

单词 搬口

See also:

move (sth. relatively heavy or bulky)
copy indiscriminately
move (i.e. relocate oneself)

External sources (not reviewed)

政府最大 的失誤是「搬㆟口,後加設施」。
The Government's biggest
[...] blunder is "to move the population first and to provide [...]
facilities later".
我们的角色不是搬动 伤口里的刀。
However, it is not for us to turn the knife in the wound.
由於近幾搬往新市鎮 的口大增,特別是屯門、葵青、沙田、大埔和㆖水等新市鎮,14 歲以㆘兒童㆟口佔 該類市鎮總㆟口的 [...]
11 至 12%。
As the population in new towns have greatly increased [...]
in recent years, especially that in Tuen Mun, Kwai Tsing, Sha Tin,
Tai Po and Sheung Shui and so on, children below 14 now comprise of 11-12% of the total population of the new towns.
其 次,污 水最終搬 到 珠 江 口,不 單 止 令 珠 江 口 及 其 外 圍 漁 場 受到損 害 , 而 且 也 會 禍 及 香港水域 。
Ultimately, sewage will be diverted to the Pearl River estuary, damaging the estuary and its peripheral fishing ground as well as the Hong Kong waters.
从全球范围看,被搬迁的人口有可能超过 3 亿,可能造成的资产损失 无法估量。
On a global scale, the population that would have [...]
to be relocated could be more than 300 million, and the potential loss of assets is incalculable.
风暴过后,马德修米达的父母收拾了所剩无几的家当,一家 口 人 搬 到 了位于森德班三角洲戈萨巴镇的一个泥筑堤岸上。
After the cyclone, Madhumita's parents
collected the little that remained of their
[...] household effects and moved the family of nine [...]
to a nearby mud embankment in Gosaba, in the Sunderbans delta.
由於產業用地變更為住商混合用地,市中心也亟欲振興,工業或許也得被迫尋找其他地點,政府應積極鼓勵工 搬 遷 至 人 口 較 不 密集之處,而重工業及物流服務恐怕就是無法與空間創造工程並存。
Industry may be coerced to find alternative locales due to industrial-to-mixed-use conversion and town core revitalisation; plainly put, relocation should be actively encouraged to less sensitive sites.
雖然政府當局表示,新措施會大大減低入 口 岸 “螞 蟻 搬家 式 ” 合法帶口的免稅香煙被非法轉售的機會 ⎯⎯ 因為每次攜帶1包 香煙的成本也是很高的,以及政府過去打擊私煙的工作已漸見成效。
This is in spite of the Government's claim that the new measure will significantly reduce the incidence of bringing in duty-free cigarettes legally in an "ants-moving" manner for resale [...]
(because the cost of
carrying one packet of cigarettes is rather high), and that the effects of the Government's anti-illicit cigarette efforts have started to be felt.
(二 ) 鑒於該邨居民因重建而有需要調遷,而非自行安排搬遷,政 府會不會作出特別安排,容許他們把 搬 遷 前的 戶 口 內 的所 有電費補貼餘額,轉到新調遷單位的戶口繼續使用;及
(b) as residents of the Estate need to be transferred due to redevelopment and are not moving out of their own accord, whether the Government will make special arrangements to allow them to carry forward all unused portions of the subsidy credited to their accounts prior to the removal for further use in the accounts of the units they will move into; and
法例修訂通過 後,葡萄酒 商 不 再 須 為口 或出口 、 製 造 、 貯存搬遷這 些貨品 而 申請任 何 牌 照 或許可證 。
After the passage of the legislative amendments, wine traders will not
have to apply for licences or
[...] permits for the importation or exportation, manufacturing, storage or movement of such goods.
然而,李華明議員及陳偉業議員認為,倘若本港需要保留兩 間屠房,政府當局應把荃灣屠搬遷 至 人 口 密 度 較低的地區,以解決 荃灣屠房造成的滋擾問題,該問題多年來一直困擾鄰近居民。
Mr Fred LI and Mr Albert CHAN, however, expressed the view that, if there was a case
to retain two slaughterhouses in the territory, the Administration should reprovision TWSH
[...] in a less densely populated area in order to [...]
solve the problem
of nuisances caused by TWSH which had been bothering nearby residents for years.
因此,即使農戶不滿補償金額,可以先遷 出後申索,不應以此為口拖延其搬 遷 的 計劃。
They should not
[...] use this as an excuse to defer moving out.
香 港 第 二 季 的 港 口 貨 物 處 理 量增長 8%,而 毗 鄰 的 深 圳 港 口,上 半 年 增 長 幅 度 則 超 逾 50%, 貨 櫃 處 理 量 甚至已超 出 原 先 預 計 的 處 理 能 力 , 可見深 圳 港 口 冒 起 速度 之 快 , 不 少 出口 商 亦 坦 言 , 收費低搬 往深口 的主要 原 因。
Despite a 8% growth in Hong Kong's port cargo throughput in the second quarter, the neighbouring Shenzhen ports recorded a growth of over 50% in the first half of the year, with their container throughput even exceeding the handling capacity originally estimated.
全部口将搬迁, 已经脆弱的社区将进一步 受到威胁。
Whole populations would be on the move and already [...]
vulnerable communities would be further threatened.
[...] 住,接着搬入廉租屋,其後因為進了香港大學,而大學有租金優惠,所以我 們便租住私人樓宇,把原本石蔭邨(那時候,我們是由大 口搬 往 石 蔭邨) 的公屋交回政府。
Later on, after securing a job in the University of Hong Kong, I became entitled to a rent allowance. So we moved into a rented private flat, and in the
meantime, we surrendered the PRH flat in Shek
[...] Yam Estate (we moved from Tai Wo Hau to Shek Yam Estate) [...]
to the Government.
我真的想問 你,主 席 ⎯⎯ 如果你可以開口 ⎯⎯ 你認搬遷政府部門/總部 是否能夠促成任何經濟規模呢?
I really wish to ask you, President ― if you
can say something ― whether you
[...] would think that the relocation of government departments/headquarters [...]
can bring about
any scale of economic development?
采矿业的快速增长、基础设施的建设与扩张导致大量 口搬 迁 , 而且经常 未获得他们的知情同意。
Rapid growth, the development of infrastructure and the
expansion of mining industries, had all led to massive
[...] displacements of populations, often without [...]
their informed consent.
根據《進出口條例》的規定,轉運貨物指符合以下所有描述的進口物品: a. 是憑全程提單或全程空運提單從某個香港以外地方托運往另一個香港以外 地方的;並且 b. 是已經或將會移離運載其進口的船隻、飛機或車輛,並已經或將會在口 前搬回同 一船隻、飛機或車輛,或移送至另一船隻、飛機或車輛的,而不 論其是否或會否直接在該等船隻、飛機或車輛之間移送,亦不論其在進口 後會否在香港卸下和儲存,以待出口。
14. Having regard to the need of those leaving Hong Kong for powdered formula for personal use, our proposal is that not more than a total net weight of 1.8 kg of powdered formula may be carried by each person aged 1611 or above.
當時沒有居屋和公屋,只有徙置區和廉租 屋,這一家口便搬到馬頭圍道的一個廉租屋單位。
At that time, there were no Home Ownership Scheme flats and public housing, and there were only resettlement areas and low-cost housing estates.
此外,还进行法外处决和任意拘留,受保护平民 的生活条件更加困难,口被强迫搬 迁 , 其行动受到限制,其目的是尽量减少巴 勒斯坦的人口因素,防止巴勒斯坦人民行使其自决权。
In addition, extrajudicial killings and arbitrary detentions have been carried out, the
conditions under which
[...] protected civilian populations live have been made difficult, populations have been forcibly [...]
relocated and restrictions
placed on their movements with a view to minimizing the Palestinian demographic factor and preventing the Palestinian people from exercising its right to self-determination.
內務委員會主席表示,該條例草案與《 2008
[...] 年應課稅品(修訂)條例草案》有關,旨在訂定條文, 令為徵稅而設的牌照/許可證(包括為 口 / 出 口、 貯存、製造搬遷這 些貨品)的安排暫時不再適用於 指定酒類飲品。
The Chairman said that the Bill, which was related to the Dutiable Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2008, provided for the suspension of the licensing/permit
arrangements hitherto
[...] required for import/export, storage, manufacturing and movement of the selected [...]
alcoholic liquors for
the purpose of duty collection.
[...] 但因為社區爭拗多年,至政府真正撥款興建,天橋在落成後,社區的需 求其實已轉變,可能附近的地鐵站 口 已 搬 到 別 處。
Why? Because there were indeed such demands during the initial construction period, but there has actually been a change in the needs of the community upon the completion of the footbridge after the Government really allocated funds to have it built
after years of dispute in the community, with the nearby Mass Transit Railway
[...] exit having been probably moved elsewhere.
有一個一家口的家庭搬遷到東涌,他們是由東區的柴灣搬遷到 東涌的,但最後也因無法抵受高昂的交通費 [...]
⎯⎯ 雖然最後保留了公 屋,但一家四口也要返回東區租住一個房間。
A family of four moved from Chai Wan in the [...]
Eastern District to Tung Chung but in the end, they cannot bear the exorbitant
transport fares ― although in the end, they retained their public housing unit, this family of four had to move back to the Eastern District by renting a room.
咨询委员会获悉,出现这种增长的部分原因是更多办事 搬 到联 合国建筑群里,预期下一个两年期提供的公共服务将增长高达 20%。
The Committee was informed that this increase was
[...] partly due to the move of additional [...]
offices into the United Nations complex and
that an increase of up to 20 per cent in the level of common services provided was anticipated for the next biennium.
至於有關土地的 問題,地政總署會負責處理設口岸 所 涉及 搬 村 、收地及清拆事宜, 並已成立專責小組,與竹園村受影響村民緊密聯繫,商討搬村事宜。
On land issues, the Lands Department is responsible for handling village removal, land
resumption and clearance matters arising from
[...] implementation of the BCP development and has set [...]
up a dedicated team on village removal
to liaise closely with the affected villagers of Chuk Yuen Village.
隨 著 競 爭 對 手口 漢 陽 港 搬 遷 至 陽 邏 區 , 武 漢 陽 邏 港 可 [...]
首 次 與 其 處 於 同 等 的 競 爭 地 位 , 爭 取 費 率 較 高 的 武 漢 本 地 集 裝 箱 , 自 此 提 高 貴 集 團
於 武 漢 本 地 貨 櫃 市 場 的 佔 有 率 。
As a result of the relocation of the competiting [...]
port, Hanyang Port, to the Yanglou area, WIT Port is able to compete on
an equal footing with it for the first time for Wuhan sourced containers, which attract higher tariff rates, and thereby increase the Group’s Wuhan sourced cargo market share.
鉴于基本建设总计划时间表安排紧凑,而且基本建设总计划时间表 上的任何延误都会产生连带费用,所以秘书长提议从 2009 年 7 月 1 日起 租用一个商业数据中心设施,并雇用国际电子计算中心,由它在这个现 成可用的设施内安装新的信息和通信技术(信通技术)设备,将所有系搬迁到新的二级数据中心,并管理新的二级数据中心的一些业务(见 A/63/743)。
In view of the strict time schedule and the associated costs attached to any delay in the schedule of the capital master plan, the Secretary-General proposed to lease a commercial data centre facility, starting on 1 July 2009, and to engage the services of the International Computing Centre to install new information and communications technology (ICT) equipment in this readyto-use facility, migrate all systems to the new secondary data centre and manage some of the operations of the new secondary data centre (see A/63/743).
[...] 控,如:在审讯中采用酷刑或虐待,把囚犯当 搬 运 工或者在军事方面作为“人 体盾牌”,将囚犯转移到边远区域的设施内,使他们无法接受家属探访或基本药 [...]
The Special Rapporteur continued to receive allegations of torture and
ill-treatment during interrogation, the use of
[...] prisoners as porters or “human [...]
shields” for the military and the transfer of
prisoners to facilities in remote areas where they are unable to receive family visits or packages of essential medicine and supplemental food.
他们 认为,食品标签委员会应认真检查列在指南里的所有功能类别标签的需求, 搬 运 工 具 和包装气体,而且应讨论为贴标签用来说明类别标题所用术语的易懂性。
They considered that the Committee on Food Labelling should carefully examine the need for labelling of all functional classes listed in the Guidelines, such as carriers and packing gases, and that the understandability of the terms used to describe the class titles for labelling purposes should be discussed.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他人无法与他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住 搬 走 , 而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.




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