

单词 搓揉

揉搓 noun ()

torture n

See also:

rub or roll between the hands or fingers


External sources (not reviewed)

在手搓揉起泡 的同時釋放壓破式顆粒功效,達到清潔同時保養的完整效果。
Knead in the palm of the hand, while the release [...]
of pressure foaming Particle break the effectiveness of cleaning at the
same time to achieve the full effect of maintenance.
介於霜狀與乳狀的滋潤質地,加 搓揉 後 便 可產生大量細緻泡沫,溫和洗去臉部肌膚的殘留污垢。
A rich and delicate lather deeply cleanses and comforts skin.
非洲渔民打完渔回家后,会将叶片置于手 搓揉 , 以 去除鱼腥味。
African fishermen rub them into their hands to remove the fishy smell when they come home from work.
Add water to cleansing foam and rub to create lather.
最後隨意挑出幾撮髮絲,用手搓揉 , 使 線條更豐富。
Pick out a few strands and rub them with fingers to create an airy effect.
所谓盐腌渍大马哈鱼,那就是将在秋季时捕获上来的大马哈鱼用大量的 搓揉 腌 渍 并存放1周左右后,去除盐分,之后再曝晒于冬季的日本海的季节风中数周,以这样的制作方式制作而成的大马哈鱼正是此地的代表作品。
It is made of salmon fished in autumn; rub a lot of salt in and keep for about one week, and then remove salt before semi-drying [...]
against the winter
winds from the Japan Sea for a few weeks.
正确的洗手过程包括:先在水龙头下把手淋湿、涂上肥皂、双手用 搓揉 至 少20秒、用水冲洗干净、最后用干净的毛巾或擦手纸将手擦干净。
The correct hand washing process includes wetting the hands with running water, applying soap, lathering well, rubbing hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds, rinsing well, and drying with a clean or disposable towel.
徹底清洗拆開的面罩組件(不包括頭帶),在溫度適宜(約30°C)的溫和 肥皂水中輕揉搓。
Thoroughly clean the separated mask components (excluding headgear),
[...] by gently rubbing in warm (approximately [...]
30°C) water using mild soap.
当他张开嘴时,人们因为难以置信 揉搓 双 眼 ——整场演出中这个魔法都在持续,让每一个观众的灵魂都陶醉了。
When he opens his mouth, people rub their eyes in disbelief – this magic continues all through the show, enchanting every soul in the audience.
將少許橄欖油淋在肉塊上,撒上少量調味料後,再均 揉搓 肉 塊 ,以自己的喜好烹調便可。
Simply add a trace amount of olive oil and seasonings on meats and to cook according to personal flavour.
假髮雖然可以洗,但不推薦經常洗,除非是太太髒了,才應該拿出來洗~洗的時候要注意,不能用 搓 , 要 輕輕 地 揉 , 用 手指疏通髮絲即可~用水沖 的話,水流一定要細,不能使勁衝哦,髮絲可是很柔弱的呢~另外,梳理的時候,尤其是長直發,一定不能一梳到底,要分段,從發尖往上,慢慢 疏通.要是起靜電的話,就用自來水或者護理液噴灑一點在上面,再用手梳理一下就行拉!
Although the wig can be washed, but not recommended to wash frequently, unless the wife is dirty, should it come to wash to wash when to pay attention, can not rub their hands to gently rub with your fingers to clear the hair can to water rushed , water must be fine, not hard red Oh, the hair, but very weak to another when combing, especially with long straight hair, not a comb in the end to be segmented from the hair tip up slowly dredge if electrostatic spraying with tap water or care solution point in the above, and then comb line pull by hand!
树皮可以用搓绳, 果实可以用来制作一种深受非洲儿童喜爱的柠檬口味的饮料,树叶可以用来入菜,同时也具有滋补、消炎、止泻的作用。
The bark is used to make rope, the fruit [...]
is made into a lime-flavoured drink very popular with African children while its
leaves are used in cooking but also for their toning, anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrhoeal benefits.
研究 的第一階 段 集 中 評估本港的噪音環境,研究工作包括在 市區及 郊區的
特定地點量度噪音;於日間和晚 間在受各類活動噪音影響的地點量度 噪 音;在 設 有和沒 有 隔 音 屏障的地點量度噪音,以 及量度一般社交活 動 所發出的噪音,例如 酒 樓 進 膳 、
[...] 聽手提 鐳射唱片機、 看 電視搓麻 將等活動所發出的噪音。
Phase one of the study focuses on an appraisal of the noise environment of Hong Kong, which involves measuring noise at specified locations in both urban and rural areas, the recipient's points on both day and night activities and locations with or without the protection of noise barriers, as well as measuring noise created from
common social activities, such as dining at restaurants, listening to Discman, watching
[...] television and playing mahjong.
高伦提供功能先进完善的交易报表,并通过先进的STP订单自 搓 合 技术以及高效快速的交易平台,为资金管理人提供管理个别或整体客户资产的功能。
Our reporting tool offers money managers a comprehensive and efficient way to manage pooled customer funds and track portfolio performance.
项目旨在通过把握和汇编这些 计划所取得的知识,搭建一座知识平台,为整个联合国系统和广大的发展组织提 供参考。
By capturing and codifying the knowledge gained through these programmes, the project aims at building a corpus of knowledge which may serve as a reference for the entire United Nations system and the development community at large.
国贸中心制订了新的创新办法,以扩 大出口,包括使用电话短信来发送市场数据给生产者,为东非城市工匠和欧洲时 装商店牵线搭桥,以及确认西非棉花销往亚洲,事实证明这很有效。
ITC devised new and creative approaches for expanding exports, including the use of telephone messaging for sending market data to producers, linking urban artisans in East Africa to European fashion houses, and confirming cotton sales from West Africa to Asia, which proved to be effective.
(A) 潔手技巧 以酒搓手液搓手或 以梘液及清水洗手均可保持手部衞生。
Hand hygiene can be achieved by rubbing hands with an alcohol-based formulation or washing hands with soap and water.
為進一步減少產生建築廢物,我們會鼓勵承建商盡量 利用已循環使用或可循環使用的惰性建築廢物,以及使用木材以外的 物料搭建模板。
To further minimise the generation of construction waste we will encourage the contractor to maximise the use of recycled or recyclable inert construction waste, as well as the use of non-timber formwork.
例子包括薯片、爆穀、捲條脆餅(pretzels)、米餅(senbei)、調味(flavoured)薄 脆餅乾(例如乳酪味薄脆餅乾)、bhujia(namkeen,一種將麵粉、粟米、馬鈴 薯、鹽、水果乾、花生、香料、色素、調味料(flavours)及抗氧化劑混合而 成的零食),以及papads(以浸過的大米麵粉,或黑綠豆或豇豆麵粉混合鹽及 香料搓成球狀或扁平餅狀而成)。
Examples include potato chips, popcorn, pretzels, rice crackers (senbei), flavoured crackers (e.g. cheese-flavoured crackers), bhujia (namkeen; snack made of a mixture of flours, maize, potatoes, salt, dried fruit, peanuts, spices, colours, flavours, and antioxidants), and papads (prepared from soaked rice flour or from black gram or cow pea flour, mixed with salt and spices, and formed into balls or flat cakes).
维护建议 在攀岩前,请用搓热橡 胶外底(这能使橡胶即可具有黏附性,从而避免与岩壁摩擦时,冰冷外底造成的磨损)。
Care instructions warm the
[...] outsole by rubbing with your hand before climbing [...]
(this enables the rubber to stick immediately
thus avoiding abrasion caused by a cold outsole slipping on the rock); clean outsole after the climb (to prevent dust from sticking to the rubber as it cools down).
這正好說明「官 字兩個口」,將國際標準搓圓捏扁」,變成雙重標準,欺壓本㆞工㆟,保障資本家的 利益。
This can best illustrate the “double talk” of the Administration which can twist and mould the international standard into double standards so as to protect the interests of the capitalists at the expense of local workers.
公私伙伴 关系在联盟工作中发挥日益重要的作用,是制订有全球影响力的具体项目的基 础,例如与思科、卡洛斯特·古尔本金安基金会和若干其他伙伴发起的“对话咖 啡馆”;世界文化间创新机制,与宝马集团一起设立的世界促进创新设施,帮助 发现和推广在不同文化之间搭桥的最有创新性的基层举措;不同文明联盟暑期学 校;与威望迪公司共同设立的联合工作队,以确定不同文化间对话和文化多样性 的影响;“为多样性和包容做一件事”运动,这一运动是与硅谷最大公司中的 20 家公司(雅虎、Intuit、英特尔和其他公司等)合作开展的。
They form the basis for the development of concrete projects with a global dimension, such as the “Dialogue Café” with Cisco, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and a number of other partners; the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation with the BMW Group to help identify and replicate the most innovative grass-roots initiatives for cross-cultural bridge-building; the Alliance of Civilizations summer schools; a joint task force with Vivendi on measuring the impact of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity; and the “Do one thing for diversity and inclusion” campaign made possible through a partnership with 20 of the largest firms in Silicon Valley (Yahoo, Intuit, Intel and others).
如雙手 沒有明顯污垢,可用酒搓手液消毒。
Alcohol-based handrub is also effective when hands are not visibly soiled.
訓練項目:高遠球搓短球 ,開短球,開高遠球,吊球,接殺球,網前樸殺步法和比賽規則 對象 : 4 [...]
- 60 歲 人數 : 每班 4-8人 地點 : 各區體育館 費用:$500/ $560(4 堂) 特點: 本會訓練班設金,銀,銅章別考試和區隊訓練,每區表現優異者可被選入區隊訓練和參加比賽。
Training project: lofty
[...] goals, rub the short ball to open the short ball, [...]
open the lofty goals, lob, then kill the ball,
the net Park kill footwork and game rules Objects: 4 - 60 years old Persons: class size 4-8 Location: District Stadium Cost: $ 500 / $ 560 (4) Features: This Council Training Gold, Silver, Bronze do not exam and the district team training, each district with outstanding performance can be elected to the district team training and participate in the competition.
我一方面转化物品的实用性,开发未尝给关注的物理性,另一方面希望化劳动的时间为视觉上的“量”,用组件的形体去述说那在生产线的末端被一笔勾销的劳动力、无声逝去的劳动时间,及注定被忘掉的劳动者,包括我的外婆,她的朋辈妇女,尤其造扁担 搓 麻 绳 的劳工。
I bring to the front stage laborers forgotten and lost in silence at the end of assembly lines – including people like my maternal grandmother who committed to small daily handicrafts to earn cash subsidies to get for folks in the Mainland needed supplies which they turned into loads carried on a bamboo slag.
記得聚會中有人報告看到一則「人生寫照」說:「人 0 歲出場,10 歲快樂成長,20 歲為情徬徨,30 歲基本定向,40 歲拼命打闖,50 歲回頭望望,60 歲告老還鄉,70搓搓麻將,80 歲曬曬太陽,90 歲躺在床上,100 歲掛在牆上。
During one of the meetings there was a report on this “Portrayal of Life”: appearing on stage at age 0, growing happily at 10, worrying about love at 20, having a fixed direction at 30, working hard at 40, looking back at 50, retiring at 60, playing Mah-jong at 70, enjoying the sun at 80, lying in bed at 90, and placed on a wall at 100.
由5,600个岛屿组成的克瓦尔肯群岛满布不寻常的彷 搓 衣 板 的脊状冰碛和”德 · 吉尔冰碛物”(De [...]
Geer moraines),都是由一万至二万四千年前的大陆冰川融化所造成。
The 5,600 islands of the Kvarken Archipelago feature
[...] unusual ridged washboard moraines, [...]
‘De Geer moraines’, formed by the melting of
the continental ice sheet, 10,000 to 24,000 years ago.
每次雙手接觸過公眾地方(如椅背、扶手、洗手間之範圍尤為門柄或扶手和座位上方的行李架)後,應用含70%-80%酒 搓 手 液 消毒雙手,應擦手掌、手背、指隙、拇指、指尖及手腕各處至少20秒,直至雙手乾透。
Each time after touching public areas (such as the back of any chair, armrests and, in particular, washroom door handles and handrails, and the luggage rack above the seat) with hands, you should apply 70%-80% alcohol-based handrub to sterilize both hands and you should rub it around your palms, the backs of your hands, between fingers, and around the thumbs, finger tips and wrists for at least 20 seconds, until both hands are dry.




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