

单词 搬土机

See also:

move (sth. relatively heavy or bulky)
move (i.e. relocate oneself)
copy indiscriminately


indigenous adj
local adj


earth n
clay n
dust n

Tu (ethnic group)
surname Tu
crude opium

External sources (not reviewed)

2 月 7 日以色列占领部队向哈利勒附近的 Beit Ula 村巴勒斯坦农民发出
[...] 驱逐令,要求他们从他们自己的 10 000 平方土地上搬走。
On 7 February, Israeli occupying forces issued eviction orders to
Palestinian farmers in Beit Ula village near Al-Khalil, demanding that they evacuate
[...] 10,000 square metres of their land.
诚然,这种推理是在基于对所有成员国具有约束力的条约建立的统一法律 秩序下做出的,不机械地照搬到国 际秩序中。
Admittedly, this reasoning is consonant with a comprehensive legal system
built on a treaty that is binding on all
[...] member States and cannot be mechanically transposed [...]
to the international system.
他还会晤了万谷和博雷凯伊拉的居 民以及近来人权遭到侵犯的其他受害人,包括受土地争端、经济用地特许租让和 强搬迁影响的土著民族和社群。
He also met the residents of Boeung Kak and Borei Keila and other victims of recent human rights violations, including indigenous peoples and communities affected by land disputes, economic land concessions and forced evictions.
叙利亚戈兰居民私有财产的做法,掠夺其自然资源, 包括水资源,并在整个戈兰和巴勒斯坦建立定居点,
[...] 利用水资源作为一种对戈兰的叙利亚人民施加压力 的手段,用土机摧毁 他们的土地,将他们的果树 连根拔起,在经济上对他们实施封锁,对他们特别 [...]
The report also confirmed once again Israel’s continuing practice of confiscating the private property of Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan, plundering its natural resources, including water resources, and creating settlements throughout the Golan and Palestine, using water as a means of exerting pressure on
the Syrian population of the Golan,
[...] bulldozing and destroying their land, uprooting their [...]
fruit trees, blockading them economically
and imposing exorbitant taxes on them, particularly on agricultural workers.
工程發展主要分 為可行性研究、改土地用途、收地 搬 遷 和 拆卸/工地平整、設計、 招標和建造等階段。
Major stages in the development of the projects include feasibility studies, rezoning, resumption/clearance and demolition/site formation, design, tender and construction.
在这方面,专家组受益于同空中交通管制机关(非洲和马达加 斯加航空安全局(非马航安局))以及货 搬 运 和装 卸 机 构 (中 途转运协助管理局) 保持经常联系。
In this, the Group benefited from regular contact with air traffic control (Agence pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar (ASECNA)) and with the cargohandling agency (Régie administrative d’assistance en escale).
第 I 部分涵蓋在工業經營中使用的 叉式起重車;而第 II 部分則包括在建築地盤使用的土機 、 搬土 機、 挖掘機、卡車、貨車、壓實機、傾卸車、平土機、機車及鏟 運機。
The Schedule to the Regulation specifies 11 types of loadshifting machines in two parts: Part I covering forklift truck used in industrial undertakings, and Part II including bulldozer, loader, excavator, truck, lorry, compactor, dumper, grader, locomotive and scraper used on construction sites.
這些問題可能涉及把伯 公土地搬往別 的位置,我可不知道有甚麼這類事情是被視為鄉村的事務, 而非原居民的事務。
I am not aware of what other affairs which are considered that of the village but not that of the indigenous inhabitants.
以色列的土机 1 月9 日拆除了位于被占领的东 耶路撒冷谢赫贾拉赫居民区内具有历史价值的牧羊 [...]
人酒店,其目的是在耶路撒冷城的核心地带修建一个 由 20 套住房单元组成的新定居点,这再次清楚表明, 以色列坚持继续推行其危及和平进程的定居点政策。
The demolition by Israeli bulldozers of the historic [...]
Shepherd Hotel in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of occupied East
Jerusalem on 9 January, carried out in order to build a new settlement of 20 units in the heart of the city, is yet another clear sign of Israel’s persistence in continuing its settlement policies, which endanger the peace process.
亚马逊盆地土机构协调组织 (COICA) 是一个代表 400 多个本土团体的伞式组织,该 [...]
组织 1994 年得知以上专利。
The Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of [...]
the Amazon Basin (COICA) – an umbrella organisation representing over
400 indigenous groups – learned of the patent in 1994.
2009 年 12 月 8 日,古巴公司 Construimport 通过巴西公司 Surimpex 对属于日本的“巴西小松有限公司”发出进口 15 台交易垫挖掘机、20 台反铲和 4 台土机的招标,估计价值 550 万美元。
On 8 December 2009, the Cuban company, Construimport, invited the Japanese firm, Komatsu Brasil International Ltda, through Brazilian company Surimpex, to submit a bid for 15 crawler excavators, 20 backhoe loaders and 4 road graders, worth approximately US$ 5.5 million.
尽管需要拟定实际操作的细 节(例如薪酬级别和这两个组织若不在一个工作地点的话会涉及 搬 迁 成 本),但机构认 为这种交流对工作人员和组织都有利。
While the actual implementation details would need to be developed (for example regarding the level of
remuneration and the
[...] costs of relocation if the two organizations are not in the same duty stations), agencies [...]
viewed such exchanges
as beneficial to both the staff members and the organizations.
防止机土壤中 汞造成的生态效应的初步临界极限 定为土壤总汞含量 0.07-0.3mg/kg。
Preliminary critical limits to prevent ecological effects due to mercury in organic soils have been set at 0.07-0.3 mg/kg for the total mercury content in soil.
[...] 加经委会除其他外还考虑到,如果联合国其 机 构 选 择 搬 进 来 与拉加经委会共同 使用服务,所选的房地产是否可在今后容纳它们。
Throughout the process of evaluating the new options, ECLAC took into consideration, inter alia, suitability
for accommodating other United Nations agencies in the future
[...] should they choose to move in and share services [...]
with ECLAC.
每年都有数以 千计的农民成为征土地、强迫搬迁 和 另行安置的受害者,这种情况可能会因为 新的全球“争夺土地”现象而达到前所未有的程度。
Every year, thousands of peasant farmers are the victims
[...] of expropriation of land, forced evictions and [...]
displacements - a situation that could
reach an unprecedented level owing to the new phenomenon of the global “land grab”.
塞威爾若要達到目標,工作內容必須非常明確,全國三分之二居民住在都市裡,其至又有三成是城市、鄉鎮、村落邊緣的簡陋木屋,許多缺乏電力、供水與衛生設備,面對民怨高漲,塞威爾承受龐大壓力,且必須盡速完成,可是若要在鄰近市區處清出可供社區發展 土 地 ,就 得 搬 遷 現 有聚落,然而一如往例,此舉必然引發爭議。
In order to clear land for community development
close to cities, existing shack
[...] settlements have had to be moved and, as the Joe Slovo [...]
project shows, this has not been without controversy.
(一) 根據《工廠及工業經營(負荷物移動機械)規例》,在建築地盤 內使用的某些類別機器,包括土機 、 搬土 機 和 挖掘機等,須由 持有有效證書的人士操作,而這些證書要由勞工處處長認可的機 [...]
(a) Under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Loadshifting Machinery) Regulation, certain
types of machines used on construction
[...] sites, including bulldozers, loaders and excavators, [...]
are required to be operated by
persons holding valid certificates issued by training organizations recognized by the Commissioner for Labour.
也是在 1982年,设计师明智地将发机搬到了 驾驶舱的前面,并在 LMA 原型车中达到了巅峰状态。
Also in 1982, the engine
[...] was judiciously moved in front of the [...]
cockpit, culminating in the prototype known as the LMA, an
acronym that, according to different interpretations, may mean 'Lamborghini Motore Anteriore' or 'Lamborghini Militare Anteriore'.
即使在安装了 APC 的情况下,因工件可机器侧面搬出 而亦无损其接近性。
Accessibility is not lost even when the APC is attached, since the workpieces are delivered from the sides of the machine.
此外,在 2011 年 1 月 23 日星期日,以色列人用土机毁坏 更多的巴勒斯坦农地,将伯利恒以南 Al Khader 镇的橄榄树、几十个葡 萄藤和扁桃树连根拔起,以便扩建只有犹太人可以使用的绕行道路,供附近 [...]
In addition, on Sunday, 23 January
[...] 2011, Israeli bulldozers destroyed more Palestinian agricultural land, uprooting olive [...]
trees and dozens
of grapevines and almond trees in the town of Al Khader, south of Bethlehem, for the purpose of expanding a Jewish-only bypass road to serve the illegal settlement of “Daniel” nearby.
此外,需搬迁土著人民的项目和提议为商业目的使用土著人民的文化资源、知 识、创新或做法的项目,也适用上述规定。
It is also required when the
[...] project entails relocation of indigenous peoples and [...]
when the project proposes to use the cultural
resources, knowledge, innovations or practices of indigenous peoples for commercial purposes.
您可 以通过将机搬到更为干燥的位置来加速蒸发时间。
You can speed up the
[...] evaporation time by moving the imager to a dryer location.
[...] 既定做法和确保执行《宣言》所定最低保证提供了 机 , 土 著 人 民将可充分和有 效地参与世界会议所有阶段,包括筹备进程。
The high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples provides an opportunity for the United Nations to continue this established practice, and to ensure the implementation of the minimum standards set by the
Declaration, by securing the full and effective
[...] participation of indigenous peoples at all [...]
stages of the World Conference, including in the preparatory processes.
此外,4月3日,以色列占领军突袭了伯利恒以西拜特贾拉市的 Al-Makhrour 地区,用土机拆毁了巴勒斯坦人的 2 所住房、1 [...]
口水井、1 条道路和 53 根电线 杆,使该地区至少 12 个巴勒斯坦家庭的电力供应中断。
In addition, on 3 April, the Israeli occupying forces raided the Al-Makhrour area of the
city of Beit Jala, west of Bethlehem, and
[...] carried out the bulldozer demolition of [...]
two Palestinian homes and a water well, a
road and 53 utility poles, cutting off the electricity to at least 12 Palestinian families in the area.
Suitable for handling of parts, machining and machine tending.
(h) 所有選擇特惠現金津貼-居屋選項的住戶成員應承諾,除 非常特殊情況外,永久放棄申請任何形式的資助房屋或相 關福利的權利;及 (i) 住戶需於指定日期內,申請特別援助 搬 離 需 清拆土 地。
(h) all household members choosing the EGCA-HOS option should undertake not to apply for any form of subsidised housing or related benefits once and for all unless under very exceptional circumstances; and
(二 ) 船搬遷後 騰 出土 地,連 同 在 毗 鄰填海築 成的土 地,會根據青 衣 分 區 計 [...]
劃 大 綱 圖 , 用 作 地區休憩用 地 及 設 置 政 府、機構 或 社 區 設 施。
(b) The vacated sites
[...] together with the adjoining land to be formed by reclamation [...]
will be used for the provision of district
open space and government/institution/community facilities in accordance with the Tsing Yi Outline Zoning Plan.
食物权问题特别报告员发出的大多数紧急呼吁也都是基于有关 征土地、强制搬迁和 另行安置的指控。32 近年来的全球“争夺土地”现象使 [...]
这些问题又增加了新的内容,因为一些国家的政府和公司在其他国家购置和租赁 大片生产用地,将生产的粮食出口运回本国,或种植生物燃料,以满足全球北方 国家的燃料需求。
From 1995 to 2005, Foodfirst Information and Action Network International worked on more than 100 cases of violations of the right to food, and concluded
that the majority of them were related
[...] to expropriation of land, forced evictions and [...]
displacements.31 Most urgent appeals
made by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food are also based on allegations of expropriation of land, forced evictions and forced displacements.32 The recent phenomenon of global “land-grab” has added another dimension to these concerns as Governments and companies seek to buy and lease large tracts of productive land in other countries, to food to be exported back to their countries, or to grow biofuels to fill the petrol tanks of those in the global north.33 21.
水/油热交换器 公路和越野应用 我们为挖机、推土机、采 矿及探钻机、林业设备、农业设 备、压碎及处理机器、物料输送、卡车及公共汽车、施工设 [...]
备、道路施工设备、列车、应用于冷却柴油机的特殊压缩 机、液压及传动油、发电机以及压缩机等提供合适的冷却
解决方案,并且同样为独立运作的应用作业提供简单的机 油冷却方案。
We offer cooling
[...] solutions for excavators, dozers, mining and drilling [...]
rigs, forestry equipment, agricultural equipment,
crushing and processing, material handling, trucks and buses, construction equipment, road construction equipment, trains, special compressors applied for cooling of diesel engines, hydraulic and transmission oil, generators and compressors as well as simple oil cooling for stand-alone applications.




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