

单词 搬楦头

See also:

move (i.e. relocate oneself)
copy indiscriminately
move (sth. relatively heavy or bulky)

block (a hat)
stretch (a shoe)

External sources (not reviewed)

快速,准确地展平矫形楦的形 状和设计款式线用于2D样板开发,并保持大小形状完全匹配。
Quick, accurate flattening of the orthopaedic last formes and design style lines maintain fit, size and aesthetic shape for advanced 2D pattern development.
数以千计的人的姓名消失在了历史的长河中,人们的事迹被 搬 到 ” 了别人 头 上 , 而党、派别、民族运动和阶级的性质、动机和活动被扭曲了。
Thousands of names fell out of the history, people’s deeds were “passed” to others, and the nature, motives, and activities of parties, groups, national movements, and classes were distorted.
牙齿不会因为 咬了头而搬离,任何人都会犯错误。
The teeth will not pack up because they have bitten the tongue, and nobody is above making a mistake.
第二款是打破休閒和高級形象界線的Tassel Moccasin,採用經典Aberdeen鞋楦,鞋 頭淺色的縫線輕易為整對鞋增加注目點。
Tassel Moccasin is leisure yet classic, made with Aberdeen shoe last; stitching in light shade draws attention to the toes.
首先是基本型號的Dover Shoes,配上Barrie Last鞋楦趨向保持修長風格,鞋內單層無襯裡的結構令穿者更感舒適。
The basic style Dover Shoes are made with Barrie Last to keep its slim shape in place. The absence of lining gives more comfort.
唯一同时具备:可搭配全自动冰爪,并提供双版 楦 选 择的专业登山靴。
The only
[...] mountaineering footwear line that is automatic [...]
crampon-compatible and offered with two different fits for the top
performance or the highest insulation.
工人们 以 12 天或 24 天为一周期每班工作 6 小时的方式承担了劳动密集型任务, 搬运 和处置头的瓦 砾和垃圾、疏通排水系统和作为排水通道的沟渠,以防雨季的到 来。
Working six-hour shifts on a 12- or 24-day cycle, workers have undertaken labour-intensive tasks such as removing and disposing of street debris and garbage, and cleaning drainage systems and canals used as water evacuation routes in preparation for the rainy season.
香港纺织及成衣研发中心相信新技术是业界的致胜之道,期望中心的研发项目,例如Luximon博士正在进行的研究“数字化度身定制 楦 系 统 ”可促进行业的技术发展。
HKRITA believes that new technology is a key to success and hopes that our R&D projects such as “Development of Custom Shoe-last from Foot Scan Data” currently developed by Dr Luximon can foster the technological development of the industry.
咨询委员会获悉,出现这种增长的部分原因是更多办事 搬 到联 合国建筑群里,预期下一个两年期提供的公共服务将增长高达 20%。
The Committee was informed that this increase was
[...] partly due to the move of additional [...]
offices into the United Nations complex and
that an increase of up to 20 per cent in the level of common services provided was anticipated for the next biennium.
可以通过开展实验室测试来对 各种消散剂对特定油类的效果进行排名,有些国 家 / 地区要求油类生产设施和油头(所 生产搬运的 油类的类型是已知的)的操作员展开研究 来确定对所涉及的油类最有效的消散剂。
Laboratory tests may be carried out to rank the effectiveness of one dispersant relative to another for a particular oil and some countries require operators of oil production facilities and oil terminals, where the types of oils produced and handled are known, to undertake studies to identify the most effective dispersant for the oils involved.
香港纺织及成衣研发中心的总监(研究及发展)何继超博士及项目经理张佩贞女士早前与香港理工大学访织及制衣学系Luximon 博士参观两间广州的楦及皮 鞋制造厂。
Dr KC Ho, Director, Research and Development, and Ms Eunice Cheung, Project Manager of HKRITA, accompanied by Dr Luximon Ameersing, Assistant Professor of Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, visited a shoe last factory and a leather shoe factory in Guangzhou.
此产品适合在标称电压为 120V 的电路上使用,其接地头与下 图所示的 头 类 似
This product is for use on a nominal 120V circuit and has a grounding plug similar to the plug illustrated in the figure below.
我们提供独特完整的鞋业CADCAM解决方案,从扫描 楦 到 鞋类设计和制造。
We provide a complete and unique footwear CADCAM solution from scanning the last to designing footwear and manufacturing the shoe components ready for production.
符合人体解剖学原理的两版楦宽度 、以及顶级材质的选用,使它们成为登山向导以及高水准登山家的明确选择。
of premium materials make them clear choice for mountain guides and high level alpinists.
鉴于基本建设总计划时间表安排紧凑,而且基本建设总计划时间表 上的任何延误都会产生连带费用,所以秘书长提议从 2009 年 7 月 1 日起 租用一个商业数据中心设施,并雇用国际电子计算中心,由它在这个现 成可用的设施内安装新的信息和通信技术(信通技术)设备,将所有系搬迁到新的二级数据中心,并管理新的二级数据中心的一些业务(见 A/63/743)。
In view of the strict time schedule and the associated costs attached to any delay in the schedule of the capital master plan, the Secretary-General proposed to lease a commercial data centre facility, starting on 1 July 2009, and to engage the services of the International Computing Centre to install new information and communications technology (ICT) equipment in this readyto-use facility, migrate all systems to the new secondary data centre and manage some of the operations of the new secondary data centre (see A/63/743).
[...] 控,如:在审讯中采用酷刑或虐待,把囚犯当 搬 运 工或者在军事方面作为“人 体盾牌”,将囚犯转移到边远区域的设施内,使他们无法接受家属探访或基本药 [...]
The Special Rapporteur continued to receive allegations of torture and
ill-treatment during interrogation, the use of
[...] prisoners as porters or “human [...]
shields” for the military and the transfer of
prisoners to facilities in remote areas where they are unable to receive family visits or packages of essential medicine and supplemental food.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如, 头 流 浪 儿童、儿童兵、残疾儿童、 被拐卖的儿童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的更大的风险。
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized children, such as street children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse.
他们 认为,食品标签委员会应认真检查列在指南里的所有功能类别标签的需求, 搬 运 工 具 和包装气体,而且应讨论为贴标签用来说明类别标题所用术语的易懂性。
They considered that the Committee on Food Labelling should carefully examine the need for labelling of all functional classes listed in the Guidelines, such as carriers and packing gases, and that the understandability of the terms used to describe the class titles for labelling purposes should be discussed.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他人无法与他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住 搬 走 , 而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.




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