

单词 搜身

搜身 ()

do a body search

See also:

hunt for
madder (Rubia cordifolia)

External sources (not reviewed)

他們認為當局須向被進行此搜身的 人士解釋進搜身的理由,以及將有關理由記錄在案。
They considered that the reasons for
[...] conducting such a search should be explained to the persons being searched and recorded.
(e) 说明用以确保被拘留者了解自己享有投诉权的监管机制,并确保投诉 人不因投诉而受到实施脱搜身或肛 腔检查的警察局、移民局或拘留所官员的报 复。
(e) Please provide information on the oversight mechanisms in place to ensure that detainees are aware of their right to complain, as well as to ensure that those who do complain are not subject to retribution by police, immigration or detention officials who carried out the strip or body-cavity search.
(9) 如 所 進 行 的 徹搜 身 衹 是 與 藥 物 罪 行 有 關 的 搜 查 , 則 不 可 在 警 署 內 進 行 。
(9) An intimate search which is only a drug offence search may not be [...]
carried out at a police station.
黃宜弘議員建議警方應探討是否有可能購置設備協助警方進 行搜查,冀能盡量減低進行脫光衣 搜身 的 需 要,以及在私隱、人權 及尊嚴方面為被羈留者提供更佳保障。
Dr Philip WONG suggested that the Police should explore the possibility of acquisition of equipment
to assist it in the conduct
[...] of searches, with a view to minimising the need for strip searches and providing better [...]
protection for the
privacy, human rights and dignity of detainees.
委員關注到以值日官沉重的工作量,加上規 定須因應《警務處程序手冊》所述多項因素決定搜查範圍,以及個案
[...] 負責人員的職級可能較值日官為高的事實,應由職級較高的人員(例如 警署內最高級的人員),負責授權進行任何涉及脫去所有衣物 搜身。
Members are concerned that in view of the heavy workload of a DO and the requirement for the scope of search to be determined having regard to a number of factors referred to in FPM as well as the fact that the officer-in-charge of a case may be of a higher rank than a DO, a higher-ranking officer, such as the most senior
ranking officer in a police station, should be responsible
[...] for authorizing any search involving complete removal [...]
of clothing.
委员会还建议,实施缔约国公布的电子监控手段,并广泛使用这些机制, 以便完全取搜身的做法。
The Committee further recommends the implementation of the electronic detection methods announced by the
State party, and the widespread use of such mechanisms, in order to eliminate
[...] the practice of body searches altogether.
他們並建議政府當局在《警 察通例》及《警務處程序手冊》清楚訂明進行涉及脫去所有衣物搜 身的準則,以及規定只有在無可避免和絕對有需要的情況下,才可進 行涉及脫去所有衣物搜身。
They also suggest that the Administration should clearly set out
in PGO and
[...] FPM the criteria for conducting searches involving complete removal of clothing, and the requirement that a search involving complete removal of clothing [...]
be conducted only when it is inevitable and strictly necessary.
(4) 如 所 進 行 的 徹搜 身 衹 是 與 藥 物 罪 行 有 關 的 搜 查 , 則 須 由 適 當 的 合 資 格 [...]
人 士 負 責 檢 查 。
(4) An intimate search which is only a drug offence search shall be [...]
way of examination by a suitably qualified person.
(c) 對 該 人 進搜 身 以 確 定 是 否 有 任 何 物 件 是 有 助 於 ( 不 論 是 其 本 身 或 連 同 其 他 物 品 )調 查 該 人 所 犯 任 何 罪 行 , 或 有 理 由 懷 疑 其 曾 經 違 犯 、 或 即 將 違 犯 , 或 意 圖 違 犯 的 罪 行 ; 及 (d)搜 身 所 需 合 理 時 間 內 拘 留 該 人,以 便 對 該 人 進搜 身 。
(c) to search the person for anything that is likely to be of value (whether by itself or together with anything else) to the investigation of any offence that the person has committed, or is reasonably suspected of having committed or of being about to commit or intending to commit; and
她相信若議員曾被脫光衣搜身,他 們將 會支持讓該小組委員會立即展開工作。
She believed that Members would have supported the activation of the Subcommittee immediately if they had
[...] experienced strip search personally.
[...] 澤西州刑事司法服務處已把" 對警務人員進行脫光衣搜身或體腔搜 查所訂的規定和程序"上存於其網站,並建議當局把有關搜查被羈留者 [...]
Noting that the Division of Criminal Justice of the State of New Jersey in the
United States of America has
[...] uploaded the Strip Search and Body Cavity Search Requirements [...]
and Procedures for Police Officers
onto its website, members have suggested that more information on the procedures for the search of a detainee should be uploaded onto the Police's website for access by members of the public.
(a) 作出更清晰的指示,訂明只有在非常有限的情況下方可進行 涉及脫去所有衣物搜身
(a) to give a
[...] clearer indication that searches involving complete removal [...]
of clothing should only be conducted in very restrictive circumstances
其實,當警務人員接受入職培訓, 甚至資深的警務人員接受在職培訓時,也會接受關 搜身 的 訓 練,特別是那 些所謂的值日官。
Actually, training on conducting searches will be included when police officers receive induction training or when experienced police officers, especially the so-called Duty Officers, receive in-service training.
根 據 上 述 法 院 判 決 , 如 果 警 方 在 進搜 身 時 並 無 解 釋 理 由 , 而 說 明 理 由 本 來 是 可 行 的 , 則 警 方 便 不 是 在 執 行 其 職 務 ,搜 身 可 能 會 構 成 毆 打 ( 或 非 禮 ) 。
The effect is that if a search is conducted without reasons being given, and it would have been practicable to give reasons, the police are not acting in the execution of their duty, and the search may constitute an assault [...]
(or an indecent assault).
刑事诉讼法典》规范取得证据的方法,规定有许可权之当局可进 搜身 从而 查看犯罪可能遗下之痕迹,或任何有关罪行之物证。
The CPC deals with the means of obtaining evidence, establishing, inter
alia, that the competent authorities
[...] may carry out body searches with a view to determine [...]
whether the perpetrator has left
any vestiges or any material evidence concerning the crime.
(6) 在 符 合 下 文 第 ( 7 ) 款 的
[...] 規 定 情 況 下 , 如 監 管 人 員 認 為 有 需 要 向 一 個 人 進搜 身 , 以 便 執 行 上 文 第 ( 1 ) 款 所 規 定 的 職 責 , 這搜 身 便 可 以 進 行 ,搜 身 的 程 度 , 則 視 乎 監 管 人 員 認 為 為 達 到 上 述 目 的 所 需 [...]
要 而 定 。
(6) Subject to subsection (7) below, a person may be searched if the custody officer considers it necessary to enable him to carry out his duty under subsection [...]
(1) above and to the extent that the
custody officer considers necessary for that purpose.
在 2009 年 12 月 25 日有人企图破坏西北航空公司 253 号
[...] 航班后,国际民航组织鼓励会员国进行一次风险评估,并实施适当的检查措施, 其中可能包括炸药痕迹侦测技术 搜身 检 查 或不时使用侦测爆炸物的警犬小组。
Following the attempted sabotage of Northwest Airlines flight 253 on 25 December 2009, ICAO had encouraged Member States to conduct a risk assessment and implement appropriate screening measures, which might include the
application of explosive trace detection
[...] technology, physical searches or randomly deployed [...]
explosive detection canine teams.
最近,出現了很多警察濫權的案件, 包括脫搜身的個案,甚至強姦案等。
Recently, there were many cases involving the abuse of power by the
[...] police, including strip search and even rape.
當局現已使用 手提金屬探測器協助警務人員搜查被羈留者,此舉亦有助評估 應否進行第三級搜查(即涉及脫去內衣 搜身 )。
Handheld metal detectors were being used to assist Police officers in searching detainees and this
would also help to access whether
[...] level III searches (i.e. searches involving the removal [...]
of underwear) should be carried out.
搜 身 必 須 由 一 名 註 冊 醫 生 或 註 冊 護 士 進 行 , ‚ 除 非 該 名 屬 警 司 或 以 上 職 級 的 警 務 人 員 認 為 此 舉 並 不 可 行 ‛ ( 第 5 5 ( 5 ) 條 ) , 在 此 情 況 下 , 有 關搜 身 將 由 一 名 和搜 身 人 士 性 別 相 同 的 ‚ 警 員 負 責 執 行 ‛ ( 第 5 5 ( 6 ) 、 ( 7 ) 條 ) 。
The search must be undertaken by a registered medical practitioner or registered nurse ”unless an officer of at least the rank of superintendent considers that this is not practicable” (section 55(5)), in which case it “shall be carried out by a constable” of the same sex as the person searched (section 55(6), (7)).
请说明采取了哪些实际措施确保有效监督执法人员遵守关于对被拘留 者和囚搜身的准则。
(a) Please provide information on the practical steps taken to ensure
effective monitoring of compliance by law enforcement officials
[...] with the guidelines on search of detainees and prisoners.
如有合理理由怀疑在押的外国人身上携带第 8
[...] 节或《麻醉药刑法》规定该外 国人不得拥有的物品,可对该外国人进 搜身 检 查 (1968:64)。
If there are reasonable grounds to suspect that an alien who is being held in detention is carrying something on his or her person that the alien is not permitted to possess under
section 8 or under the Penal Law on Narcotics
[...] (1968:64), a personal search of the alien may be [...]
carried out to check this.
其實,我們在公聽會上聽到不少少數族裔人士的投訴,當中特別指出警 察在執行法例時,例搜身或他 們到警署報案時,他們可能要脫去身上所有 衣服,或在出入境時受到不公平對待。
In fact, in the public hearings, we could hear complaints from quite a number of members from the ethnic minorities. Some of them pointed out in particular that when
police officers took such law
[...] enforcement actions as body searches or when they went to [...]
police stations to make reports, they
might have to take off all their clothes or when going through immigration control, they were subjected to unfair treatment.
委员会还关切的是,规范狱搜身频 率 和方法的 程序由狱方自己决定。
The Committee is further concerned
that the procedure regulating the
[...] frequency and methods of searches in prisons and detention [...]
centres is determined by the prison authorities themselves.
前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭、卢旺达问题国际法庭、塞 拉利昂问题特别法庭和国际刑事法院都将冲突中的性暴力行为界定为包括性奴
[...] 役、强迫卖淫、强迫怀孕、强迫绝育或任何其他同等严重程度的性暴力行为,如 非礼、贩运、不恰当的医疗检查和脱 搜身 等。
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the International Criminal Court defined conflict-related sexual violence to encompass sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other forms of sexual violence of
comparable gravity, which may include indecent assault, trafficking, inappropriate medical
[...] examinations and strip searches.
包括老年妇女和儿童在内,均必须接受脱衣检查 搜身 。 另 一个屡次 收到的指控则是严重拖延发放探视卡。
Another recurrent complaint was the significant delays in issuing visitor cards.
湯家驊議員: 主席,根據《警察通例》,將被扣留人士安置在臨時羈留 處或羈留倉前,警署值日官或其指派的人員須先為被扣留人 搜身 , 在 搜身 時或 須該等人士除下最貼身的衣物(下稱“脫 搜身 ” )
MR RONNY TONG (in Cantonese): President, according to the Police General Orders (PGOs), the Duty Officer of a police station, or an officer detailed by him, will search a detained person prior to the person being secured in a
Temporary Holding Area or
[...] cell block, and the search may involve the removal of the person's clothing worn next to the skin (strip searches).
根据内务部条例,转押期间不允许提供药品,而且同样的条例阐明,在罪 犯从一个监狱转押至另一个监狱时,必须进 搜身 , 包 括 搜 查 他们的个人物品。
8.5 Under the regulations of the Ministry of Interior, medications are not allowed during the transfer and the same regulations state that
convicts being transferred from one prison to another are subject
[...] to personal search, including a search of their belongings.
(5) 除 上 述 第 ( 4 ) 款
[...] 規 定 外 , 如 要 進 行 徹搜 身 , 則 須 由 一 位 適 當 的 合 [...]
資 格 人 士 負 責 檢 查,除 非 一 位 屬 警 司 或 以 上 職 級 的 警 務 人 員 認 為 這 是 不 可 行 的 。
(5) Except as provided by subsection (4)
[...] above, an intimate search shall be by way of [...]
examination by a suitably qualified person
unless an officer of at least the rank of superintendent considers that this is not practicable.
(2) 一 名 警 務 人 員 不 可 為 了 搜 查 任 何 物 件,而 授 權 向 一 個 人 進 行 徹搜 身 , 除 非 他 有 合 理 理 由 相 信 , 如 果 不 進 行 徹搜 身 , 便 無 法 找 出 該 物 件 。
(2) An officer may not
[...] authorise an intimate search of a person for anything unless he has reasonable grounds for believing that it cannot be found without his being intimately searched.




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