

单词 搞掂

See also:


do v
make v
set up v

take care of
get hold of
go in for

External sources (not reviewed)

原來是沒有的,只能自己搞 掂”。
The answer is no. He can merely take care of himself.
在城大條例草案上次恢復二讀時,我也提到我們留意到一些其他大學的 校董會仍未搞掂”。
Last time, during the resumption of the Second Reading debate of the Bill on the
City University, I did mention that we had noted that the Councils of other universities were
[...] still not quite "OK" yet.
拉電纜,安裝水喉, 固然要廠戶“一手一腳”,“自 搞掂 ” ,就連四周的牆壁,也是要由廠戶 自行“砌”上的。
The laying of electrical cables and the installation of water taps were all DIYs and the tenants had to take it upon themselves to do the work.
來來去去也是這一句,便是如何 搞掂 ” 提 名委 員會,令中央最後可以接受。
It all boils down to the same thing and that is, how the nominating committee should be tampered with to ensure acceptance by the Central Authorities.
去年,我在 內會之下的一個小組委員會(即研究殘疾人士的交通需要及為他們提供 公共交通票價優惠的事宜小組委員會)擔任主席,我去年是很樂觀的, 我發現雖然我是老了,但仍然很天真,去年我以為可以 搞掂 ”。
I found out that although I had grown older, I was still rather naive, thinking last year that the matter could be fixed.
以我初步看來所得的感覺和感受 ─ 我是用良好的主觀意願來看此 事的 ─ 便是內地可能想提供的信息是,如果香港能 搞掂 ” , 不如先由 我們盡量自行搞掂”, 如果真的不能 搞掂 ” ,才提交上來吧。
From my preliminary impressions and feelings ― and I am looking at this matter with my subjective goodwill ― the message that the Mainland wants to give is that if Hong Kong can fix this problem, perhaps we should fix it on our own by all means.
所以,主席,我很想問局長,他可否承諾會協助徹底解決這問題,徹底 地到位,而唯一的方法,是真的要 搞掂 ” 司 法機構。
So, President, may I ask the Secretary whether he can promise to help resolve the problem radically?
至於無謀,政府最“叻”的是說:“唏!你叻的話, 便 搞掂 40 席,咁搞掂啦! 你們不用負責任,你們沒有責任,你們夠叻的話 便 搞掂 40 席好 了”。
With regard to the lack of strategy, the best the Government could say is "Hey, if you are clever enough, just snap up 40 seats, and you will do whatever you like!
如 果大家 反 對調查、不進行調查的 話 , 便 可 胡 里 胡 塗 的 了 事,說說司長繼續留任,為香港服務;又 說 司長有 高 尚 情 操、是 嚴重疏 忽 等 , 便 可 繼續搞 掂 它 "
If everyone opposes the inquiry, and no inquiry is conducted, then the issue would be allowed to get by under muddled circumstances, and someone would say the Secretary should be allowed to remain in his post to serve Hong Kong; or someone would say the Secretary has noble aspirations, and that is a serious omission and so on, and then the issue could continue to be "fixed up".
當然,數年前,我獲得某些資料 和取得承諾,聽說此事已經進行的了,快要“飯熟”的了,可能會 搞掂” 的了。
Several years ago, I obtained some information and was given an assurance that an operation was already underway, that the "rice was almost cooked", and that the mission might be accomplished pretty soon.
如果電力公司是國營的,政府可以完全把事情搞 掂”; 如果電力市場是自由開放的,便會有競爭。
If the power companies are run by the State, the Government can settle the problem perfectly.
有些人還說,香港是法官治港,所 以在數年前便搞掂”了 傳媒,現在便要 搞掂 ” 法 院。
Some people have even said that Hong Kong is ruled by the Judges, therefore a few years ago the mass media have been "fixed", and now they have to "fix" the Court.
主席女士,我絕對不覺得在這個時候,政府應只是解決當前婦產科服務 不足的問題,以為投放資源搞掂” 婦 產科便可以解決問題。
At this point, Madam President, the Government should definitely not seek merely to resolve the current problem of inadequate obstetric and gynaecological services by thinking that the problem experienced by the obstetrics and gynaecology departments can be resolved properly through injection of resources.
我曾跟很多精神病康復者和其家屬傾談,發覺原來向精神科求診是一回 事,康復後原來是沒有人跟進的,是要病人自己 搞掂 ” 的
After chatting with many ex-mental patients and their family members, I found that seeking psychiatric consultation was one matter.
問題是,政府似乎是說了一半、不說另一半,現時有所謂的孕婦潮襲港 ─ 即使我們看到的數字是每年以大約一倍的升幅上升,現時所談論的其實 是大約 1 萬名 ─
[...] 政府當初是不願意進行調查的,認為沒有需要,我們不 用說那麼多,他們自己能搞掂”, 只要在出入境做點工夫便行。
It is said that a wave of pregnant women is assailing Hong Kong ― even though we find that there has been a two-fold increase in the figure each year, we are actually talking about 10 000 people ― initially, the Government was unwilling to conduct any survey, considering it to be unnecessary, that there was
no need for us to say so much, that they could fix the problem by
[...] themselves and that it would only be necessary [...]
to do something in immigration clearance.
有可能是該職員本身喜歡而故意這樣 做,但另一個可能便是受到上級指令,限定要兜售至某一個配額,要員 工搞掂”。
However, another possibility was that he had been instructed by his superior to meet certain quotas and employees were told to get the job done.
但是,我們必須明白一點,便是現時的政 府 ⎯⎯ 行政長官曾蔭權 ⎯⎯ 並非是由中央領導人欽點的,即他不是 像董建華般獲江澤民欽點,可以直通“天庭”,曾蔭權是因為董建華被唾 棄,他才於急忙之中擔任替工,而且亦由於他聲言會 搞掂 ” 泛 民主派, 令他們支持政制方案,因此上任的。
However, we must understand one point, that is, the present Government ― the Chief Executive, Donald TSANG ― was not ordained by the central leadership, that is, he was not ordained by JIANG Zemin, as TUNG Chee-hwa was who could have direct access to the top echelon.
作 為議員、公眾人物也好,作為民意代表,更應該當看到一些不正義、不 恰當、不公平的事,絕對不可以在私底下“摸杯 搞掂 ” , 這便是黑箱政 治。
As Members, public figures, or representatives of public opinions, on seeing instances of injustice, impropriety and unfairness, they should all the more refrain from clinching secret deals over the dinner table.
如 果 只 考慮年 齡 , 現 時的做 法會出現 一 種 危 險 , 那便是 父母只要是年屆 55 歲 或 以上, 他們無 須 失 業,即使是富爸爸、 富 媽媽, 只要子 女 供 養 他們便搞掂” , 便可以享有該 項免稅額。
If we only take the age factor into consideration, then the current practice will pose another danger, that is, as long as the parents are over 55, they need not to be unemployed, even if they are rich fathers and mothers, as long as their children maintain them, and they can enjoy the allowance.
毛主席搞農村運動,是因為一些無地農民要租地, 今天,香港當然是全無農村了,但所有生活在香港的人均受到地主或 大地產商剝奪 ⎯⎯ 是盤剝,不是剝削 ⎯⎯ 平買貴賣,或貴買然後 更貴賣便已經搞掂”了
Today, of course, there is no village to speak of in Hong Kong, but all the people living in Hong Kong are exploited by landlords or major property developers ― they are being fleeced rather than just being exploited ― buy low, sell high or buy high, then sell even higher and that would do the trick.
在那個時候,當局開始看到 經濟前景“掂”,居民的收入在下降,如果再加租,便會增加壓力。
At that time, the authorities began to see that the economic outlook was not that good and people's income was falling, so more pressure would result if rent was increased.
你常常說掂”,而且 常常甚麼也不做。
You always claim that everything is fine, and you just sit back and relax, doing nothing at all.
主席先生,我謹以這個「㆒掂」服 務概念結束我的演辭,並支持動議。
Mr President, I now conclude my speech with this concept
[...] of "One Station OK" services and [...]
I support the motion.
她最后说,报 告提出要采取统观全局的方针搞清 楚并解决歧视和暴力侵害妇女问题。
She concluded the report by presenting a proposal for a holistic approach to understanding and addressing discrimination and violence against women.
所以,我不知道黃宜弘的修 正案會遭到甚麼命運 ─ 我亦不會祝他好運,但我卻知道吳議員的議案便 一定“掂”。
Therefore, I do not know how Dr Philip WONG's amendment will fare ― I will not wish him good luck but I know that Ms NG's motion will definitely not fare well.
寶翠園當時現樓的地積比率 是少於一倍的,根據當時的發展藍圖,寶翠園可以容許的地積比率是八 倍,所以它不但可以“樓換樓”,甚至是“一間樓換兩間樓”,它亦是可以 “計掂”的發展項目。
The plot ratio of the development at The Belcher's at that time was less than one fold and according to the development plan at that time, the plot ratio allowed in the site of The Belcher's was eight times, so it is a viable development project without even resorting to the approach of a flat for a flat or even a flat for two flats.
施 政 報 告 多 次 提及:香港因中央支持 而受惠 , 香港得到中 央 政 府 的 有力支 持 , 令行 政長官 增 添 對 前途的 信 心 等 , 與行政長官 那 句 名 言 : “ 國家好 、香港好 ” 同 出一轍 , 充分反映他 的 治 港 哲 學 : “掂就 靠 國家” , 一如他過去管理家族 生 意時那 樣。
The policy address has repeatedly mentioned Hong Kong benefiting from the Central Authorities' support, the confidence of the Chief Executive in our future being boosted by the Central Government's firm support for Hong Kong, and so on. This way of thinking is of the same nature as that of the Chief Executive's famous phrase of "Hong Kong will be fine when the nation is fine", and is fully reflective of the Chief Executive's philosophy of governance, that is, "when in trouble, turn to the nation for help", which is the same as the philosophy he held when taking charge of his family's business in the past.
人民和领土是构成国家的两个因素(加到规范体系中),不可分离;不过, 如果仔掂量, 套用海牙法院过去一位法官的话就是,“是人民决定领土的命运, 而非领土决定人民的命运”。
People and territory, - regarded as two of the constitutive elements of statehood (added to the normative system), - go together; yet, when placed on balance, to paraphrase a Judge of the Hague Court of the past, “it is for the people to determine the destiny of the territory and not the territory the destiny of the people”57 .
我希望局長也發揮民間智慧,多接見環保團體和小型回收 商,看看有何積極措施,令我們可以真正落實政府的政策,可以真 搞 好環 保回收的行業。
I hope he can exploit ordinary people's wisdom by meeting with green groups and small recyclers more frequently to examine what proactive measures can be taken to enable government policies to be truly implemented to better the development of environmental industries.
她指出,凡搞非集 中化都会对老的习惯、做法、所 获得的好处和所形成的看法提出质疑,为了获得成功,文化和精神状态都必须改变。
She pointed out that any process of decentralization puts into question old habits, practices, acquired advantages and visions and must be accompanied by a change of culture and of mentality in order to succeed.




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