

单词 搜肠刮肚

See also:


milk people dry
rake in (money)

External sources (not reviewed)

楚王为了得到宝球就一定会先把你杀掉,并且还会剖开你 肚 子 , 把你 肠 子 一 寸一寸地剪断来寻找宝珠。
To get the
[...] pearl, the king will definitely cut open the belly.
他们还指出,需要为更好地监测婴儿配方粉中的阪 肠 杆 菌 提供 帮助。
It was also indicated that assistance was needed for better surveillance of E. sakazakii in powdered infant formula.
如果改革不能對症下藥,不 能重新思考如何為社會提供最適切的醫療服務,而只是計較政府如何可節省 一些金錢,市民如何多付一些錢,但整個醫療體制的運作卻不能讓市民生活
[...] 得更健康,生命更有保障,這不是改革,只可說 搜刮。
If the reform cannot administer the cures according to the ailments and cannot lead to a rethink on how best to provide the most appropriate medical service to society, but cares only about how the Government can save money and how the public can be made to pay more, without enabling the operation of the entire health care
system to make the public lead a healthier life and offer greater protection of their lives, it
[...] is not reform but fleecing.
此外,肾脏疾病、糖尿病肠胃疾 病及神经系统疾病和精神疾病发病率正 [...]
In addition, incidences of renal diseases,
[...] diabetes, gastro-intestinal diseases and [...]
diseases of the nervous system and mental
disorders are on the increase, with increasing deaths reported from such diseases.
即使 本协议有任何相反规定,但仍然不得违反以下禁止事项:(a) 复制或改编人才网的网页HTML代码; b)使用或企图使用引擎、手动或自动软件、工具、
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robots, avatars or
[...] intelligent agents) to navigate, search, access, “scrape,” “crawl,” or “spider” [...]
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試想想,當醫生正 在為病㆟把脈或肚子不 適的病㆟檢查,又或者有位牙醫正在替病㆟拔牙,而另㆒隻手, 卻拿 [...]
電話筒,嘗試回答有關本條例草案的問題,而本條例草案又是這樣的複雜,連我自 己也不得不承認,在理解方面感到困難。
Just imagine, a doctor feeling the pulse of a
[...] patient or a tummy of somebody with tummy ache, or a dentist [...]
trying to pull out teeth on
the one hand and holding a telephone on the other, trying to answer questions relating to the current Bill, which is so complicated that I, myself, have to admit that I have difficulty to apprehend.
当粮食紧缺时,老年人往 往自己饿肚子,让家人先吃。
When food is scarce, older persons tend to compromise their own access in
[...] favour of other family members.
[...] 我们在过去曾看到我们的国家受到腐败现象的侵蚀, 但幸运的是,我们仍然能够填肚子 , 仍然有能力把 我们自己组织起来,反对那些认为中饱私囊乃领导者 [...]
In Georgia, where we saw corruption destroying
our nation, we were fortunate to still
[...] have food in our bellies and the ability [...]
to organize ourselves to fight against those
who believed that self-enrichment was a right of leadership.
這便是由於政府的所謂私營化和外判化 的,助長這羣退休高官和財閥的高層人員,成為社會的寄生蟲,剝削市民的 權利搜刮民脂民膏,殘民以自肥。
All these are attributable to the Government's so-called privatization and outsourcing policies which help encourage retired senior officials and top managers of consortia, who in effect are the parasites of society, to exploit the people's rights, to squeeze money from the people, thereby reaping gains at the expense of the people.
我認 為,政府應該挺身而出,停止協助大地產商繼 搜刮 民 脂 民膏,方能解 決小商戶和小市民層層被剝削的問題。
In my opinion, the Government should come forward and stop assisting major property developers in squeezing the people dry, only in this way can the problem of small shop operators and ordinary people being exploited at each tier be resolved.
我們明白,根據現行的可加可減機制,港鐵加價有其根 據,但港鐵的業績顯示,該公司連年大賺過百億元以上,如果我們繼
[...] 續准許港鐵按照既定的可加可減機制加價,就仿如容許貪 搜刮 民脂 民膏,相信這是社會不願看到的情況。
We understand that there are grounds for the MTRCL to increase fares under the existing fare adjustment mechanism, but as the MTRCL has over $10 billion profits in the past few years, if we still allow the company to increase fares
under the established fare adjustment mechanism, it is tantamount to allowing
[...] corrupt officials to squeeze the people dry.
此方向可将打印感光乳剂上刮伤减到 最低。
This orientation minimizes scratching of the print emulsion.
但是,早前兩間電力公司(“兩電”)瘋狂加價尚言猶在耳,增加天 然氣在發電燃料的比例,恐怕會再給兩電一個加價的藉口,實在難保 兩電在環保的光環下,不會又趁機大 搜刮 一 筆
But while the crazy tariff increase proposals put forward by the two power companies some time ago still ring in our ears, I am afraid an increase in the proportion of natural gas in the fuel mix for power generation would give the two power companies another excuse to increase tariffs.
通过使用中间罐存储结晶进料,可以对单一 阶段的结晶器离心机刮刀进 行维修,而无需关闭整个联合装置。
It has been possible to maintain the
[...] centrifuges and scraper blades in individual [...]
crystallizer stages without shutting down
the complex using intermediate tankage to store crystallization unit feed.
此类管制不适用于肠出血性大肠埃 希 氏菌 O157 和其他产生志贺样毒素的 血清型相关的核酸序列,但志贺样毒素或其亚单位的核酸序列编码除外。
These controls do not apply to nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O157 and other verotoxin producing strains, other than those coding for the verotoxin, or for its sub-units.
然而,冬季的空氣污染水平較高,這是由於冬季 刮 北 或東北季候風,令香港以外的 排放污染源造成更多的跨境空氣污染所致。
The air pollution level in winter months, however, is much higher
[...] because the prevailing north or north-easterly [...]
monsoon would bring in more trans-boundary
air pollution caused by emission sources outside Hong Kong.
我從事工會運動數十年,我不 能說香港沒有具社會在責任的良好僱主,但形形式式、錙銖必較、為了九牛 一毛利益,甚至連保障工友權益最低標準的勞工法例也置諸不理,務求把工 友最後一分一毫也搜刮乾淨 的也不少。
I have been in the union movement for decades, while I cannot say that there are no good employers in Hong Kong, there are also quite a number of employers who act in various ways and means and who haggle over every ounce, and who for trivial interest are willing to pay no attention to the most basic standards provided in the labour laws in order to flay and fleece the last cent from the workers' pockets.
領匯的例子,便是一個由退休高官和財團組成的剝削基層員工俱樂部, 不斷透過政府的政策,令這些人和財團可變本加厲,剝削低層市民的權利搜刮民脂 民膏,使退休高官和財團高層的薪酬越來越高,花紅越來越豐厚, 也令等待退休的人日後可有更高薪、更厚祿。
The example of The Link Management demonstrates that it is a club consists of retired senior officials and consortia for the purpose of exploiting the grass-roots employees. Through certain government policies, these people and consortia strive even harder to further exploit the rights of the grass-roots people and squeeze the maximum benefits out of them, thus enabling retired senior officials and top managers of the consortia to earn even higher salaries and bonuses now, and those senior officials awaiting retirement to enjoy higher salaries and bonuses in future.
存在任何类型的凹陷刮痕、 凸起部分或其它表面缺陷的卡套管将难以密封、尤其是 [...]
Tubing with any kind
[...] of depression, scratch, raised portion, [...]
or other surface defect will be difficult to seal, particularly in gas service.
政府的所有政策都是縱容小圈子選舉的那些選民 ⎯⎯ 那800個代 表機構、銀行、地產公司、其他大財團的選民 ⎯搜刮財富
All government policies connive at the voters in a small-circle election ― the 800 voters representing institutions, banks, property developers and other large consortia ― extorting people's wealth.
財務委員會在 2005 年 6 月批准把 177CL 號工程計劃「沙田新市 鎮-餘下工程」提升為甲級,按付款當日價格計算,估計所需費用為 4 億 9,160 萬元,以提供主要的基礎設施,包括道路網絡、排水和排污 系統,用以為沙田水泉澳區和肚區 提 供基礎設施。
In June 2005, the Finance Committee approved the upgrading of 177CL “Sha Tin New Town - remaining engineering works” to Category A at an estimated cost of $491.6 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide the essential engineering infrastructure, including road network, drainage and sewerage system, to support the planned development at Shui Chuen O and Kau To, Sha Tin.
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国
[...] 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒 搜 查 行 动以收回非法 武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 [...]
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms
embargo for use by the national police,
[...] undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve [...]
illegal weapons, protect key United
Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
部分委員關注到上述"有合理理由懷疑"的門檻過低,並認為 應採用"有合理理由相信"此一較高的門檻,原因是有關手令是為了 進入搜查該 處所以檢取證據;因此,有關法官在簽發有關手令時 應加倍審慎。
Some members have expressed concern that the above threshold of "reasonable grounds to suspect" is too low, and opine that a higher threshold of "reasonable grounds to believe" should be adopted instead considering that greater care should be exercised for issuing warrant for entering and searching premises to seize evidence.
这一项 目产生了加倍的效果,并且引起全世界对其社区广播 中利用因特网、“从因特网搜寻广 播”节目的开拓 性做法及其用于促进发展的社区多媒体数据库的浓厚 兴趣。
It produced a multiplier effect and it elucidated strong interest worldwide in its use of the Internet with community broadcasting, its pioneering “radio-browsing” programmes and its multimedia community database for development.
律政司動議㆓讀:「㆒項修訂與警司警誡少年罪犯有關的法律、撤銷與出版有關的某些 罪行、修訂關於在刑事法律程序㆗某些程序事項的法律、修訂影響律師及外國律師執 業的法律、授權律政司向法庭申請委任司法受託㆟、使若干條例在㆒些次要方面合理
[...] 權㆟民入境管理隊的成員在某些情況㆘持手令進入㆞方 搜 查 、修訂關於囚犯在監管 ㆘釋放的法律、修訂關於將去世㆟士的遺體或其部分用於治療或其他獲准目的的法 [...]
THE ATTORNEY GENERAL moved the Second Reading of: "A Bill to amend the law relating to juvenile offenders cautioned by police superintendents, to abolish certain offences relating to publication, to amend the law relating to certain procedural matters in criminal proceedings, to amend the law affecting solicitors' and foreign lawyers' practice, to enable the Attorney General to apply to the court for appointment of judicial trustees, to rationalize and improve minor aspects of various Ordinances, to dispense with the requirement for supervising officers of female offenders or probationers to be female, to
empower members of the Immigration
[...] Service to enter and search with warrant under [...]
certain circumstances, to amend the law
relating to release of prisoners under supervision, to amend the law relating to the use of deceased persons' bodies or parts thereof for therapeutic or other permitted purposes and to provide for other miscellaneous and minor amendments.




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