

单词 搬场

See also:

copy indiscriminately
move (i.e. relocate oneself)
move (sth. relatively heavy or bulky)

External sources (not reviewed)

其中包括数千名联合国工作人搬入 场 外 和 场 内周转空间;北草坪会议大楼完工并启用;秘书处大楼和会议楼开始翻修并竖立升降 机;安全理事会临时迁移;需要在地下室开展的工作大部分完成;为项目的追加 方面发放了保证价格上限的合同;就一旦项目完成秘书处的回迁问题,制定和批 准文件与迁入计划。
In the eighth annual progress report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the capital master plan (A/65/511), it was noted that significant progress had been achieved over the previous year, including the relocation of United Nations staff members to off-site and on-site swing spaces; the completion and inauguration of the North Lawn Building; the commencement of construction in and the construction of hoists on the Secretariat and Conference Buildings; the temporary relocation of the Security Council; the completion of the majority of the work required in the basements; the awarding of guaranteed maximum price contracts for additional aspects of the project; and the development and approval of documents and plans for the re-occupancy of the Secretariat upon the completion of the project.
预计 2010-2011
[...] 年将出现未支配余额,主要原因是:2010 年预算编列的委 员搬入新办公场所的 费用已在基本建设总计划搬迁项下均支。
The anticipated unencumbered balance for 2010-2011 is
due mainly to the fact that the cost
[...] of the Committee’s move to new office space, [...]
budgeted for in 2010, was absorbed in
the context of relocation under the capital master plan.
有些家庭不得搬到新的牧场,并 且感觉他们失去了自己的家园。
Some families have to move to new pastures and feel they [...]
have lost their homelands.
她呼吁说:“所以,我请求有关部门把这些酒 搬 到 远 离公 场 所 的 地方。
I said people consuming liquor were creating a nuisance for children trying to get past for classes,” she recalls.
虽然很多铸造厂已从英搬出,但市 场 的 空 白将由航天、可再生能源、精密工程、医疗等新兴“高科技”产业填补。
Foundries may have largely moved out of the UK but filling [...]
the gap left by that industry are emerging “high-tech” industries
such as aerospace, renewable energy, precision engineering and the medical field.
专 业内容包括:食搬运程序、场调 研 与广告的原 则、收银、包装技术、库存、与相应的技术和管理 技能。
Includes instruction in food handling
[...] procedures, principles of marketing research and advertising, [...]
cash register operations, bagging
techniques, stocking and applicable technical and administrative skills.
我们覆盖了整个场产品-从搬 运直 至清理,从卷材直至加工完并经测试 的钢管。
We cover the entire market spectrum – from handling through to cleaning, from the coil through to the finished and tested pipe.
耀安牌组合式系列空调机组是我公司充分引进、吸收国内外最新空调技术,采用先进的CAD辅助设计及现代化生产工艺制造而成,可按用户的不同要求,通过对各种基本功能段的适当组合,实现空气的冷却、干燥、加热、加湿、过滤、净化、消毒、消声等过程,它结构紧凑,外形美观,安装方式灵活( 可散搬运、现场组装 ),整机刚性好,振动、噪音低,保温性能卓越,漏风量大大低于国家标准,并突出具有以下优点
Yaoan combined series air conditioner set is manufactured by our company after fully introducing and absorbing the most original air conditioning technology and adopting the advanced CAD and modern production process; our products can realize the process of air cooling, desiccation, heating, humidifying, filtration, purification, sterilization and noise elimination with proper combination of various fundamental function sections according to users’ different requirements; our product has a compact structure and elegant appearance; the installation
is flexible (which can be conveyed by
[...] parts and assembled on site); the overall rigidity [...]
of the product is good and the
vibration and noise are low; the heat insulation function is excellent and the air leakage is far lower than the national standards; moreover, our product has the following advantages
与此同时,5 000 多名联合国工作人
[...] 员离开了他们特别是在秘书处大楼的工 场 所 , 搬 进 了 基本建设总计划办公室租 用和设置的临时办公室。
At the same time, more than 5,000 United Nations staff
[...] have left their workplaces, especially in [...]
the Secretariat Building, for temporary
offices rented and set up by the Office of the Capital Master Plan.
2004-2005 年储场所搬家时 确实例外地销毁了这些出版物。
This exceptional destruction of publications did indeed occur in 2004/2005
[...] when the storage facilities were relocated.
结论(无对办事处的具体建议):针对办公场所和服务情况制定明确稳定的法律框架非常重 要;在这种情况下,该框架的签署 搬 入 办 公 场 所 相 比已经大大滞后;然而驻地协调员提供给 审计员的关于在本年末完成机构间谅解备忘录的正式保证书被认为是可接受且令人满意的。
Explicit and stable legal frameworks must be established in situations in which premises and services are shared; in this particular case, the legal document has been signed very late in relation to entry into the premises; however, the Resident Coordinator’s formal assurances to the auditors that the inter-agency MoU will be finalized by the end of the year seem to be acceptable and sufficient.
行业: 森林经营者-森林砍伐-原木装机 , 林场主 , 林场专家 , 伐搬运协会-协会
Activities: Forest managers - forest harvesters - loggers , Woodland owners , Forestry experts , Logging associations - unions
当年竖立在这里的烟囱高45米,在1979年 场搬 迁 的 同时烟囱也被撤去,只留下了纪念碑部分。
The 45-meter tall chimneys were removed except for the monument part during
[...] the factory’s relocation in 1979.
[...] 固定式葫芦标配挂钩式悬挂,然而您也可以 选择吊眼式悬挂或者刚性悬挂;吊眼式悬挂 通常是用在葫芦不需要或者很搬动 的场 合, 同时因其较小的净空尺寸可以在低矮的 厂房里实现更高的扬程 ;一旦葫芦是永久 的安装在某一个位置,例如配套在一个制造 [...] [...]
系统里,我们建议您选择一个刚性悬挂方 式;另外刚性悬挂使得葫芦具有极低的净空 尺寸,并且在运行时能防止葫芦在车架上发 生晃动。
If the SC chain hoist is to be permanently mounted, for example in systems building, we recommend rigid suspension.
按照惯例,您应向为您提供服务的 场搬 运 工 支付数美元的小费。
It is customary to tip skycaps a few dollars [...]
for service provided.
这些协会协助配偶们解决就业问题、提供 场 信 息并 为 搬 到 新 的工作地点 的家庭提供帮助。
These associations assist spouses with their career concerns and
[...] provide on-site information and help to families moving into a new [...]
duty station.
秘书长解释说,由于联海稳定团和联合国其他机构的房地在地震中受到摧毁 和结构性损坏,稳定团所有工作人员只 搬 迁 到 国家 场 附 近的联海稳定团办公 地点。
The Secretary-General explained that, owing to the destruction and structural damage to the premises of MINUSTAH and those of the other United
Nations agencies during the earthquake, all Mission
[...] staff had to relocate to the MINUSTAH premises near the national airport.
咨询委员会获悉,出现这种增长的部分原因是更多办事 搬 到联 合国建筑群里,预期下一个两年期提供的公共服务将增长高达 20%。
The Committee was informed that this increase was
[...] partly due to the move of additional [...]
offices into the United Nations complex and
that an increase of up to 20 per cent in the level of common services provided was anticipated for the next biennium.
[...] 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way to promote the
rights of vulnerable groups, especially children and women, and by the increased participation of
[...] women in the labour market.
委员会报告称,几内亚当局故意销毁侵害行为的痕迹,以掩盖 事实:清洗体场,搬走被 处决者的尸体,将尸体集中掩埋,不让受害人接受治 [...]
The Commission reported that the Guinean authorities deliberately embarked on the destruction of the traces of the violations
committed, with the aim of concealing the facts:
[...] cleaning of the stadium, removal of the [...]
bodies of the victims of executions, burial
in mass graves, denial of medical care to victims, deliberate alteration of medical records and military take-over of hospitals and morgues.
他们 认为,食品标签委员会应认真检查列在指南里的所有功能类别标签的需求, 搬 运 工 具 和包装气体,而且应讨论为贴标签用来说明类别标题所用术语的易懂性。
They considered that the Committee on Food Labelling should carefully examine the need for labelling of all functional classes listed in the Guidelines, such as carriers and packing gases, and that the understandability of the terms used to describe the class titles for labelling purposes should be discussed.
它欢迎采取措施,增进和保护妇女权利,尤其是在担任高层职务、接受教育 和进入劳动力场等领域。
It welcomed measures for the promotion and protection of the rights of women, in particular in areas such as access to higher positions, education and the labour market.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他人无法与他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住 搬 走 , 而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.
鉴于基本建设总计划时间表安排紧凑,而且基本建设总计划时间表 上的任何延误都会产生连带费用,所以秘书长提议从 2009 年 7 月 1 日起 租用一个商业数据中心设施,并雇用国际电子计算中心,由它在这个现 成可用的设施内安装新的信息和通信技术(信通技术)设备,将所有系搬迁到新的二级数据中心,并管理新的二级数据中心的一些业务(见 A/63/743)。
In view of the strict time schedule and the associated costs attached to any delay in the schedule of the capital master plan, the Secretary-General proposed to lease a commercial data centre facility, starting on 1 July 2009, and to engage the services of the International Computing Centre to install new information and communications technology (ICT) equipment in this readyto-use facility, migrate all systems to the new secondary data centre and manage some of the operations of the new secondary data centre (see A/63/743).
加拿大著名交互式智能白板制造商SMART公司提供的产品在日常工作中的应用,将演练 场 从 现 实 搬 到 虚 拟环境中,从而让会议室中的演示过程更贴近真实情况。
The simulation became more realistic after removing it from a real world to a virtual one with the assistance of the products of SMART Company, a famous Canadian interactive intelligence whiteboard manufacture.
[...] 控,如:在审讯中采用酷刑或虐待,把囚犯当 搬 运 工或者在军事方面作为“人 体盾牌”,将囚犯转移到边远区域的设施内,使他们无法接受家属探访或基本药 [...]
The Special Rapporteur continued to receive allegations of torture and
ill-treatment during interrogation, the use of
[...] prisoners as porters or “human [...]
shields” for the military and the transfer of
prisoners to facilities in remote areas where they are unable to receive family visits or packages of essential medicine and supplemental food.
津巴布韦再度承诺,将排雷行动中心迁移至便于 所有人抵达的地区,再设立一支排雷中队,重新调查所有已知 场 和 疑 似危险区 域,并继续进行排雷和雷险教育。
Zimbabwe recommitted to relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where it will be easily accessible to all, to establish another demining squadron, to resurvey all known minefields and suspected hazardous areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的
I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系
[...] 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际场旅客 名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 [...]
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database
(FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the
[...] international airport in order to [...]
prevent terrorists from entering and passing
through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.




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