单词 | 搞定 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 搞定verb—fixv搞定—wangle settle See also:搞v—dov makev set upv 搞—take care of get hold of go in for 定v—orderv setv fixv decidev
5.支持多Blog系统:假如你需要放2,3或100个不同的Blog/新闻聚合在你的网站上,只需一次安装就能搞定。 javakaiyuan.com | 5. Support multi- Blog system : If you need to put 2, 3 or 100 different Blog/News Aggregator on your website, you can get just one install . javakaiyuan.com |
在福克斯冰河工作的日子里,我们员工的三餐都由饭店搞定。 4tern.com | During the working days in Fox Glacier, [...] our staff meals are prepared by the hotel. 4tern.com |
依场景分割功能将为您搞定这样的 工作 site.theimportsworld.com | The Split by scene feature will do that job for you. site.theimportsworld.com |
用图表控件来创建一个漂亮的图表分分钟就能搞定。 evget.com | Building a beautiful chart is a matter of minutes with the chart control. evget.com |
极为方便的所见即所得的界面编辑器Web界面使用拖拽轻松搞定,大大降低开发时间. javakaiyuan.com | very convenient WYSIWYG interface Builder Web interface using drag and drop easy to get, greatly reducing development time. javakaiyuan.com |
在网上的话,只需要几个按键就搞定。 4tern.com | If you are doing your tax return online, just a few clicks away will do. 4tern.com |
短短几分钟之内即可搞定安全的无线网络。 belkin.com | Get your secure wireless network up and running in minutes. belkin.com |
当然,在网页中也有一些不太规范的数据与表格,这样的数据,Excel处理起来,稍稍有一点难度,不过只要熟悉Excel的操作功能的话,还是可以轻松搞定的。 oapdf.com | Of course, in the pages do not regulate some forms of data, such data, Excel to deal with a little bit difficult, but as long as familiar with the Excel function of the operation, or can easilyget the. oapdf.com |
程序简单易用,以上一切操作均可轻松搞定。 zulu-dj-softwa...n.uptodown.com | All this can be done with no problem because it works really well ad it is very easy to use. zulu-dj-softwa...n.uptodown.com |
一旦安装了CFCS之后,安装向导管理器会帮助您建立您首选的图表类型并提供可视化的属性列表方便您修改图表属性,因此,您根本不需处理任何复杂的属性设置或者编写任何代码,以往繁琐的功能设置现在只需要一键搞定。 evget.com | The Wizard manager will help you setup your preferred chart type and visual attributes, without even handling properties or writing code. evget.com |
一键搞定的薄膜厚度和折射率台式测量系统。 cn.filmetrics.com | Tabletop systems for measuring film thickness and refractive index with a single mouse click. filmetrics.com |
安装简单不需打孔或安装电缆,使用螺丝刀就可以搞定。 bauergroup.com | Most simple [...] mounting without piping or wiring [...]- only screw driver required! bauergroup.com |
关于代昆迪、乌鲁兹甘、塔哈尔和萨尔普勒这其他 四个办事处的最后安排,目前正在继续与合作伙伴讨论,将于年底前搞定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Discussions with partners on final [...] arrangements for the other four offices in Daikundi, Uruzgan, Takhar and Sari Pul are [...] continuing andwill be finalized byyear end. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你是一位图片编辑爱好者,正需要使用多种图片编辑软件为图片进行分类处理,管理图片,又或者需要为图片增加特效,那么我们推荐你使用这款名为Photoscape的图片编辑软件,只需Photoscape在手,一切都可以顺利搞定。 photoscape.cn.uptodown.com | If you search the web you'll find programs to edit photos, to catalog them, manage, organize, add effects, but if you have arrived here, you have found one which have all those features includedin just one interface: Photo Scape. photoscape.en.uptodown.com |
烹调肉类时,经常会出现做熟的肉依然很硬的现象,尤其是冻肉,口感特别差,这里教你几招小 窍门,轻松搞定 chinese.mccda.co.uk | When cooking meat, the cooked meat is still very hard and the taste is not good. mccda.co.uk |
如果用最快速便捷的方法将任务搞定、对过程中的其他参与者充耳不闻,忽略了合作者认为重要的事情,也就失去了合作的意义,同时意味着忽略了建立人际关系最重要的步骤。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | If you take the shortest path to finishing the project and steamroll everyone else in the process, you miss out on real collaboration and end up with a result no one’s really happy with...not to mention all the relationships you’ve destroyed in the process. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
如果选择其他供应商,您就必须花费大量资源自行构建 hybris 已经推出的开箱即用式电信解决方案:繁复的配置与绑定、订阅定价与按使用量定价及拆分订单履行等全部搞定。 hybris.com | With others, you'll spend your resources just to custom-build what hybris offers as an out-of-the-box telco solution: Complex configuration and bundling, subscription and usage pricingand split order fulfillment. hybris.com |
特别报告员认为,国际社会再一次面临紧迫需要,对这些事态发展以及以 色列拒绝谈判停火而大搞定点清除和其他法外处决的做法作出反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur believes that there is renewed urgency for the international community to respond to these developments, as well as to the continuing Israeli rejection of negotiated ceasefire in favour of its pattern of reliance on targeted assassination and other extrajudicial killings. daccess-ods.un.org |
而数位通国际所推出的「数位管家,一指搞定」服务,从规划到建置一次完成,包括设备安装建置、网路接线、基本管理、网路设备OS版本更新服务、定期检查、新增或更换模组及记忆体、网路连线问题诊断、硬体维护等,期望一举解决企业对内部网管监控服务的困扰,并能节省成本支出,倍增企业竞争力。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Therefore, eASPNet brought forth the “Digital Housekeeper with a FingerTouch”service is aimed to provide a one-time and complete service package from planning to installation, which include device installation and setup, network connection, basic management, OS version update service for the network equipment, regular inspection, addition or replacement of modules and memory, troubleshooting for network connection, hardware maintenance and so on. taiwanslot.com.tw |
只要轻松动动您的拇指,就能安稳地坐在沙发上,享受单手操控的全新感受,浏览网页、汇报或是享受音乐、电影、相片、电子书等娱乐活动,全都一手搞定 geniusnetusa.com | As easy as moving your thumb tip, you can lean back and enjoy its total controlling capability for web browsing, presentation or other entertainment features like Music, Movie, Photo, and ebook! geniusnetusa.com |
Tt eSPORTS身为世界电竞配备领导品牌,致力於全球电竞活动赛事的同时也观察到玩家为了需要携带电竞配备,作长时间的比赛,进而量身打造出符合人体工学设计的斗龙键盘包;斗龙键盘包搭配Tt eSPORTS品牌色系,除了可作为保护游戏键盘之外,并可同时收纳滑鼠及滑鼠垫或体积较小的3C产品,轻松收纳一次搞定。 ttesports.com.tw | Specifically designed for those who travel with their gaming gears - especially their gaming keyboard – Battle Dragon Keyboard Bag serves as to protect your gaming keyboard and as a traveling kit. ttesports.fr |
2001 年,可持续发展委员会认定, 搞不搞核能的决定由各国根据其需求、能力和目标自行作出。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2001, the Commission on Sustainable [...] Development concludedthat the decision on the use of nuclear energy [...]rested with individual countries [...]according to their needs, capacities and goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
并且,为了使是次讲场更出火花,主办单位决定「搞多D嘢」,同时邀请了刚於全艺社(AFA)开了个人展览的本地画家戴永宁同来「Jam一Jam」。 yp.mo | Moreover, in order to further “stirring things up”, we have also invited local artist Nick Tai to a sort of “Jam session” at the Ox Warehouse. yp.mo |
她最后说,报 告提出要采取统观全局的方针,搞清楚并解决歧视和暴力侵害妇女问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | She concluded the report by presenting a proposal for a holistic approach to understanding and addressing discrimination and violence against women. daccess-ods.un.org |
她指出,凡是搞非集中化都会对老的习惯、做法、所 获得的好处和所形成的看法提出质疑,为了获得成功,文化和精神状态都必须改变。 unesdoc.unesco.org | She pointed out that any process of decentralization puts into question old habits, practices, acquired advantages and visions and must be accompanied by a change of culture and of mentality in order to succeed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
虽然大家对便携式防空系统深切感到关注,但 本区域的当局和全球各地的安全机构已承认这样一个事实,即在利比亚基本上 可以搞到的其他武器,如爆炸物、火箭榴弹、反坦克制导武器和重机枪,对于 用于反叛运动而言可能特别具有吸引力,并可能增加武装团体或恐怖团体与正 规军作战的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | While concerns about man-portable air defence systems are very serious, authorities in the region and security agencies around the globe have acknowledged the fact that other weapons that are largely available in Libya, such as explosives, rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank guided weapons and heavy machine guns, are likely to be particularly attractive for use in insurgencies and to increase the capacity of armed or terrorist groups to fight regular military forces. daccess-ods.un.org |