

单词 搞花样

See also:


do v
make v
set up v

take care of
get hold of
go in for

花样 n

trick n
type n

External sources (not reviewed)

第六點,為何我 們花費大量金搞醫療 融資,而不做好健康飲食法呢?
Sixth, why do we spend large sums of money on health [...]
care financing but not properly promoting healthy diet?
不断 要求内部监督办公室扩大审计范围以及财务审计处在双年度结束 搞 清 理 工作, 样 做 对资 源的使用率极低也很不当。
A regular monitoring mechanism has to be developed and implemented throughout the
biennium and the recurring need for
[...] an extensive audit by IOS and cleaning operations by DCO [...]
at the end of the biennium is a
highly inefficient and inappropriate use of resources.
他早應問責辭職,正經的民主 大搞不好,卻花了這麼多時搞這 個 無謂的遞補機制,他早就應該 為推動民主不力而引咎辭職。
While neglecting the important duty of promoting the development of democracy, he has spent so much time on this meaningless replacement mechanism.
但是,我不明白為甚麼政府願花 2,500 億搞基建,也不肯拿出錢 來完成這些市民期待已久的社區建設?
However, I do not understand why the
[...] Government is willing to spend $250 billion on infrastructure [...]
projects, but is reluctant to provide
the capital to complete such community projects which the people have been longing to have for a very long time?
虽然大家对便携式防空系统深切感到关注,但 本区域的当局和全球各地的安全机构已承认 样 一 个 事实,即在利比亚基本上 可搞到的其他武器,如爆炸物、火箭榴弹、反坦克制导武器和重机枪,对于 用于反叛运动而言可能特别具有吸引力,并可能增加武装团体或恐怖团体与正 规军作战的能力。
While concerns about man-portable air defence systems are very serious, authorities in the region and security agencies around the globe have acknowledged the fact that other weapons that are largely available in Libya, such as explosives, rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank guided weapons and heavy machine guns, are likely to be particularly attractive for use in insurgencies and to increase the capacity of armed or terrorist groups to fight regular military forces.
[...] 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不 断花样翻新 ,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 [...]
询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以较贴近
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources,
news distribution platforms are
[...] rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools [...]
are revolutionizing the way in
which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.
[...] 使用者一樣,我碰到軟硬體功能不如預期的狀況時,或是發現 花 一 堆 時間 搞 懂 操 作時,都已經見怪不怪了。
As a regular and experienced pc and windows-user, I am used
to hardware and software not functioning
[...] properly, or only after spending much time fiddling with all [...]
sort of controls.
你以為放花、搞奧運、搞世博,便可以為這個政權 沖喜一下嗎?
Do you think that displaying fireworks and holding the Olympics [...]
and the World Expo can court a bit of luck for this regime?
如果搞下去,所花的錢 會越來越多,於是類似美國公共醫療保險的問題便會出現。
Further action will only burn more money, and give rise to public medical insurance problem like that of the United States in the end.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,样可以 从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要花 好 几 天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
[...] 监督的措施,在整个双年度期间加以实行。不断要求内部监督办公室扩大审计范围以及财务 审计处在双年度结束搞清理工作, 样 做 对 资源的使用率极低也很不当。
A regular monitoring mechanism has to be developed and implemented throughout the
biennium and the recurring need for
[...] an extensive audit by IOS and cleaning operations by DCO [...]
at the end of the biennium is a
highly inefficient and inappropriate use of resources”.
天哪,看来是时候抛弃我那一成不变的IKEA厨房钟 搞 个 像 这 样 的 钟 了。
Gee, it’s time to get rid of my boring IKEA kitchen clock and buy one of these instead.
作为“2012世花样滑冰 大奖赛”中国站的首席赞助商,LEXUS雷克萨斯希望通过一系列的活动让公众能够更好地参与 花样 滑 冰 运动中来,并亲身感受这项运动的乐趣与魅力,促进中 花样 滑 冰 项目的推广与普及。
Lexus China cordially invites you to visit its booth in Hall W4 at the China International Exhibition Center (New Venue) from April 25 to May 2 to experience its brand new product lineup and the unique charm of the Lexus brand.
由教科文组织非洲地区教育办事处(BREDA)领导的修订工作始于 2000 年年初,其 目的在于使 1981 年《阿鲁沙公约》适应高等教育环境和非洲高等教 花样 的 变 化。
The revision process, led by UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Education in Africa (BREDA), started early 2000 with the aim to adapt the 1981 Arusha
Convention to the changes of the higher education environment and the
[...] amplifying diversification of higher education in Africa.
既 然全世界已有眾多學府(包括北京大學)在講求研究工作,我們是否真的花那麼多錢搞研究 工作、寫那麼多文章,以令我們的教授或大學在國際上擁 [...]
Since so many universities all over the world (including the Beijing University)
lay emphasis on research, do we
[...] really, and still, have to spend so much money on research, [...]
on academic papers, on making
our professors and universities internationally famous?
People rely on us to instigate the Bauhinia Revolution?
厄瓜多尔必 须再次重申,它无条件遵守不干涉别国内部事务的原 则,绝不像在最近其它一些案例中,其中可能最可悲 的例子就是伊拉克样搞什么 特例或歧视。
Ecuador cannot but reiterate once again its unconditional respect for the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, without the exceptions or discrimination that have characterized other recent cases, perhaps the most pathetic example of which is Iraq.
如果你想进行其他一个Google所能够完成的功能,天哪,首先,你必须 搞 明 白 怎 样 找 到它,然后,你得考虑该用那些功能当中的哪一个,然后,你还 搞 明 白 怎 样 使 用 它。
If you want to do one of the many other things Google is
able to do, oops, first
[...] you have to figure out how to find it, then you have to figure out which of the many offerings to use, then you have to figure out how to use it.
配方含花样年华 护肤素的顶级精华,有助于抚平细纹和皱纹。
Formulated with the superior benefits of Super Restorative skin care, it helps smooth lines and wrinkles.
经过现场调查,最高法院得出的结论是,“监狱 里的居住环境寒酸破旧并且拥挤不堪(最大容量为 1 800 人,在检查的时候实际却 有 3 245 人或者更多),缺乏能够满足基本人道需求的物质条件,很少能喝到可饮 用水以及吃花样丰富 营养均衡的健康食物,很少有人能够有一个用来休息的床 或垫子,也很少有人能够享受体检或治疗的待遇;牢房里既没有电灯也没有通风 窗,而且还缺少卫生设施;既没有锻炼身体和消遣娱乐的场所,也没有劳动改选 的计划(……)。
After conducting an on-site investigation, the Court found that the inmates “live in dangerous and overcrowded conditions [with a maximum capacity of 1,800 inmates, at the time of inspection there were 3,245 inmates, or more than double the capacity], without the means to satisfy their basic human needs, with no regular access to sources of drinking water or healthy food (varied, balanced, and nutritious), no beds or even mattresses, and no effective medical care, (preventive or therapeutic), the dormitories lack light and natural ventilation, and have no hygienic sanitary facilities; there are no areas for sports or recreation, no educational or training programmes, and no work programmes to facilitate their positive reintegration into society (...).
他们探究物体花样什么都有,如抓握、摇晃、挤 压、抛掷、丢物、手手相传和撞击等等。
These children explore objects in many different [...]
ways such as through grasping, shaking, squeezing, throwing, dropping,
passing from hand to hand, and banging.
他們既要香港擁有 具備高知識的勞動人口,但卻不願自 花 錢 搞 培 訓,也不資助本地大學搞研 究,甚至在香港這處已經是所有經濟發達社會中稅率最低的地方,他們也不 肯多繳一點稅,資助本地教育發展,到真的出現人才短缺的時候,便只懂得 迫政府輸入內地專才。
While they want a highly educated labour force in Hong Kong, they are not willing to spend their own money on training and do not give financial support to local universities for researches.
根据研究的结论,研究所提出一种消除差距的战略,其中包括跨文化教育 和培训;作出政策规章的变更,解决卫生规划按社会经济状况划 线 搞 得 五 花 八门 的状况;进行卫生体制干预,推广采用临床实践准则;必要时提供语文翻译和文 化诠释;收集更多的资料深入细致了解这个问题。
Based on the findings of the study, the Institute recommended a strategy to eliminate disparities that would include cross-cultural education and training; policy and regulatory changes to address the fragmentation of health plans along socio-economic lines; healthsystem interventions to promote the use of clinical-practice guidelines; language and cultural interpretation where needed; and the collection of further data to refine the understanding of the problem.
例如一直以來,“泛民”陣營 的議員說要反對預算案,要求“財爺”你下台,說要公開招聘財政司司 長來代替你,說搞“紫荊花革命 ”來配合“茉莉花革命”,是這樣的。
For instance, Members from the pan-democratic camp have all along opposed the Budget and urged the Financial Secretary to resign.
该馆内主要进行游泳、跳水花样游 泳、现代五项运动中的游泳项目,该馆最主要的特色是壮观的波浪型屋顶,长160米,宽80米,其跨度比伦敦希斯罗机场的5号航站楼还长。
It will be hosting
[...] swimming, diving, synchronised swimming, [...]
and the swimming element of the Modern Pentathlon, and features
a spectacular wave-like roof that is 160 m long and up to 80 m wide, giving it a longer single span than Terminal 5 at London Heathrow Airport.
本双年度的特点是,伙伴关花样繁 多,预算外资金(包括在联合国发展集团名下 的),特别是给遗产保护及起草关于保护和促进文化表现形式多样性的国际公约和关于保护 [...]
The biennium was characterized by
[...] a significant diversification of partnerships [...]
and a considerable increase in extrabudgetary
resources (including under UNDG), especially directed towards heritage preservation and the preparation of international conventions on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions and on the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.
它們其實有一個特色,便是由於地產商的貪 婪和唯利是圖,所以不停在他們所投到的土地上 搞花 樣 ”,例如地積比 率、這樣、那樣的,可是,政府在規劃時卻沒有考慮到。
They actually share a characteristic and that is, as the property developers are avaricious and set eyes only on profit, they have kept on "playing tricks" on the sites that they have won in auctions by way of, say, the plot ratio, or this and that.
SRK指出,这些令人鼓舞的结果是建立在非常有限的数据集——仅限地表 样 — — 的基础上 搞 清 这 些矿石的化学成分,特别是储藏深度,还需要做更多的研究分析工作。
SRK note that these encouraging results are based on a very
[...] limited dataset, surface samples only, and that full understanding [...]
of the chemistry of the
mineralisation, especially at depth, awaits additional work.
这可能只是我个人的观点,但是上海骗子的数量最近几个月似乎爆发式增长,结果媒体报道现在似乎定期出现最 花样 的 骗 局。
Perhaps it’s just my personal view, but it seems like the number of con artists in Shanghai has exploded in recent months, with the result that media reports now appear regularly about the latest sophisticated racket.




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