而用推土机把房屋推倒。
In the Beit Hanina neighbourhood, Israeli occupying authorities stormed a home belonging to a Palestinian family and emptied it of its furniture while bulldozers razed it to the ground.
然而,应当牢记的是搬入共用的“ 联合国之家”可以带来各 种重要的益处,例如可以实际示范一项显而易见的承诺,即在国家一级开展联合国联合行 动,并且提高共同工作的一致性。
It should however be borne in mind that joining a common United Nations House can accrue important benefits of different types, such as demonstrating a visible commitment to joint United Nations action at country level, and increased coherence in working together.
对逃离上帝军的 31 名男孩和 15 名女孩的面谈揭示,上帝军一般把男 用作 搬运工 ,还有一些男孩则被当作间谍使用。
Interviews with 31 boys and 15 girls who had escaped from LRA revealed that boys were generally used as porters and sometimes as spies.
此外,全盘搬发达国家使用的技术和做 法效果并不好,因为这要求高效运输、大量资金以及垃圾填埋地和废水处理设施 的物理空间,而这些一般都是小岛屿发展中国家所缺乏的。
Furthermore, the unmodified application of technologies and practices used in developed countries does not have good track records, as it requires efficient transport, significant financial resources, and physical space for landfills and wastewater treatment facilities, which is typically lacking in small island developing States.
利用木材、金属、甚至现成配件,可 很快加工出可调固件、适合使用托盘 搬 运 车 的固 件、甚至瓦楞纸盘组装固件。
Adjustable fixtures, pallet jack friendly
[...] fixtures, even corrugated tray assembly fixtures [...]
can be quickly fabricated from wood, metal,
or even off-the-shelf components.
由工业协会、巴西工会中心和政府与 Fundacentro 签署的 这一协议规定公司和分包商按规定方 搬 运 、 储存、 使 用 或 处 理苯及其衍生物, 到相关部委登记苯的用途,并在每个工作地点制订苯危害的“预防计划”。
Signed by industrial associations, Brazilian trade union centres, the Government and Fundacentro, the agreement requires companies
and subcontractors to
[...] carry, store, use or handle benzene and its derivatives in a prescribed manner, to register its use with the [...]
Ministry and to define
a “programme of prevention” of benzene’s hazards in every workplace.
需要大量的投资用于搬迁到 新的办公房地,通过妇女署的网站来加强向 公众传播信息和知识共享,扩大其关于内部知识共享和效率的内联网,并建立一 [...]
Significant investments are required as a result of the move to new office [...]
premises and for UN-Women’s website to increase
public dissemination of information and knowledge-sharing, its intranet for internal knowledge-sharing and efficiency, and to develop a secure web-based extranet for sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas with development partners.
倘 本 溪 鐵 選 因 缺 少 土地使 用 權 而 須 搬 遷 , 其 應 能 夠 及 時 搬 遷 至 適 宜 位 置 。
In the event Benxi Iron Processing is
[...] required to relocate as a result of the lack of land use right, it [...]
should be able to relocate to
a suitable site in a timely manner.
他们 认为,食品标签委员会应认真检查列在指南里的所有功能类别标签的需求, 搬 运 工具 和包装气体,而且应讨论为贴标用 来 说 明类别标题 用 术 语 的易懂性。
They considered that the Committee on Food Labelling should carefully examine the need for labelling of all functional classes
listed in the
[...] Guidelines, such as carriers and packing gases, and that the understandability of the terms used to describe the class [...]
titles for
labelling purposes should be discussed.
格罗茨-贝克特综丝的上综耳下方和下综耳上方区域均 带有小孔,以便使用PORTER的搬运杆 进行方便的运输 和存储。
Groz-Beckert healds are designed with threading holes at the end loops to allow the insertion of PORTER rods for transportation purposes.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他人无法与他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住 搬 走 , 而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same [...]
apartment or in the same house, and the
preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.
c. 用脚轮将 Reactor 移到需固定的位置, 或用螺栓将其固定在装运托盘上用铲 车搬动。
c. Use the
[...] casters to move Reactor to a fixed location, or bolt to shipping pallet and move with forklift.
鉴于基本建设总计划时间表安排紧凑,而且基本建设总计划时间表 上的任何延误都会产生连带费用,所以秘书长提议从 2009 年 7 月 1 日起 租用一个商业数据中心设施,并用 国 际 电子计算中心,由它在这个现 成用的设 施内安装新的信息和通信技术(信通技术)设备,将所有系搬迁到新的二级数据中心,并管理新的二级数据中心的一些业务(见 A/63/743)。
In view of the strict time schedule and the associated costs attached to any delay in the schedule of the capital master plan, the Secretary-General proposed to lease a commercial data centre facility, starting on 1 July 2009, and to engage the services of the International Computing
Centre to install new
[...] information and communications technology (ICT) equipment in this readyto-use facility, migrate all systems to the new secondary data centre and manage some of the operations of [...]
the new secondary data centre (see A/63/743).
而其設備類別的產品則包括如潛水衣、防火門、消防員防 用 具 及工 業 搬 運 車 等。
Examples of types of equipment Classified by UL include immersion suits, fire doors, protective gear for fire fighters and industrial trucks.
特别报告员继续不断地收到各种指 控,如:在审讯中用酷刑 或虐待,把囚犯当 搬 运 工或者在军事方面作为“人 体盾牌”,将囚犯转移到边远区域的设施内,使他们无法接受家属探访或基本药 品或补充食品的包裹。
The Special Rapporteur continued to receive
[...] allegations of torture and ill-treatment during interrogation, the use of prisoners as porters or “human [...]
shields” for the military
and the transfer of prisoners to facilities in remote areas where they are unable to receive family visits or packages of essential medicine and supplemental food.
(d) 工作人员变更其居留身份,致使秘书长认为,有关工作人员可视为其国 籍国以外的另一国的永久居民时,如秘书长认定,该工作人员继续根据回籍假地 点享有回籍假、教育补助金、离职时本人和配偶及受扶养子女的回国补助金和旅 费,以及用物品搬运费 ,将有违这些津贴或福利的原意,该工作人员即可能丧 失这些权利。
(d) A staff member who has changed his or her residential status in such a way that he or she may, in the opinion of the Secretary-General, be deemed to be a permanent resident of any country other than that of his or her nationality may lose entitlement to home leave, education grant, repatriation grant and payment of travel expenses upon separation for the staff member and his or her spouse and dependent children and removal of household effects, based upon place of home leave, if the Secretary-General considers that the continuation of such entitlement would be contrary to the purposes for which the allowance or benefit was created.
总部委员会在其第一六一届会议上从同一报告中了解到,在 2006 年的翻修过程中发现 拆除的某些材料含有石棉的迹象,这可能威胁到使用者的健康,就此问题委员会被告知,这 些材料经过了技术保护,均由法国的专业公司按所在国的规 用 特 殊 的 搬 运 装 置存放与运 送。
In answer to questions concerning the possible danger of that material to the health of users, the Committee was advised that such material was mechanically protected and that its storage and removal in special containers was being carried out by a specialized French company in-line with Host country regulations.
(a) 根据国际标准立即采取措施改进拘留条件和囚犯待遇;解决酷刑和虐 待问题,并解决用囚犯作为搬运工 或为军事目的作为“人体盾牌”;停止和纠 正将囚犯转移到他们无法接受家属探访或者得到基本药物和补充食物包裹的边远 [...]
(a) Take immediate measures to improve the conditions of detention and the treatment of prisoners, in compliance with international standards; address
allegations of torture and
[...] ill-treatment and the use of prisoners as porters or “human [...]
shields” for the military; and halt
and remedy the transfer of prisoners to prisons in remote areas where they are unable to receive family visits or packages of essential medicine and supplemental food
特别是雇 主报销的免税项目,其中包括与居住地 跨境转移相关用,如搬迁费、纳税申 报协助、纳税均衡、探亲假旅行和学费 等。
Notably through tax exemption in reimbursement by the employer of certain charges linked to the cross-border transfer of residence like relocation expenses, tax return assistance, tax equalisation, home leave trips, school fees, etc.




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